I Have a Sickness

Chapter 117: I have leukemia


"Mu Fan, you haven't given me an answer yet? What do you think of my previous proposal?" Just before Hao Ritian was going to leave with Han Tian, although Zheng Yong tried his best to restrain himself, he still seemed to have a somewhat hasty questioning voice. up.

Hao Ritian paused when he heard the words, and when his eyes fell on Zheng Yong, Zheng Yong couldn't help feeling a little nervous, but the person looking at him suddenly smiled and refused, "No, thank you Zheng Yong The teacher's love."

He didn't directly click on the question, and his answer was a little vague, but Zheng Yong understood that this no need was to reject his previous request for a relationship, and his face couldn't help but look a little ugly.

But there was no chance for him to speak next, Hao Ritian left with Han Tian directly after answering his question, and Han Tian turned a blind eye to him from the beginning to the end.

Watching the figures of the two gradually disappear, Zheng Yong waved his fist unwillingly and resentfully. He had used unprecedented patience on Mu Fan, and it was even more for him to break his promise of not playing when he was younger than twenty. It is the habit of a year-old man, and because of making an exception, he can't accept failure even more.

It was just rejected once, Zheng Yong will never give up just like that, there is no prey that he can't take down, just wait and see.

Stretching out his hands to pat his hair, Zheng Yong looked away and prepared to go to the bar to have fun again. If he was lucky, he would meet someone he liked and relieve his desire. Since he transferred to this new school, he hasn't had meat yet!

In the end, before he could turn around and leave, the sound of high-heeled shoes approaching rang out again and again. Zheng Yong followed the sound a little impatiently. His expression froze a little bit.

"Teacher Zheng, what a coincidence!" Gao Qinyan, who walked up to him and stood still, greeted him with a smile. If she hadn't held up her mobile phone while greeting him, and deliberately showed the recording page of the mobile phone to Zheng Yong, she would have said Maybe it could be more sincere.

When she went to hide behind the lamp post before, she was always on tiptoe, and Zheng Yong's attention was all on Hao Ritian at that time, so he really didn't notice her.

At this time, Gao Qin took the initiative to stand up and made this gesture of catching him. Zheng Yong was stunned for a short time, then smiled slowly, and replied naturally, "Mr. Gao, I didn't expect to meet him here." It's a coincidence to meet you."

No worries or fears at all.

This time, he became Gao Qin in a daze.

—In the original track, not only the content of the audio recorded by Gao Qin is different from this time, but also the video of Zheng Yong half-armed Mu Fan in the bar, but ingeniously only recorded Zheng Yong's back, while Mu Fan The sails are both on the side and on the front.

Although the recording was also made this time, as far as it is concerned, he has not grasped too much "black material", so Gao Qin is not as confident as before. The recording that was originally intended to be used to threaten Mu Fan is used to threaten Zheng Yong. , Who let the recorded content he exploded more information.

Seeing that Zheng Yong didn't react as she imagined at all, her expression changed obviously, and the smile on her face quickly restrained, and she directly opened the skylight to speak bluntly, "Mr. Zheng, you said that if the school leaders or classmates know you How would you feel if you were gay?"

Before Zheng Yong answered, she changed the subject, "But I think Mr. Zheng must have been confused by Mu Fan. You should know that I have always admired you. I hope you can give me a chance to date. It will prove that I am more suitable for you than Mu Fan, I will see what happened today, what do you think?"

Hao Ritian didn't believe the nonsense that Zheng Yong said before that he had never talked about his partner, but Gao Qin, who was eavesdropping, believed it. After all, in terms of the time of acquaintance, Zheng Yong's image is really very reliable. It's only because of her that she wants Zheng Yong to be hers even more. Such a "good man" is something you can't meet but you can't ask for it. Of course, you must grasp it in time.

