I Have a “System” Halo

Chapter 29: I have a Vanity aura


The barrage rolled crazily, Mo Fan reported a series of numbers casually, and slowly built a room under the urging of Fensi.

"Let the thigh AD separate from me, isn't that fair?"

Shi Xun heard what Mo Fan said, and jumped to the opposite side consciously.


- The side that feels like Fanfan is there will win

— Haha, the witty me jumped to my team the moment I came in

In a way, the fans' words came true. At the beginning of the game, Mo Fan chose a mid laner position, but Shi Xun chose the jungler position. Although there is no obvious release of water, the opponent's bias can still be seen from the jungler's behavior of never going to the center.

The enemy mid laner has already fainted in the toilet. Mo Fan's level is there, it is not necessary to be directly pressed to the ground and abused.

— Distressed mid laner


—AD is reluctant to fight Fanfan, and never touches Fanfan in team battles

—Fanfan was so ruthless, he actually killed AD directly

— so cruel

"I'm going to buy vegetables." Shi Xun suddenly said to Mo Fan after a game ended.

Throughout the afternoon, although Mo Fan didn't deliberately keep Shi Xun quiet, but the other party didn't say a word, Mo Fan almost forgot that Shi Xun was sitting beside him. Shi Xun's sudden opening also startled Mo Fan. Looking at the time, it was almost four o'clock.

— There is someone beside Fanfan! ! !

- It's a man!

— Shopping for groceries, is this cohabitation

—I heard footsteps, could it be that the other party was watching from the side when Fanfan was playing games

—The local tyrants, Cunguangda, and AD thighs have no chance, Fanfan has the master

—Fanfan hand over the man beside him!

- Don't you think the voice is familiar

! ! ! ! !

— like a big voice

- Isn't it big

—Did Fanfan live with Cunguangda

"Do you still want to fight? Don't hit me?" Mo Fan obviously didn't have the slightest idea of answering.

——Fanfan hold back

- fight

Before Mo Fan finished his fight, Shi Xun had already returned.

"After this round, I'm going to cook, and I'll come back tonight."

— Do you cook for your boyfriend

—Boyfriend is not considerate, don’t cook for me

"It's a neighbor."

— oh oh, neighbor, the nearer the better

—Have you noticed that after the man next to Fanfan left, AD’s thigh disappeared

- AD probably has something to do with his thighs and doesn't want to play, right

—You stupid human beings, with my ability of the second generation of Sherlock Holmes, I have discovered the truth: the man next to Fanfan is AD thigh

—Is this the truth

— Widely afraid, thigh neighbors come into the house

Cun Guang glanced at the battle situation, at 12:32, asked, "Is it almost over?"

Mo Fan stared at the game, and replied casually, "It's coming soon."

——It’s really similar to Cunguang Dada’s voice

- It's big

Mo Fan's barrage assistant was on, so Shi Xun naturally saw these words.

Shi Xun felt that he should first let others understand who this person belongs to, "Well, I'm an inch light."

—Ahhh, it's here!

Shi Xun looked at a bunch of speeches asking for progress on the barrage, but said nothing. After observing Mo Fan carefully for a moment, there was no dissatisfaction or disgust on the other person's face. Does that mean that Mo Fan is not indifferent to him

When Mo Fan turned off the live broadcast, Shi Xun pointed out, "Why don't you explain?"

"it works?"


"Then there's nothing to explain."

Shi Xun: ...

If a straight man is misunderstood to be having an affair with another man, he shouldn't be so ordinary, would Mo Fan? Before Shi Xun met Mo Fan, he never thought that he would fall in love with a man, but after this day came, he just felt that as long as it was this man, nothing else mattered.

Shi Xun thought that what he did was obvious, but Mo Fan didn't respond accordingly, as if he just met a new friend.

"Mo Fan."

"Huh?" Mo Fan turned around and asked suspiciously.

The two had already walked to the kitchen. When Mo Fan turned around, he stopped at the door, and Shi Xun pressed against the wall against the man's shoulder.

The system said, "Ah, what is the protagonist doing?"

Mo Fan was frowned by the system's screams. Shi Xun thought that Mo Fan was dissatisfied with his actions, but he didn't let go.

"Actually, you know that, right?" Shi Xun said, "I like you."

Mo Fan's expression looked very flat, no emotion could be discerned in his eyes, and he gave an unknown "hmm", which seemed to be a question but also affirmed.

"You clearly know." Shi Xun murmured, bowed his head and kissed the young man's eye end. Seeing that the young man didn't resist, Shi Xun's eager lips moved down, swept over Mo Fan's upright nose, between the white and tender cheeks, and landed on the pale-colored corner of the mouth, gently touching and pressing.

The suppressed voice was thick and low, and the man finally couldn't help but put the other's soft lips between his own. Mo Fan's lips were moist, and the man seemed to be treating the only treasure in the world, even kissing him carefully. Tentatively, with the tip of her tongue, she brushed the gap between the other's lips, and under the moisture of the water, the other's lips became more beautiful.

The system in his brain screamed loudly, causing Mo Fan to frown slightly, and blocked the system with a flick of his consciousness. Mo Fan squinted at the deep face of the man who was close at hand, and the slightly lowered eyelids concealed the emotions in the eyes.

Mo Fan frowned very little, but Shi Xun still noticed it, thinking that the other party was dissatisfied with his arrogance, he couldn't help but tightened his big palm on the other's shoulder, and the force on his lips increased. Seemingly stimulated by Mo Fan's subtle changes, Shi Xun was no longer satisfied with the simple touch between lips, and forcefully invaded the opponent's territory.

Mo Fan's defense was really weak. To be more precise, Mo Fan didn't resist the attack of the man in front of him at all. The man kept plundering with his lips and tongue, like a male lion defending his territory, not letting go of a single bit, as if he would only let the other party be infected with his own taste before giving up.

As the air dwindled, Mo Fan's breathing became slightly quicker, and the man finally relaxed his plundering pace, giving the prey a chance to breathe. Shi Xun heard the thin panting sound, his heart felt like being scratched by a cat, and he couldn't help but want to do something.

It wasn't until he really touched this person, hugged him, and kissed him that Shi Xun realized that his love in the past was far less than one ten-thousandth of this. Wanting the other party's response, to touch more intimately, just thinking about it, the lower body has already raised its head slightly.

"Do it?"

Shi Xun was stunned, unable to believe what he heard, and looked straight into the other person's eyes. Mo Fan's eyes were calm, but Shi Xun could feel the seriousness of the other party, not just talking.

The person I like is so defenseless in my arms, saying the words of invitation, Shi Xun's calm brain exploded all of a sudden.