I Have a Sickness

Chapter 38: I am mentally ill


The nurse was very prescient.

The doctor and several nurses who brought the three new patients didn't know what happened here. They saw Hao Ritian blocking the door of the ward, and Chief Wei and two guards with knives who were still in the corridor and did not return to the ward. , raised his eyebrows in confusion, "What are you doing here? Since the activity time is over, send the patient back to the ward!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the three patients he had brought, "By the way, these three patients live in Room 502, and I will be in charge from now on..."

Room 502 is the room where Yu Hao lives. He is the only one now. It is normal for a new patient to be assigned to the ward. The doctor who spoke is Yu Hao’s attending doctor, Zheng Yue. Uncle and aunt persuaded most of them, which can be seen from his active cooperation in sending three people pretending to be mentally ill to Yu Hao's ward.

But before Zheng Yue finished speaking, he was interrupted by an angry shout, "Bitch!"

Hao Ritian pointed at Zheng Yue and ordered to his guard with a knife, "Take him down."

Wei Jing and Tang Bao, who had just taken office, were suddenly ordered by His Majesty, and they were naturally eager to try, without saying a word, they pressed Zheng Yue's shoulder twice, and Hao Ritian met Zheng Yue again almost at the moment before they completed this action. Wei An ordered, "This lowly maid dared to harm me, and sent someone of unknown origin to my bedroom, and first slapped him three times as a punishment."

Wei An's movement was a bit slower than the first two. He jumped in front of Zheng Yue with almost two swishes. After the beating, my palms turned red, and looking at Zheng Yue's face, it soon swelled up slightly.

Zheng Yue has been beaten into a daze. In the mental hospital, doctors and nurses may be attacked by patients at any time, so there are security guards. At the same time, these nurses are also very strong. The critical moment is to restrain the patients and not hurt others. of.

But this time the action was so fast that no one expected that before they could react, Dr. Zheng received three loud slaps, and they all felt that their faces were also hurting.

The two guards with knives still pressed Zheng Yue's shoulders, held their heads high, and looked at Hao Ritian begging for praise. Hao Ritian nodded slightly to show his appreciation, and the two immediately raised their heads even higher. Zheng Yue who pressed it felt that his arms were about to lose consciousness.

But it was the pain that brought Zheng Yue back to his senses, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he said angrily, "Quickly pull them away!"

After working as a doctor for so long, it was the first time he was beaten so badly, the face was still beaten, it was a shame.

When Zheng Yue yelled, the other people who seemed to be frozen immediately started to move, and they all went to pull Tang Bao and Wei Jing, but Wei An jumped in front of Hao Ritian, bowed to him, and looked up with bright eyes , "Your Majesty, did I do well just now?"

Obviously, I am a little unhappy that His Majesty only praises his colleagues and not himself. Although his hands hurt a little, those three slaps are really enjoyable. In addition to serving His Majesty's daily life, the chief executive is also responsible for obeying His Majesty's orders and performing slaps. , he understood.

(Hey, what do you know...)

Hao Ritian nodded reservedly, "Your strength is not bad, but your technique is not very good, I will teach you when I have time."

Wei An excitedly said, "Yes, thank you, Your Majesty."

Wei Jing and Tang Bao were still struggling to resist when several people rushed up to pull him. His Majesty asked them to take down this lowly maid, how could they let him go

Both of these two are tall and strong, with terrifying strength. Several people couldn't subdue him quickly. This is also Hao Ritian's original intention of choosing the two of them as bodyguards with knives. Apart from their lives, they are strong and it is easier to execute orders. .

Even in such a situation, everyone heard the conversation between Hao Ritian and Wei An clearly, and everyone felt distressed in their hearts, and always felt that life would be very difficult in the future.

During the pulling, Zheng Yue's white coat was pulled out of shape, and his whole body was pulled back and forth like a doll. It felt like his arms were going to be broken, and he was forced to listen to two psychopaths talking about how he felt when he was slapped. It's about to explode.

Yu Hao, right? He remembered, his crumbling sanity broke with a bang, and he was a bit hesitant and guilty about the patient who was going to murder him, but now all hesitation and guilt have been thrown away. It should be dealt with severely, and releasing it is irresponsible for the safety of others.

When he was thinking this way, Zheng Yue completely abandoned his medical ethics as a doctor, but he didn't have any medical ethics, otherwise he wouldn't be persuaded by the original owner's uncle and aunt to attack his patients.

Although Hao Ritian seemed to be discussing the experience of slapping with Wei An, he had been paying attention to Zheng Yue's expression without any trace. Bao and Wei Jing ordered, "Okay, let go."