However, Zheng Yong was still messing with his infatuated character. Facing Gao Qin's threat, he insisted on his stance, "Mr. Threats can change things, so there won’t be so many idiots complaining about women, if Teacher Gao thinks that you will be satisfied by revealing my sexuality to the school leaders, then I have nothing to say, I have a clear conscience!”

Gao Qin, "You..."

Her expression was angry but not angry, happy but not happy. From a personal point of view, she naturally didn't want Zheng Yong to go against her, but from the overall point of view, Zheng Yong's responsible temperament was extremely pleasing, so for a while She didn't know whether she was satisfied or not.

Zheng Yong nodded to her, "Mr. Gao, if there is nothing else, I will leave first, and you should go back earlier, it is not safe for a girl to stay outside so late by herself."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the bar regardless of Gao Qin's reaction.

Gao Qin looked at his back and stomped his feet fiercely a few times, holding the mobile phone tighter and tighter, but angrily chased after him.

Not to mention Zheng Yong and Gao Qin's side, Hao Ritian's side, Han Tian took him all the way to the car. After the two got into the car, Han Tian planned to say a few words to Hao Ritian, but the phone rang before he spoke.

He glanced at the caller ID, and originally wanted to cut it off, but after thinking about it, he got through, in order to avoid being harassed again and again.

After he got on the phone, he didn't even finish a word of hello. The person on the phone just babbled a lot without panting, but there was only one topic, which was to ask where the other person was going, and ended up with so much nonsense. .

Han Tian replied concisely, "I went back beforehand, so don't call me again."

After speaking, I hung up.

He came to the bar tonight to accompany his friends. One of his friends fell in love with a college student working in a bar, and he came here to pursue him. These friends were all called over by slapstick.

The person who was hung up by Han Tian stared at his mobile phone against the noisy background of the bar, "What's the matter, people ran away after only a long time, Han Tian is too uninteresting."

"When will he be enough?" A handsome man with a male and female face taunted while throwing the smashed beer bottle with only a mouthful in the trash can, and sat back heavily on the sofa.

"Damn it, Ning Xiaobao, you're too violent, fighting with someone again?" The person being ridiculed didn't mind, after all, he was used to it, but his attention was turned from the phone to the beautiful man.

This man is really beautiful, or the kind of beauty that can easily be mistaken for a woman. His eyes are charming and passionate, but at this moment, these beautiful eyes narrowed dangerously, "Call me Ning Xiaobao again. try?"

Ning Fei hates being called by his nickname the most.

The man who made the noise couldn't help zipping his mouth, expressing deep sympathy to the man who dared to molested Ning Xiaobao, because those who mistook Ning Xiaobao for a woman and molested him usually had no good end He doesn't remember how many people have been beaten by Ning Xiaobao. He is more beautiful than anyone else, but his temper is more irritable than anyone else, and he is merciless in fights!

Seeing him begging for mercy, Ning Fei didn't bother with him, "Boss Han didn't say what's wrong?"

"No, he just said he had something to do, who knows if it's an excuse, and told me not to call him again!"

"Forget it, it's enough for him to come today to save face. You know his temper. If you say don't call him again, you are serious. Let's play by ourselves."

"... That's right, call him to play with him next time."

Han Tian, who didn't know that he was being slandered by his friends, looked at Hao Ritian after hanging up the phone, put his hands on the steering wheel, and asked politely, "Mr. Mu, where are you going?"

Hao Ritian replied, "I'll just go back to school."

Han Tian's eyes lighted up imperceptibly, "Anyway, Teacher Mu will come to my house tomorrow. In this case, Teacher Mu will go to my house tonight for just one night. I also want to talk to Teacher Mu more about Han Yang at school. Performance."

If Han Yang knew that the probability of him being mentioned by his brother had suddenly become so high, he didn't know whether it was a surprise or a shock.

As a teacher who cares about the students, even if the parents of the students make such a request, the teacher will not refuse, not to mention that both of them are men, so there is no other problem between men and women.

