I Have a Secret

Chapter 1036: Article 1036


No chance to call? "

Chen Yue said, "I received the email the day before yesterday. After I read it, I used my contacts to inquire about Wei Shijin secretly. Today I got news that he died in a murder case in Africa. The specific circumstances are still uncertain."

After Song Min ended the call with Chen Yue, he contacted his current guardian. The other party gave an official reply that appeared every few minutes, and the system was under maintenance.

It wasn't until that night that Song Min got in touch with the guardian. He asked straightforwardly, "Is Wei Shijin dead or alive?"

System, "Alive."

Song Min found that the ends of his menstrual cramps, which had been stretched all day, relaxed a lot, and he asked again, "Where is the person?"

System, "Africa, can you come back alive to see his creation?"

Song Min wouldn't look for it. His life was as usual. The peach branches were placed in the vase, and they hadn't been moved, and there was no dust.

two years later

In an orphanage in C city, Chen's father and Chen's mother were chatting with the dean, and Huang Dan was chatting with the nanny. He and Chen Yue adopted two children, a boy and a girl, the boy was two years old and the girl was just over a year old.

Life is very long, and a girl has a brother to protect her and grow up with her. It is a very simple and beautiful thing.

Huang Dan went home and stayed for a few days, and asked Song Min if he would like to go back with him, but Song Min refused.

Counting the time, Song Min should be moving. How can anyone in the world be the same for five, ten, or decades? Isn't that a fairy? The body given by the guardian has advantages and disadvantages. While enjoying health and longevity, he also has to bear the subtle eyes of others.

On the National Day, Liu Feng got married. The bride was not the girl who liked to eat lemons back then, but the cashier of the fruit supermarket opposite his community. He often went to buy lemons in order to chase the girl. She remembered him and gradually got to know him.

Once Liu Feng came back from a busy business and met her in the corridor. Only then did he know that they lived in the same building. She shared with several people. The environment in the house was very poor. He saw in her when he was at his worst, He helped her out and found her an easier job.

Fate is a very wonderful thing. You look forward to it, but if you are blind, it will not come. When you stop looking forward to it and turn around alone, it will be behind you, waiting for you for a long time.

Liu Feng got married, and his circle of friends was bào. He just likes to be lively and can't keep a low profile.

All relatives in his hometown were taken to City C by the car arranged by Liu Feng, and a hotel was also arranged. He didn't read much and never went to university, but he has been in touch with his old classmates all these years. During the time, the distance was always maintained, and people from junior high school, high school, and even elementary school came to attend his wedding.

Some people are cheerful, playful, and good at interpersonal relationships. They eat a few glasses of wine with a brother. They have many friends and are all over the world. Liu Feng is such a person.

So Liu Feng got married and set up eighty-eight tables of wine. The numbers were auspicious and the scene was noisy, which was in line with his way of doing things.

Huang Dan and Chen Yue both came, Jiang Long was there, and he also brought his girlfriend, who was introduced by relatives, dressed well, and was handsome. In that junior high school, the two of them had topics to talk about, and they could talk about physics alone.

The two families have already decided to get married, and the date is scheduled for the eighth day of the next year. They say that it is a good day to find someone to count, but there is no way. The older generation believes this, and it is useless to say anything.

Liu Feng bought a new house for marriage, and he put a lot of thought into decorating the furniture. At this moment, his family is almost crowded by relatives and friends. His best man group is all classmates, and Jiang Long is one of them, all wearing white suits. Matching men's shirt.

Jiang Long asked Huang Dan, "Where's Uncle Song? Not here yet?"

Huang Dan said, "On the way."

Chen Yue sorted out the bow tie for Huang Dan. Jiang Long, who was on the side, was used to seeing it. It was not surprising. If he couldn't see it someday, he would not be used to it. His girlfriend knew something and did not show a conflicted expression.

Liu Feng called Huang Dan and the others to go to the children's room, and the words were stern, "How is it, not bad? Did you see the crib? I made it myself."

Jiang Long didn't believe it, "What did you do? Impossible!"

Liu Feng's face twisted, "Why is it impossible? I still have a lot of draft drawings, don't believe me, I have it."

Jiang Long rolled his eyes, "cāo, your tails are up to the sky. Today you are the bridegroom, buddy will give you face, you can stick it up, and next time I wait for my tail to be upright, just don't do anything wrong."

Chen Yue asked Liu Feng to ask for drawings, and planned to make a bed for the two children.

Liu Feng bumped his elbow with his elbow and asked curiously, "Have you taken the child's name?"
