I Have a Sickness

Chapter 7: I have rabies


Before Hao Ritian followed Wei Zichen into the box, he specially asked a waiter in the corridor to go to his place in the lobby, so that the waiter who served him before could do his own work, and the opened bottle of red wine was also given to the messenger .

After finishing the order, he followed Wei Zichen into the box.

After the door of the box was pushed open, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves immediately entered the box, Hao Ritian gave a headache and clicked his tongue. After a rough scan, he saw a man holding a microphone and howling. There were many people sitting on the sofa on both sides. There are about seven or eight "successful people" in suits and leather shoes. Most of them are mature men in their thirties. They look very expensive and have companions around them.

There are also a few older ones who look about 40 or 50 years old. They are also very good-looking, and they look like Confucian businessmen. Eating with wine and fruit, and occasionally being fed a few mouthfuls by the people around him, most of the time they are pushing and changing glasses.

Hao Ritian locked his eyes on Yan Yongan at a glance. Although Yan Yongan was a complete scumbag in his eyes, this person had a good appearance. Will be spotted by the swallow mother.

At this time, there was also a young woman sitting next to him. The woman looked gentle and careless. She was the same type as Yuan Wenyu, but she was much younger and fresher than Yuan Wenyu. Hao Ritian snorted, it seemed that Yan Yongan really liked this, even Playing is also looking for this type.

Wei Zichen pushed the door and entered, everyone in the box looked over naturally, the man who sang the mic also stopped, and just about to speak, he saw Hao Ritian who came out from behind Wei Zichen, a little surprised and teased, "Hey, Mr. Wei, where did you bring this little beauty?"

When he was speaking, he didn't move the microphone in his hand, and the voice was loud enough for everyone in the box to hear clearly.

Now all eyes are on Hao Ritian.

This is the first time that Master Wei brought people by his side. Most of the people in the box are from the top circle of the imperial capital. A little bit is enough to make people look sideways.

Among them, Yan Yongan's eyeballs almost popped out, his hand was unsteady, and a little of the red wine was spilled, but fortunately, no one noticed him at this time.

But he was staring at the young man next to Master Wei. It was his son who made a fuss at home yesterday and ran out. He paid a high price for being here today, even though most of the people here are older than him. He is much younger, but he has to pretend to be a grandson in front of these people. Even so, he is also happy that he can come here. This is a great opportunity to expand his network. Can you do business

So he has been a little trembling tonight, for fear that he will make a mistake and make people angry, but he is willing to do so.

But he never dreamed that he could see his eldest son in this place, and the eldest son was still with Wei Erye, Wei Erye, he is one of the best figures in the entire empire, and he is absolutely heavenly in this box The proud son of his, how on earth did he, a useless scoundrel, get involved with the other party

At this time, Wei Zichen had already taken Hao Ritian to his seat, and Hao Ritian didn't mean to reject him at all when he was called a little beauty. Even though that name was a bit frivolous, he thought it was the other party's compliment, and Master Hao just listened. What you want to hear, understand what you want to understand.

What he is going to play now is a young man who has not seen the world, is a bit reserved, and is a bit obedient. He likes this challenge very much.

As for Yan Yong'an, he ignored it like shit, and it made his feet dirty when he stepped on it.

It's a pity that he ignores others. They may not ignore him. Yan Yongan saw that Second Master Wei treated Yan Qi well, and thought to himself that this is a great opportunity. If he catches him, the Yan family can definitely go to a higher level.

After stabilizing his thoughts, he gave Hao Ritian a loving but helpless look, "Qiqi, why don't you say hello to Dad, are you still angry with Dad?"

As soon as these words came out, the people in the box were in an uproar.

The man who sang mic just now had put down the microphone and sat opposite Wei Zichen. Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Yan Yongan, "Is this little beauty the son of President Yan?"

Like Wei Zichen, they are the same general, but the weight is very different. You can tell the difference between Wei Zichen and Yan Yongan by listening to the man's casual tone.

This is the first time Yan Yongan has spoken to Mr. Xiao since entering this box. This club belongs to Mr. Xiao. The Xiao family is also one of the super families in the imperial capital, and the super families in the imperial There are only five companies, so one can imagine that the weight is heavy.

Hearing Mr. Xiao talking to him, Yan Yong'an tried his best to restrain himself from being too eager. He knew that these young masters from aristocratic families didn't think much of those who took the initiative to join in, and thought it was a drop in price. Scum, but he still has his own way in business and interpersonal communication.

He put down the wine glass in his hand to show respect, and looked helplessly at Hao Ritian who lowered his head and didn't look at him, and sighed, "Isn't that right, I ran away with me just yesterday, and I didn't go home last night. But it made me anxious, I didn't expect to be with Mr. Wei, so I feel relieved."

