I Have A Virtual Universe

Chapter 32: New mission - Body of God


Walking in the dense alley, Su Li looked at the carbon element ball that became round, square and flattened in his hand, a hint of thinking flashed in his eyes.

In the real universe before, Su Li had never found a chance to test his new talent "Carbon Element Manipulation". Now, after going through some experiments just now, he finally has some understanding of this talent!

Just as Su Li thought, carbon element manipulation can directly control the carbon element in carbon-based organisms, thereby achieving the purpose of directly killing the opponent.

This ability is very strong and perverted!

But the energy consumption was also particularly huge. The black man who escaped was just an ordinary person. It was okay for Su Li to control a small amount of carbon elements in his body, but in the end, even he felt a little bit of difficulty when he was turned into nothing.

By analogy, if he wanted to control all the carbon elements in an E-level superpower, Su Li would probably be exhausted!

Of course, in order to kill someone, it is not necessary to control the carbon elements in the person's body. In fact, Su Li only needs to make the person's heart or brain collapse directly!

That was the case with the man named Jimmy. The reason why he vomited out the mixture of blood and flesh was because Su Li quietly destroyed some of his internal organs.

Because the internal organs lack the sensory nerves connected to the brain, Jimmy doesn't even know that his internal organs are damaged!

This is a murderous and invisible method, very scary!

In addition, Su Li also got some inspiration from the lump of carbon in his hand.

In the nature of the earth, carbon element generally exists in two forms, graphite and diamond.

Shi Mo has nothing to say and is of no use to Su Li.

But diamond, this thing is said to be extremely hard, although it is a bit brittle, but using it to make weapons may have good effects.

In addition, Su Li remembered that he had seen in a popular science article that diamonds were formed under high temperature and high pressure underground.

In other words, diamonds are also carbon!

Of course, it is impossible for there to be only these two kinds of carbon elements in the vast universe, but Su Li only knows about these two kinds at present!

What I have said before is actually just to express one idea. Su Li feels that with his ability, he can completely convert one type of carbon substance into another type of carbon substance, and can also control its shape, such as making a ball change into a ball. Into a sword or something!

Now, Su Li is making this attempt.

If he succeeds in creating diamond, then he probably won't need to worry about weapons in a short time!

Even if the diamond sword is not as durable as his alloy one-handed sword, he can repair it immediately if it breaks, which is infinite!

If he succeeds in synthesizing a natural diamond that can look real, then he will soon become rich... Calculated based on one resource point of 10,000 yuan, his resource points will reach a level that cannot be used up in a short period of time. The situation!

As for now, the first thing he has to do is to find out what the specific structure of diamond is... This is not difficult. Tianling Star is quite similar to the earth. I believe this thing can be found online!

Even if it doesn't work, the worst he can do is return to the real universe and check it out. It's not that difficult anyway.

. . . . . .

After a long time—

Su Li sat on a lounge chair by the roadside, stared at the semi-transparent long sword in his hand, and sighed.

It turned out that he was overthinking, probably because his current level was too low, and his control was seriously insufficient. Controlling the shape of the carbon element was fine, and he could do it easily.

But if he wants all the carbon atoms to be arranged and combined according to his ideas... Su Li feels that this is almost like a dream to him now!

However, Su Li was not without gains.

Although there was no successful synthesis of diamond, Su Li worked out something plausible.

This is probably a new carbon substance. Su Li didn't think about the name carefully, so let's call it carbon gold. The appearance of carbon gold is translucent. From a distance, it looks like some crystal jewelry, but from the appearance Said, carbon gold is quite excellent.

In addition, carbon gold is stable and non-flammable, which is similar to diamond.

Of course, carbon gold also has its own advantages. It has excellent toughness and moderate hardness. A long sword made of it can withstand Su Li's full force without breaking.

It is precisely because of this that Su Li is going to temporarily use this piece of carbon gold as his weapon.

Moreover, because carbon gold is pure carbon, Su Li can completely transform it into another form and wear it on his body, such as an inconspicuous bracelet...

Of course, without this bracelet, Su Li can use other carbon atoms to synthesize carbon gold again at any time, but this will be more troublesome. If he really gets into a fight, it will definitely be too late to do this, so, still It’s better to wear it on your body!

After tinkering with the carbon gold, Su Li sat there for a while, then stood up and left.

After wandering around this city called Yoston for a long time, Su Li still found nothing!

This made Su Li a little helpless. According to the experience of Goror Star and Primordial Star, there is probably a planetary mission in Tianling Star. As a result, he wandered around for a long time and couldn't find any clue!

However, when you think about it, it is actually quite normal. After all, he only found out the mission on the third day when he was on the Goror Star. The original star was even better. He died there once and only found the mission after entering Suli for the second time. !

Just when Su Li was about to give up for the time being, a crisp voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Sir, the Century Museum will open in a week, so stay tuned!"

Su Li turned around and took a look. It was a girl with freckles on her face, no, it was a girl with freckles on her face who was handing out flyers!

Taking the flyer handed over by the girl, Su Li thanked him, and then casually glanced at the content on the flyer - ordinary, museum exhibition.

In just a moment, Su Li was ready to find a trash can and throw away the flyer. He was not interested in the museum on Earth, let alone the Tianling Star.

This is true even if the environment of Tianling Star is very similar to that of Earth!

However, at the next moment, Su Li suddenly stopped moving.

Name: Su Li

Location: Virtual Universe-Tianling Star-Yorston City

Rank: E- (1%)

Talent: Eat (everything you can see is your food)

Carbon element manipulation (as long as you are willing, all carbon atoms will be arranged into what you want)

Mall: Already open

Resource points: 58

PS: Population, land, wealth, everything you own can be turned into resource points.


"Gorol Chapter" - Become a superpower and keep moving forward on the road of superpowers. You can obtain some resource points at each stage of the mission.

"Original Chapter" - Killing, the meaning of life lies in killing, in the endless killing, you will continue to get resource points

"Tian Ling Chapter" - The body of the god. Countless years ago, a god fell here. Collect the remains of the god and you will be rewarded with some resource points.

"A new mission has appeared? Collect the remains of the gods?"

Looking at the blue screen that suddenly appeared, Su Li fell into deep thought.

PS: New book Little Seedlings, please support me!

(End of chapter)