I Have a Sickness

Chapter 63: I have cleanliness


There was a loud bang, and a large bucket of cold water fell from the top of the bathroom, and the water was flushed to the ground. Then there was a burst of arrogant laughter and mixed with schadenfreude curses. After a long time, many people who felt that they had had enough Only then swaggered away.

Hearing the sound of footsteps walking away outside, Hao Ritian looked down at himself in a mess, like a drowned chicken, with no expression on his face.

The system, "... host, your last world evaluation result was A+, and the reward I received is a good impression halo, as long as you use this good impression light, the people covered by the halo will have full affection for you, what? They are all towards you, but there is a limitation on good sensitivity and bad, that is, it can only be used by one person, but it is also very good, don’t you think?”

After not hearing an answer for a long time, the system noticed that the host's body was trembling slightly, thinking that he was so angry that he couldn't control his temper because of the unreasonable disaster, so he hurriedly tried to comfort him.

In the end, he just asked weakly, "Host, are you okay..."

"Shut up." Hao Ritian's tone was unprecedentedly irritable, and the expression on his face was mixed with patience and distortion. The desire to vomit tormented him again and again, making it difficult for him to calm down.

"Pass the mission plot to me, hurry up."

Although being teased would make him angry, it would definitely not be the current reaction. The situation was wrong, and it was impossible for him to be unable to control his emotions. This definitely had something to do with the original owner.

The system was taken aback, and immediately passed on the mission plot.

Everything about the original owner flashed in Hao Ritian's mind, and the veins on the back of Ren's hands were bulging.

The original owner of this world was named Ruan Ze, and he was a truly unlucky child.

Ruan Lingdang was a famous courtesan before she gave birth to Ruan Ze. She wandered around in various occasions and was the top card of "brilliance".

But often walking by the river, there is no one without wet shoes. Ruan Lingdang was fascinated by Tao Guanglun, the romantic son. Not only did he hand over his innocent body to the other party, but he was also pregnant. , As a result, Tao Guanglun's first reaction when he learned that she was pregnant was not the surprise she imagined, but to let her have an abortion.

Ruan Lingdang naturally refused, knowing that she was being played with, but she was not reconciled. She avoided Tao Guanglun and secretly gave birth to a child, and brought the child to Tao's house.

Naturally, there is no need to mention the consequences. Tao Guanglun was originally from a famous family, and being with Ruan Lingdang was just a man's bad nature. It is the Arabian Nights.

As for the children, there are already two legitimate children in the family, and they don't even look down on an illegitimate child, and he is an illegitimate child from a very poor background.

In the final analysis, this pair of parents, one is flamboyant, the other is greedy and vain, neither of them is a good guy, but Ruan Ze is pitiful and failed to conceive a good baby.

She didn't get any benefits from Tao's family, and there was an extra Tuoyou bottle, and because of the birth of Tuoyou bottle, her market was not as good as it was before, and it was impossible to start all over again, which made Ruan Lingdang feel sorry for the child. Not only did she not have any feelings, but she hated and loathed him even though this child was her own son.

Ruan Lingdang even committed the act of abandoning a child, but was discovered by kind people and reported to the police. This kind of behavior of abandoning a baby is strictly prohibited. Ruan Lingdang was taken to the police station to give a strict education. She was not detained because she needed to raise her, but in view of her black history of abandoning children, the police paid more attention to her. If she abandoned her children again, she would definitely not be so easy to talk about.

Ruan Lingdang was bullying by nature, and after being taken to the police station for education, she didn't dare to throw away the child again, but it wasn't much better for the child.

She has no money, no job, and is used to soft food and has no skills. She can only pick up her old job, but her value is no longer as valuable as it was at first. As long as she is given money, she will even do anything.

After earning the money, she rented a one-bedroom house, and basically threw the child away, as long as the time came, it was enough to feed him a bite, and don't expect her to show any kindness.

Ruan Ze is really lucky to be able to grow up under such circumstances.

But this small rental room has gradually become a place for Ruan Lingdang to pick up guests. Whenever there is business, she will bring guests to the door. The little Ruan Ze has witnessed all kinds of men coming and going in and out of his house since he was a child. If he called it home, some guests with eccentricities would even insult him verbally, and occasionally wanted to touch him, but he cleverly avoided them.

