I Have a “System” Halo

Chapter 127: I have a resilience aura


When the manager received the call, he had been waiting at the gate of the base for a long time. When he saw a car approaching, he rushed out to greet him.

Originally, he planned to pick them up in person, but when he learned that the other party would drive over by himself, he dismissed the idea and waited downstairs at the base.

For the new season of the LGT club, the list of members has not yet been officially announced. The e-sports circle privately thought that the opponent would be like other teams and continue to use the old members.

Joining LGT does not mean that Mo Fan has officially secured the starting position. There is a buffer period of three days between the two sides.

During this period of time, regular members of LGT will take the two of them to Hanbok to play ranked. After these three days, the club will officially make an official announcement. Of course, the premise is that the two of them pass this test.

The manager instructed the other party to park the car in the base garage, the driver's door opened, and a tall and slender figure got out of the car. When he turned around, the man's handsome face was revealed, and he was dressed in a black coat, which made him even more awe-inspiring.

The co-pilot got on and off at the same time a young man was wearing a snow-white down jacket. The young man has a fair complexion, and his small face is buried in the fluff of the brim of his hat, making him look even more delicate and small. It is said to be a youth, but it is more like a psychic teenager.

The man in black walked a few steps quickly, and straightened the coat and hat of the half-head-short youth, and then the two of them walked together to the manager who was waiting at the side.

In the afternoon, all the managers of the base were waiting at the door, and the players were all training in the training room. The spring competition is coming soon, and the training time is full.

However, the few people who devoted themselves to training on weekdays were a little absent-minded this time. Strong curiosity, like a brush, stirred the hearts of the young players. They have high expectations for this player who has maintained a record of unbeaten victories.

The support and junglers who are about to retire are all present, and they will also stay in the club for the next three days to say their final farewells. They need to confirm whether the opponent really has the ability to bring LGT to the top.

Instruct the staff to take the luggage to the room of the two, and the manager led the two to visit the structure of the club.

The entrance is a living room similar to the reception occasion, and the other side is the dining room and kitchen. The second floor is the training room for the players, as well as meeting rooms and office spaces. The third floor is the dormitory for the team players, one for two.

Originally, AD was arranged in the same room as the assistant, but Mo Fan and Qi Ling proposed to live together, so the manager would naturally not disagree with them on such a trivial matter.

Walking around the entire base, they finally went to the training room.

The training room is very large, with a long table on one side, three computers on each side, and a sofa and coffee table on the other side for the players to rest. The small compartments in the room are equipped with refrigerators, water dispensers and other items.

The few people sitting in front of the computer pretended to be moving the mouse and keyboard, but their eyes glanced in the direction of the two people at the door from time to time.

The manager clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Stop pretending, get up and get to know our new players."

Despite countless assumptions in their hearts, when these two youths who looked nothing like professional players walked in front of them, all members of LGT were taken aback.

"This is Qi Ling, whose real name is Ling Qijun, the winning streak king you've always been curious about, this one is a support, whose real name is Mo Fan, Xu Wenwei knows him, right?"

Xu Wenwei, who had been named, hadn't recovered from his surprise, and hurriedly responded when he saw this.

The Mo Fan in his memory was a dull young man with heavy eyes, but the one in front of him had big clear eyes and a delicate fair face. If the manager hadn't said it was the same person, he wouldn't have recognized each other.

After introducing each other, a group of people are a little cautious. Xu Wenwei asked in surprise, "Are you really Mo Fan?"

Mo Fan smiled slightly, "Yes."

"I almost don't recognize you anymore, the change is so great."

"Just take off your glasses."

With Xu Wenwei at the beginning, a group of young people in their teens and twenties quickly became one.

"I really can't tell, Qi Ling is actually younger than us." She looked so serious, as if she was facing an elder.

Mo Fan replied, "He just looks more mature."

LGT's mid laner is a 19-year-old boy, hehe said, "Then you are relatively young."

Indeed, Mo Fan took off his glasses, and he looked like a high school student.

Qi Ling stood on the side with a cold face, at first they were afraid to strike up a conversation, but later they found that the other party just looked indifferent and said less, so they let go.

In the evening, it was a welcome party arranged by the club, and the venue was chosen at a hot pot restaurant. Winter is not yet over, eating hot pot is a good choice.

Men's friendship is sometimes very simple, a meal, a glass of wine, you can call each other brothers. Eating hot pot is the activity that can promote communication the most. Halfway through eating, a group of people seems to be a team.

The two had no intention of concealing their relationship. When Mo Fan was talking to others, Qi Ling would serve them hot dishes. In the eyes of others, he was a good brother who took care of others. Apart from age, it is not against harmony at all.

Seeing this scene, the few people in Qi Ling lost the restraint they had at the beginning. The indifference on Qi Ling's body was also diluted a bit.

Being wary of Qi Ling is more of an idol worship. Speaking of which, in the LGT team, there is no one who is not a fan of Qi Ling.

They are also professional players, and their strength is not weak, but they can't reach Qi Ling's level. Seeing a real person and bringing characters from the game into it makes me feel more and more hesitant to face idols.

During the training period, professional players are not allowed to drink alcohol, so as not to affect the touch operation. Today, the two joined the team for the first time, the manager specially let go of the restrictions, and everyone was drunk.

