I Have a “System” Halo

Chapter 19: I have a Vanity aura


After a while, there was an additional article on Weibo, saying that someone took advantage of the coincidence that a certain god entered and exited with him at the same time to heat himself up, and even tried to hold his thigh in delusion and form a CP with the god. Needless to say, this certain person It refers to Mo Fan.

Mo Fan said that this is obviously not a coincidence but a fact.

The system said, "Fanfan, this person is so annoying, it's obviously the protagonist who came here by himself, but you are the one to blame."

[Well, don't be angry.]

System, "Fanfan, why aren't you angry?"

[He said Mo Fan, not me.]

System, "Huh?"

However, Mo Fan did not continue to explain. Mo Fan has always been very clear about his own position. He is just a player, not this person. He can devote himself to decorating this persona, but at the same time, he clearly knows that it is not him. It's as if a person is divided into two halves, one half pretends to be another person, and the other half reminds himself all the time.

——Cun Guang Da Da happened to come to YY at that time and would be said to follow someone, what a big face

— Newcomers, always like to use some big people to hype

Although Mo Fan has gained a lot of meters during this period, compared with Shi Xun's meters, it is nothing, and he was soon sprayed to the ground without a foothold.

Mo Fan scolded suddenly, saying that he hugged his thigh unilaterally, it was a white lotus.

—I thought I was so good, but I was just a newcomer, where did I get my confidence

—Does someone think he is @寿光大大

— Didn’t you just pass the lively and moving assessment? There are many people who have passed the assessment, and I don’t see any singer who has this kind of “confidence”

—I’ve seen someone hugging their thighs, but I’ve never seen such a shameless one

— Hypocritical

— A man confessed his love to Cunguang, it's disgusting

— Isn’t what you said above a bit too much? Maybe Cunguangda likes the cute blue boy paper

—Even if Cunguang likes Blue Boy Paper so much, it can’t be @范歌

Shi Xun has been famous for a long time, but in all these years, he has never had an affair with anyone. There have been CPs formed by Mifen, but Shixun would clarify every time at the first time. After a long time, Mifen fans also know that Cunguang does not like to use CP to stir up heat. Gradually, they no longer make such jokes , has become a clear stream in the cover circle.

As we all know, CP is a means of increasing popularity in the cover circle, but even if Cunguang does not use these means, his meter points are still the most.

Taking advantage of the fame of the singer, Shi Xun launched a game live broadcast on Bear TV. At first, it was just a few minutes of watching games. After a long time, the audience found that Shi Xun's technology is really good. The threads gradually accumulated. Now, most of Shi Xun's Mi Fen are not the group who just liked his voice at first, but more of the level of game he was once invited by professional game teams.

The glory at that time, even though he has not appeared in front of people for a long time now, as long as someone thinks of it, he can reappear in his mind.

Shi Xun was invited by the game team to play professionally, and the news that he refused is surprising even now. At that time, the e-sports industry was booming. Although the career of an e-sports player was only a few years, it only took a few years to earn enough for a person's life. In addition, after professional players retire, they can still choose to stay in the team to teach, or continue to broadcast live broadcasts. This is a way to make money.

Therefore, in the eyes of most ordinary people, it is inconceivable that Shi Xun would refuse. But they would never have imagined that now that he is the owner of the largest live broadcast platform, how can the assets he brings be comparable to that of a small professional player

The system said, "Fanfan, what are you going to do next?"

[Since Shi Xun did not deny our relationship, of course I have to pretend not to know.]

The system said, "Are these meters ignored? What they said is so ugly."

[Can you control their mouths?]

system, "Can't..."

[Let them go, it's fine if you don't read it.]

The system said, "Fanfan, you are so calm."

In the heart of the system, Fanfan is the best, and it cannot tolerate other people scolding him.


Mo Fan comforted the system, and the system canceled the behavior of deleting messages and hacking accounts.

If the system really does this, how can this play continue

After the game that day, Shi Xun hadn't played the game for a long time due to business, and hadn't read Weibo. Mo Fan continued to send WeChat every day, but never mentioned it. What a storm.

Mo Fan directly banned the Weibo message function, and Mi Fen was stunned.

—How could it still be like this! Do you know that you hang on to your parents like this

For those who rely on Mifen for food, Mifensi is the last thing they can offend. Mo Fan's behavior stunned all Mifensi, and many Mifensi also felt that Mo Fan's behavior was too irresponsible. They all broke up.

No matter how noisy the Weibo post bar is, Mo Fanlei can't help but go to YY to climb mics every day. The singing time varies. If he is in a good mood, he will sing two more songs.