The rental house has only one bedroom, so it naturally belongs to Ruan Lingdang. Ruan Ze has never lived in a house since he was sensible, and he just makes do in the living room. She almost never shy away from the existence of Ruan Ze, and she would even be more excited to have Ruan Ze around.

Ruan Ze is doing all the housework, but Ruan Lingdang still beats and scolds him frequently, and Ruan Ze even cleans up the bed sheets for such things. As long as Ruan Lingdang doesn't like anything, she will lose her temper. It can be said that it has been distorted day by day, and Ruan Ze is her punching bag.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Ruan Ze has not grown crooked in such an environment. The kind-hearted nearby residents will help him secretly, and take him home to give him a full meal when he is hungry. Values are almost all derived from people who have good intentions for him.

But that's all.

If things go on like this, Ruan Ze not only becomes extremely cold and hard in his heart, but also has a serious cleanliness addiction. His cleanliness addiction is not only unbearable to see dirty things, but even has very serious physiological reactions, such as vomiting, convulsions, trembling, etc. Yes, it has brought great inconvenience to his life.

When he is old, he wants to go to school, but one can imagine the difficulty of asking for money from Ruan Lingdang. When Ruan Lingdang is in a good mood, he will give him money like a charity. It is not like raising a son but like raising a pet, so Ruan Ze would carefully save the money that Ruan Lingdang asked for for future use.

When he is older, he will find something he can do to make money by himself. He even endures the cleanliness of picking up waste, although every time he does it, his cleanliness will increase by one point.

In this way, he persisted until he graduated from high school, and Ruan Lingdang also contracted a willow disease that year, and died of illness not long after he persisted.

For Ruan Lingdang's death, Ruan Ze didn't feel sad at all, he just felt relieved.

With his grades, it is not difficult to go to university, but it is not easy to go to a good university. After Ruan Lingdang was cremated, Ruan Ze gave up his plan to go to university. He enrolled in an art class and studied in the studio. Painting, intending to formally apply for the Academy of Fine Arts after accumulating experience.

When he was still in school, he was full of yearning for painting, whether it was characters or landscapes, he liked the feeling of creating a "small world" by himself, and only paint would not make him feel sick, but Think that smell can give him a brief moment of peace.

But his obsession with cleanliness did not get better because of Ruan Lingdang's death. Instead, it became more and more serious. Hao Ritian looked at his trembling hands, how could he not understand that this was a physiological reaction brought about by Ruan Ze's obsession with cleanliness.

He has already discovered that the more times he travels, the more compatible he is with the original owner, and the original owner's problems will also affect him, and these effects can be large or small, and can only be slowly slowed down over time .

And right now, after Ruan Ze's art class ended, he went to the toilet, but was played a prank by his fellow art class classmates.

In the eyes of these students, Ruan Ze is an outlier, not to mention withdrawn, and he is arrogant. He always looks at them as if he is looking at garbage, which has made them unhappy for a long time. This time he has the opportunity to give him something. Color look.

Hao Ritian stretched out his hand to open the bathroom door, but he struggled several times before he could put his trembling hand on the handle accurately and push the door open.

There is a big mirror at the sink outside the bathroom. Hao Ritian stands in front of the mirror and looks at the person in the mirror. His hair is neatly trimmed and his facial features look very handsome, but there is no superfluous expression on his face. His forehead is bruised. With a slight jump, the water droplets slid down along the hair and the side of the face bit by bit, and the whole person was extremely embarrassed.

The water that was used by the students to play a prank just now was the water that dragged the floor, it was dirty and smelly, Hao Ritian took a few glances and finally couldn't bear it anymore. He directly turned on the faucet, turned it on to the maximum, and then put his whole head under the faucet to rinse it. , and no matter what kind of burden this early autumn weather will bring to the body.

After washing his head and face, he straightened up and wiped his face, then took off his shirt and put it under the faucet and rubbed it with his hands several times until the disgusting smell disappeared. put on.

Not to mention, he didn't even let go of his pants.

And when he was taking off his pants, someone came into the bathroom again. Seeing his appearance, he was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of gloating appeared in his eyes. Appreciate the carefree gesture.

It can be said that none of the students in this art class have friendly feelings towards Ruan Ze.

