I Have a Sickness

Chapter 40: I am mentally ill


The well-behaved dean inspected, and there was nothing wrong before, everything went smoothly, but now it was folded in ward 502, the director couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Yesterday Tan Xi came to him and told him about the 502 ward, and also expressed that he wanted to take over a patient that Zheng Yue was in charge of. He considered the situation according to what Tan Xi said and finally agreed. This morning, the doctor on duty told him about the 502 ward Last night's sudden incident, he thought of the dean coming to inspect today, and his heart was in his throat.

The dean will come to inspect once a week. The director naturally doesn't want the dean to see that there are too many omissions in the floor he manages, so after knowing the patient's 'restlessness' in ward 502, he just kept praying secretly when he came in. Don't make any fools.

But now it seems that prayer is not working.

Not to mention being entangled by a patient, the good dean has become his empress, what are these things!

Zheng Yue's expression of schadenfreude grew stronger, but he quickly restrained himself.

The doctor on duty experienced the unexpected incident in the middle of the night last night, and now his mind is at peace. He feels that his personality has been sublimated, and what happened in ward 502 is nothing serious.

Compared with these three people, Tan Xi has nothing to worry about. He still has a little understanding of the dean. The dean is not only mature and rational, but also very restrained. He has never seen the dean lose his temper. How can a restrained person change color because of such a small problem? Tan Xi thinks it is more appropriate to describe the dean as overwhelming with a face that does not change his face.

The dean is an expert in mental illness, and he understands all kinds of reactions of patients, but he can deal with them with ease.

As expected, Li Yi did what Tan Xi thought. He still didn't change his face when he saw a person hanging on his body. Instead, he hugged the person in this position, walked to the bedside and sat down, and began to ask Tan Xi, "Bring me his case." .”

He did come to inspect once a week before, and left after solving some small problems in the hospital, but this time he happened to be doing a survey, and it took about half a month to do some observations and data records in the hospital, that is to say, He stayed in the hospital for half a month, so if there is a special case, he is not unable to take over, or give some assistance to the patient's attending doctor.

When Tan Xi heard what the dean said, his expression brightened, and he handed over the case records belonging to Yu Hao without hesitation.

This case was sorted out by him working overtime last night. After the director agreed that he would take over Yu Hao from Zheng Yue's subordinates, he sorted out Yu Hao's detailed medical condition as quickly as possible. This is the most basic job Morality, since he asked to take over Yu Hao, he must be responsible for the patients.

Zheng Yue's complexion changed when he saw this, and he was about to stand up and speak out. He was very dissatisfied with Tan Xi's taking away the patient he was responsible for, so he naturally wanted to sue him in front of the dean, but the director stopped him in time. The look made Zheng Yue hold back his impulse temporarily.

It's rare that the four patients don't make trouble. Of course, the director doesn't want Zheng Yue to make trouble without winking at this time.

After Li Yi sat down, Hao Ritian sat on Li Yi's lap, looking as if he was lying in Li Yi's arms, with his chin resting on Li Yi's shoulder, looking very satisfied.

He would suddenly remain quiet, except that Li Yi's pressure on him made it difficult for him to struggle, it was because he was communicating with the system in his mind.

"In the system, in the same world, is it possible that there are hosts who do the same tasks as me?" Hao Ritian asked very seriously.

The system denied it without hesitation, "Impossible."

Being denied so quickly made Hao Ritian a little unhappy, but he didn't show it, and asked suspiciously, "Why are you so sure?"

"..." The system fell silent.

"Huh?" This time the tone was obviously dangerous.

The system that already knows the host's nature is already a bit conditioned to fear, fearing that the host will cause trouble if they disagree with each other. After all, it was almost psychologically shadowed by the host in the last world.

After thinking about it, I knew it was not the host's opponent's system, so I confessed it. Anyway, it wouldn't have any impact, and the host's mission was also very good, so it's not too much to give some benefits.

"It's like this. The mission of the host is to change the fate of the wearer, but the situation in the mission world is quite special. In fact, these small worlds that the host has experienced are all real, and these mission worlds are projected according to the real world. , what the host does during the task will also be reflected in the real world, after the host completes the task and leaves the task world for a period of time, those projected worlds will disappear, but the real world will develop according to the changed fate of the host.”

Hao Ritian didn't realize it for a while. After all, he knew this concept for the first time. He needed to take it easy, but he realized it after a while. He asked back, "That is to say, after I left the last world, the projected world reached a certain level. Time will automatically collapse, and Mu Ziwen, who I have traveled through, will continue to live in the real world according to my changed fate, and will continue to be with Feng Qi?"

