I Have A Pair of Yin-Yuan Eyes

Chapter 110: Extra


Xiao Shun is a pessimistic optimist to the extreme.

He is terrified of everything in this world—

Sitting in the classroom, he would be inexplicably worried that the creaking electric fan above his head would suddenly come down, and the high-speed rotating fan blades would cut flesh like mud. He even foreseen the scene where the brains of the classmates in the front row would burst.

So at the beginning of the school year, Xiao Shun would ask Xu Xing if the public facilities in the classroom had been registered with the school for maintenance. He felt that even if the public property was not damaged, it was necessary to conduct a thorough inspection before the start of the school year and reinforced all the screws again.

When going to the toilet, Xiao Shun only looked for the squat toilet. He was always worried that mice or cockroaches would come out of the holes in the toilet when he was on the toilet. If the public toilets in the shopping mall were empty for three toilets and the only squatting pit was occupied, even if Xiao Shun was in a hurry at that time, he would choose to wait for the squatting toilet.

At the same time, he is also extremely lack of self-confidence in himself—

Xiao Shun's family of three moved to City A when he was promoted from elementary school to junior high school. The huge gap between moving from a small town to a big city has also made Xiao Shun, who has been sensitive since childhood, even more inferior.

In the second year of junior high school, Xiao Shun realized that he liked boys. Jiang Jize was like a god, and he suddenly broke into his world. The recognition of sexuality undoubtedly aggravated Xiao Shun's inferiority complex.

The old days of junior high school were both sour and sweet to Xiao Shun.

Xiao Shun carefully guarded his feelings, both first love and secret love. Maybe even Jiang Jize has forgotten the name and appearance of his previous girlfriends, but Xiao Shun always remembers it.

He knew the name and class of each of Jiang Jize's girlfriends, as well as his appearance;

He knew that Jiang Jize likes petite and cute girls, with big watery eyes, fair and translucent skin, and when he speaks, his voice is gentle and gentle;

He knew that Jiang Jize would play basketball in the front playground every Friday afternoon after school;

He knew that Jiang Jize would not refuse, but the scope of non-rejection was limited to girls...

Xiao Shun sometimes has unrealistic fantasies, imagining what topics he and Jiang Jize will talk about, and simulating countless scenes where the two are talking for the first time.

But his fantasy of a young boy Huaichun stayed at the graduation of junior high school. Xiao Shun's family moved from city a to the city because of Xiao's father's job change. This is both good news and bad news for Xiao Shun.

The good news is that Xiao Shun can slowly forget Jiang Jize, and the bad news is that the sudden parting adds a more dazzling color to Jiang Jize, the object of his crush, which will remain in his memory and will never go away.

It's just that Xiao Shun never imagined that the two would meet again on the high school campus two years later, when Jiang Jize transferred from city a to the city as a transfer student. The first contact between the two was in the noisy environment of the dining hall. Jiang Jize's body was covered with his plate, and the soup was mixed with sticky fork chicken sauce, covering Jiang Jize's body.

Jiang Jize was furious in front of him.


"Damn it! It's fucking bad luck!"

"What grade are you in?"

"A high school senior?"

"Go back to the dormitory with me to change clothes, and the clothes will be washed by you."

Xiao Shun was also frightened at the time, and after making a comment, he couldn't help but sigh: Jiang Jize's voice is so nice, even when he was cursing and swearing.

Xiao Shun sometimes sighs that life is really wonderful, and the person he misses in his heart, because of the Oolong incident, he met inexplicably.

After that, Jiang Jize greeted him whenever he met him at school. Xiao Shun's life has also changed accordingly:

When he went to the toilet, he would go to the science and technology building on purpose, passing by Jiang Jize's classroom, and he would often see that person standing outside the corridor to breathe.

He would take the initiative to accompany the table to the canteen during the break between classes in the first and second year of high school. When he was lucky, he would meet Jiang Jize coming out of the canteen with a black pepper ham in his mouth.

In addition, he also had a little more expectation when he went to the cafeteria and returned to the dormitory every day.