Hao Ritian doesn't care about others at all, there is a reason why he can't bear to do this, but it is more due to the influence of Ruan Ze's serious cleanliness. And the urge to throw up is hard to control.

I also rubbed the pants under the faucet several times, and put them on again when I felt that they were about the same.

With wet hair, wet shirt and trousers, the whole person looked like he had just been fished out of the water, but the trembling hands were finally under control by this time.

Ah Choo!

His nose itched, but he still couldn't help sneezing.

With a blank face, Hao Ritian went out, planning to go back to the rental house to change his clothes and then take some cold medicine to prevent it. Let's wait for him to adjust the rest.

When Hao Ritian passed by the only person who had witnessed his embarrassing posture just now, that person finally spoke.

"I said, Young Master Ruan, what's wrong with you?" The man raised his eyebrows, and the man had a playful expression.

Hao Ritian didn't even give him a corner of his eyes, and walked past him without saying a word despite his wet body, leaving him only a back soon.

This kind of npc really doesn't even have the energy to talk nonsense with him.

Young Master Ruan is just a nickname given to Ruan Ze by these troublemakers. They know that his family is not well-off, but they still use the title of Young Master to mock him, which means that he has the temperament of a Young Master but not the life of a Young Master.

It's like no one knows that Ruan Ze doesn't look at them with the eyes of looking at garbage, but because they are too sloppy, and if they look at them for a long time, they will fall into cleanliness. This has caused him to say that he never looks at people squarely. , but he never explained it, which led to more and more people hating him, being rejected and ridiculed.

This can be said to be a child who has received far more malice than kindness since birth. Even his biological mother treated him like that. What else can he expect? !

Seeing Hao Ritian walk away, the man let out a piss, "Why are you so proud?"

At noon, he heard several people discussing to teach Ruan Ze a lesson. He didn't expect that he didn't see the scene but saw Ruan Ze's embarrassment. It was worth it.

After scolding, I realized that I came to the toilet, and I was in a hurry to urinate, so I cursed to solve my physiological needs while unbuttoning my pants.

And Hao Ritian walked on the road with such a wet appearance that people couldn't help but look back, or be curious or sympathetic, but no one asked more questions, it's none of your business!

Hao Ritian doesn't expect others to take care of him. Ruan Ze's rented house is not far from the art class. It's not cost-effective to take a taxi. It takes about 20 minutes to walk. Ruan Ze himself walks to and from class every day, but Hao Ritian wants to take a taxi. But there is nothing in the pocket, and there is no knitting cart for a dime

The only mobile phone was soaked, but fortunately it still works after trying, otherwise it will cost money.

Ruan Ze has saved all his money to buy things like paints and brushes, and the rest of the money can be spent without spending money, and he usually doesn't have money in his pocket at all.

Hao Ritian, "Mom sells batches, I really feel unhappy if I don't use some foul language."

System, "It will be here soon, look, walking can also exercise your body, right?"

Noticing that the host's face was getting darker and darker, the system scratched his head and scratched his head to think of a way for him, "Otherwise, if you just release the aura of goodwill to anyone, the other party will definitely send you back happily."

Hao Ri was happy, "Is the only good thing used for such trivial things?"

"That's right!" The system's tone was a bit embarrassing.

"Come on, I can bear it to this extent, but those little bastards have to be taught a lesson." Hao Ritian gets angry when he thinks of those classmates who played a prank on Ruan Ze. Ruan Ze eats their rice or spends their money because of his own speculation Just partnered to bully Ruan Ze, but they didn't know how much harm they thought that a small bullying would cause Ruan Ze.

Sure enough, ignorance is the most terrifying!

After arguing with the system and venting his depression, Hao Ritian finally returned to the rental house.

The house Ruan Ze rented was a small apartment, one bedroom and one living room, only about 50 square meters, but it was clean and tidy, and it felt like the place was shining, because he couldn't stand the messy environment because of his serious cleanliness. Even if you don’t have a lot of savings, you can’t save a penny of what you should spend on renting a house.

If Ruan Lingdang's death brought Ruan Ze relief, it was her savings, because during the period when she had no money, she was afraid of being poor. After returning to her old job, she got into the habit of saving money, and when she died, she still had money left. The deposit of more than one hundred thousand yuan was not much, but it was a lot of money for Ruan Ze.

