I Have A Virtual Universe

Chapter 37: Five days of harvest


November 1, 2019, afternoon, real universe, Tunghai University, dormitory 414.

Su Li opened his eyes and glanced around, but saw no one.

"Not even here, how rare it is!" Su Li muttered to himself, then stopped thinking about it and opened the blue screen.

Name: Su Li

Location: Real Universe - Donghai City - Tunghai University

Rank: E- (37%)

Talent: Eat (everything you can see is your food)

Carbon element manipulation (as long as you are willing, all carbon atoms will be arranged into what you want)

Mall: Already open

Resource points: 654

PS: Population, land, wealth, everything you own can be turned into resource points.


"Gorol Chapter" - Become a superpower and keep moving forward on the road of superpowers. You can obtain some resource points at each stage of the mission.

"Original Chapter" - Killing, the meaning of life lies in killing, in the endless killing, you will continue to get resource points

"Tian Ling Chapter" - The body of the god. Countless years ago, a god fell here. Collect the remains of the god and you will be rewarded with some resource points.

After glancing at the blue screen, a smile appeared on Su Li's lips. Especially when he saw the column of resource points, the smile on his face became even brighter.

In the past few days, Su Li's luck has been good or bad. The good thing is that he has never encountered D-level creatures on the primitive star, so he has been alive. The bad thing is that in the whole five days, he has only encountered D-level creatures. 7 E-level creatures, two E-level, and five E-.

As Su Li becomes more and more proficient in the use of carbon element manipulation, these seven E-level creatures are far from Su Li's opponent!

However, even so, of the seven creatures, only six were killed by Su Li.

The one who escaped was an E-level creature. The guy seemed to be quite intelligent. After seeing Su Li, he didn't hesitate at all. He turned around and ran away quickly. He was also an E-level creature. The guy seemed to be good at speed. Su After chasing for a long time, I still couldn't catch up, so I had to give up in the end!

Except for the one that escaped, the bodies of the remaining six E-level creatures naturally entered Su Li's stomach. It is precisely because of this that Su Li's level progress reached 37%.

Of course, Su Li's biggest gain was resource points. Although most of the beasts he killed were of ordinary level, even so, the resource points he obtained reached nearly a thousand points. After spending three hundred points, After thirty-seven percent of the level progress was revealed, there are now 645 points left.

This means that as long as there is enough energy now, Su Li can immediately advance again and become an E-class superpower.

I have to say, this speed is very abnormal!

The source of energy naturally has to be from the Goror planet. However, Su Li currently has no credit points and cannot buy energy sources, so he can only put these more than 600 resource points aside for now!

In fact, Su Li has been to Gorol Star several times in the past few days. Naturally, he also tried to earn credits there, but unfortunately he had little success. Again, he can't do the mental work, but there are various models for the physical work. The robot is cheap and durable, there is no need for him at all!

His awesome superpower couldn't even find a place to work as a coolie!

Just when Su Li was thinking about it, suddenly, the dormitory door was opened, and Zheng Hongyu and Zhang Yu walked in one after the other.

However, Su Li always felt that the expressions on their faces were very complicated. Did they encounter a blow outside

"What's wrong with you?" Su Li asked casually.

"Hey!" The two of them sighed together.

Su Li: "..."

"Someone succeeded!" These words suddenly popped out of Zheng Hongyu's mouth.


"Now the Internet is going crazy. Liu Feng, a grade 17 physical education student at Tunghai University, is suspected to be the first superpower since the announcement of China's superpower technology." Zhang Yu continued.

"Anyway, no one has come out to refute it so far. They all say that he became a superpower at the earliest time!"

"We are both students of Tunghai University, so why am I still barely able to learn breathing techniques?" Zheng Hongyu sighed again.

Su Li had finally managed not to irritate him these days, but he didn't expect that another monster would pop up at Tunghai University!

It’s so heartbreaking.

"Oh? So fast, what a talent!" Su Li was slightly stunned when he heard the news.

However, if you calculate the time, it has been eight days since the super power technology was announced. It is really not surprising that a super power user appears.

At this time, Zhao Shengkai's voice rang at the door, "That Liu Feng is studying physical education, and his body is probably in good shape. After learning the breathing technique, and adding some energy potions, it is normal for him to become a superpower!"

Zhao Shengkai said, walked up to Su Li and handed Su Li a box.

"What is this?" Su Li asked.

"I brought the energy potion we bought back to you by the way!"

"Oh! Thank you." Su Li nodded after taking the energy potion.

"Su Li, come on, I'm optimistic about you!" Zheng Hongyu looked at Su Li and said

"Now that you have become a superpower, I can go out and brag about it. I can't let that muscle stick be more beautiful than before!"

Muscle rod

The corner of Su Li's mouth twitched. Even if he is from the physical education department, he doesn't necessarily have muscles, right

"Okay, I'll try my best!"

Su Li opened the box containing the energy potion, looked at the two bottles of brown potion inside, and fell into deep thought for a while.

In reality, the first super user has appeared, and his energy potion has been obtained. If he becomes a "super user" now, it should be normal, right

"Then I'll have a taste of this stuff!"

After saying this with a smile, Su Li opened two bottles of energy potions, raised his head, and drank them all.

"Hey, Lao Su! Isn't it too reckless to drink like this?" Zhang Yu said speechlessly.

"It's okay, I feel power surge from my body!" Su Li said quickly, then pretended to close his eyes.

Seeing Su Li like this, the three people immediately shut their mouths. After all, in their opinion, Su Li learned the breathing technique five days ago, and now he drank the energy potion. This time he might become a super. Someone who is capable.

At such a crucial moment, of course nothing can be done!

PS: New book Little Seedlings, please support me!

(End of chapter)