I Have a Sickness

Chapter 22: I have autism


The current situation is obviously not good for him, Hao Ritian can only find a way to leave here before making plans.

As soon as he thought of it, he jumped up from the bed, but quickly fell down again, couldn't help but swear again, his body was not only drugged to be in heat, but also fascinated The medicine is here, otherwise he wouldn't have been abducted from school until now he is in a coma.

If it hadn't been for him to cross over, Mu Ziwen wouldn't be awake now.

Controlling his body with strong self-control, Hao Ritian staggered out of bed, went to the bathroom and flushed his face with cold water to wake himself up. Time was limited, he would definitely meet the four people coming when he went out now, with his body The situation is dangerous.

"System, let me check everything within a radius of 100 meters." Hao Ritian ordered quickly.

At the moment when he finished speaking, a three-dimensional map instantly appeared in his mind, showing all the situation within a radius of 100 meters in his mind. He could clearly see where there were people and how far away he was.

Hao Ritian paused. He did see four moving points approaching the room he was in. According to that speed, he would arrive in a dozen seconds at most. Grasp the situation within 100 meters, then gently close the bathroom door, hold the door handle with your right hand, hold your breath and wait intently.

bang bang bang—

The heartbeat seemed to be more intense, beating on the tip of his heart, Hao Ritian was highly concentrated, cold water mixed with sweat slid down the side of his face, at a certain moment, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and it was coming.

The door of the suite was kicked open from the outside, that's right, it was a kick, because the bathroom was just on the left hand side of the door, Hao Ritian who was standing behind the door could clearly hear someone kicking on the door unceremoniously noises, and frivolous banter.

"I heard that he is a good guy, and he is still a young child. It is our turn. I am really looking forward to it!"

"That's right, such high-quality goods are hard to come by in 'Weihai'. We were lucky this time, but it's strange that the person in charge insisted on letting the four of us go together."

"What? Wouldn't it be more fun if there were more people? If you don't want to, you can give it to the three of us!"

"Go away, who said I don't want to."


As they spoke, all four of them had lewdness in their tones. Hao Ritian, who was behind the bathroom door, frowned fiercely when he heard that kind of smile that could only be understood but could not be expressed. When the four people walked through the corridor to the bedroom, he came out of the bathroom lightly, without daring to waste time, and exited the suite as quickly as possible.

At this time, we must thank the structure of this suite. There is a corridor between the door and the bedroom. Due to the angle, people who come out of the bathroom directly cannot see it in the bedroom. Not closing the door, all this brought convenience to Hao Ritian.

When Hao Ritian quietly left the suite, the four people who had already entered the bedroom found that it was empty and their expressions were a little puzzled. One of them lifted the quilt with his hands. After confirming that there was really no one there, he looked uneasy He said, "Where's the beauty you promised? Why is there no one? Can't you play tricks on us?"

The other person turned his feet and rushed into the bathroom quickly. The room was still empty. The four of them were not too happy now. They spent money, and no one was happy to be played like this.

Annoyed, someone directly called the person in charge. After connecting, he said angrily without waiting for the other party to speak, "What the hell are you doing? You clearly agreed that there is someone waiting at 508, but now you can't even see a ghost in the room." , is it fun to play us?"

"Arrange for us again? Four?" His brows had already loosened slowly, and he winked at the other three brothers, and his tone eased only after getting unanimous approval from the other three brothers.

"Okay then, don't make such mistakes again."

After hanging up the phone, his expression suddenly lit up, "It's probably because he made a mistake in his work, but now one is exchanged for four, we are not at a loss, let's go, change to another place for fun, if you want, we can also exchange play."

The four people are quite satisfied with this arrangement. Originally, their goal today was just to play with the little beauty here. Now the little beauty has disappeared, but there are four more people who make up for it. It is no loss for them at all.

But relatively speaking, the person in charge who just talked to them on the phone didn't look so good. He turned around twice, and quickly walked to the door of a box. After knocking on the door and entering, he walked up to one of the handsome-looking In front of the young man, he leaned into his ear and whispered, "Ou Shao, he's gone!"

The young man who was still very leisurely and leisurely immediately changed his expression when he heard the words. He let the other people in the box continue to play, and the two people in charge quickly left the box, and frowned, "Why did you disappear? He should not wake up now. Yes, was he taken away or did he wake up unexpectedly and leave by himself?"

The person in charge didn't know the inside story, so of course he couldn't tell why.