Only then can he afford to rent a small apartment, and he can still go to art classes. In order not to sit and eat, he usually finds some part-time jobs to do when he is free. No matter how big the impact of cleanliness on life is, there must be compromises in reality. So Ruan Ze's life was hard and hard work, Hao Ritian felt that this child was really hard-pressed, maybe he had never experienced what it was like to live like a normal person.

When he got home, Hao Ritian quickly took off his clothes, shivered uncontrollably, threw the clothes on the ground for the time being, put in hot water and took a shower, feeling sleepy, and immediately lay down on the bed to sleep , I plan to raise my energy and fight again.

But when he woke up, the whole room was dark, and only a little moonlight could be seen through the window. Hao Ritian felt dizzy all over. He fumbled to get up and turned on the light, and touched his forehead. I can feel it, it's a fever.

Feeling that his throat was dry and hoarse, he tried to say a few words, but his voice was hoarse, and his temples were throbbing and hurting. It's so hot that even a dog is not enough to describe his mood at this time.

Following his memory, he searched for the medicine cabinet, found antipyretics, took some as required, and drank more hot water. He was so weak that he was too lazy to move, so he lay back on the bed to recover his corpse.

He wanted to continue to sleep, but he couldn't sleep again for a while. The antipyretics hadn't taken effect yet, and his body was hot and cold. He wanted to pull out the pranksters today and beat them up hard.

But at this time, no matter what Ah Q could do, he had to suffer as much as he should.

Hao Ritian couldn't help thinking about his own old Gong, and he didn't know where he was now, and wondered if it was because people were vulnerable when they were sick, anyway, he was really blind and vulnerable.

Thinking about his unknown old Gong, and thinking about how to clean up those dog things that caused him a fever when he recovered, Hao Ritian finally fell asleep in a daze in the middle of the night.

The next day he was woken up by the phone ringing, he frowned irritably, stretched out one hand and groped for the phone, "Hello?"

After a night of rest, his voice became hoarse.

"Student Ruan, why didn't you come to class today?" The teacher of the art class came out to make a phone call while the students were copying. Hearing his hoarse voice, he couldn't help asking worriedly, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Hao Ritian quickly figured out who this person was.

This female teacher can be regarded as the best teacher for Ruan Ze in the art class. In her eyes, Ruan Ze is polite, loves to be clean, studies and works hard. With a high degree of concentration and enthusiasm, given time, she believes that Ruan Ze will surely succeed.

So she paid close attention to Ruan Ze, and would give him some advice on painting from time to time. Today, she found out that Ruan Ze, who goes to class on time every day, didn't come. She was worried, so she called.

Now that she found out that Ruan Ze's absence from class might be due to illness, she couldn't help but sound a little more anxious.

Hao Ritian sat up and leaned against the head of the bed, coughed twice, "Teacher, I'll take a day off and go to class tomorrow."

Although he didn't give a positive answer, how could the clever teacher fail to tell that he was really sick, otherwise, with Ruan Ze's love for painting, it would be impossible for him to miss class.

"Okay, it's okay to take a day off. If you are not in good health, go to the hospital to take a good look. Don't worry, take care of your health and come back. The teacher will replenish you with the knowledge you lack. You must take good care of yourself!" The female teacher said nicely. language comfort.

"Understood, thank you teacher."

When the two of them were talking on the phone, several boys in the classroom were winking and exchanging eyes. The sense of gloating should not be too strong. The boy who bumped into Hao Ritian washing his pants in the bathroom yesterday couldn't help but saw their eye contact. He wrote a note and threw it over. The boy who picked up the note burst out laughing when he saw what was written on it, and passed the note to others to read.

When passed to a third person—

"The teacher is coming in, put it away quickly." Someone reminded urgently.

It's a pity that the person who was watching was fascinated, and when he realized it, the teacher was already standing beside him.

"What are you looking at, take it out!" This teacher is actually notoriously strict, and many students in the class are quite afraid of her.

Seeing her raised eyebrows, the boy who was still holding the note in his hand became a little nervous, and reminded his accomplice not to hand over the note. All the students who study here don't think much of it. Offending this teacher is because she has a relationship with a famous academy of fine arts and is qualified to recommend students to be admitted to the hospital. Everyone wants this qualification, but if she offends the teacher, it will be useless.

