I Have a Secret

Chapter 17: Article 17


The aunt was in a wheelchair and still couldn't get up. "

"She was stimulated to have a stroke. It was difficult."

Chen Jinhua said, "It used to be harder than it is now."

Huang Dan's face was reflected by the firelight and flushed, "Really?"

Chen Jinhua said yes, it was very hard, and he also said that there was no food at that time, there was a famine, and he would be beaten to death if he did something wrong, and then he slowly got better.

Huang Dan listened carefully.

"Your aunt Wang could dance and sing when she was young, and she was very decent."

Chen Jinhua put the gourd cut into pieces into a bowl, "I married her to the village from front to back. She married the village chief at that time, and I married a pock, your father."

Huang Dan said, "Mom, you are better than Aunt Wang."

Chen Jinhua listened to her son's words with a smile on her face, "Make your mother happy."

Huang Dan put down the tongs and looked at the crackling firewood while holding his chin. Wang Yuemei, who was in her fifties, looked younger than Chen Jinhua, who was less than fifty.

To be precise, all the fu people in the village put together, and no one is as good as Wang Yuemei.

If you are twenty or thirty years younger, the gap will definitely be bigger.

"Is Aunt Wang a village flower?"

"It's not a village flower."

Chen Jinhua wiped the cauldron with a rag and poured in a little rapeseed oil, "Your Aunt Wang is famous in the whole county, and there are many suitors."

As expected, Huang Dan was curious about what Wang Yuemei looked like when she was young. There must be photos at home, and he would like to see it when he has a chance.

"I think Auntie is a little biased."

Huang Dan was still in a casual tone, "I don't like Big Brother very much."

"The eldest has been sensible since he was a child, studied well, was admitted to university, went to work in a big city, the second was naughty, ran away as soon as he went to school, didn't want to study, mixed today and tomorrow, and in the end nothing was accomplished."

Chen Jinhua said, "No one will leave a bowl of water level."

Huang Dan threw a piece of firewood in, so who is the murderer

He Wei, Wu Cuiling, Li Gen, and now there is another Wang Yuemei.

However, no matter how eccentric he is, he won't make a move on his son.

Huang Dan asked the system, can you give him a little hint, and the elimination method is also possible.

System, "Sorry, I can't do anything here."

Huang Dan changed his question and asked, "Why didn't the points drop again?"

System, "I think it's not the right time."

Huang Dan, "Oh, I see."

It is to tell him euphemistically that the progress of the task is too slow, and he still needs to work hard.

In the evening, Chen Jinhua asked Huang Dan to come back from cutting hogweed.

"Hurry up, don't linger, the pig is waiting to eat, or it will be dark."


Huang Dan took a sickle and a big bamboo basket on his back to cut hogweed, and met Li Gen who was herding cattle.

The two faced each other.

Li Gen's eyes swept to the young man's feet, and then moved away. He pointed to one place, "There are many there."

Huang Dan passed by, in the middle of a piece of green hogweed, bent over to dry.

Li Gen squatted on the wooden pier, "Listen to Cui Ling, she gave you lessons and Tang poetry?"

Huang Dan said, "I haven't watched it yet."

Li Gen spit the cigarette on the ground, and without asking any more questions, he picked up the radio on the ground and turned it on, then rode on the back of the cow, put his hands behind his head, and listened to the song comfortably.

The ox was eating grass slowly, just like its owner.

The atmosphere is good.

On the other side came a buffalo, the female, calling out to the ox, blatantly seduced, it was simply lawless.

The ox was hooked and ran towards the buffalo.

Li Gen on the back of the cow jumped down at a critical moment. He was not stable and knelt directly on the ground, just in front of Huang Dan.

Huang Dan, "… "

Seeing the young man pursing his mouth, the corners of his mouth were bent, Li Gen had a dark face, and Yin asked pitifully, "Is it funny?"

Huang Dan said, "It's not funny."

He has not been able to laugh since he can remember, and he does not understand what emotion it is, so he can only simulate it. When others grin, he also grins. When others smile and cover their stomachs, he does the same.

He is currently the best at laughing, because this is easy to learn, and it is not difficult.

Others are learned and forgotten, must be directed to the reference goal, now learn and use.

The shape of the mouth of this body is a bit upturned, and it is like a smile when it is slightly sipped.

Huang Dan threw the pig grass in his hand into the bamboo basket and said seriously, "Brother, stop kneeling, the ground is full of mud, get up quickly."

It was only then that Li Gen realized that he was still kneeling, was dumped, and still didn't return to his soul.

He got up with an ugly face, "Damn!"

There is still a song playing on the radio. It sings to the blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green water, and the minor key is very good.

The buffalo and the ox quickly became acquainted