I Have a “System” Halo

Chapter 67: I have a harmony aura



My head is so swollen, and my whole body is sore, as if I'm going through something.

The system said quietly, "Isn't it like, Fanfan, you are just letting go of everything."

Scattered fragments flashed in his mind, the warm chests of the people around him pressed against him, and Mo Fan suddenly felt a little headache.

He and Xu Yi!

! ! ! ! !

Mo Fan was astonished and retreated, but the opponent's big palm clasped him tightly, and he could only move a little bit.

The palm is the opponent's distinct texture, delicate and flexible, not at all like the skin of a person in his fifties.

The system covered his face, and when he came out of the little black room, the system saw the scene where Fanfan was sleeping with the protagonist, and he knew what he had experienced at a glance, but Fanfan thought that person was Xu Yi, and the system said that he couldn't bear to look directly at him.

The other party's breath was long, and the fiery breath sprayed behind the ears, causing a tingling numbness. Mo Fan tilted his head back and pulled away the face buried in the opponent's shoulder. Move your gaze upwards, across the sexy Adam's apple, stay at the lower jaw, and then you can't go up.

This is not Xu Yi! ! !

Mo Fan was startled, and with force, he broke free from the opponent's embrace and sat up. The large movement made Mo Fan's face distorted.

Mo Wei! How could it be Mo Wei!

When Mo Fan moved, Mo Wei woke up, but he didn't dare to open his eyes.

What would Mo Fan think when he saw the people around him? Do you think you have changed? State, Qin Shou? With the chaotic thoughts in his mind, Mo Wei didn't open his eyes immediately, but chose to pretend to be asleep.

Mo Fan's movements were so big, it was impossible for Mo Wei to be ignorant, he pretended to blink his eyes, opened those closed eyes, and sat up.

[System, what happened yesterday!]

How could I sleep with Mo Wei, and the two had a relationship.

"Fanfan, you locked her in a dark room yesterday, have you forgotten?"

Mo Fan was startled. Yeah, after making a decision yesterday, he let the system go.

"Mo Fan..."

Mo Wei looked at Mo Fan with eyes full of guilt and anxiety. At the same time, there is an irrefutable love, which is the love between lovers, not the dependence on family affection, Mo Fan can see it very clearly.

And Mo Fan looked at him with disbelief. He is the elder and guardian who raised the other party since he was a child, and Mo Wei actually has such thoughts for him!

"Uncle? You call me uncle? It's funny. If you really regarded me as an uncle, would you look at me like this? Would you do this kind of thing? Do you know what your name is? You are reckless often!"

Mo Wei tried not to let his gaze slip down, and focused on Mo Fan's face.

"I'm sorry, uncle... You don't like me calling you uncle, so I won't call you uncle. I don't know when, I found that my feelings for you have changed. You have been so good to me since you were a child, even if we are gone Blood relationship, how can I forget. But, I really like you, don't leave me, okay? Don't be with others. "

The pain in Mo Wei's eyes was so real, and the fragility of this normally indifferent man made people feel even more distressed.

Mo Fan withdrew his expression, looked at him distantly, and remained silent.

"Xu Yi doesn't want you anymore, he let go in front of me, don't miss him, okay?"

Mo Fan's silence made Mo Wei misunderstand, Mo Wei thought that the other party was still thinking about Xu Yi. Before he came, the intimacy between the two was vivid.

"I won't let you go back, he let go, you are mine."

Mo Fan: ...

He was just a little weak, why did Mo Wei think so much, and staged a "I love you, you love him" drama in front of him

However, what is the situation of the plot now, it always feels that it has gone to the horizon, and he knows that the plot is not going so smoothly on the right track.

The system said, "Anyway, the protagonist's love can give you hundreds of times more energy than the plot. Fanfan, you can make the plot deviate every time. I have given up treatment for the plot."

Mo Fan: Blame me? I'm also helpless when the plot goes astray.

In the past few worlds, the protagonist had feelings for him, and he could still understand. In this world, he was originally positioned as the protagonist's father. How could he develop to this point? Could it be that he also has the so-called Marysu halo on him, which makes the protagonists of every world follow each other like this.

Mo Fan's long silence was regarded as acquiescence, Mo Wei closed his eyes in pain, and said cruelly, "Even if you don't love me, I won't let you go."

Mo Fan: ...

Just as he was about to say something, Mo Fan's eyes touched the wound on the opponent's shoulder, and he suddenly stopped. After a long time, he raised his right hand and stroked that spot.

"Where did this come from?"

