I Have a Secret

Chapter 132: Article 132


Having a fever is not a serious illness, and it is quite uncomfortable.

Huang Dan was hot all over, drank yào and lay on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

Confused, Huang Dan felt that a hand was touching his face. He wanted to open his eyelids, but he was very weak. After struggling for a while, he fell asleep.

On the other side, Si Mao was asked by Liu Chu to go to the salesman's house and ask questions.

He didn't quite understand that the salesman had died long ago, and no one had asked, what else was there to investigate.

The mountain smoke blurs, the strange birds whine, and after passing through a tortuous mountain road, a few sloping huts are finally exposed at the foot of the mountain.

This is a dilapidated village with only seven or eight families. Si Mao walked into the village, and through his inquiries, he easily came to the door of the merchant's house.

Two rotten old wooden doors were slanted, with a rusted copper lock hanging in the middle, and several crooked rotten bamboo baskets were placed on both sides of the door, which should be used by the sellers to store their goods.

Si Mao turned around the door and found nothing, so he walked to the door again, pushed the wooden door hard, and the dilapidated wooden door swayed and made a low creaking sound, as if it would collapse at any time.

Fortunately, the old copper lock was still strong, Si Mao slammed against the door several times, but couldn't open the door.

The furnishings in the house are extremely rudimentary. It seems that the businessman's business is not good, and he can only make a living. Perhaps because he is single and has no daughter-in-law, the merchant's house is very dirty. It seems that it has not been cleaned for a long time. Dilapidated items were piled up indiscriminately, and the whole room was filled with an unpleasant smell.

Si Mao rubbed his nose, and when he was about to take a closer look again, he felt that someone was patting his left shoulder. He was startled and turned around to check.

"what is your job?"

I saw a vigilant aunt behind him, perhaps attracted by the sound of his knocking on the door just now, and the other party regarded him as a snitch who wanted to break into the house.

"Auntie, I'm the catcher in the town, and I came here to investigate the case of the salesman."

Four Mao pouted, considering the impoverished condition of the merchant's house, even a real thief would never come to steal this house.

Auntie breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the arrest, but she was also a little worried. She was the neighbor of the merchant, and the case was also a troubled village.

Some say that the trader was killed by wild beasts in the mountains, and others said that he was eaten by monsters. A few days ago, it was reported that Boss Zhang was treated as a monster and beaten to death.

This year is so evil that they keep the door tightly closed before it gets dark, hiding in the house and not daring to come out.

Now even the arrests in the town are coming. The aunt knows that the case of the merchant may really be famous. It is strange to say that people have been missing for such a long time and died. When they were found, there were only a few pieces of meat and bones. burden.

There is no face on the meat and bones, who knows if it is a businessman.

Simao asked, "Auntie, when was the last time you saw the merchant?"

The aunt thought about it and said, "It seems to be in March. He was drying the quilt at the door. I can't remember the exact day."

"Anyway, I remember that the trader was very happy during that time. He said that one of his friends had developed and became the chef of the restaurant in the town. He said that he would be invited to the restaurant for dinner."

"What? Restaurant chef?"

Si Mao's heart was suddenly startled. The only restaurant in the town was Boss Dai's. The rest were small restaurants. That businessman's friend was the cook he had seen before

"Auntie, is there anything special about the appearance of the merchant?"

"There is no difference, the height of the man is not short, like his father, hey, young man, you are also quite tall, how about you, have you married a daughter-in-law, like you who work under the county master, generally Other people's girls are not worthy, the daughter of my uncle's neighbor's cousin's cousin..."

The aunt's eyes lit up when she looked at Si Mao, looked up and down carefully, and nodded with satisfaction from time to time, so scared that Si Mao hurriedly interrupted.

"Ma'am, let's talk about business. You said that the salesman is also very tall. Then he is compared with me."

The aunt said, "He is relatively tall in the village, but compared to you, he is still half a head shorter than you."

Simao asked, "Then is there anything else special about him?"

"Other special? No more." The aunt lowered her head and thought for a while, then suddenly clapped her hands, "Ah, by the way, he climbed a mountain and fell down when he was a child, and his left leg has always been a little lame."

Simao wrote it down, asked some other things, but found nothing else, and finally opened the goods