They also know that the teacher attaches great importance to Ruan Ze. If the teacher knows that they made fun of Ruan Ze yesterday and caused him to not come to class today, they might be angry and sympathetic and directly recommend Ruan Ze. No one wants to see Such a result.

In desperation, the boy directly stuffed the note in his hand into his mouth, and swallowed it in two or three bites, "Teacher, I really didn't read anything."

teacher,"… "

If she is blind, she is in such a hurry without seeing anything, and she does such a mindless thing, is the note edible? !

But she ate everything, she couldn't make people spit it out again.

Her eyes swept around the classroom, and everyone who touched her eyes avoided guiltily, pretending to be serious about drawing, she sighed helplessly, and then said sternly, "Don't be an example."

These boys are usually more mischievous, so she just thought they were playing around during class time, and didn't think about other things.

The boy who was being trained immediately said, "Understood the teacher."

When the teacher turned and walked away, he was greatly relieved, and then he returned a look to his companions: Fortunately, life is not disgraceful.

Two of them gave him a thumbs up without the teacher noticing, praising him for a good job, but a few girls in the classroom who noticed their interaction felt that they were really stupid and hopeless.

Hao Ritian, who was quarreled by the teacher's phone call, got up from the bed after finishing the call. After waking up, there was no taste in his mouth. After washing up, he wanted to eat something to fill his stomach, but found that there was nothing to eat at home.

Ruan Ze basically cooks by himself. Hao Ritian knew that he would not be able to master cooking skills, so he didn't try to cook by himself anymore. He took his wallet and mobile phone, dragged his limp body, and prepared to go out to eat something casually. Go to the hospital for a fever-reducing shot.

Because he still felt a little uncomfortable, his forehead was hot to the touch, and he didn't like this weak state very much.

It is said to eat casually, but there is also a serious cleanliness to consider, the store should at least be clean.

Hao Ritian saw a snack bar that specializes in selling breakfast, such as Xiaolongbao, Liangpi, and Xiaochao. Let alone the taste, at least the store is very new, it seems that it has not been opened for a long time, and there are not many customers in it at this time. How much.

Very good, this is it.

"Boss, let me have a steamed steamed bun and a bowl of Chaos." After finding a place to sit down, Hao Ritian ordered these two, but his appetite was not good. This is to fill his stomach, because his stomach has been swollen since he went downstairs. is calling.

"That's good." The boss has a loud voice, and just one sound can scare people away from drowsiness.

The speed of this kind of snack is very fast. The steamed buns have been placed on the stove all the time, and a basket is brought over directly, and a small dish of dipping sauce is mixed, and the chaos is served in a few minutes, "Let's work together , guests, please use it slowly."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and went to work again.

Hao Ritian took a small steamed bun dipped in some spicy peppers and tasted it. The soup inside was rich and delicious, and it was delicious, but he couldn't help but think of the old Gongjiao who rolled the sheets in the second world. The Xiaolongbao given to him obviously tasted the same, or he almost forgot the taste of the Xiaolongbao he had eaten so long ago, but at this moment he still felt that the Xiaolongbao he had eaten back then was more delicious.

— This is not a difference in taste, but just missing the person who wants to eat with him.

After eating a few steamed buns, he tasted the little chaotic soup again. The soup was very fresh, and the small shrimps inside were also very plump. The chopped coriander was sprinkled inside, which made the soup even more delicious.

Even if his appetite was not very good, such a little chaos made him unable to resist eating more. He drank a few sips of soup and felt his stomach warm, and his stuffed stomach finally stopped being noisy.

Planning to eat the rest and go to the hospital quickly, Hao Ritian speeded up. Unexpectedly, another customer came into the store at this time, and along with this customer came a strong body odor mixed with the smell of sweat...

The moment the stench poured into his nostrils, Hao Ritian's expression froze all of a sudden. The next moment he rushed out the door and vomited directly under a tree outside. He vomited again and again after not eating much It's almost done, but I can't help retching even though I have nothing to vomit, my stomach cramps a little.

Hao Ritian supported the tree with a painful expression, and wiped away the tears that were pouring out of his physiology. He felt that the world held great malice towards him. His punishment

His reaction was so big that even the owner of the small shop was taken aback by him, and kindly brought him a glass of water, "Brother, are you okay?"

