I Have a Secret

Chapter 131: Article 131


The food is in front of you, you can eat it with your mouth open, but you just took a sip, smelled the fragrance, and forcibly held back.

Huang Dan said, "Fortunately, you are here."

If this man didn't come, I'm afraid he really will be with Juan'er...

Good luck.

For Huang Dan, since he has no other thoughts about Juan'er, he can't want her body, he is responsible for himself and also for her.

Just as Liu Chu was about to speak, the back door opened from the inside.

A figure flashed in front of Huang Dan's eyes, and the man was gone.

Seeing Huang Dan, the servant who poured Ye Xiang's eyes widened, "Young Master?"

Huang Dan hummed, walked past him, and asked casually, "Did something happen at home?"

The servant hesitated, saying that Juan'er was kneeling in the garden and had been kneeling all night.

Huang Dan's eyelids twitched, his pace quickened, and he went straight to the garden.

The housekeeper floated over from nowhere, "Master, the old lady is waiting for you to have breakfast."

Huang Dan turned in the direction and went to the front hall.

Song Ling was sitting above, neatly dressed, with a kind face, without the slightest abnormality, "I'm back."

Huang Dan sat down beside the old lady, "nǎinǎi, last night I..."

Song Ling interrupted his grandson, "Have breakfast first."

When Huang Dan was full, he looked at a table of hearty breakfasts, and finally chose to drink porridge, which was easy to digest, and it was all right as soon as he urinated.

The grandfather and grandson ate breakfast quietly, and explained the three words "eating without speaking" very thoroughly.

After the meal, Mrs. Song Ling motioned for the housekeeper to go out and ask the servants to bring Juan'er over.

Although it didn't rain that day, and it wasn't the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, kneeling on the hard ground all night, even a strong man of five or three thicknesses would not be able to bear it.

Not to mention a weak woman.

Juan'er walks staggeringly and will faint at any time.

When a maid saw her slow, she twisted her waist vigorously, "Come on, don't let the old lady wait!"

Juan'er's face was very bad, and cold sweat covered her forehead. She gritted her teeth and forced herself to move forward.

When she got to the front hall, Juan'er was pressed down on her knees.

Huang Dan got up and wanted to help, Song Ling said sharply, "Sit down."

He sits back.

Song Ling said, "Awang, the servant is the servant. Don't be a sloppy person and break the rules of the family."

Huang Dan said, "I see."

He asked, "nǎinǎi, what did Juan'er do wrong, you let her kneel all night?"

"That's what she deserves." Song Ling took a sip of tea, "If you don't serve your master well, you should be punished."

Huang Dan did not speak.

Song Ping put down the tea cup, "Awang, tell nǎinǎi, you were not staying in the room last night, where did you go with Liu Zhaotou?"

Huang Dan looked at Juan'er.

Juan'er shook her head with a pale face, her eyes showed strong unease, telling Huang Dan, not what she said.

Huang Dan retracted his gaze, "Just spent the night outside."

Song Ling asked the question, "Which girl is that?"

Huang Dan was stunned, the old lady thought Liu Chu took him to the brothel, "I soaked in the river all night."

Song Ling's expression changed, "What?"

Huang Dan sneezed.

Song Ling quickly asked the housekeeper to invite the doctor, "Awang, what do you think?"

"nǎinǎi admit that last night's incident was a lack of consideration and I didn't ask for your opinion in advance, but you, people have prepared it for you, there is an easy way to solve it. Silly?"

Huang Dan glanced at Juan'er and remained silent.

Song Ling asked, "Then why did Liu Zhaotou appear in the mansion last night?"

Huang Dan's mind turned, "He is going to search in the mountains, and he came to me because he knew that I had something brought back by Xiyang, and he hoped that I would follow him to be safe."

"But after I went out, I asked Liu Chutou to take me to the Woworm River. He climbed the mountain by himself. We didn't see it until it was almost dawn. The clothes on my body were made for me by Liu Chutou. ."

Song Ling said, "Don't be so foolish in the future, how can you stay in the water for so long, it will hurt your body."

Huang Dan sneezed again, two in a row, and his nose was running. He wiped it with a handkerchief, "Okay."

"Have you caught a cold, next time I'll remember more, so don't feel wronged." Song Ping said suddenly, "Awang, come here and let nǎinǎi take a look."

Huang Dan's heart fluttered, the old lady's eyesight was good, and she found that he had a wound on his lower lip.

At this moment, there was a bang from the door, and Juan'er fainted to the ground.

Huang Dan thought about it, and gave Juan'er a sum of money in two days to let her go back to the countryside, or go to other places, wherever she went, don't stay in Song Mansion.