After paying the bill, a group of people staggered out with their shoulders crossed. Mo Fan seldom drinks alcohol with this body, after a few glasses of beer, his face is flushed and his eyes are watery.

"A Ling."



Qi Ling swept over the manager who was coming in from the outside and wanted to help, hugged him into his arms, let the other person's weight lean on him, and walked out.

"Do you need help?"


When we came, a group of people came by taxi because they expected this kind of situation to happen. After adding a car, a group of people returned to the base in a mighty manner.

The drunk Mo Fan was very clingy, Qi Ling had no choice but to hold him firmly in his arms to block the abnormal places.

The manager was in the same car as the two of them, and asked, "Is Mo Fan alright? I should have told those little bastards to restrain themselves."

Qi Ling was staring down at Mo Fan's rosy face, but couldn't see the expression clearly, and only said in a slightly hoarse voice, "It's okay, just get some sleep."

The manager has no interest in prying into other people's privacy, so he suppressed his curiosity and looked outside at the dark night sky. For a moment, the car was extremely quiet.

After arriving at the base and getting out of the car, Qi Ling immediately picked him up and walked into the house.

Manager who just paid: …

Is there something wrong with this posture

Their car was at the back, and when Qi Ling came in, a row of people were lazily sitting on the sofa, closing their eyes to wake up.

Their drinking capacity is much better than Mo Fan's, but their consciousness is still clear.

Qi Ling talked to the manager, and carried him directly to the room that belonged to the two of them.

The hangover soup was being boiled in the kitchen, Qi Ling went downstairs to serve a bowl, and directly put it on his head again.

The mid laner bumped into Xu Wenwei who was next to him with his arm, "Hey, what's the relationship between them? So nice?"

Xu Wenwei said in a low voice that he didn't know.

The middle laner just asked casually, but when Xu Wenwei said he didn't know, he stopped asking and started talking to the top laner on the other side.

Coaxing Mo Fan to drink the hangover soup, Qi Ling stripped him clean and carried him to the bathroom. When Mo Fan was in the shower, Qi Ling couldn't hold back and bullied him severely in the bathroom.

At this moment, Mo Fan lost all energy, and let the other person take a bath and wipe his body softly.

I came back early yesterday and fell asleep after tossing. Mo Fan rarely woke up after eight o'clock.

When I went downstairs, the cooking aunt was preparing breakfast, and the two of them sat at the dining table and ate their own portion.

"It's so early." The manager just came back from the outside and smiled when he saw the two sitting at the dining table eating in style.

After saying hello, the manager sat down, "Since I saw you, I just wanted to tell you. I have prepared the account for playing Hanbok for you these few days. You can first borrow the account of our team's original jungler and support. Their The number is the master. In a few days, I will get you a 30-level diamond trumpet, and you can score yourself."

Diamond numbers are easier to get, and can be bought for a few hundred dollars. There are fewer masters and kings, and the price will be much more expensive.

The manager suddenly thought of something, and then said, "Or, do you want a trumpet that has never been ranked?"

The manager really wants to see what kind of disturbance will be caused if Qi Ling wins the Hanbok.

The two looked at each other, and Mo Fan said, "If you haven't played ranked before, let's play by ourselves."


The manager had already had breakfast, sat and played with his mobile phone for a while, saw that the two had finished eating, and took them to the training room.

Two computers were placed at both ends of the long table in the training room, but they were not for Mo Fan and Qi Ling, but for LGT's original jungler and support.

In the game, the AD and support positions are usually arranged together, so on the computer table, the support and AD sit in a row, and the mid laner, top laner, and jungler sit in a row.

Considering the closeness between Mo Fan and Qi Ling, the manager arranged Qi Ling's position to the left of Mo Fan. That is to say, one side is the mid laner and the top laner, and the other side is the jungler, support and AD, and Mo Fan sits in the middle.

The sitting position is actually very random, mainly because after getting used to using a certain computer, everyone's seat is fixed. After all, no one moves a desktop computer around.

In front of the two of them are two brand-new computers, which are turned on. There are all the tools on the desktop, and the game has been installed.

"We use general-purpose equipment for this computer. If you have the ones you are used to, you can replace them."

The manager of a team has the account passwords. After telling the other party, the manager said, "This is the Korean server. I don't know if you have played it. You can go up and experience it first. It is a completely different concept from the national server."


"If you don't know anything, you can ask me, or someone else. If you have no questions, get used to it first, and I'll go out first."

After saying goodbye to the manager, the two boarded the Hanbok.

"Do you know what Hanbok means?" Mo Fan asked this not because he didn't know, but because he asked Qi Ling if he knew.

Sure enough, Qi Ling shook his head.

"Hanbok is the server in South Korea. The servers in each country of LOL are different. For example, China is the national server, and the United States is the American server. The player level of the Korean server is much higher than that of the national server. Do you want to play a game?"


Mo Fan checked the tier list of the Korean server. The king needs 800 victory points, which is 200 points higher than the national server. The numbers of the two are Master 500 points and Master 600 points respectively, not much different from the king.

No matter which server it is on, it will take several minutes for the ranking of this segment and the time it takes to match the game.

The training room is not my home, and someone may come at any time, and the two sat neatly, only holding their hands tightly together.

The author has something to say: Please comment and collect~

Seeing that the author has worked so hard to code so many words, is it necessary to encourage me!