Mo Fan's tone was soft, Mo Wei's eyes were filled with joy, and he looked at Mo Fan's finger. It was a bite mark that looked old, and the tooth marks were clear.

Mo Wei was worried that Mo Fan might misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained, "This appeared suddenly, and I wasn't bitten by someone. I have never touched anyone except you. You may not believe it, because I don't believe it myself. When I was an adult It just popped up on my shoulder when I was there."

Mo Fan's expression was a bit strange, and Mo Wei had a premonition that this imprint seemed to be related to Mo Fan's attitude towards him. He immediately held his breath, and his heart lifted.

Mo Fan moved closer, as if to see the shape of the mark clearly.

Mo Wei froze and didn't dare to move. The other party was a little closer, and the skin on his shoulder could feel the breath exhaled by the other party. The soft and warm touch is the other's lips!

The heartbeat seemed to jump out of the chest, and the ecstasy was surging.

What does it mean

Mo Wei faintly looked forward to it.

"En." A sharp pain came from his shoulder, and Mo Wei snorted when he was caught off guard.

The fishy-sweet liquid filled the mouth, and Mo Fan retracted the teeth embedded in the opponent's flesh.

The fresh tooth marks fit closely there, as if the same person had bitten in the same place.

Mo Fan was a little dazed. He also left such a tooth mark on Lu Mingyuan's body. That was when the two of them had an affair, Mo Fan couldn't bear the other party's malicious teasing, and bit the man's right shoulder. He bit it hard, and he bled all of a sudden.

Afterwards, when he bandaged Lu Mingyuan for treatment, he was rejected by the other party. Lu Mingyuan said that this is the imprint he left on him, and he wants to keep it. I don't know what method the other party used, but this tooth mark really didn't fade away, and it was still clearly visible until the two of them were very old.

Why, there is such a tooth mark on Mo Wei's shoulder at the same position, and it fits perfectly with his own. Mo Wei said that he didn't know where this mark came from, it appeared on him suddenly.

"It's good to keep this. If you don't know me anymore, then bite me again and see if it's the same, so you know if it's me?"

The other party's jokes echoed in his ears, Mo Wei couldn't tell whether it was Lu Mingyuan next to him, or someone else

is it you? You really appeared and have always been by my side, but I didn't expect that it was you.

The eyes focused, and Mo Wei's figure was reflected in Mo Fan's eyes.

"Leave me alone."

Mo Wei looked at Mo Fan worriedly, before leaving, he said, "Call me if you need anything."

Mo Fan is troubled.

Mo Wei felt the other party's confusion, but he couldn't help the other party. The only good thing is that Mo Fan was shocked and confused by him, but he didn't have the disgust he expected.

Does this mean that there is a sliver of possibility for the other party to accept themselves.

This prediction was too good, Mo Wei didn't dare to think about it, fearing that in the end, he would be even more disappointed. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. He has prepared for the worst, hasn't he


The system quietly emerged. Mo Fan has been sitting there all morning, and the system is a little worried.

[System, is it really impossible for the same person to appear in different worlds?]

The system struggled, "This possibility is too small."

[That is possible?]

"Impossible, unless..." the system suddenly stopped.

[Unless what?]

"Unless... ah, I'm going to collapse." The system panicked.

After the system said such a sentence, it suddenly disappeared. Mo Fan called the system a dozen times in his head, but there was no response.

[Xiao Huan?]


The voice of the system was slightly tired. This was the first time this happened. Mo Fan worriedly asked what was wrong with it. The system looks like it has excess energy every day, and it has never seen such a time of exhaustion.

"I'm fine, it's just that the data is running too large and there are some garbled characters. Fanfan, I may not be able to detect this, but the data tells me that this situation exists."

[Well, it's okay, if you don't know, you don't know.]

"Fanfan, this is the first time you are so gentle to me." It was about to cry.

[I was not gentle with you before?]Mo Fan squinted.

"No, it's just that Fanfan is very gentle today." The system hurriedly made amends.

[snort.]Mo Fan snorted coldly, accepting the answer.

As long as you know that this possibility exists, as for why, if the system is hurt for the sake of fighting, Mo Fan is not willing to see this situation.

In the kitchen, Mo Wei absent-mindedly prepared the food.

What did dad think, did he accept him? The other party's surprise didn't seem fake, how could he accept him so quickly. But why not get angry? There is even a vague tolerance.

The author has something to say: The world is coming to an end

Suddenly want to know how many people are watching, and how many people have seen this place, leave a paw print to let me know your existence pinch!