I Have a Secret

Chapter 56: Article 56


When people in the village, including Chen Jinhua and Zhang Yingying, asked about it, they all said that the child had an accident.

It shows that very few people knew about it at that time, and it was not spread out. It is possible that only the family members of the children knew the truth.

However, there are many kinds of accidents, some of which can be man-made.

Huang Dan scratched his neck. In the countryside, if the daughter-in-law gave birth to a son, the mother-in-law would not like to see the daughter-in-law again, nor would she do anything to the grandson.

Because there is a saying, it is called relatives.

If this reasoning goes on, if the death of the child is related to Li Dagui, then as a mother, Wu Cuiling has the greatest motive for murder.

Huang Dan kicked the dirt beside his feet. His mission was to find out the murderer of Li Dagui. As for who killed Wang Yuemei, and how did he plan to hide the body from everyone and stuff the corpse into the chicken coop, these are not there in his task.

The crying in the room stopped for a while, and then started again. Seeing Wu Cuiling's posture, she wanted to cry for Wang Yuemei in advance.

Huang Dan rubbed his arms and went back to see that the man had taken a package of Qixi that was not opened, and immediately grabbed it in his hand, "Brother, don't smoke anymore."

Li Gen's jaw line tightened, "Give it to me."

Huang Dan said, "You've been smoking all night. If you smoke again, your throat will be abolished, and you won't be able to speak tomorrow."

Li Gen raised his eyes, his eyes were sharp, "I'll say it again, give me the cigarette!"

Huang Dan said, "No."

Li Gen's long arm waved over.

Huang Danneng covered his head with his hands.

Li Gen took a breath, and the anger and blood in his eyes disappeared, "Don't be afraid, brother is not going to hit you, winter, be obedient, and give brother the cigarette."

Huang Dan said, "Brother, you promised me."

Li Gen wiped his face heavily, his hand dropped, clenched into a fist and released, "Yes, brother said, I will smoke less in the future, but now my heart is uncomfortable."

Huang Dan looked at the man worriedly.

Li Gen leaned back a little and knocked his head against the wall, "Don't worry, brother is fine, it's just a little uncomfortable, really."

There was a suppressed choking sound in his throat, his fingertips trembled slightly, and his eyes gradually turned red, "Brother has no mother, in winter, brother has no mother."

Huang Dan patted the man on the back. He had never experienced the feeling of the death of a loved one. He didn't know what it was like, and he couldn't come up with suitable words to ease the man's grief in a short period of time.

It can't be relieved even after thinking about it, and it can only be swallowed slowly by time.

Li Gen buried his face in the young man's neck.

Huang Dan felt a warm body dripping across his skin, one drop or two, more and more, his heart was a little blocked, "Brother, don't cry."

Li Gen strangled the person in his arms, his arms tightened again and again, as if he was desperately trapping the only thing he had. He couldn't lose it anymore, otherwise he would have nothing.

Huang Dan can't laugh and doesn't understand what emotion it is, but he is very easy to cry and easily hurt. It seems that there is a big error in his emotions.

The man's restrained cry rang in his ears, and his tears also fell.

When an accident occurs, people are stunned and have nothing in their minds. When they react, the sadness has already been pressed in their hearts like a boulder, and they need to cry a lot before they can vent.

After crying, Li Gen calmed down a bit, and instead of looking for a cigarette, he slept with the yellow single.

I don't know how long it took, Huang Dan woke up and found that the man was not by the bed. He yawned, found his shoes and put them on.

There were no kerosene lamps in the main room, and the moonlight slanted in from outside the door. You could see a man sitting on the ground beside the board, staring at the corpse in front of him. This scene sent chills down the spine.

Huang Dan stepped closer and smelled the stench. He glanced at Wang Yuemei, who was wearing a few honeysuckle flowers on his head. The flowers were stained with chicken feces. , accidentally rubbed it.

After a while, Li Gen said, "You said, who would it be?"

Huang Dan said, "I don't know."

Li Gen said, "The village is so big and there are not many people. If there are people from outside the village, no one will know about it."

He said to himself, "That's what the villagers did."

"Who will be..."

Huang Dan's eyebrows twitched. The man's feelings at this time were terrible. Once he knew who killed his mother, he would definitely stab her to death. He pursed his lips, "Brother, report the crime."

Li Gen snorted and said, "Daigui had an accident two years ago. I took a leave from the company and rushed back, only to find out that he did not stumble and cause an accident, but was hit hard on the back of the head and fell into the pond to drown."

He sneered and said, "I went to report the case that day, they sent two people over to ask about the situation, to check Dagui's wound, and said that Dagui was always arrogant and had a grudge against others.