Hao Ritian was obviously not disgusted by this thing, he lowered his head because he was afraid that he couldn't help but go back, Yan Yong'an's attitude towards Yan Qi was very clear to him, he was still yelling and cursing yesterday, if he didn't act so fast, he would almost He was also slapped and called him by his first and last name, and his goosebumps almost popped out of his skin when he was called out. Now he can pretend to be a loving father who is helpless to his naughty son. How thick is his skin? who.

If it wasn't for fear of ruining his follow-up plan, he would be able to splash Yan Yongan's face with the red wine on the table now.

Before Mr. Xiao could answer, Wei Zichen put one hand on Hao Ritian's shoulder and sneered at Mr. Xiao, "Don't talk nonsense, Yan Qi helped Wei Lin yesterday. Wei Lin likes him very much. I am very grateful to him."

As soon as the word "grateful" was uttered, everyone fell silent for a moment, so that Second Master Wei could express his gratitude, whether it was true or not, he had to be polite.

Hao Ritian secretly rolled his eyes, he was very grateful to him, he was so grateful that he served him all night last night.

Yan Yong'an gasped, he was so excited that he couldn't sit still, Second Master Wei meant that he liked Yan Qi, then as long as he has a good relationship with Second Master Wei in the future, he still needs to curry favor someone else

He looked at Yan Qi with burning eyes in an instant, this son finally did a good deed, and it was not in vain for him to raise him so well.

With Wei Zichen's opening, the next scene became a bit lively. Mr. Xiao was very enthusiastic and wanted to have a drink with Hao Ritian, but Wei Zichen stopped him.

Reason: You can't drink with strangers, take the fruit plate and put it in front of him to let him eat fruit.

Mr. Xiao, a stranger, "..."

Xiao Yu looked in amazement. Originally, with his status, he didn't pay much attention to someone like Hao Ritian, but he gave Wei Zichen a lot of face. Since Wei Zichen said he was grateful, then he took it as I'm really grateful.

Hao Ritian seemed to be a pure boy, sitting next to Wei Zichen, drinking some fruit juice and eating some fruit, when someone talked to him, he would smile shyly, looking very obedient.

Wei Zichen occasionally looked at him with a meaningful expression, but he didn't expose him.

And Yan Yongan, who had been used as the background board before, borrowed Yan Qi's blessing, and occasionally someone clinked glasses with him and chatted with him. Yan Yongan was flattered and proud at the same time, but he was very humble on the surface, and the whole box was happy and harmonious atmosphere of.

Until the box door was knocked.

The people who were disturbed were a little displeased, but Xiao Yu's expression brightened, he took the initiative to open the door, and brought in the knocker. It was Tang Qi who sang on the lobby stage before.

Before he knew it, Tang Qi's one-hour singing time was over.

Tang Qi's reputation in the entertainment industry is indeed very good. Except for Hao Ritian, an outsider, half of the people in the box recognize his face, not to mention that there are three of them who own an entertainment company. Those are all pillar-like existences.

When they saw Tang Qi, they greeted them in a way to save face, but Xiao Yu smiled mysteriously, pushed Tang Qi in front of Wei Zichen, and winked at him, "Boss Wei, Xiao Tang is you As for my fans, I have honored you a lot by inviting him to my club today to celebrate."

What I said, everyone just listened to it, as Xiao Yu, let alone a first-line singer, even a top-line singer, he might not necessarily see it in his eyes, everyone knew it well.

Tang Qi, however, looked at Wei Zichen generously, pursed his lips and smiled, "It's my honor to meet Mr. Wei, my university is in the same college as Mr. Wei, but Mr. Wei had already graduated when I enrolled Yes, but I have seen Mr. Wei’s photo on the honor wall of the college, and I often see Mr. Wei in financial magazines. The instructor often uses Mr. Wei as an example for us. Many students at the same level admire Mr. Wei. If you know me Seeing President Wei himself will definitely envy me."

He looked at Wei Zichen with admiration in his eyes, as if he was really a fan who met his idol.

The box was very quiet at this moment.

Everyone's eyes fell on Tang Qi and Hao Ritian unabashedly, pacing back and forth, with some inexplicable meaning.

Hao Ritian acted as if he hadn't noticed it, he should eat and drink, he put a strawberry in his mouth, chewed it slowly and swallowed it, and took another sip of mango juice, he was very contented, Yan Yongan couldn't wait to see it Slap him, if you have the luck to follow Mr. Wei, you should please him and catch him. Now everyone is trying to take his place, you are heartless, you are so blind.

Perhaps Yan Yongan's eyes were too hot, or maybe the silence in the box was too obvious, Hao Ritian finally raised his head, his expression was a little dazed, as if he didn't understand why everyone stopped talking suddenly, he turned his head to look at Wei Zichen, with It means asking for help.

Wei Zichen couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, pretending to be like that!