After all, the last world just ended not long ago, so it is a perfect example to use as an example.

Unexpectedly, the system denied it again, "Not necessarily."

"Huh?" Why are there so many things going on

The system was silent for a moment and said, "Mu Ziwen will continue to live according to the changed fate of the host, but not necessarily with Feng Qi, only the changed fate will not change, but the relationship is not necessarily, Mu Ziwen will not Whether they will continue to be together with Feng Qi depends on their mutual wishes, the host just provided Mu Ziwen with an opportunity to choose, after all, if the host hadn't traveled through the past, Mu Ziwen and Feng Qi would not have any intersection."

"The same is true for the first mission world?" Hao Ritian couldn't tell what he felt in his heart for a while, but since he asked this, he still wanted to take more initiative.

"Yes, every world is the same."

Here it is Hao Ritian's turn to be silent, but he has a strong heart, so he didn't stay silent for too long, "In that case, why don't you just travel directly to the real world, and create a projected world instead, wouldn't it be superfluous?"

"Every world has its own management rules. If you really travel to the real world, it will violate human rights, and it will not be allowed. This is why the projection world appears."

Creating these projected worlds also takes effort, so the success of the mission is very important. After all, if it fails, it has to be done again, so the host with a high success rate of the mission is very precious.

Hao Ritian finally understands, in this way, doing missions is indeed the same as playing games, after all, everyone in the mission world is just a projection of the real world, even if they are the same as the real world, they still have feelings, but they will still collapse when the time comes, but it cannot be changed fact.

After learning about this, Hao Ritian changed the subject, "Does this have anything to do with the question I asked at the beginning?"

"Of course, there is a rule above that each world can only have one host, and the same world may have different mission objectives, but in this case, the projection world will be added according to the number of mission objectives, so the same as the host of the mission It is impossible to meet together."

This is also to avoid tasks from interfering with each other, and to improve the success rate of tasks.

Hao Ritian was silent for a long time this time.

So, whether it is Wei Zichen in the first world or Feng Qi in the second world, they are all real people, and who they will be with in the future depends on their personal wishes, but this Everything has nothing to do with him

But Hao Ritian still believed in his intuition.

He would raise this question suddenly because he discovered that Feng Qi in the previous world was similar to Wei Zichen in some aspects, and Li Yi who had just met in this world was also the same, and he deliberately jumped on Li Yi to make a fuss because He noticed Li Yi's small movement.

Not long after Li Yi came into the ward just now, he rubbed his fingers subconsciously. When he rubbed his fingers, his movements were a little special. Most people rub their fingertips, but he rubbed the back of his fingers. Hao Ritian had seen it in the previous two worlds. This little trick.

He doesn't quite believe that there are people in every world who even have the same small movements, especially in the last world, several of Feng Qi's small movements are the same as Wei Zichen's, it's too coincidental to be so similar.

Since even the bizarre thing that he can travel to different worlds to do tasks has happened, why can't he think more

Although he is a bit cold-blooded and cold-hearted, and the person he loves the most will always be himself, but his heart is not made of stone, no matter whether it is Wei Zichen or Feng Qi, they are all really good to him, and he treats them It's not that there is no feeling at all, it is always very comfortable when we are together, it's just because he knew early on that these are mission worlds, and it is impossible for him to stay, so he ignored the little excitement.

But in the third world, he met another person similar to them, and he couldn't ignore the heartbeat that became a little more intense at that moment. Hao Ritian suddenly had some impulses, and that's why he wanted to get it in the system. Affirmative answer.

It's a pity that now that little fantasy has been stamped out by the system.

But his intuition told him that what he thought might be right, and finally he asked the system again, "No exceptions?"

The system's answer seemed particularly ruthless, "No."

In fact, there is, but the probability is too small, and in order to prevent the host's mission from going wrong, the system hesitated for a while and still didn't say it. After all, these are elementary worlds, and the possibility it thought was too small, it's the same as nothing.

Hao Ritian sighed regretfully, but after all, he is not a entangled character, whether he has it or not, the task is still to be done, and he is a typical person who lives in the present, but after all he feels a little bit towards Li Yi Something is different.

Not only because of the sense of familiarity that Li Yi gave him, but also because Li Yi was the type he would like, with his body, appearance and temperament, everything suited his liking.

As soon as I thought of this, I heard Li Yi's voice, "The treatment will continue according to your method. If you encounter any problems, you can come to me. I will stay in the hospital for half a month."

While speaking, he handed the case back to Tan Xi.

Listening closely, this man's voice is even more alluring, Hao Ritian sighed in his heart.