Hao Ritian took the water and rinsed his mouth, "Thank you boss, I'm fine."

But the next fox smell followed like a shadow, because the guest came out and grabbed his collar and said viciously, "Boy, do you want to die?"

Being so blatantly disgusted by others, he obviously didn't intend to endure it, and exploded directly.

"This guest, you have something to say, don't do it!" The store owner quickly rescued Hao Ritian from the other party's hands.

Hao Ritian almost wanted to kneel. He had never been so cowardly before. He took out the money from his pocket and handed it to the boss. He said in a low voice, "Thank you boss, I'll go first."

He was weak and had no strength, and they all flew away at this moment. After paying the bill, he ran out straight away. He could still hear the scolding from behind and the boss's comforting voice. He directly raised a middle finger to the sky.

Although he clearly knows that body odor is a disease, and he can't blame others for having body odor, but knowing it is one thing, and patience is another. If it is normal, he can't bear it, but who made Ruan Zejie too obsessed? Seriously, body odor may be just bad smell to others, but to him the lethality must be doubled at least.

The severity of that guy's body odor is comparable to Ruan Ze's cleanliness, he doesn't have to do anything, as long as he stands next to him, he can retreat without a fight.

Hao Ritian, "System, can you block my sense of smell?"

"This, please forgive me for being powerless." The system also wants to help, but it can't do what it wants!

Hao Ritian, "..."

"Well, come on, this situation must be a special case, you can't be so unlucky all the time, don't worry." Seeing that the host was a little depressed, the system quickly cheered him up.

Hao Ritian waved his hands weakly, "Okay, okay, go to the hospital first, I'm really unlucky for eight lifetimes."

He had a fever, didn't have enough to eat, and ran away with body odor, there was nothing to say.

Compared to him, the kind shop owner just now was not much better.

After the body odor customer came into the store again, the other customers in the store didn't react as much as Hao Ritian, but they obviously couldn't bear it. Those who had almost finished eating paid the bill and left, and those who hadn't finished eating also took away After leaving, there will be only one customer left in the store soon.

Looking left and then, the guest was so angry that he almost breathed out of his nostrils.

"Boss, hurry up." He yelled directly.

"Okay, come on."

The owner of the small shop is also suffering. He can't drive the customers out when he opens the door for business, but it is true that this customer has almost driven away all the other customers in his shop. He can only hope that the customer will leave early after eating. Oh, the smell is really too bad, and it's a bit of a blow to his catering business.

Several times, the boss cried in his heart when he saw the guests who came to the door but left because of the body odor.

Hao Ritian obviously didn't know that the boss was as hard-working as him, and he thought of a person just because of the person with body odor, a loser who had dealt a great blow and injury to Ruan Ze.

That man's name is Huang Yan, who lives in the same community as Ruan Ze, who is six or seven years older than Ruan Ze, and looks about twenty-five or six years old.

The reason was just that when he passed by, Ruan Ze not only looked away quickly after taking a look at him, but also immediately covered his mouth and nose. That attitude of disgust hurt Huang Yan's self-esteem and made Huang Yan carry out the action. A plan for retaliation.

He secretly found out that Ruan Ze had a mother who was a prostitute, and then distributed the news to the teachers and classmates around Ruan Ze. Ze can become blatant and righteous.

—What could be the son of a whore

—Looking at his usual look of contempt, he thought he was the young master of some family, but he is worse than us!

—I don’t know what he’s so arrogant about, maybe he’s been played with like his mother before, so why pretend!

— That’s right, if nothing else, his looks might be quite popular.

Since then, Ruan Ze's ears have been filled with remarks like this all the time. He seemed to hear someone laughing at him in his dream at midnight, which made him more and more withdrawn, and his cleanliness became more and more serious. Being able to rub off a layer of skin on myself is like trying to prove that I am still clean.

After Ruan Lingdang died of illness, Ruan Ze would leave his original residence and rent a new house. In addition to his own needs, he was also inseparable from the depression brought by the old environment. Although there will be good-hearted people around, there are more people who look at him with colored glasses. Neither sympathy nor suspicion nor malicious speculation, he wanted neither.

Leaving the old environment and changing places, he seemed to have personally given himself a new life.