The young man surnamed Ou knew from his expression that he didn't know anything, and his mood suddenly became very bad, but he didn't vent his anger on the person in charge, and waved him, "Forget it, don't worry about it for now ,Go ahead."

Seeing that the young man didn't take his anger out on him, the person in charge breathed a sigh of relief, apologized again and left quickly.

After the person in charge left, the young man turned on his mobile phone, tapped his fingers a few times, and a picture appeared on the screen of the mobile phone, which happened to be everything that happened before Suite 508. Weihai is a private club with strict management and privacy of guests. It is also very protective, so there is no such thing as a camera in each room, but for this incident, the young man got involved in private, so he installed a camera in 508, and also guaranteed to remove it after capturing what he wanted. Cameras are only allowed.

Everything in the video was very clear, until the person was sent to Room 508, he was still in a coma, and as time passed, the person on the bed began to tear his clothes unconsciously, frowning, looking very uncomfortable It looks like everything is going as expected, no problem.

But not long after, the pupils of the young man unconsciously shrank for a moment, because the person who should not have woken up on the bed woke up, not only woke up, but also judged his situation rationally, and quickly left the bedroom, and then four Annoyed that a man came in and found the room empty.

The young man turned off the video, and his complexion is definitely not good-looking. Although he can't see the picture behind him, he can guess it. What's more, although he can't see it, he can hear some noises. If he simulates it again in his mind, he can almost Imagine how Mu Ziwen escaped under the eyes of the four people.

I didn't expect that Mu Ziwen, who has severe autism, would be so flexible and quick-witted. This time, he miscalculated.

But at this time, Hao Ritian was already sitting in the car and was taken away from 'Weihai'.

After leaving suite 508, he followed the systematic investigation to avoid places where people passed by, and wanted to leave as soon as possible before making plans, but his body couldn't support it.

The amount of medicine he was given was not small, and it was already very powerful to be able to leave the suite under the noses of four people. Not long after leaving the suite, his body softened, and he slid and sat on the corner of the fourth floor with barely enough support. The whole person was panting badly, sweating all over his body, and the feeling of emptiness in his body was even more tormenting. He wished that someone could fill him right away.

"Day!!!" It's the first time he's in such a mess, it's not enough to describe Hao Ritian's mood at the moment, especially the place he's in is not safe enough, he can't even predict what will happen if this continues, but if he casually Then he was raped, and he has the intention to kill.

Although he advocates walking the kidneys and not distracting the heart, at least the person who walks the kidneys must be someone he can see, so if you want to relieve the medicinal properties in your body, at least give him a top-quality man!

Panting on the spot for a long time, Hao Ritian gritted his teeth and was about to leave the club first, but he didn't want to see a man suddenly come out from the corner when he was holding his knees and trying to stand up. Although his eyes were slightly blurred, Hao Ritian It can still be seen that the other party is full of masculinity, with clear facial features, and more importantly, he has a particularly good figure, with broad shoulders and long legs, and a strong body. He is simply a walking hormone.

At this critical moment, Hao Ritian even had the illusion that this man exists exclusively for him.

But the other party clearly saw him, but it was as if he hadn't seen him, and he was ready to walk in front of him without squinting. If it was normal Hao Ritian, it would be fine, who made him urgently need a high-quality one that he can take a look at now? The man 'help', since he appeared in front of him, he didn't plan to hold back any longer, can the thing be eaten or drunk

But even if he has made up his mind, Hao Ritian also knows that this kind of man will never meddle in other people's affairs. If he likes the other party, the other party may not necessarily like him. It's not that he belittles himself, it's just that he can see the facts clearly.

It is not his style to not seize the opportunity when it is in front of him. He was mentally prepared to be rejected, raised his head, and stretched out his hand to grab the opponent's calf, but something even more unexpected happened to him——

The other party stopped a second before he caught him, lowered his head and scanned his face carefully, let out a little puzzled sound, and then helped him up, and half dragged and half hugged him out of the Hai', put him in the passenger seat and drove away, but he had no idea where he was going.

At this time, he was sitting in the passenger seat and was a little confused by the fire in his body. However, the added function of the system is to detect the range within 100 meters, and it cannot provide him with help at this time. Beside him, he unconsciously leaned towards the opponent, pulling his hands on the opponent's body indiscriminately, and rubbed his whole body into the opponent's arms.

The man clicked his tongue helplessly, held the steering wheel with one hand, and firmly restrained him with the other, pressing his whole body into his arms, and said in a low voice, "Hey, don't make trouble!"

