I Have a “System” Halo

Chapter 111: I have an aura of exotic fragrance


[Where is Qi Ling? How is he not affected?]

"The protagonist is the one chosen by Fanfan, so naturally it will not be affected."

Chosen one? Wouldn't it be what he thought

"The protagonist and you form a dual cultivation relationship. Both of your dual cultivation will benefit, but it will not affect the other party. And, Fanfan, you can double cultivation with more than just one person~"

Shuangxiu in the realm of comprehension refers to two people becoming Taoist couples, their hearts and minds blend together, and they cannot betray each other. In the current comprehension world, the situation of having multiple lovers can only be called tonic, or pure love between fish and water, not double cultivation.

What the system said broke Mo Fan's understanding of double cultivation. The system actually said that he can double cultivation with multiple people? Although he wouldn't do that, it still made Mo Fan feel dazed for a while.

Two words suddenly appeared in Mo Fan's mind: Marisu, Empi

While Mo Fan was talking with the system, Qi Ling finally found an opportunity to take the two away. With the heroine still in the main hall of the Cyanwood Sect, Qi Ling brought Mo Fan back to Lingyun Peak.

As soon as he entered the cave, Qi Ling couldn't help coughing twice, Mo Fan said in shock, "You're injured."


"Don't lie to me, I can't see it, but you have lost a lot of spiritual energy for refining artifacts for me, and today you are fighting against the demon king, and you will definitely lose. Tell me the truth, don't lie to me."

Qi Ling said helplessly, "It's a little injury, but it's not a major problem, so don't worry. I'll just practice and recuperate."

Mo Fan nodded.

"How long will it take to recover?"

Qi Ling hesitated, "About a month."

"One month?! Are you serious?"

With Qi Ling's cultivation level, any injury that needs to rest for more than three days can be regarded as serious.

[System, is there any other way to help him recover quickly?]

Before Qi Ling took the two of them to leave, Mozun vowed that he would get Mo Fan, the "medicine man", and there might be some accidents in a month's time. Knowing that Qi Ling was injured, how could Mozun not take advantage of this great opportunity

"Fanfan, have you forgotten what your real body is?"

[Elixir? Elixir!]

Mo Fan was overjoyed, and then had doubts.

[Do you want me to feed myself to him?]

Qi Ling's injuries were not serious, but they were not life-threatening.

"Another kind of food." The system hinted.

Mo Fan frowned and thought: Another kind of food? another? eat? eat…

Could it be

"Fanfan, you and the protagonist can speed up recovery by double cultivation."

Mo Fan: ...

The two of them had done everything, Mo Fan was not shy, and started to take off Qi Ling's clothes.

Qi Ling was surprised, "Xiao Fan?"

It was the first time he saw Xiaofan being so proactive, so he was naturally delighted. It's just that although his current injury does not affect the love between the two, it is still not as good as in the past.

What should I do if I can't satisfy Xiaofan and feel dissatisfied with myself

This statement is not unfounded, the double cultivation between the two in the past, until the end, it was Xiaofan who kept pestering him.

If Mo Fan could hear Qi Ling's thoughts at this moment, I don't know how he would feel, but he didn't know, so there was no argument.

Qi Ling hinted, "I'm not feeling right now..."

Mo Fan interrupted Qi Ling with a wave of his hand, and said proudly, "Don't move." I'll do it.

Qi Ling was dumbfounded.

Shuangxiu really had a miraculous effect, and Qi Ling also realized that he had misunderstood. However, he was not dissatisfied with this misunderstanding, but looked forward to the next occurrence. Unfortunately, after Mo Fan knew about Qi Ling's situation, he never took the initiative again.

Qi Ling: I shouldn't tell Xiaofan that he's fine, he'd rather get hurt more seriously.

Mo Fan: ...

Regardless of Qi Ling's regret and entanglement, what happened afterwards shows that Mo Fan's guess is correct. On the second day, rumors came from nowhere in the cultivation world that there was a medicine man beside Qi Ling who scattered a high-grade fragrance, and Qi Ling's cultivation was improved by him.

What is the purpose of cultivation? Improve strength. Why increase strength? Longevity has the means to protect oneself. Why live longer? There are many desires in the world, and it is to get what you want.

Hearing this shocking secret at the first glance caused an uproar in the comprehension world.

However, the strength of the other party is far above everyone, standing at the top of the cultivation world, how can they get the medicine man from the other party

"You don't know about this. The medicine man can practice with many people. Presumably, as long as we exchange items, the items are precious enough, and the other party will not be tempted."

"It really works?"

"You'll know if you try it?"

In the next two days, Qi Ling received a lot of sound transmissions from flying stones from all directions, the words were cryptic, but the purpose was clear, they came to ask the medicine man to borrow the double cultivation, hoping to break through.

Qi Ling was furious in his heart, but because Mo Fan was in front, he didn't show the slightest bit, but just blocked the group of voice transmission behind him from the cave.