Hao Ritian hesitated for a moment before replying, "I'm fine, but I don't know if I will disturb Mr. Han?"

Han Tian responded immediately, "Of course not, then let's just say that."

As soon as this sentence was finished, the car started instantly and drove out with a whoosh. It was obviously premeditated, and the direction of driving was completely opposite to that of the school. Hao Ritian was never given a chance to refuse.

When the car got on the road and there was no room for Hao Ritian to repent, Han Tiancai continued the previous topic and said, "Teacher Mu, don't call me Mr. Han, just call me by my name."

As soon as he finished speaking, his tone suddenly changed, and he asked seemingly unintentionally, "Mr. Mu, what do you think about love at first sight?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Hao Ritian's expression, his expression was very relaxed, "I just want to chat with Teacher Mu casually, I hope Teacher Mu doesn't mind."

Hao Ritian's eyes moved, and he felt that the old Gong in this world seemed to be much more aggressive. He probably wanted to chase him and not run away, but he didn't show anything on his face. He was just a little surprised and replied, "No, there is something wrong with this." What do you mind?"

Pretending to think for a while, he replied seriously, "I personally have no opinion. Although some people think that love at first sight may not be very reliable, in fact, many people who have been in love for many years will fall in love for various reasons. When parting ways, the length of time we have known each other cannot be used as a measure of the relationship. Whether it is good or not depends on the degree of dedication of both parties to the relationship. After all, the relationship is mutual, and there should be many people who have been together for a long time because of love at first sight. So I think whether it is love at first sight or love after a long time, there is a reason for its existence."

After he finished speaking, there was a moment of silence in the car.

It seemed like a long time passed, and it seemed that it only passed for a moment, when I heard Han Tian's smiling voice, "Teacher Mu is very good, I think so too."

Complimenting Hao Ritian at the same time also praised himself once, which is quite confident.

Hao Ritian rubbed his nose with the back of his finger in embarrassment, and said with some embarrassment, "There are no high opinions, just some superficial opinions."

"Where, I really appreciate and admire Teacher Mu's ability to look at this issue from an objective perspective!" Han Tian flattered without blushing.

Hao Ritian didn't respond anymore.

After that, the two chatted about some simple topics, and it didn't take long for the Han family to arrive.

The Han family only has two brothers, Han Tian and Han Yang, but the villa of the Han family is very large. Apart from the two brothers, there is only one housekeeper, one chef, and three or five servants, because Han Tian doesn't like many people, otherwise he would Not just so little people anymore.

At this time, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening, and it was not too late. After Han Tian brought Hao Ritian home, the butler greeted him immediately, "Master, have you eaten dinner? If not, I will let you go immediately." Lao Li is ready."

Han Tian immediately turned to look at Hao Ritian, "Teacher Mu..."

Hao Ritian immediately replied, "I've already eaten, so don't worry about me."

When Han Tian got the answer, he immediately waved his hand to the butler, "That's no need, I've eaten it too, where is Han Yang?"

The housekeeper was a little surprised that his young master suddenly brought back a person and called him a teacher, and he was so kind to this teacher Mu, but he didn't show it on the surface. As a housekeeper, as long as he does his job well, he will good.

So after hearing Han Tian's question, he immediately nodded and replied, "Second Young Master and his friends are in the game room."

Han Tian frowned immediately, everyone could see his displeasure, "Go ask him to come out, the teacher is here, how can he be so impolite?"

Hao Ritian quickly refused, "No, it's getting late, there's no need to let him down again, but he's still young, so it's better not to play games at this late hour, it's not that he can't play, but there should be a limit, Let him go to rest early."

——Poor Han Yang, he didn’t even know that his elder brother would come back tonight, because his elder brother was busy with work and directly rested in the apartment very close to the company. The number of times he came back in a week was very few. Dare to stay out at night like other dudes, let alone pick up girls and play cars.