This magnetic voice was simply adding fuel to the flames at this time, Hao Ritian was completely lost, so much so that he only had a hazy feeling about what happened afterwards, and he couldn't figure out the details.

When he was conscious, the familiar soreness all over his body let him know what happened last night, and he was also mentally prepared for it. How to face the other party after waking up, or how to deal with his own situation is the most important thing .

He has not forgotten that Mu Ziwen is autistic!

What kind of external manifestations will autism have, he went through it silently in his heart, and felt that there was another person in the room. He knew in his heart that it must be the person he had loved for a night, and he was mentally prepared. He opened his eyes, panic and fear flashed across his eyes, his shoulders shrank unconsciously, and his whole body curled up into a bow shape, which was an expression of extreme insecurity.

Looking from the outside, it could be seen that the person who wrapped himself tightly in the quilt was trembling, and anyone could see his fear at this moment.

"Are you awake? How do you feel?" The man sitting next to the bed by the window asked aloud.

He clearly saw that the person wrapped in the quilt trembled again because of his voice.

There was a faint smile on the man's face, he didn't mind not getting a response at all, and said in a calm voice, "Do you still have any memory of what happened to you yesterday?"

Hao Ritian continued to tremble and remained silent.

The sound of the lighter rubbing sounded, the man lit a cigarette, and began to narrate carefully, yes, it was a narration, without any extra emotion, just started to narrate based on facts.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Feng Qi. I am a senior inspector. I was in Weihai yesterday to investigate a drug possession case. It was an accident when I ran into you. You were unconscious at the time, so I brought you out 'Wei Hai'. I wanted to take you home, but unfortunately I don't know where your home is. The key is that you hold me and don't let go. I can only bring you to me first. You should also take care of your own situation. I know it in my heart, I don't have the idea of taking advantage of others, but in the end, as you can see, we still had a relationship."

After giving Hao Ritian a little time to buffer, Feng Qi took a few puffs of cigarettes and said in a calm tone, "I can count as saving you, but it is an indisputable fact that I took advantage of you. As for how to deal with it, you can come up with your own ideas." Opinion, I will deal with it as appropriate."

If Hao Ritian still didn't react at all at this time, it would be a bit unreasonable. He slowly sat up from the bed, his expression was not as rosy as last night, but a little pale, his eyes didn't dare to make direct contact with the man, his hands were dead. Clutching the quilt tightly in his hand, he said in an unsteady voice, "... thank you... thank you... you saved me."

A simple sentence of thanks was extremely difficult for him to say.

Feng Qi adjusted his sitting posture, his eyes fell on Hao Ritian's face, he had a panoramic view of his demeanor and subtle movements, his eyes could not help but be filled with interest.

Last night's passion and fieryness, today's panic and fragility, this extreme contrast appears in one person, and there is no sense of disobedience


The most important thing is that, like a scouting machine, Feng Qi narrowed his eyes over Hao Ritian's five sense organs. This look is so familiar, it's quite similar to a good friend of his. Whether it matters depends on the final inspection results.

If it wasn't for this discovery, he wouldn't be nosy last night.

"you… "

"I want to go back."

The voices of the two sounded at the same time, and when Feng Qi heard Hao Ritian speak, he intentionally gave way to him, and then let him finish his sentence.

Feng Qi looked at the young man who wrapped himself in a quilt and looked extremely repulsive, his expression didn't move at all, but his tone was strong, "No, go wash up first, then have dinner with me, and we'll talk after dinner. "

Hao Ritian is now an autistic patient, and while autistic is not good at communicating with others, he is also not good at rejecting people with a strong stance. Once Feng Qi shows a strong stance, all he has to do is obey.

Calling up Mu Ziwen's behavior pattern from his memory, Hao Ritian immediately had a certain understanding of Mu Ziwen's living habits.

Imitation was very easy for Hao Ritian. He consciously avoided Feng Qi's strong presence, groped to put on his clothes, got up from the bed mechanically, got out of bed and took two steps, his legs were so weak that he almost knelt down. On the ground, but adjusted his posture in time, staring straight at the bathroom, without a trace of expression on his face, stubbornly endured the discomfort of his body and entered the bathroom.

Feng Qi withdrew his gaze fixed on Hao Ritian, but couldn't help but recall in his mind that when he almost fell just now, although his face was expressionless, his eyes became teary, as if he had suffered some great grievance, which made people wish Like holding him in your arms for comfort.