Qi Ling didn't mention it, but Mo Fan didn't know about it. The system told Mo Fan as early as the first sound transmission. Mo Fan thought, it turned out that the Demon Lord had this idea.

Qi Ling felt uneasy, and only kept practicing in order to deal with the next unknown situation. The Cyanwood Sect's protective formation cost a huge amount of money and was built after a hundred years, and it was built with the strength of many powerful people. Although relying on the strength of his Mahayana, the defensive formations constructed can rarely be broken, but they are not as good as this protective formation. He is not a passive person, but staying here is the best choice.

Qi Ling thought about leaving, and found a mountain forest with Mo Fan to live in seclusion. Mo Fan once mentioned in the past that he likes that kind of tranquil life. But escaping is not the way to solve the problem. As long as this dilemma is not resolved, the two of them will not be able to live in peace.

Qi Ling is not the kind of person to escape, he wants to see what methods the other party can use against him. It's just that he needs to probe into the mind of the head of the Qingmu sect first. If the other party has a dissatisfaction with Mo Fan, he doesn't mind taking the position of leader.

Qi Ling has the right and resources to open the sect protection formation, if there are really coveted people in the sect, those people's cultivation is not enough.

In just two days, Qi Ling's temperament changed drastically.

The gentle and generous meaning brought by the wood-type spiritual root disappeared without a trace, and his face was condensed. There was a slight flicker in the eyes, and only when facing Mo Fan, would there be a hint of tenderness.

He became that unsheathed sharp sword that stirred up huge waves in the cultivation world when he first entered the realm of cultivation, and when he was successful in cultivation, the hostility and coercion all over his body made it hard to breathe.

The cold aura around Qi Ling gradually became stronger, and he faded out of the sight of the monks for a long time. Those people might have forgotten his true face, so he didn't mind helping them to review it again.

Thinking of those sound transmissions who were not afraid of him, the coldness in Qi Ling's eyes became heavier. Could it be that those people only regarded him as a gentle alchemist and forgot his status as a monk.

Although there is no one behind him, he himself is a symbol of strength. After stepping into the realm of comprehension for more than a thousand years, he is now a great power standing at the pinnacle, in the realm of Mahayana!

Such a medicine man who can help Qi Ling step into Mahayana is no less than a top fairy weapon. Money touches people's hearts, and this principle is also true in the cultivation world.

It's not that there is no coveted person in the sect, but the first time the head received the news, he summoned everyone and warned them not to provoke each other. He knew very well what kind of person the other party was. He also understands that if the other party finds that someone in the door is coveting, then the Cyanwood Sect is in danger.

How does a medicine man compare with the security of the sect? As long as they dare to collude with outsiders, they may be the first ones to deal with them.

In a special period, the head of the sect strictly restrains the whereabouts of the disciples in the sect, only going out but not entering. He understands, not necessarily everyone understands, as the head of the sect, he has made up his mind.

Those two people had such a close relationship.

Bai Qingwan stood in front of the main hall, looking towards Ling Yunfeng who couldn't see the peak clearly. As early as when she heard the news about the medicine man, she knew that it was not the medicine man, but the divine medicine pill.

In this world, who has ever seen a elixir that can transform

"Junior Sister, your body is still not fully recovered, and there have been a lot of incidents recently, why don't you go back to the cave?" Senior Brother Huangfu Chong said with concern.

After being rescued by Qi Ling that day, Bai Qingwan fell outside the main hall, and was seen by Huangfu Chong passing by, who took her back to the cave and took good care of her. The two are brothers and sisters, and the caves are close to each other, which is convenient.

Bai Qingwan doesn't care about love, but the love in Huangfu Chong's eyes is strong, and it will be revealed inadvertently, but she doesn't know it, and after a long time, she will know it.

Before the big revenge was avenged, she focused on revenge, never cared about others, and devoted herself to cultivation. Now that my wish is fulfilled, I suddenly feel empty.

Eldest brother is very good. When she enters the master's door, the master doesn't care about her. Since she was young, she was brought up by the elder brother. The eldest brother is like a father, Bai Qingwan is not a cold person, so she naturally has feelings for this elder brother.

However, at some point, the elder brother's feelings for her changed. She went out to practice, retreated to practice alchemy, and deliberately reduced the time they spend together. Just like this year after year, the other party is still the same. Bai Qingwan was at a loss, why did she like her? Love for a long time? The obsession persists

She still didn't want to think about these issues, she just didn't know. Vaguely, she knew what she was thinking. She has extravagant expectations for that person, so she can't see the good of others. This is also her obsession.

"Brother, let's go back."


The author has something to say: I believe the babies have already guessed that this story is about to end. . . .

Jiuyou: Where are you going, Dad

Qi Ling said quietly: Abandon husband and son

Mo Fan: ...