Ruan Ze didn't want much, he just wanted to be simple, undisturbed, and live according to his own expectations, but because of a small act, someone maliciously uncovered the past, making him live under the guidance of others again Down.

And Huang Yan thinks that Ruan Ze looks down on him, but it's just that he hasn't washed his hair for several days, and it makes people uncomfortable to look at his oily hair. Even people who are not clean freaks will frown when they see it, not to mention that Ruan Ze is already seriously ill. He has a cleanliness obsession, and he covered his mouth and nose at that time because he was worried about embarrassing others by accidentally reacting with nausea. Unexpectedly, his kindness was not understood at all, and instead he was maliciously retaliated against.

This is nothing short of a dramatic development.

Hao Ritian was almost stunned. He felt that Ruan Ze was unlucky enough to be maxed out. No one could compare to him. It seemed that life was always embarrassing him, but because of Huang Yan's actions, he had a deeper understanding of human nature.

Because he knew the plot, he knew what happened to Huangyan.

Although Huang Yan was only twenty-five or six years old, he had already married a daughter-in-law at home under Zhang Luo. It's almost the same situation. He always hears his parents say what's good about other people's children, and that he can't support the wall with mud, etc. With his sensitive mind, he is getting more and more gloomy every day.

And after getting married, I have to face my daughter-in-law's dislike every day. The daughter-in-law's dislike is much stronger than his parents, especially his daughter-in-law is still aggressive. , he was so gloomy that he was a little psychopathic, but he didn't have many friends, and he was always like that in the eyes of acquaintances, and no one even noticed.

When I passed by Ruan Ze that day, I was slapped by my wife at home. Not only did he slander him for being poor and unmotivated, he was incapable of making her live a good life, and he also disliked him for being a big man who didn't even pay attention to his personal hygiene. , Dirty all day long, as disgusting as coming out of a pigsty.

In a fit of anger, Huang Yan slammed the door and left, and then ran into Ruan Ze unexpectedly in the community. Ruan Ze's small action poked his sensitive nerves, making him who had been scolded by his wife just a moment ago suddenly lose his mind. It's dark.

A young man dares to look down on him, so he must show him some color.

But the character he has developed over the years is doomed that he will not be able to confront others head-on, nor dare to confront others, which makes him, like a mouse in the gutter, do the kind of low-level things that pick people's wounds.

To a certain extent, he is actually worthy of sympathy. He is rejected by his family and his wife, but this has something to do with his own personality. Who told him not to resist

— No matter how sympathetic he is, it's not an excuse for him to take revenge on Ruan Ze with peace of mind.

And now, that Huang Yan hasn't met Ruan Ze yet.

Hao Ritian would feel nauseous whenever he thought of encountering such a thing, but no matter how disgusting he was, the thing that made Ruan Ze's life plunged into darkness had to appear, so how would he deal with him if he didn't appear? !

It was really Huang Yan's actions that were too despicable, and not long after that, someone from Ruan Ze's biological father came to Ruan Ze with a gesture of redemption, and wanted to bring him back to Tao's house .

For Ruan Ze at that time, the actions of the Tao family were like seeing a ray of light in the darkness, but he didn't know that was the beginning of his darkness.

But now, neither Huangyan nor Tao's family have appeared yet. Seeing the hospital plaque appearing in sight, Hao Ritian put aside these bad things for the time being, and healed the disease first. Take your time one by one.

When he arrived at the hospital, he registered. When it was his turn, the doctor examined him and advised him to take a drip, but he refused. He chose to take an injection and then prescribed some medicine, which was enough.

For such uncooperative patients, the doctor gave in after a few words of reassurance were ineffective. Anyway, the injections are not useless, and if they are taken together with medicine, they will always get better.

After finishing the injection and walking out of the hospital with a small bag of medicine, Hao Ritian still felt a dull pain in his buttocks.

Walking to the sidewalk, before walking a few steps, I suddenly saw a car running like crazy, causing countless screams from pedestrians, and suddenly rushed into the guardrail, and a puff of smoke came out from the front of the car. But finally stopped.

Hao Ritian, "..."

He has reason to believe that Ruan Ze has offended some great god, otherwise, how can he encounter any kind of bad luck

He wasn't interested in why the car went crazy, he looked away, and moved away slowly step by step.