I Have a Sickness

Chapter 2: I have rabies


When he ran to the stairs, Hao Ritian saw the two illegitimate children Yuan Wenyu brought into the house, one was Yan Yang, who was about his age, and the other was Yan Yue, who was several years younger than him. The cheating man in Yong'an is somewhat similar, no one would believe that he was not an illegitimate child.

At this moment, the elder and the younger stared at him with the same resentment in their eyes, they obviously heard the mistress and illegitimate child he scolded just now, and the older one wanted to stick out his foot to trip him up, thinking that he did not know what to do. He felt that the resentment in his eyes had turned into complacency and arrogance in seconds.

The corners of Hao Ritian's lips hooked maliciously, but it was only for a moment. When he ran over, he seemed to step on Yanyang's ankle unintentionally. Not only did he not show mercy, but he deliberately crushed it. Is it an illusion, he thought he heard a crisp click.

"Ah!!!!" The moment Hao Ritian moved his foot away, Yanyang howled like a pig, his face suddenly turned pale, and he slid slowly on the ground, his lips trembling uncontrollably .

Hao Ritian who ran away didn’t turn his head back, he didn’t feel guilty at all, on the contrary, he was very happy, don’t think that Yuan Wenyu is a good thing for his children, maybe he listened to Yuan Wenyu’s nagging in his ears too much, and he always put everything in Yan’s family. As his own, after following Yuan Wenyu into Yan's house, he often used Yan Qi's eye drops in front of Yan Yongan. Go find trouble with Yan Qi, otherwise Yan Qi will not end up full of illnesses and die early.

Yan Yue and Yuan Wenyu were shocked when they heard Yan Yang's cry, and Yuan Wenyu let go of Yan Yong'an's hand and ran over, squatting down and tentatively pinching Yan Yang's ankle, only to put his hand on Yan Yang's neck. Yang screamed again.

Yuan Wenyu was so frightened that she quickly let go of her hand, tears almost burst out, and she looked at Yan Yongan with an expression of ready to cry, "Yongan, hurry up and let Yang Yang see how the child is hurting."

She knew that Yan Yong'an liked her appearance the most, because his wife's family background was so good, Yan Yong'an actually had a bit of low self-esteem in his heart, he was actually very macho, and liked his wife's obedient appearance, but in front of his wife, But he has always felt that he is inferior to others, and Yuan Wenyu can hold him firmly in the palm of his hand only by grasping his psychology.

Yan Yue was also a little worried because of her brother's tragic situation, but because of Yuan Wenyu's reaction, her eyes were slightly cold. Although she was only thirteen years old, she already knew a lot of things. Her mother always cared more about her brother than her. The elder brother will be the heir of the Yan family in the future, and they will be the support of the two mothers. Yan Yue really thinks so after talking about it too much, but only after she really entered the gate of the Yan family did she know that she can also inherit the family property, but for her elder brother, Mom certainly wasn't on her side.

With thoughts in her mind, Yan Yue decided that she must please her father in the future. Doesn't her father have the final say on the Yan family now? !

I didn't know that Yan Yue would think so much in her head. After enduring the excruciating pain, Yan Yang clutched his ankle, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and said tremblingly, "Mom, my feet hurt so much. , will I be lame?"

Panic also appeared in his eyes. He is the young master of the Yan family, and he will inherit the property of the Yan family in the future. If he becomes a cripple, he will definitely be ridiculed. He is fed up with the self-esteem of a young man who is despised because of his status as an illegitimate child. stronger than anyone else.

"Bah, bah, whatever you say, you'll be fine. With your father around, you'll be fine." Yuan Wenyu hurriedly reassured her son.

Yan Yongan was really upset because of Yuan Wenyu's dependence, and seeing his son trembling in pain, he felt a little distressed, so he rushed downstairs and ordered, "Housekeeper, hurry up and call the family doctor."

When the housekeeper went to make a phone call, Yan Yongan stared at the empty doorway and realized what Yan Qi had done. His fingers trembled angrily, "Since Yan Qi is gone, if you have the ability, you will never leave." Don't come back, or I'll break his leg."

These words obviously put the problem of Yanyang's feet on Yan Qi's head. After all, Yan Qi stepped on Yan Yang's feet just now, he could see clearly that that wicked son would be so disrespectful to his biological father, and would deliberately Targeting Yanyang couldn't be more normal.

Because he was so angry, Yan Yongan felt that his eyes were turning black, he leaned on the wall and took a deep breath, trying to ease his emotions.

The family doctor arrived soon, and after the examination, he had a good idea, "It's a little fracture, but it's not serious. I'll just correct it, but judging by the degree of swelling, the subcutaneous tissue or ligament may be seriously injured. Take some medicine." , don’t put force on the ankle until the swelling subsides, just recover from the injury for a while.”