Every time it was Mo Fan's turn to perform Mai Xu, the speeches on the public channel were several times that of other singers, even though they were not all nice words.

Mo Fan went to the mic and directly blocked the public screen, without saying a word of nonsense, started the accompaniment, sang, and finished it in one go, no matter how much time was left for the mic sequence, things went in a different direction after a long time up.

Because Mi Fensi was too noisy, these Mi Fensi were not only Shi Xun Mo Fan's Mi Fensi, they also played many other singers who were lively and beautiful. The development of the situation has already affected other singers, Yueran's management even talked to Mo Fan.

At that time, Mo Fan said this: In fact, he and Cunguang are good friends, those so-called coincidences are just the other party to cheer him up. Now Cunguang is busy with something, and when Cunguang finishes his work for a while, he will find Cunguang to discuss the solution. I can only say sorry for the impact caused during this time.

Mo Fan's attitude was very polite, and he also mentioned the relationship with Cunguang. The management was skeptical, so he simply turned a blind eye and ignored it.

During this period of time, there is no light on YY, and the managers can't contact anyone, so they have already believed it a little. In fact, Cunguang has withdrawn from the circle internally, but Mi Fen doesn't know it. But in order to keep this great master, Yuerandongting specially allowed the other party to sing without climbing the mic, as long as they don't wear the guild vest. Shi Xun will not refuse to agree to this request. If it wasn't for Mo Fan, Shi Xun probably would never go to YY again.

On this day, Mo Fan went to the mic, looked at the public screen, and saw different comments.

—Inexplicably feel that the Gita is a bit cute, pretending to know nothing

—Although we are pinching each time, the singing of the Gita is really good

——Indicating that you are obviously typing and scolding him in your hands, but you are enjoying the singing in your heart

- Upstairs you are not alone

— By the way, why did we pinch him

——Because the Gita hugged the big thighs

— Didn't you find something strange? If it was before, Cunguang came out to clarify early, but this time there is no movement for so long, is there really no JQ

- It makes sense to say so.

— During this period of time, the live broadcast of the Buddhist Gita does not turn on the camera, so lonely.

Mo Fan didn't stop singing and live broadcasting. There was one thing that was strange to him. He was obviously hacked by so many fans, but his popularity didn't drop but rose.

It can only be said that the black score is also a way of red

The hot brains of the sub-filaments cooled down, and they immediately discovered something unusual.

—Although I can’t accept that Cunguangda has a CP, I really think there is something wrong with Fange and Cunguangda

A well-known Fensi sent such a message, which was instantly forwarded by the majority of Cunguang Fen.

—@inch light What do you think? #Although it is unacceptable that Cunguangda has CP, but I really feel that there is something between Fange and Cunguangdada#

—@inch light What do you think? #Although it is unacceptable that Cunguangda has CP, but I really feel that there is something between Fange and Cunguangdada#

—@inch light What do you think? #Although it is unacceptable that Cunguangda has CP, but I really feel that there is something between Fange and Cunguangdada#

These threads are really cute!

Mo Fan thought so, and sent a meager message.

'@巨光What do you think? '

— Awow, after a long time, the Gita has posted a meager post again

— When will Fanfan open the Weibo message function, we are your true love points

—It is really a painful thing not to be able to leave a message for Fanfan's meagerness.

Mo Fan turned off the meager comments, and the discussion place of the fans was transferred to the post bar, and they all asked for comments in the bar.

— By the way, this is not the first time that Gita has confessed his love

—Although Inch Light didn’t respond every time, Inch Light didn’t refute

- Is this the default

—I have a hunch that my male god is going to have a partner.

—I really like Fanfan, she has a beautiful face and a sweet voice, the male gods I like have become a couple, so happy~

—I’m so unwilling, but I still wish @寿光@节歌

——Actually, the two are very compatible, Cunguang Da is cold and pampered, and Fan Ge is arrogant and cute

— looks good too

Shixun once broadcasted a live broadcast, so it is not surprising that there are photos in Miseparation. On the other hand, Mo Fan posts selfies almost every day, and there are even more photos. Youfensi took a photo of the two of them together, unexpectedly harmonious.

- looks so sweet

-So happy

—Ah, at first I thought that no one was worthy of a big face, but the Gita made my dream come true

——You casually combined Cunguang with other men, does Cunguang himself know? Doesn't doing so disrespect Cunguang's own opinion

Suddenly, a comment with a different style of painting appeared in the post.

The author has something to say: please collect it!