I Have a Secret

Chapter 1038: Article 1038


Conditional, meet the conditions to create a pair for him. "

In the tea room, Li Yan and Chen Yue each sat on the side of the chessboard, one holding a white piece and the other holding a black piece, and they played chess leisurely.

Chen Yue said first, "Mr. Li, have you been together for a long time?"

Li Yan said it has been two hundred years.

Chen Yue envied this astonishing number. If only he could stay with Huang Dan for so long, what would he say? There is nothing difficult in the world, just afraid of someone with a heart? He made the wrong move for a while and had to admit it.

Strictly saw the opportunity to attack the city and attack the land, "If you leave while playing chess, the immortals can't save it."

Chen Yue doesn't care, it's just a game of chess, he can afford to lose, "Mr. Li must know a little about my wife's situation, he is an experimental product, and his pain sensation is different from ordinary people. It's going well, and I'm making more and more money, but I can't help him, and when he hurts, I can't do anything about it."

Li Yan said, "I know some things, but at present, my wife has no solution. It's hard to say in the future."

Chen Yue sighed in disappointment, and he left again, there is no need to go backwards in this game of chess.

Li Yan picked up Bai Zi one by one, and he explained the purpose of coming here this time, "It is not difficult for you to come into contact with my lover in your current job position, and you should also know that he participated in the assessment in order to be promoted to the main system. He integrates two feelings, sometimes like a little sun, sometimes like a block of ice, always saying that he will send me into the hibernation space."

"So the annual trip is a very important thing, I have to go with him all the way, otherwise he will not only send me into the hibernation space, but also threaten to modify my order and let me sing "Nuncle" to him, at least Twenty times."

"… "

Chen Yue gave him a sympathetic look, the love story is very inspirational, a multi-functional intelligent agent that does fire and theft, laundry, cooking, and everything has self-consciousness, and began to cast a net, and finally got his own creator, after thousands of hardships Today is the only thing that is hard to come by.

When leaving, Chen whispered to Li Yan again, and Li Yan pulled up the hat behind him and pointed out, "If it can't stand the test of time, how can it be possible to keep happiness?"

Chen Yue and Huang Dan both heard it, they met at a glance, and they closed the door and became tired.

On the eighth day of the second year, heavy snow dyed the entire town white.

There are a lot of marriage customs here in Jiang Long. The marriage bed has to find someone to sleep for one night and press down. I don't know when the custom started, and it was passed down from generation to generation.

In the morning, Jiang Long and his group went to pick up the bride. They were chased and smeared with a red thing, which was all over his face. It was not easy to wash it off. It was the same in any wedding ceremony. No one would get angry on such a happy day. Everyone was embarrassed.

The dowry is almost the same, with red dates and longan stuffed into the quilt, cakes, red packets in the suitcase and bucket, whoever moves it, pillows, shoes, washbasins, mouthwash cups, combs and other supplies, all of which are bright red.

The wedding car passes through the township, and the neighbors stop it in front of the car. The people in the car have to spread a handful of wedding candy outside. If they still refuse to leave, they have to scatter cigarettes. It is not expensive cigarettes. .

Jiang Long's economic situation is good. He is a well-known boss in the township. He can't take cigarettes such as Hongmei Lushan, so he brought a Zhonghua and two Yuxi. When he got home, only the cigarette case was left, and the sugar was scattered.

The sound of pào bamboo crackling, the bride and groom arrived.

There is a brazier in front of the door, and the bride has to step over it. There is also a lot of straw on the stairs. She steps on it once on the first floor, which means rising.

When Jiang Long got upstairs, he did not forget to show a smile to Huang Dan and the others in the yard. He is the most handsome today.

Liu Feng looked at his pot-bellied wife, for fear that the other party would be uncomfortable. What Huang Dan said to Chen Yue, Song Min was still alone. He didn't change. He seemed out of place among the two couples. With a trace of lost expression, those who knew him well could tell that he was lonelier and lonelier than last year.

Some people see Song Min, single and unmarried, with excellent temperament and appearance, very eye-catching.

Huang Dan wanted to go upstairs with Chen Yue to see the bride, he called Song Min to go with him, and said as he walked, "You look bad, do you have a cold?"

Song Min said no, "I just didn't sleep well."

Huang Dan's footsteps paused, he remembered Song Min's eating An Mian yào, and couldn't help but say something he couldn't remember how many times, "You go back with me."

Song Min's answer was the same as before, "No need.