I Have a Secret

Chapter 47: Article 47


He smiled and said, "A few nonsense, did you let your brother do it?"

Huang Dan said, "No."

Li Gen squinted, "That's enough."

He rubbed the match, but before he did it, he rubbed it with another one, "If we don't do it first, we won't be wronged if we find out."

Huang Dan lay back, "I have to get up early tomorrow."

Li Gen took a puff of cigarette, threw out the firewood and said with a smile, "It's okay, you let brother do it, brother can do it all night, tomorrow..."

Huang Dan said, "I will die in a pool of blood."

Li Gen, "… "

He rubbed his neck, "Don't say it so terrible, don't you just sleep, brother doesn't mean to stab you to death."

Huang Dan said, "It is very important to clear the work, otherwise it will harm others and harm oneself."

Li Gen's dark eyes squinted, and he smiled lowly, "Xiaozi, you know a lot."

He put the cigarette in his hand and leaned over to kiss Huang Dan, "My mother has Yashuang at her place. If you don't like it, there is lard in the kitchen."

Huang Dan twitched, "I'm going back."

Not to mention Yashuang and lard, nothing can save him, he will die of pain.

Li Gen pressed the man back down, "Fuck you, lie down!"

Huang Dan smelled the smoke of Qixi brand, "Brother, didn't you say stop smoking?"

Li Gen tilted his head and blew out the smoke ring, "This is the first one today."

Huang Dan felt that he was being pressed by a large stone slab, "Why are you lying on my chest?"

Li Gen laughed hoarsely, "I want to drink nǎi."

Huang Dan said, "Then think slowly, I'm sleeping."

Li Gen patted his butt, "Don't sleep, your brother, I haven't slept yet."

Huang Dan's butt hurt, he turned his back to the man.

Li Gen quickly pinched the cigarette out, put his arms around his shoulder and coaxed, "Brother is wrong."

Huang Dan ignored him.

Li Gen kissed his ears, kissed his neck, "Or you can hit brother too, hit him as many times as you want."

Huang Dan said, "Hands hurt."

Li Gen rolled his eyes, "Zhang Dongdong, I can't find anyone more squeamish than you in eight villages."

He sighed, "Who makes my brother like it?"

Huang Dan said, "I don't think I need to sleep tonight, I'm going to pick up the goose bumps on the mat."

Li Gen scolded red-faced, "What a conscience guy!"

He held the man in his arms, "Does your butt still hurt? Brother, blow it for you, it won't hurt when you blow it."

Huang Dan sighed, "Brother, please do something."

Li Gen touched his hair, "What's the matter, you say."

Huang Dan said, "It's late at night, put your Li Dagen to sleep."

Li Gen said shamelessly, "Brother can't coax, I want to coax you."

Saying that, he also grabbed Li Dagen and stuffed it into the young man's hands.

Li Dagen was tall and chubby, and his weight was not light. Huang Dan couldn't hold it with one hand. He used both hands to hug each other's waist and coaxed him for a while before he fell asleep.

The plan of the day is in the morning, and as soon as the sun shines, the villagers are accustomed to getting dressed and getting up.

Those who wash clothes by the pond, those who pour vegetables in the vegetable fields, and those who grow seedlings in the fields are all busy.

Chen Jinhua burned the corn and said, "The corn in the field is growing well this year, and it's time to harvest it in the next day."

Huang Dan sighed, and said in his heart as he ate the corn, "Mr. System, He Wei is dead, I only thought that the biggest suspect was Wang Yuemei, and Wu Cuiling was ruled out, but now I'm not sure, not only that, I I also suspect Chen Jinhua and Zhang Yingying."

Zhang Yingxiong said that on the day of Li Dagui's death, he saw He Wei and Wu Cuiling climbing firewood on the top of the mountain, who knows if they were making alibi for who.

It's not that Huang Dan thinks too much, the current situation is full of fog, and he sees everyone as a murderer.

Except for Li Gen.

Because the other party just wanted to sleep with him.

System, "I think, the more suspicious it is, the more calm it is. Mr. Huang may wish to investigate further."

"I know."

Huang Dan asked, "Mr. System, will the murderer be my body? Zhang Dongdong?"

The system didn't throw out the official answer this time, and simply said, "No."

Huang Dan finally ruled out another one, "Thank you."

In the morning, Huang Dan tied the mouth under the sleeve with a rubber band and went to Li Gen's field to help.

Wu Cuiling was throwing the seedlings, and she greeted her when she saw winter, but she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, as if she didn't hear anything last night.

The soles of Huang Dan's feet were stuck in the mud. He didn't go to Li Gen's side, but a distance away.

Wu Cuiling threw the seedling targets in the two bamboo baskets empty and went down to the field.

The three of them stepped back, the green seedlings in vertical rows stood in the mud, and when the hot wind blew, they swayed twice.

Huang Dan straightened his back every once in a while. Wu Cuiling didn't have a clairvoyant, so she probably wouldn't have seen Li Gen.