Compared with the real playboys, Han Yang is so obedient that he can't be more obedient, and he can be picked out as a "model" to praise in the same circle. My friend came to my house to play games and had a good time, but I never thought that I would be caught in the face, that's a sad reminder!

After being told by Hao Ritian, Han Tian no longer forcefully asked the housekeeper to call Han Yang out, but nodded, "That's right, Teacher Mu should also rest, I will take Teacher Mu to the guest room."

Seeing his young master bring Mr. Mu upstairs, the astonishment in the housekeeper's eyes surfaced. It was very easy for the housekeeper to let his young master change his decision so easily, even if it was just a small decision. It surprised him enough.

He has been a housekeeper in the Han family for more than 20 years, and he is used to the decisiveness and strength of the young master, but this is the first time he has seen such a 'human' side of him.

He suddenly felt relieved!

Han Tian brought Hao Ritian to the guest room, and after giving him time to look over the room, he asked, "What do you think, Mr. Mu? If you need anything, I'll ask someone to fill it for you."

Hao Ritian shook his head, "No, it's fine, there's no need to add anything."

Compared with Mu Fan's staff dormitory, this is the difference between Gao Hua's presidential suite and a standard room. Although he does not dislike Mu Fan's place, Hao Ritian, who enjoys more in his heart, still prefers better material conditions.

I thought Han Tian should leave, but Han Tian suddenly changed the subject after Hao Ritian said, "Mr. Mu, do you still remember what you said about love at first sight in the car?"

Hao Ritian frowned, but said with a little doubt on his face, "Of course I remember, what's wrong, is there something wrong?"

"No, there's nothing wrong!" Han Tian walked up to him suddenly, his eyes locked on him tightly, and there was affection that could not be ignored in his eyes, "I just want to say that I fell in love with Teacher Mu at first sight, I hope Teacher Mu will not I feel abrupt, I want to associate with Teacher Mu, I hope Teacher Mu can answer me after careful consideration."

"Good night, have a good dream, it would be even better to have me in the dream."

Han Tian's last words before leaving echoed in his ears, and Hao Ritian couldn't help but smile. When the old Raider asked him abruptly about love at first sight in the car, he felt that Lao Gong might take action soon. .

But this soon slightly exceeded his expectations, and he confessed directly, the smile on his lips deepened, Hao Ritian walked to the bathroom, ready to take a shower and then go to bed.

Sure to have a good dream tonight!

Han Tian, who returned to his room, was also in the bathroom at this time. His body was strong and strong under the water, and his eight-pack abs were shining brightly to attract people's attention, but what was more attractive was his extremely sexy expression at this time. The hand placed under him was moving up and down quickly, there was a forbearable longing between his brows, the expression on his face was already filled with desire, and his whole body exuded an extremely strong hormonal aura.

After a long time, a muffled groan sounded, the voice was full of relief after relief, but also a little unsatisfied desire. Han Tian propped his hands on the wall of the bathroom, raised his head, closed his eyes, and thought Li couldn't help but recall Hao Ritian's pale but handsome face, especially those most brilliant eyes, and after thinking about it, he soon felt impulsive again.

Love at first sight would actually happen to him, he felt that he was a little possessed.

When he received the call yesterday and heard that person's voice, his ears felt itchy. Just one sound made his heart feel like being scratched by a cat. Then he asked Han Yang to send the photo of the owner of the voice to him. After seeing the photo, Han Tian wanted to see him even more, and became very excited about the arrival of that person on Saturday.

Didn't expect to run into him outside the bar ahead of time.

The first time he saw that person, his most intuitive reaction was to want to have sex with him. It is said that desire is the most direct expression of love. If there is desire, there is not necessarily love, but if there is love, there must be desire. He thinks of his own The response already speaks volumes.

Wipe off the water on his face, suppressing the heat that surged up again in his body, Han Tian quickly rinsed and pulled the bath towel out of the bathroom. Since he had someone he wanted, he never thought that that person would not own situation.