After all, you are in a psychiatric hospital, and there is too much trouble to please you. If the doctor thinks you are out of control, the first choice is to give an injection of diazepam. As the only person with a brain in a group of mental illnesses, Hao Ritian needs to control this speed. , After all, it is not a good experience to be pricked from time to time.

And if there is too much noise, there will be greater restrictions on free activities in the future. It is allowed, and this is also to prevent the patient from becoming more insane next time. For mental patients, except for principled issues, most of the time they have to go along.

Otherwise, the nurse who was in charge of Hao Ritian before would not have known that she was brain-dead and wanted to go down to His Majesty. She could bear the shame in her heart and cooperate without changing her face. The nurse felt that she was very good.

It's a pity that Dr. Zheng accidentally ruined what was supposed to be done, otherwise it wouldn't be the way it is now!

Tang Bao and Wei Jing, who had received Hao Ritian's orders, both let go of their hands. They both walked to stand behind Hao Ritian in unison, and they almost walked out. Standing one left and one right behind Hao Ritian was really quite intimidating.

Many people present felt incredible. When did the mentally ill become so disciplined, and they actually listened to the words of their fellow patients

But when they looked at Hao Ritian's face again, they all fell silent. Who made him have such a very intimidating face. When he was first admitted to the hospital, many nurses were a little timid when they saw him. Fortunately, after a few days of getting used to being beaten violently, the patient did not show any tendency to be violently beaten, so he was relieved a lot.

Hao Ritian looked at Zheng Yue, who stood up straight after being let go by the two guards, and squinted his eyes slightly, with a majestic look on his face, not falling into the status of an emperor at all, "Bitch, I will spare you this time." , and next time, it will definitely not be solved by slapping."

He was obviously a big man, but he was slapped three times by a mentally ill maidservant, and he was slapped three times. His contemptuous eyes almost made him explode. Fortunately, he still remembered that there were many colleagues around him. .

Hao Ritian was in a good mood, ignored the others, and signaled to the three attendants behind him, "Follow me, I'm going to bed, and you are also responsible for protecting me."

He took the lead and approached the ward, and the three attendants followed behind.

The whole corridor suddenly fell into an enigmatic silence. The three 'new patients' who were originally following Zheng Yue but were squeezed to the back because of the panic just now were desperate at this moment, although they had already made psychological preparations. After all, no one knows what will happen to the mental illness in the next moment, but they have just come and encountered such a scene, and they all want to retreat.

When they think of staying in such a mental hospital for so long, they worry that they will be assimilated at that time, what if they can't get out? !

Zheng Yue couldn't suppress his anger, he pressed his forehead to break the silence first, "Who can tell me what's going on? Is the patient's condition getting worse?"

But he was sneering in his heart. The patient's condition was more serious, so he, the doctor in charge, naturally had a reason to help him adjust the treatment method. It was only natural to increase the dosage or use coercive means when necessary.

It's a pity that the nurse who partnered with him failed to cooperate with him. On the contrary, the nurse spoke good words for Hao Ritian, "No, the patient has been doing well today. There is nothing wrong with him except that the paranoia seems to be more serious. place."

After finishing speaking, he explained the fact that Hao Ritian suddenly brought the patients to perform "The Story of the Palace" during the previous activities. Now the patients think that they are the emperor, so naturally they cannot be offended, as long as they follow him, there will be no problem at all.

Also, the patient may not want strangers to enter his life, and he had previously stated that he would let his chief steward and guards with knives be in the same ward as him, and then Zheng Yue violated his dignity by bringing three new patients. Only then will there be the scene just now.

When talking, the nurse tried not to look at Zheng Yue's face as much as possible, and felt a little sympathetic to him, but such unreasonable disasters often cannot be explained, and they can't really care about mental illness, right? !

So Dr. Zheng can only admit that he is unlucky.

The other people around thought the same as the nurse, and they were slapped three times for no reason. Dr. Zheng was really unlucky, so they tried not to mention his 'sadness'.

Little did they know that their evasive and subtle expressions made Zheng Yue's throat even more painful, and his face was still burning hot. He pinched the bridge of his nose, looking not angry, and just analyzed rationally from the perspective of a doctor, "That can't make the patient feel sick. Come on, it will bring a lot of trouble to other doctors... "

Before he finished speaking, Dr. Tan Xitan came out of Ward 508 with a medical record in hand. Seeing them standing here, he said relaxedly after understanding the situation, "Is this not easy? Tang Bao Well, both Wei Jing and Wei An are the patients I am in charge of. Since they want to live in the same ward, Yu Hao should also be transferred to me. As far as I know, this Yu Hao has been admitted to the hospital for a short time. Dr. Zheng , Why don't you make a handover with me?"

