I Have a Secret

Chapter 1004: Article 1004


, unable to catch, scattered.

The body has been changed, and all traces related to the past have been smashed by the accident.

That kind of rotten thing was suppressed, replaced by the feeling of marrying a daughter.

Song Min frowned. He dragged Huang Dan big with shit and urine. He worked so hard all these years to lead him to the right path, but he didn't expect to be cut off halfway.

It's useless to think about anything now, the Chinese cabbage is still being arched by pigs after all.

Song Min is like an old old father, watching his only child become someone else's, his heart is lost.

The carols of the choir continued and the wedding was over.

Everyone took a group photo in front of the church as a souvenir. The priest was also there. After the group photo was over, Jiang Long took the lead in cheering, "The groom can kiss the bride—"

Chen Yue bent down, Huang Dan kissed him on the face, and then kissed his lips.

So who is the bride? Forget it, let's applaud, so several people raised their hands and applauded neatly. They blessed the newlyweds with a warm heart, and hoped that the two of them would be well, forever and ever.

Liu Feng blew off a rose petal floating on his face, and shouted loudly with a smile, "Hey, Huang Dan, where is your bouquet? Throw one away, I'll be waiting to grab it and post it on Weibo!"

Chen Yue gave Huang Dan a handful of roses.

Liu Feng bumped Jiang Long away, "Didn't you say that you don't want to have a new relationship for the time being? Then why are you here to join in the fun?"

Jiang Long also bumped into him, his face full of excitement, "I don't want to, but I don't want to never want to, I can grab my luck and save it first."

Liu Feng scolded, "Fuck, save your ass, or else, you give it to me this time, and when I get married, I will give you the bouquet!"

Jiang Long hehe, "Stop teasing, wait until you get married? The day lilies will be cold by then."

Liu Feng easily pushed Jiang Long aside by lifting the volume. He was directly behind Huang Dan, "Huang Dan, I'm here, throw it to me—"

Jiang Long was flexible, and jumped up on Liu Feng.

Song Min went under the tree behind, not to join in the fun.

Father Chen walked over and said with a serious face, "My family, not only young people have the right to pursue happiness, we also have it."

Song Min, "…"

Mother Chen also came over and said with a big smile, "That's right, in-laws, bouquets represent good luck. If you grab them, good luck will come."

Song Min was forcibly pulled over there by the old couple, left and right, with a blank expression on his face.

Huang Dan threw the rose back.

Liu Feng and Jiang Long jumped up to grab it, and watched as the bouquet flew away from their heads and flew straight towards Song Min.

Song Min stretched out his hand subconsciously, and the bouquet fell into his hand.

Chapter 149 Don't Touch Him

Song Min didn't go back to China with Jiang Long and Liu Feng. He stayed at Huang Dan's place to spend the Spring Festival. It was very sad to go back alone.

On the morning of New Year's Eve, Chen's father helped Chen's mother to prepare all the ingredients needed for the New Year's Eve dinner. When he saw that it was still early and there was nothing to do in the morning, he asked his son and daughter-in-law to play mahjong together.

Huang Dan doesn't know how to play mahjong, and Chen's mother taught him to clean up and teach him, pointing to a pair of six cakes, "If someone else plays this, you can touch it. If you grab another one, then you can do it. If the last one is still What you draw yourself is a concealed Kong, and you can draw a card behind."

Mother Chen saw that Huang Dan had drawn a card back, and she wanted to play it without thinking. She hurriedly stopped it and said in a low voice, "Hey, you can't play this, you won't listen if you play it, you have to play a chick."

Huang Dan threw the chick out with a bewildered face. He looked at the cards in his hand, "Then I've heard it now?"

Mother Chen nodded, "Listen, take a good look at how many cards you've heard."

Huang Dan didn't see it after looking at it for a long time. He had too many bars in his hand. From the chicken to the nine, he had a row. Among all the cards, he liked the two and one cake the most, which could be drawn.

Song Min was under Huang Dan. He touched the cards and rubbed his thumb to know what cards they were. He played the useless cards and took them back. The posture was very skilled, and he was like a regular at the mahjong table.

It's just that Song Min wore a serious face, which seemed out of tune with the way he played cards and drew cards.

When Huang Dan saw Song Min playing the six cakes, he said that he wanted to touch it. Mother Chen tugged at his hand, "You are drawing now, you can't touch it, and you will lose your head if you touch it."

Huang Dan didn't understand what it meant to be headless, so he said, "Then I won't touch it."

Song Min didn't express any opinion. Chen's father below him coughed and said, "If you call, you will touch it. If you can't make a call, you will regret it. This is wrong and will make players disgusted."

Huang Dan said, "I see."

Chen Yue peeled off a happy