I Have a “System” Halo

Chapter 123: I have a resilience aura


Entering the game, it is customary to see teammates and enemies expressing admiration or jealousy. Worshipers begged to be taken, begged to lie down, and those who were jealous just said "it's a power leveling".

Qi Ling turned a blind eye.

In this game, the AD chosen by Qi Ling is called Spear of Vengeance. Spear of Vengeance is not strong in this version, but if played well, it can be like a big devil in the later stage.

The ultimate move of the Spear of Vengeance is to suck a bound hero into the air, enter an unselectable state, and then let the thrown hero choose the landing spot. If the target is an enemy, it will hit the opponent, resulting in a bouncing control state.

Mo Fan cooperated and chose a Thresh, the main control. Thresh's Q and E plus moves have control effects, and the remaining W is also an auxiliary skill to help friendly displacement.

No matter which version Thresh is in, he is a good support, with enough control and meat. Most importantly, the combination of skateboard shoes and Thresh is recognized as one of the strongest combinations in the bottom lane. In a certain season, it is even more invincible, and it is one of the heroes that must be banned in the game.

Even after multiple cuts, in the hands of someone who knows how to play, this pair of bottom lane combinations can still achieve an advantageous effect. Although the strength of a hero depends on the skills of the player, it is undeniable that the characteristics of the hero are also very important.

Skateboard is another name for Spear of Vengeance, derived from his passive skill characteristics. Its passive skill is that after each A click on the target, click the ground again, and then a small displacement can be performed within a certain short period of time. Because of its drift and flexibility with skateboard shoes, it has this nickname.

Qi Ling, "I'll tie it up."


After buying the equipment for going out, Mo Fan did not go out with other players, but waited beside Qi Ling. Obviously, even without Qi Ling's reminder, he would not go out first.

When the Spear of Vengeance enters the game, there will be a spear similar to it, which is the default initial equipment. Select a friendly hero and press the item bar to successfully bind with the opponent's contract.

Qi Ling chose Mo Fan's Thresh, the Spear of Revenge to make a contract ceremony, after Thresh experienced a character death action, after getting up, there will be a translucent connection between the two. The color of the connecting line will be darker or shallower according to the distance between the two. As long as there is this trace between the two, the Spear of Vengeance can use his ultimate move.

The two went out at the same time and rushed to their own wild area. After the wild monsters are refreshed, the bottom lane needs to help the jungler kill a certain amount of blood from the wild monsters before going to the lane.

The combination of the opposite bottom lane is the mouse and the Japanese girl. From the perspective of hero selection, the opponent has a certain suppressive effect. But this suppressive effect will be much weakened in front of players of different levels.

At the very least, Qi Ling easily took the head of one of the other assistants.

The games Mo Fan and Qi Ling cooperated with were just a few rounds today, but the two seemed to have a tacit understanding of cooperation for many years. They lost the first tower in less than ten minutes when they played against the opposite bottom lane.

Every time the jungler on the opposite side wanted to catch it, he was spotted by Mo Fan's vision and ended without a problem.

LOL is a game that can snowball, the advantage of the bottom lane expands, and the level of KIKI in the middle lane can easily abuse the opponent. There are no worries in the middle and bottom lanes, and the jungler helps the top lane, which also creates certain advantages for the top lane.

Although the level of the top laner is mediocre, he probably knows that his side has thighs, so he is very timid, and has been in a stalemate with the opponent's top laner. Compared with the middle and bottom lanes with high outbreak casualties, the top lanes are very peaceful.

This sentence ends the game very quickly. The enemy's middle and bottom lanes collapse, and the dragons are all in their hands. After the mandatory fifteen minutes, the opponent clicks the surrender button to end the game.

This happened not only this time, but throughout the afternoon, the game between the three showed such an absolutely overwhelming attitude. Mo Fan felt that such a game was really easy and boring.

Mo Fan suggested, "How about I play AD?"


Before KIKI stopped, Qi Ling's flat voice came over from the other end of the voice, making him directly swallow the unfinished words in his mouth.

At this moment, the number of people in the live broadcast room has increased by one-fifth compared to usual, and KIKI is very clear that this is the result of those two people.

This is still without the effect of publicity. If you add some recommendations, the number of people in your live broadcast room may double.

This is not because he denies himself, but because he understands the psychology of the audience very well.

—Anchor, your chance to carry is here

—Yes, yes, let them see your supernatural demeanor

As we all know, in the game of LOL, it does not mean that if you play well in a certain position, the rest of the positions can also reach the level of your good position.

There used to be a professional player who played mid laner, and the entertainment bureau played top laner, so don't be abused too badly, okay? !

For such willful two teammates, KIKI said that he still has to rely on himself to stabilize the situation.

In fact, KIKI was not very worried. Compared with the other positions, the call of the bottom position would be less difficult. Support and AD are two heroes with different mechanisms, but the coping mode in the bottom lane is not, and there is a big difference.

More importantly, he believed that with the level of those two, other positions would not be too bad. Awareness, positioning, and sensitivity, players in all positions need to have the same.

After changing the hero, the dialogue between the two has obviously increased.

