I Have A Virtual Universe

Chapter 110: D+


Su Li really went to bed.

Well, to be precise, he went to the planet Gorol.

He had been delayed by various things before, so he had nothing to eat energy crystals. Now that he was finally free, Su Li decided to rush to D+ in one go. He would not come out of the virtual universe until D+.

Although it may be difficult, it is not impossible if you try hard.

. . . . . .

"Damn it, this guy is really asleep!"

Outside Su Li's office, Xia Ke saw through the crack in the door that Su Li was actually lying down, and immediately stamped his feet in anger.

In the end, the helpless Xia Ke had no choice but to turn around and go home. Well, she was the only one.

What she will face is the "interrogation" from her parents!

Virtual universe, planet Gorol, the ninth main city.

After Su Li appeared, he pondered for a while and then walked directly outside.

In fact, there is nothing to think about at all. Just go out and buy energy crystals and come back to eat them.

Well, after advancing to D level, the talent of "eating" has naturally been greatly enhanced, and his digestion ability has been greatly increased. Perhaps, he can buy and eat on the road at the same time, which will be much more efficient!

Just be careful not to be seen by those patrol robots.

Although those patrol robots will not care whether Su Li eats energy crystals, if they are recorded, they may cause some trouble to Su Li.

However, Su Li is no longer the cute little newbie who just arrived in Gorol. It is still very easy for him at D level to avoid those patrol robots.

After all, even in Gorol, D-level superpowers are no longer a piece of cake. This can be inferred from the acquisition of genetic maps.

The original genetic diagrams of F to E levels can be easily purchased online, but the threshold for E to D levels is very high. At the very least, Su Li, who has little social status and no connections in Gorol, is very It is difficult to obtain the original D-level gene map.

. . . . . .

After making the plan, Su Li set off.

Find a store, ask, buy, eat, keep looking for a store… .

In the next few hours, Su Li kept repeating this process.

Because he can buy and eat at the same time, Su Li's current efficiency is many times higher than that of E+. Therefore, even if the energy required from D- to D-level is twice as high as that from E+ to D-, Su Li's level The speed of improvement is not much slower.

Even, to be honest, the speed is much faster!

A few hours later, Su Li returned to his apartment. After eating dozens of energy crystals, surging energy surged through his body again.

Name: Su Li

Location: Virtual Universe-Tianling Star-Ninth Main City

Rank: D (1%)

Talent: Eat (everything you can see is your food)

Carbon element manipulation (as long as you are willing, all carbon atoms will be arranged into what you want)

Blood transformation (with enough samples, you can be of any race)

Mall: Already open

Resource points: 28845

PS: Population, land, wealth, everything you own can be calculated as resource points.


"Gorol Chapter" - Become a superpower and keep moving forward on the road of superpowers. You can obtain some resource points at each stage of the mission.

"Original Chapter" - Killing, the meaning of life lies in killing. In the endless killing, you will continue to get resource points.

"Tian Ling Chapter" - The body of the god. Countless years ago, a god fell here. Collect the remains of the god and you will be rewarded with some resource points.

After an unknown amount of time, the energy tide in Su Li's body subsided... He sat cross-legged and quietly felt the changes in his body.

"Afraid I can really fly?" Su Li muttered to himself.

After advancing to D level, his body became countless times lighter again. When he was in E level, he could jump to the top of a building tens of meters high with just one jump. Now that he was in D level, he was afraid of jumping up. It’s not that I can’t get down.

This feeling was still a little vague at first, but now... Su Li is 80% sure that he can fly!

"Forget it, it's not easy to experiment on the Goror planet. I'll go to the Primordial Star to experiment later. I also cooked the cloud-eating python's grandson. He fucked me five or six times. This time it's finally my turn!"

Shaking his head, Su Li stood up and ran to the next store again.

Although he wanted to vomit after eating the energy crystals, D+ was right in front of him, so how could he give up halfway

Advancing to D+ was smoother than expected. It took twice as long as before. Su Li purchased a total of 16,000 energy crystals and ate them on the way.

Then, he advanced.

Of the 300,000 credit points, it took 40,000 to advance to D-, 80,000 to D-level, and 160,000 to D+. In less than a week, all 300,000 credit points were consumed by Su Li.

As for how much energy is needed to increase the level progress of D+, Su Li has not tested it.

Because he can't afford to try...

At E+, he needs 40 energy crystals to increase one percent of his level progress, 80 energy crystals for D-, and 160 energy crystals for D level... At D+, even if it is the same as E+, the energy required is only less than before. Twenty times more, that's still 3,200 yuan.

Thirty-two hundred energy crystals, that's thirty-two thousand credit points. Su Li obviously couldn't afford so many resource points.

Therefore, instead of wasting the few remaining resource points, it is better to keep them. After all, in addition to resource points, Gorol still has a lot of good things, and these resource points can be regarded as spares.

Moreover, a twenty-fold increase in energy is only a conservative estimate, and the probability is very small.

According to Su Li's true thoughts, if the energy increased thirty times or even forty times, that would be normal!

Therefore, in D+, for every one percent improvement in level progress, 3,600 energy crystals are needed, and even 4,800 energy crystals are not impossible...

This is another desperate number. At the very least, Su Li is desperate.

Therefore, unless the two new life planets can surprise him, there is no need to think about C level in a short time!

As for the changes in D+... enmmmm, in short, it's very strong. Let's not talk about mental power and vitality. Just take the power with the smallest change as an example. Su Li would have to run at least three thousand tons.

… .

"It must have been a long time since the outside world passed, right?" Su Li touched his chin and thought for a moment, then clapped his hands.

"Forget it, I've wasted so long anyway, and I don't have much time left. Let's go to the original star general and cook the Cloud-Eating Python first. Keeping it alive is obviously not in line with my principles!"

After making up his mind, Su Li no longer hesitated, stood up directly, and his body began to fade away...

(End of chapter)