Tan Xi looks like a romantic son, but he is very capable in the professional field. He is responsible for the most patients on this floor. He is two years younger than Zheng Yue, but his reputation is much better than Zheng Yue's. street.

Now that Tan Xi has taken the initiative to take the trouble, many people are relieved, thinking that Dr. Tan is 2.8 meters tall, so handsome.

If you say that the person Zheng Yue is most jealous of is definitely Tan Xi, but most people can't see his intentions. After all, Zheng Yue can still pretend, his gentle appearance can bluff people, and he is used to doing face-saving projects. So although his professional ability is not as good as Tan Xi's, he still has a bit of face.

Now seeing that Tan Xi is interested in his patient, especially that patient he is determined to treat severely, Zheng Yue will not agree to anything.

There was a look of distress on his face, "Doctor Tan, isn't this appropriate?"

Just when he thought Tan Xi would be stalking, Tan Xi tapped his head, "Well, let these three new patients live in the vacated beds, anyway, they are all on the same floor, and they can't leave It’s a few steps away, I’ll make a few more trips to 502 in the future, so it should work, right?”

This request is not difficult at all, and Zheng Yue, who cares about face, is naturally not easy to refuse. He nodded with some difficulty, and even smiled, "Then thank you, Dr. Tan."

But the three 'new patients' who were separated by chaos were terrified. Their goal here was Yu Hao, and now they were suddenly separated from Yu Hao's ward, and they had to live alone with a room of mental patients. Very problematic, right

The three of them exchanged glances indiscriminately, and then they went crazy.

The way they went crazy was to rush into Ward 502, their movements became more violent, and they slapped the door directly, accompanied by whining noises, looking fierce as if they were about to hit someone.

After all, they were pretending to be mentally ill. Before that, they probably understood some behavioral patterns of mentally ill, but they were incomparable with real mentally ill. But they couldn't care too much at this time, and they had to stay in Ward 502.

— That’s why Hao Ritian chooses the form of mental illness that is easier to disguise, delusional disorder, even if he acts strangely, it will be automatically translated: this is cranky thinking again.

This is much simpler for Hao Ritian, and it is much more convenient to act.

But these three 'new patients' were not so wise. They made the simplest mistake. They showed such obvious aggressive tendencies in the mental hospital. They would be dealt with. Tan Xi was obviously much more proficient in dealing with it. The security guards took the three people to the ward and temporarily tied them to the hospital bed to prevent them from hurting themselves and others.

This is also the reason why Hao Ritian stopped Tang Bao and Wei Jing in time when he realized that Zheng Yue was in a bad mood. After all, it would be bad if he was tied up.

The three people who were restrained and taken away were really panicked, and they frequently winked at Zheng Yue. Zheng Yue couldn't be too obvious at this time. It would be bad if Tan Xi found out, he could only hint They don't act rashly.

The three of them were sent to the ward like this.

The matter was settled, and it was not good for other people to stay here and not do business, and soon everyone returned to their respective positions, and Tan Xi and Zheng Yue also pushed open the door of Ward 502 and went in to check the situation.

The ward was unexpectedly clean. Hao Ritian raised the head of the bed and half-lyed on the bed with a pampered attitude. Wei An, the chief executive, was doing his duty to give His Majesty a massage. This was also part of the service. He pressed the He worked very hard, and asked Hao Ritian how he felt from time to time, and when he got a look of appreciation from Hao Ritian, he pursed his lips and smiled happily, as if he had found the meaning of life.

Tan Xi & Zheng Yue, "..."

Is this really a ward and not an MLM stronghold

Looking at the other two, the two were sitting on the hospital bed, one on the left and the other on the back, staring at Hao Ritian closely, but when they noticed a stranger coming in, they turned their eyes over with vigilance, dissatisfaction, etc. Waiting for emotions, there are a lot of dramas.

Although he had already heard about the general situation in the corridor outside a moment ago, Tan Xi, who witnessed it for the first time, was still amazed by it. Isn't this too deep into the drama? !

However, the corners of his lips curled slightly. The reason why he wanted to take over Yu Hao was that he was interested in his condition. Although he has not taken over Yu Hao for the time being, he can observe him closely. Like this, he can lead other mental patients. It is definitely special. If possible, he also wants to treat Yu Hao while letting him restrain the patients in this area.

I just don't know if it was a mistake or if I really have this ability!

In his opinion, there are many kinds of clinical phenomena of mental illness, such as violent tendencies, perception disorders, volition and behavior disorders, etc., are common phenomena of mental illness. Cognitive impairment and delusions are serious. More observation and research on this phenomenon will be of great help to patients of the same type.