In the last game, the two did not need to communicate with each other, they could judge the opponent's next move when the opponent's hero made an action, and cooperated with each other tacitly. The position was changed in this round, and although the tacit understanding has not diminished, occasionally some own-goal incidents will occur. for example:

Mo Fan, "Why are you attacking my soldiers?"

Qi Ling, "I'm used to it, mine."

Another example,

Qi Ling, "What are you doing in the river?"

Mo Fan, "Put eyes in."

Qi Ling, "..."

Qi Ling, "I will do the field of vision over there."

and so on.

The audience said: It’s booming, it’s in a trance, hahahaha

KIKI: helpless

Unexpectedly, Mo Fan Ad's level is not inferior, and he quickly played the bottom lane and dared not go out of the tower.


What about the agreed carry


— Auxiliary 666

— This support or that support

— all 666

— Wow, AD is so good, but it’s a waste of money to play support

Without the need for KIKI to bring the rhythm, the mentality of the opposite bottom lane collapsed directly, and it was another round of 15 shots.

Mo Fan, "The top score is boring."

Qi Ling, "Next time I'll mark up the rank and play for you."



Although he is the king of division, but he was tricked by passers-by and lingered in the diamond master for a long time, but these two people made the upper division so simple.

The two said so, but Mo Fan did not log off, but continued to play with each other. Although the game is a bit boring, but being able to play with people you care about, even if it is a boring game, is also a joy.

Before choosing a position, Qi Ling asked Mo Fan, "What are you playing?"

Mo Fan, "It's better to support, AD is too tired to make up the knife."

Qi Ling, "Well, then I will continue to AD."

This time, the style of the two changed drastically.

Heads broke out in the bottom lane, Qi Ling didn't take the head immediately, but asked Mo Fan, who was playing AP support, "Do you want a head?"

Mo Fan readily accepted.

In the previous few games, Mo Fan didn't deliberately give Qi Ling a head, but Qi Ling's calculation of the damage was terribly accurate, knowing when and which attack could give him a head. In the past games, Qi Ling is already used to this mode.

The role of the assistant is to give all the money in front of him to his own AD, so that the opponent can develop and grow as soon as possible, which is equivalent to a selfless nanny. Mo Fan didn't have this kind of thought. In his perception, a strong AD can get the economy he needs by himself, instead of deliberately giving in.

In his opinion, such an AD is immature. Support does not need any economy. Without growth support, there is no way to better protect AD and give the opponent offensive boost. Therefore, when he can take the head, Mo Fan will not be soft at all.

This kind of auxiliary idea is very different from the general auxiliary flow, but Mo Fan doesn't think it's inappropriate. What should I do if the auxiliary steals too much money from the AD, so that the AD cannot develop well? Mo Fan believes that how can an AD stand on his own even if he can't get money from the support

Qi Ling's make-up skill is very solid, maintaining at the level of ten knives for one point. Sometimes, it is also a kind of enjoyment to watch other people's smooth make-up.

After a while, Qi Ling asked again, "Would you like Lan?"

Mo Fan was not polite, "Yes."

The audience was speechless: My own blue is for the mid laner, where do you get the blue

But soon, the audience saw two figures touching each other's wild area on the small map.

This is to steal the opposite blue

The LOL game map is divided into blue side and red side. Mo Fan is on the blue side at the moment, and the opposite blue side is in the bottom lane, which is very convenient to pick up.

When the two passed by, the pinching time was just right, and the jungler on the opposite side was helping the mid-single player against Lan.

The mid laner is still clearing troops on the line, and the enemy duo in the bottom lane has just returned home. The local jungler saw two red figures, and without hesitation handed over the punishment and took the blue buff with residual blood.

Mo Fan was waiting for this moment, the two used tacit cooperation to take down the opponent's jungler's head with lightning speed, and at the same time, they also had the newly released blue buff.

The mid laner wanted to rush over, but was held back by KIKI. The bot duo on the opposite side arrived first, but they didn't dare to step forward. The two swaggered back to their bot lane and continued to make up troops leisurely.

The MVP of this game was given to Mo Fan. Under Qi Ling's deliberate humility, Mo Fan won more than a dozen heads, and most of the assists, and the number of deaths was 0.

Even without the head economy, Qi Ling's development is surprisingly good. The almost non-missing number of last hits provides him with an economy in equipment, and the amount of gold coins for assists is not low given that he accounts for most of the output.

Sure enough, people cannot be compared with each other.

The game time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the pointer was already pointing to the number ten.

Qi Ling looked at the time and said to Mo Fan, "It's almost time to rest."

Mo Fan responded.

In the voice, KIKI yelled, "Ten o'clock? The nightlife has just begun. Did you go to bed so early?"

Mo Fan replied, "I'm used to it."

"Then you went to bed too early, didn't you?" KIKI felt incredible.

However, no matter how KIKI tried to persuade him to stay, the two decisively turned on the voice and turned off the game.

Qi Ling just ate meat, and it happened to be the Chinese New Year holiday, how could he not eat a pain? After washing, the two immediately rolled into a ball on the bed, and the temperature in the room gradually rose.

Outside the window, the flickering lights of fireworks came in from the open window, and the overlapping figures of the two people on the bed could be vaguely seen rising and falling.

The author has something to say: Calvin said seriously...

The author's progress seems to be too slow, there are 11 chapters, and I haven't written about entering the team yet