I Have a Secret

Chapter 1039: Article 1039


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Although they have been together for decades, they are not father and son after all. After the mission failed, Song Min didn't want to live with Huang Dan anymore, because he had taken away the character design, and it was only a matter of time before his true feelings were exposed. It is good to adapt and maintain the status quo.

Huang Dan stepped on the straw, "You will be lonely if you live alone."

Song Min said, "I'm used to it."

Huang Dan suggested, "Why don't you have a cat? The puppy is also good, and the little pudding is very obedient and doesn't make a fuss at all."

Song Min shook his head, he felt that it was too hard to raise himself, how could he have the time to raise cats and dogs.

There were very few people upstairs, the TV in the living room was on, and a few children were sitting there eating and drinking.

Huang Dan went to the bridal room, which was quite spacious. The bride was sitting beside the bed, and Jiang Long was chatting and laughing with her. The sweet taste of the two spread throughout the room.

Liu Feng called Jiang Long aside, but did not lower his voice much, and said to everyone, including the bride, "Your mother keeps looking at my wife's belly, she might even want to hug your eldest grandson. The big yellow dog in my life knows that."

Jiang Long said with a smile, "This matter can't be rushed, it has to happen."

Liu Feng said in his heart that it's a fart. If you work hard, you will be able to do it. If you don't work hard, you still want to be a father. It's a dream. "My wife is pregnant with twins, why don't you let your wife touch her belly to feel happy?"

Jiang Long said this was good, he danced with his hands, and looked like a child in his thirties, "Why didn't I think of it?"

Liu Feng, "..." Dad hasn't grown up yet, so the baby is better off.

Song Min didn't enter the new house. He was in the living room, looking into the distance through the window. He didn't know what he was looking at or what he was thinking.

Chen Yue peeled a big white rabbit and put it into Huang Dan's mouth, "People have never eaten candy, so they don't have the thought of trying it, they're not interested, they're not curious, and it doesn't matter, but as long as they taste a little bit, they'll be fine. I can't forget that sweetness, I can't forget it at all."

Huang Dan's face bulged, and his voice was vague, "I don't understand."

Chen Yue peeled it off again and ate it by himself, his mouth was full of nǎi fragrance, "Wife, you can understand."

Huang Dan said, "I don't understand."

Chen Yue was serious with Huang Dan, with a smile in his eyes, "You understand."

Huang Dan didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Chen Yue slammed his mouth, "First love is very unforgettable, and it will take a few years, maybe more than ten years, and maybe never forget it. As a past person, there is absolutely no problem with the credibility of my words."

Huang Dan turned his head, "Huh?"

Chen Yue leaned into his ear, "Before Song Min, Wei Shijin never had feelings for anyone."

Huang Dan's face showed a bit of surprise, and he looked past Chen Yue to see Song Min at the window, thinking that person would come back.

Chen Yue received the video sent by his father, he clicked it, and there were two children helping to make dumplings, looking like, "Do you think our eldest is afraid of the second child?"

Huang Dan said, "It's a little bit."

Chen Yue tsk tsk, "It's more than a little bit, you look at this video, Da Bao wants to drink Coke, Er Bao won't let him drink it, he will put it back obediently, this cowardly looks like his father and I have a fight."

Huang Dan leaned over to look and said seriously, "It doesn't matter, as long as they are healthy and safe."

Chen Yue quickly kissed him on the face with a doting smile on his face.

It was another winter. Song Min took out the album and looked through the photos sent by the yellow list. He felt that the child was the same every day. .

There was no one in the community. Song Min strolled around for a while, and all his thoughts were lost. He patted the Xueyuan Road on his shoulders and returned. After thinking about it, he went out again and went to the supermarket opposite to buy some fruit.

When getting the card, Song Min sneezed twice, and he carried the bag back without taking it seriously.

Song Min got out of the elevator and turned right into the aisle, his figure suddenly froze.

There is a man leaning against the door, wearing a leather jacket, much darker, with a mustache, cunning head, no elegance and gentleness, and has become resolute and hard, there is a scar on the left corner of the eye, not long, not disfigured, a little more Unspeakable masculinity, a black duffel bag was placed at his feet, a cigarette was in his mouth, it was burning to the end, and there was a long strip of soot hanging on it.

The smoke on Wei Shijin's mouth trembled, he patted off the ash on his chest and pinched the smoke, "Uncle, I'm back."

Song Min handed over the bag in his hand and let him hold it. He went to the pocket of his coat to get the key, and then he touched the left pocket and then the right. After feeling empty, he remembered that the key was in his trousers pocket.

The door opened, Wei Shijin was carrying fruit in one hand and the other in the other.