I Have A Virtual Universe

Chapter 16: Excellent results


In the end, Su Li focused on oil, which was the easiest to obtain.

An hour later, Su Li took a bus and arrived at a medium-sized gas station on the outskirts of Donghai City.

"Young man, are you okay?" The person asking was a woman of insignificant age, who seemed to be the person in charge here.

The gas station was not busy at this time, so even though Su Li didn't look like he wanted to refuel, the woman took the initiative to say hello.

"I want one hundred liters of diesel!" Su Li said directly.


"I want one hundred liters of diesel!" Su Li repeated.

"What do you need so much diesel for?"


"Did you bring your ID card? And the oil drum!" Seeing that Su Li didn't want to tell the truth, the woman simply stopped asking and got down to business.

"Can you just sell me one oil barrel?" Su Li asked.

"You can't pretend to be alone!" the woman said lightly.

"Those two!"

"One hundred liters of diesel fuel is six hundred and forty-five yuan, and oil drums are thirty-one. I'll give you seven hundred yuan!"


Su Li nodded, then took out seven hundred yuan from his pocket and handed it over along with his ID card.

Xia's father's first red envelope was only 1,000 yuan, which was considered as a reward for hard work, but the second red envelope was much more, a full 20,000 yuan.

According to the strength Su Li showed this morning, the money is not too much, it can only be regarded as okay!

However, Xia Ke's house is not a big hotel, and Su Li doesn't want to ask for too much. He is not the kind of person who is too greedy.

Because the money was easy to come by, Su Li didn't feel any pain in spending it. Moreover, if he bought the oil, he would drink it himself, so it wouldn't be considered a waste.

After taking the money and ID card, the woman did not hesitate, went directly into the house and took out two large white oil drums.

This kind of oil drum is more than one meter high and more than 40 centimeters thick, making it a huge thing.

One hundred liters of oil may not sound like much, but it is actually enough for two large barrels.

It took nearly twenty minutes for the woman to fill the two large oil drums.

"How do you plan to take him away? Do you have a car?" the woman asked.

"Just take it away!"

Su Li smiled, then stepped forward, and walked out of the gas station with two large oil drums in each hand under the woman's surprised eyes.

"I can't believe how strong this kid is!"

Looking at Su Li's relaxed back, the woman sighed with emotion.

The density of diesel is smaller than that of water. One hundred liters of diesel is actually not that heavy, weighing only over one hundred and sixty kilograms.

However, even so, among modern people who are generally weak in physique, people who can lift two 80-pound oil drums with one hand are definitely rare.

However, this incident only surprised the woman a little, and she didn't pay too much attention to it. There are many strong people in this world!

Shortly after leaving the gas station, Su Li carried two large oil drums and rolled them behind the protective forest on one side.

Because he chose the suburbs of Donghai City, Su Li didn't have to worry about being discovered by others, so now, after he found a deserted place behind the protective forest, he picked up a large barrel of oil and drank from the barrel.

After taking the first sip of diesel, Su Li's eyes lit up slightly.

Compared to dry batteries, this thing is surprisingly delicious!

Without continuing to be polite, Su Li directly positioned the entire oil barrel at 180 degrees with his body. Under the blessing of gravity, soon, the entire barrel of oil entered Su Li's stomach.

This also shows that Su Li's gift of "eating" is abnormal. This barrel of oil was almost half of Su Li's body size, but after it all entered his stomach, it didn't even make a splash.

In fact, Su Li wondered if his belly was connected to a different space. Otherwise, how could he hold so many things

After drinking one bucket, Su Li used "Infinite Sea of Stars" to direct the energy in his body a little, and then drank the second bucket.

An hour later, Su Li's figure appeared again near another gas station. This time he bought No. 92 gasoline.

Then, another hour...

From about ten o'clock in the morning to two o'clock in the afternoon, Su Li visited four gas stations in succession and purchased one hundred liters of diesel, one hundred liters of No. 92 gasoline, one hundred liters of No. 95 gasoline, and one hundred liters of No. 98 gasoline. No. gasoline.

In the end, Su Li came to the conclusion that among the four types of fuel, the 98th gasoline with the highest price was the most delicious, but the most cost-effective was diesel.

After drinking four hundred liters of fuel in four hours, Su Li felt a little dizzy even though his digestion ability was amazing!

However, the good news is that his level progress has been great.

Name: Su Li

Location: Real Universe-Donghai City-Western Suburbs of Donghai

Rank: F- (11%)

Talent: Eat (everything you can see is your food)

Mall: Already open

Resource points: 4

PS: Population, land, wealth, everything you own can be turned into resource points.


"Gorol Chapter" - Become a superpower and keep moving forward on the road of superpowers. You can obtain some resource points at each stage of the mission.

"Original Chapter" - Killing, the meaning of life lies in killing, in the endless killing, you will continue to get resource points

The progress of F- has increased to 11%, and the average fuel price per 100 liters has increased by 2%, while the value of 100 liters of fuel is far less than 1,000 yuan. This means that the cost-effectiveness of fuel Much higher than dry batteries!

"Tsk, it's impossible for me to eat dry batteries again in this life!" With a sigh, Su Li closed the blue screen and prepared to continue his leveling journey.

Twenty thousand yuan can buy about 3,000 liters of diesel. It is no problem to increase the progress by 60 to 70%!

Thinking about it this way, when he wins the Big Eater Championship tomorrow and gets the 100,000 bonus, he will be able to break through the F level in the real world!

"Haha, I can't be complacent. I have to be at least as obscene as Shi Yunmang before I can be completely wild!"

Just when Su Li was happy, suddenly, his cell phone rang.

Su Li took out his cell phone and took a look at it. It was an unknown number!

"Hey, Su Li, the finals have been rescheduled to this afternoon. Where are you?" Su Li pressed the answer button, and Xia Ke's slightly anxious voice came out.

Su Li: "..."

What the hell is going on, what happened the next morning as promised

PS: New book Little Seedlings, please support me!

(End of chapter)