The reason why Xiao Shun is said to be a "pessimistic optimist to the extreme" is because he has been working hard to maintain a positive attitude towards life despite his pessimism.

Loving someone is so beautiful, it can make a pessimist have a better yearning for life.

Lu Che once asked Jiang Jize: what do you think of him

The "he" in the words refers to Xiao Shun.

Jiang Jize gave the answer directly: I think he is quite interesting... .

Jiang Jize answered quickly, but not perfunctorily.

Since Jiang Jize met Xiao Shun, he also had a new goal of going to Class 7 to borrow books and homework. After school one day, Jiang Jize took the book and returned it to Xiao Shun. The classroom was empty, and only Xiao Shun was left. Jiang Jize sat on the seat in front of Xiao Shun with his long legs astride his long legs. He put his hands on the desk and asked: "Why are you alone?"

Xiao Shun replied in a low voice, "Because... you said you wanted to bring the book back to me..."

So he waited until now.

Jiang Jize: "..."

When Xiao Shun and Jiang Jize were talking, he always lowered his head unconsciously, avoiding Jiang Jize's gaze.

Jiang Jize thought for a while and said, "You haven't had lunch yet? Let's get together and have a meal together~"

Xiao Shun was packing his schoolbag. Hearing that, his hands trembled with nervousness. With a clatter, the open schoolbag fell to the ground. Jiang Jize said "hey" and leaned over to help pick up things, but found two red marriage certificates in the stack of books.

Jiang Jize snorted: "Your parents are pretty good-looking, um, you look more like your mother~"

Xiao Shun blushed and took the marriage certificate from Jiang Jize.

Jiang Jize then asked, "However, why do you carry your parents' marriage certificate with you?"

Xiao Shun tucked the marriage certificate into the inner layer of his schoolbag and murmured: "Because... my parents have a bad relationship and often quarrel. I'm worried that they will secretly get divorced when I'm not at home."

Jiang Jize scratched his head and said, "Oh..."

The reason for Xiao Shun's lack of security comes from his parents, and because Xiao's father frequently changes jobs, he frequently changes his living environment, which also makes Xiao Shun have no sense of belonging to his family.

Jiang Jize suddenly thought of the wishing post-it note written by Xiao Shun at the back of their classroom: Write to your future self, I hope you can accumulate more courage in the rest of your life - Xiao Shun.

When he saw this sentence at the time, he was still guessing what kind of courage Xiao Shun needed to accumulate, but now he vaguely understood.

That day, Xiao Shun followed Jiang Jize to the cafeteria uneasy. The two of them each had a siu-mei meal. Xiao Shun's long-awaited lunch dream was shattered by reality.

Jiang Jize just stood by the side with a dinner plate and glanced around. Not far away, someone stood up and waved at him: "Jize! There is a space here, Kang busy!"

Jiang Jize happily took Xiao Shun over there and sat down.

During the banquet, a group of big boys at the same table suddenly talked about the topic of sleeping naked. When asked about Jiang Jize, Jiang Jize replied nonchalantly: "I often sleep naked, especially in summer, with the air conditioner on and the quilt on, and sleeping naked. I can sleep more soundly~”

Jiang Jize shrugged, not noticing that Xiao Shun beside him blushed because of his words, he turned his head and asked, "Xiao Shun, do you have the habit of sleeping naked?"

Xiao Shun was suddenly asked, facing the gazes of several people at the same table, he answered awkwardly and hesitantly: "I never sleep naked... And that, have you ever thought about it, if you are sleeping in the middle of the night? Sudden death, when your parents found the body the next day, they were so sad and wept, but they lifted the quilt and found a naked corpse inside. The pain of bereavement may be greatly reduced..."

Just thinking about it makes that scene so embarrassingly embarrassing.


Everyone: "..."

I just slept naked, why should I consider the issue of sudden death!

Only Jiang Jize was overjoyed: "You're right, hahaha!"

Jiang Jize was thinking at that time, Xiao Shun is really interesting.