Also, Yu Hao is still a relatively 'reasonable' type, as long as he follows him, communication may not be too difficult. Tan Xi has already made up his mind to follow up on his situation.

Hao Ritian raised his hand, motioning for Wei An to stop, his eyes fell on the two people who came in, his fierce eyes stared at him, Tan Xi was fine, but Zheng Yue always felt that he might give orders indiscriminately next time , came to beat him again, his whole body tensed up involuntarily, very alert.

"I'm tired today, and I don't need to go to bed. You two should leave." Hao Ritian waved his hands to the two doctors, looking dispirited.

But in his heart, he paid more attention to Tan Xi, a new doctor. Judging from his expression and subtle body movements, this doctor is much better than that idiot Zheng Yue, which made him a little more vigilant, but he was not afraid.

Psychosis is so fearless.

Even though they were mentally prepared to be classified as concubines, Tan Xi and Zheng Yue were still somewhat speechless. Tan Xi's speechlessness did not contain the slightest malice, while Zheng Yue's speechlessness carried a strong sense of disgust and rejection. Calling him a lowly maidservant, and now classifying him as a concubine, all of whom play the role of a woman, is an insult to Zheng Yue, even if the other party is mentally ill, this kind of insult is particularly unacceptable to him.

Hao Ritian didn't need their reaction at all, the emperor needed to see the concubine's face


After speaking, he gave Wei An instructions, "If they commit another crime next time, remove their green cards."

Wei An obediently said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Then he gave a very dissatisfied look at the two 'concubines' who came in without notification, very much like a chief executive.

Tan Xi raised her hand as a sign of surrender, and said in a good voice, "Your Majesty, it was the concubine's fault. The concubine will never do it again next time. Thank you for your generosity."

Especially flexible.

Zheng Yue's eyes widened, he couldn't do this no matter what, and he deeply disapproved of Tan Xi's behavior. Even if it was to appease the patient, a big man didn't need to call himself a concubine. Do you want dignity

—So, the difference between the two is obvious.

As a doctor, it is an extremely stupid behavior to talk about dignity and indignity in the face of mental patients.

Hao Ritian squinted his eyes, sure enough, this new doctor is difficult to deal with.

He waved his hand, and said with a nonchalant look, "For the sake of your sense of humor, let's forget about it this time and step back."

This time Tan Xi didn't say anything more, just pulled Zheng Yue, and the two left the ward.

As soon as the two of them went out, Wei An, the chief executive, began to speak ill of Zheng Yue, "Your Majesty, that concubine with sly eyebrows is disrespectful to His Majesty. Your Majesty, you should put him in the cold palace and let him reflect on himself."

Hao Ritian valued him as the chief executive very much, and listened to his opinions very well. He patted his hand across his abdomen a few times, "You are right, but you can give him a chance. If he commits the same crime next time, let's go together." fine."

Wei An smiled very satisfied, and leaned over to knead his shoulders again, with moderate strength, Hao Ritian who kneaded was very comfortable, and he breathed a sigh of relief with a leisurely demeanor, this is really a fairy-like day!

Tan Xi and Zheng Yue, who had exited the ward, could clearly hear the short conversation in the ward. After all, the door was open, and the two of them would not lower their voices when they spoke, and their voices naturally came out.

Tan Xi coughed, indicating that the "thief-eyed" Concubine Zheng could leave.

Zheng Yue silently said several times in his heart that Fang Chang will come to Japan before he suppressed his temper.

The two didn't leave for a long time. After all, after the event, they had to prescribe medicine to the patients according to their physical conditions. This was a daily routine.

After the medicine was prescribed, the nurse followed them with the medicine tray, and the four of them entered Ward 502 again.

For the mentally ill, taking medicine is a big project. It is okay when the patient cooperates, but if the patient does not cooperate, it is simply a disaster.

Letting patients take medicine is basically the job of nurses, but a particularly responsible doctor will also watch from the sidelines, observe the patient's reaction in time, and make fine adjustments to the next medication according to the patient's current situation.

This 'Siren Psychiatric Hospital' is originally a high-end hospital, and the professional ability of the doctors in it can stand the test, so naturally they have to be responsible for their patients.

The four of them entered the ward, and of course they were rejected.

"Why are you here again? Do you want to be dragged down to hit the board? Or slapped?" It was Wei An who reacted most violently this time, but seeing his excited expression, he seemed to be looking forward to it.

Of course Chief Wei was looking forward to it. His Majesty just said that if he commits the crime again, he will be punished together. His slap is ready to move.