Only then did Yuan Wenyu heave a sigh of relief. If her son really had a serious problem, she would be ready to kill someone. After she breathed a sigh of relief, tears flowed down her cheeks. Her expression changed, and she began to hold Yanyang and weep mournfully. "Fortunately, you're fine, and don't blame your elder brother, he definitely didn't mean it..."

That is to say, but the appearance of her crying so sad is really easy to make people feel distressed. Yuan Wenyu can be a mistress because of her beautiful face and gentle temperament. She has been raised by Yan Yongan. In addition to not having a serious identity, living a pampered life, even in her thirties, she still looks very beautiful, with a little more charm and charm that young girls don't have, this tearful appearance can't make Yan Yongan feel distressed die.

Hearing what his mother said, Yan Yang was filled with resentment, and wanted to refute that Yan Qi did not mean it, but he clearly did it on purpose. He must let his father make the decision for him, but Yuan Wenyu stopped him in time before he could speak.

Before Yan Yang had time to express his dissatisfaction, his father said coldly, "You don't have to speak for that bastard, you take him to heart, but he doesn't know how to respect you at all. If you have the ability, don't come back for the rest of your life!"

Yan Yong'an was so angry that he was about to get angry, he finally gained power, how could he tolerate the disobedience of his son, who longed for his love and care before, but now in his heart, that son is a disobedient bastard. Instead, he calmed down. His son was unfilial, so he didn't have to worry about him in the future.

Yan Yang saw his father's cold expression, and met his mother's eyes, and he understood immediately, and Yan Yue did the same. Most of the education of the siblings was from Yuan Wenyu, so the two could understand her meaning very well. If you want to get revenge on Yan Qi, you don't have to do anything, the main thing is to pretend to be wronged. As for the others, there will be opportunities in the future.

The mother and son exchanged a glance with each other, all of them were full of satisfaction.

Hao Ritian, who had already left the Yan family, asked the driver to put him in the urban area and then let the driver go back. Although the Yan family is now in charge of Yan Yongan, Hao Ritian, as the legitimate heir of the Yan family, can still order a driver.

He didn't care about the follow-up of the Yan family at all. On the premise of knowing the overall situation, he had a lot of ways to deal with the family. He didn't have to let himself stay there to make him disgusted. Running out was also part of his plan. He will never be the last one in a hurry.

The weather in May is already quite hot, and the sun is quite strong today. Standing on the side of the road, Hao Ritian felt a little sunburnt. He glanced around, and wanted to find a shop to go in and rest his feet, but he saw a child lying on the ground. Outside the glass window, from his angle, he could only see the side face of the child. The white and tender child's face was flushed red from the sun, but he still lay on his stomach and refused to leave.

Hao Ritian raised his eyebrows, the child could tell from his clothes that he was a child of a wealthy family, and I don't know why the child's parents left him there alone, maybe he got lost

No matter what the situation was, Hao Ritian was not very interested, and it was always difficult for him to pay attention to people and things that had nothing to do with him. When he found a cold drink shop not far from the child, he walked over slowly.

When there were only a few steps away from the child, a man stepped forward, picked up the child and was about to leave. Anyone who looked at it would think it was the child's parents, but Hao Ritian's expression turned cold. When he walked away quickly with the child in his arms, he stepped forward in twos and threes, kicked the man's leg directly, and snatched the child from his arms at the same time.

Although he is not a good person, he will not let such a thing happen. Just now, when the man picked up the child, he pressed the child tightly in his arms, making the child unable to speak at all, and the man's cautious eyes. None escaped his sight.

There is no way this man is the parent of the child.

The first reaction of the man who was kicked was not to grab the child back, but to run away. Hao Ritian was holding a child in his arms, but his movements were not slow at all. He pressed the man's shoulder, and his feet were merciless With a kick, the man was kicked hard to kneel on the ground.

The child in Hao Ritian's arms was cute, with his arms around Hao Ritian's neck, he didn't cry like ordinary children, but what happened in front of him made passers-by dumbfounded, because it all happened so fast, so fast No one could see what was going on.

"You...what are you brat doing?" The man kneeling on the ground who was hit by Hao Ritian's actions turned his head and looked over, his eyes were dark and resentful.

Hao Ritian didn't talk nonsense with him at all, stepped on him with one foot, held the child in his arms with one hand, took out his mobile phone with the other, and dialed 110 directly.

The man's expression changed, and now he didn't care about it any more, he shook off Hao Ritian and stepped on his own feet, got up and was about to run.

Because of the accident just now, there are still many onlookers here, without Hao Ritian asking, someone helped hold the man down, the man was a little confused by the series of developments, he really didn't expect how things would develop into what they are now.

He has been guarding this young master for a long time. He is sure that the young master is alone. Under normal circumstances, even if he is unlucky and suspected, there should be some time to defend himself. Why didn't he even say anything? In a few words, it became like this.

Hao Ritian didn't care so much after calling the police. He only looked at the child in his arms after reporting to the police. His eyes lit up when he saw it. Hey, he was still a cute little baby. But there is a god, the most important thing is this calm temperament, which is so lovable.