"Heh—" The corners of his mouth with the cigarette butts in his mouth could not help but curled up slightly, and there was an interested smile. It has to be said that this young man deserved his attention, at least for now.

Hao Ritian, who entered the bathroom, was brushing his teeth. Mu Ziwen brushed his teeth for two minutes every time, and his behavior pattern was very regular, so even if no one in the bathroom could see him, he still followed Mu Ziwen's behavior pattern.

The highest state of deceiving others is to deceive oneself. Since he has autism in this world, he must make his behavior pattern conform to the way of autism, no matter whether anyone sees it or not. It's quite a challenge for him, so he doesn't force it at all.

While brushing his teeth, he analyzed the man named Feng Qi outside. The other party claimed to be a senior inspector. There was no need to lie to him. He also said that the purpose of being in Weihai was to investigate drug possession cases. Regardless of whether this was true or not, he didn't care. interest, but the other party is extremely frank in terms of current performance.

Although in his opinion, the reason why the other party is honest may be that he is not threatening at all, and it doesn't matter if you tell him the truth, but it is enough for him to understand a little information. Since he is a senior inspector, he should have strong observation skills and a good personality. Calmness and strong skills, these are the basic conditions attached to the identity of the other party.

What he cares about is that the other party should have no intention of talking to him when he passed by him yesterday, so why did he change his mind

He didn't believe that he could easily shake the willpower of a senior inspector as a stranger when they met for the first time. There must be other factors.

Shaking his head in his mind, he doesn't know enough information, and there is no such person in the mission plot related to Mu Ziwen, ah, it is similar to the last world. Didn't he also come into contact with a lot of things that have nothing to do with the mission plot in the last world? people? !

That being the case, don't think so much for the time being.

When it was time to brush his teeth for two minutes, he took a sip of water to wash away the foam in his mouth, and repeated this back and forth several times until he felt his mouth was refreshed.

After washing up and coming out of the bathroom, he spent a full five minutes back and forth, not too much, not too little, just like he was keeping track of the time.

Walking out of the bathroom, the man was still waiting for him outside. Seeing him lift his chin to him, his tone was understated, but he could not refuse, "Come with me for dinner."

Hao Ritian followed behind the man like a poor little man, but he consciously kept a certain distance from him, he would not let himself get too close to him, but he would not be unable to keep up with him because of the slight inconvenience in his movements.

The two of them walked to the restaurant quietly one after the other, Feng Qi took the main seat, but Hao Ritian still kept the same distance from him and stood there stiffly, anyone could see that something was wrong with him , not to mention a senior inspector.

Feng Qi raised his eyebrows, and directly pulled the seat next to him, "Come and sit."

Hao Ritian still didn't move, but his whole body trembled with signs visible to the naked eye. The nanny who had been in the kitchen had already begun to deliver breakfast to the dining table. Qi's tone was a bit heavier, "I said come and sit down."

Obviously, his tone was just a little bit more serious, but Hao Ritian trembled as if he had been stung, then he walked up to the seat that Feng Qi opened up with stiff and heavy steps, and then sat down carefully, but still unconsciously moved his body Sideways away from Feng Qi's other side.

Feng Qi had a panoramic view of all his performances, but he didn't intend to ask, and he didn't mind if he showed fear or repulsion, so he just clicked his tongue at this time, "What did I do?" Does that scare you?"

It seemed that he just asked unintentionally, and then he started, "Eat."

Hao Ritian gave almost one instruction and one movement. Feng Qi asked him to eat, and he started to eat, but his eyes were only on the food closest to him. The slices of bread were eaten in small bites, and he sat still.

"That's enough? Are you a cat, your appetite is only this small? Eat some more." Seeing that he was not moving, the man sitting next to him had some objections, and while talking, he picked up a small steamed bun for him.

Hao Ritian ate the Xiaolongbao without making a sound, then stopped again.

"Really, are you acting like a spoiled child to me?" With the joking voice, another steamed bun and a glass of milk were placed a little far away from him.

Hao Ritian ate the food fed by the man again, this time he was really full after eating, and he wouldn't move his chopsticks even if the man gave him the food, so the man understood and didn't force him anymore.

When both of them had eaten and drank enough, the man sat still in his original position, but leaned back, posing in a relaxed posture, but raised his voice slightly, "Tell me, what happened to you yesterday, and why? Will you appear in such a discomfited posture in Weihai?"