Well, Han Yang is that person's student, let him shine for a while!

Saturday morning at eight o'clock.

Han Tian appeared in the living room on time. The TV in the living room was on, showing the morning news, but his attention was not on the TV at all. He paid attention to the direction of the guest room from time to time, as if someone would come out there in the next moment.

Breakfast was already being prepared, and Han Tian didn't wait for anyone who wanted to wait, but saw Han Yang bring a friend of his down the stairs. As soon as they saw Han Tian, the two straightened their postures at the same time.

"Good morning, brother."

"Good morning, Brother Han."

After walking downstairs, the two greeted Han Tian at the same time, each with a more correct attitude.

Han Yang felt a little bitter. His brother was actually at home. This abnormal situation made him think of the head teacher's coming home visit. His brother really didn't need to take time out of his busy schedule, really!

Standing next to Han Yang is his young boy Gu Zhen. Compared with him, he is much more bohemian when he is young. He highlights and dyes his hair, imitates young and Dangerous boys, and does all kinds of things, but no matter how bohemian he is, he is still obedient in front of Han Tian. Gotta be like a little chick.

Han Yang glanced at the two of them and nodded, "Good morning."

The two looked at each other in dismay, each found a place to sit, straightened their backs, folded their chests and tucked in their stomachs, taking out the most standard postures in military training.

As soon as he sat down, Han Yang heard his elder brother ask, "What time was the game last night?"

Han Yang, "!!!"

"It's not what time, we went back to bed after nine o'clock." After reacting, Han Yang replied immediately.

Han Tian raised his voice and hummed, and the butler standing aside said something kind to his second young master, "Eldest young master, what the second young master said is true, after you and Mr. Mu went upstairs last night, I went to the game room to find the second young master." Young Master, I want him to rest early, but when I went there, the game room was already empty, presumably I didn't notice when the Second Young Master and Young Master Gu returned to the room."

Han Yang and Gu Zhen nodded together, but Han Yang's head got stuck in the middle of nodding, and his tone turned several times, "Teacher Mu?"

"Yes, it was brought back by the young master..."

As soon as the butler explained the beginning, he saw Hao Ritian appearing at the stairs, and immediately changed his words, "Teacher Mu is down."

Han Yang turned his head away, and when he saw Hao Ritian, he knew that Teacher Mu was the Teacher Mu he understood, and he was his head teacher, but who could tell him why Teacher Mu came last night

How did Mr. Mu meet the elder brother? Did he make a small report in front of the elder brother? Did he tell the elder brother all his "bad deeds"...

One question after another flashed through Han Yang's mind like swiping the screen, making him dizzy.

After Hao Ri went downstairs, his eyes first stayed on Han Yang and Gu Zhen, and he said hello, and then he looked at Han Hantian. When he looked at Han Tian, his eyes obviously wandered, and his expression was a little uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Han Tian said with a natural expression, "Mr. Mu, did you rest well last night?"

People who confessed are so natural, so he should not be too exaggerated. Hao Ritian chose a seat diagonally opposite Han Tian to sit down, and replied, "Very good."

Gu Zhen didn't know Mu Fan, because he and Han Yang were not in the same high school, he went to an art school, and he didn't know that Mu Fan was Han Yang's class teacher, so when he saw Hao Ritian, he was not as exaggerated as Han Yang, because In this way, he can observe Hao Ritian more objectively, which is his intuitive reaction to strangers.

As a result of this observation, Gu Zhen saw the interaction between Han Tian and Hao Ritian in his eyes, and was silently shocked. Brother Han seems to have sex with this Teacher Mu

There are many people with "personality" in the art school, and there are many people around Gu Zhen, including homosexuals. He has a lot of experience, and his eyesight has been developed, so he can see something strange with just a little communication.

But, would a person like Brother Han really like people

Gu Zhen put a big question mark in his heart!