I Have a “System” Halo

Chapter 83: I have a Shallot aura


After getting off the car, the two entered a well-known hot pot restaurant and opened a private room.

"You sit across from me."

The private room is not big, and there is a table for four people. The middle of the table is recessed, which is used to place the hot pot soup base.

Mo Fan walked in and sat on the couch in the back, but Gu Yuchen also walked over and sat down next to Mo Fan.

“Easy to order.”

Mo Fan glanced at Gu Yuchen suspiciously. The other person was standing in awe-inspiring manner, and there was no trace of superfluous emotion on his face. It seemed that he was doing it just for convenience.

After taking the menu handed over by the waiter, Mo Fan looked down, "Do you have anything to eat?"

With that said, he put the list between the two of them.

Gu Yuchen leaned in Mo Fan's direction, his body tilted naturally, his right hand was placed behind Mo Fan, and his chest was pressed against Mo Fan's shoulder. Gu Yuchen sat upright, and was much taller than Mo Fan. In the eyes of outsiders, it looked as if he was hugging him.

The waiter was a young girl, with a look of confusion in her eyes, she seemed to think that the two were too close, but this was obviously something many people would do, but there was something strange in her heart.

When the two of them entered the store, the waiter thought in his heart that it was really profitable to be able to serve the two handsome guys while feasting their eyes. But now, her mind no longer knows where to go.

How come there is such a sour feeling when facing a young couple

"Waiter? Waiter?..."

Mo Fan called several times before the other party woke up like a dream and repeatedly expressed his apologies. Mo Fan waved his hand and said without hesitation, "It's all right, you can go now."

"Okay, wait a minute, I'm so sorry."

The waiter turned his head and walked out, Mo Fan said to the person beside him, "Guess what she is thinking?"

Gu Yuchen lowered his eyes, "I don't know."

"It's really boring." Mo Fan muttered, and during the movement, he found himself completely embraced by the other party's arms, "Hey, go over, it's a bit crowded. Why don't you sit on the opposite side?"

Gu Yuchen didn't respond, and backed away slightly, raised his right hand and rested it on the back of the chair.

The feeling of being imprisoned dissipated, and Mo Fan was no longer obsessed with asking the other party to change places. While waiting for the food, he lowered his head and fiddled with his mobile phone.

After the two of them finished the exam, their parents gave them money to buy a mobile phone. Mo Fan was fresh. Although the current mobile phones are not as versatile as smart phones a few years later, it is not bad to go online and play Snake to kill time.

Mo Fan applied for a QQ, and the avatar used a cute cartoon character. Now QQ is just becoming popular, but not every family can afford computers, so many people choose to go to Internet cafes.

Or, like Mo Fan, log in with your mobile phone.

Mo Fan used a better phone, the one with a larger screen and the ability to download some small software with buttons.

"Are you GG or MM?"

Probably because Mo Fan's profile picture is cuter, so many boys came to add him.

"you guess."

Mo Fan usually ignores this kind of person, but today he suddenly became interested and replied.

"I guess it must be a cute girl." The other party sent it immediately.

Just as Mo Fan was about to reply, he pulled the phone out of his hand with one hand, "The food is here."

Looking up, the waiter walked in with a trolley of vegetables, and a male waiter behind him carried a pot with soup base and put it into the groove between the tables.

Seeing the fragrant soup coming up, Mo Fan immediately forgot about the phone that fell into Gu Yuchen's hand, and stared at the waiter as he started the fire and put the dishes.

Gu Yuchen pressed a few keys on the phone, put it aside, first unpacked Mo Fan's tableware, and scalded the entire tableware with teapot water before cleaning his own.

The dishes were quickly served. At this time, the pot was also boiling, and Mo Fan picked what he liked and poured it into the pot. The ingredients are cooked quickly, and Mo Fan puts too much, some are too busy.

"I'll pick it up for you, you can eat."

Putting a pair of chopsticks into his bowl, Mo Fan raised his head gratefully and smiled at Gu Yuchen, lowering his head.

"eat together."

The hunger in his stomach subsided, and Mo Fan didn't eat so fast, and took the initiative to cook meat and vegetables for Gu Yuchen.

"En." Gu Yuchen responded, but instead of lowering his head to eat, he put down his chopsticks and turned the man's face towards himself.

Mo Fan was puzzled, a piece of warmth pressed down, his lips were held lightly, and his mouth was allowed to suck.

The oily lips were moist, with the taste of soup, Gu Yuchen really seemed to be eating something, savoring it back and forth.

The lips were crispy and numb, and the feeling of Yang spread down, and the chopsticks in Mo Fan's hands fell to the table and made a "ping-pong" sound. Mo Fan grabbed the opponent's hand holding his face with one hand, and grabbed the opponent's shoulder with the other.

As the aggression grew stronger, Mo Fan couldn't help but fell back. Gu Yuchen leaned forward and locked him tightly between himself and the sofa.

One slender leg was embedded in Mo Fan's back, and the other was propped on the sofa. An aura that seemed to envelop him came over.

In a trance, Mo Fan heard the other party's heavy breathing, and Gu Yuchen stood up suddenly in a dizzy state.

The young man was blushing, his eyes were clouded with tears, and the ends of his eyes were flooded, and he hugged his back with both hands like attachment. Gu Yuchen's mouth felt dry when he saw such a beautiful scene.

After being pulled up and tidying up his clothes, the confusion in Mo Fan's eyes faded away in a flash, and he glanced at the opponent's body from time to time.

Gu Yuchen didn't seem to notice, calmly picked up a piece of meat, scalded it, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Well, if it wasn't for the other party not eating beef, Mo Fan would almost believe it.

Leaning on the opponent's shoulder, Mo Fan whispered into Gu Yuchen's ear, "Don't you not like beef?"

Gu Yuchen paused, "Try it."

Mo Fan buried his head on the opponent's shoulder and laughed, Gu Yuchen seemed to sigh, and grabbed Mo Fan's hand.

Mo Fan was caught off guard, and when he came across a rock or something, he wanted to throw his hand away immediately, but he couldn't pull it back. The opponent's hand obviously didn't use much strength, but it firmly held his hand.


His face was very hot, but the other party was still trying to learn how to speak in his ear deliberately. There was an inexplicable smile in the low, hoarse voice.

"Let go."

Mo Fan pulled his hand, and Gu Yuchen let it go, and he was in a good mood and started cooking ingredients for the other party.

When the two came out of the private room, the waiter at the door looked puzzled: Although it is a bit hot to eat hot pot, but the air conditioner is turned on, the face will not be so red, right

Since he ate hot pot, Mo Fan's bright lip color did not attract the attention of others.

Gu Yuchen, "Are you still shopping?"

"Go shopping!" There was a bit of gnashing of teeth.

The author has something to say: Hot pot is the best time to eat in winter (*^▽^*)

Although it is summer in the article, it doesn't have a taste, right