I Have Amnesia, Don’t Be Noisy!

Chapter 57: top


Hearing this, Yu Tang was also disgusted by Zhong Yibin, and glanced at him contemptuously. Both of them are in their thirties, and they are still so numb. He raised his hand and gave Song Xiao a chopstick of fish and meat: "Eat, let's ride on the merry-go-round."

Song Xiao coughed. The merry-go-round was the first thing they played at the playground when they were in high school. This guy...

Zhong Yibin didn't understand what they were fighting, so he didn't care about Yu Tang's eyes, and gave Chu Qin a piece of roasted fish: "I remember you like to eat crispy roasted fish."

The golden-yellow fish, dripping with sauce and chili oil, is extraordinarily attractive. Chu Qin took it and ate it in his mouth, the deliciousness bursting out on the tip of his tongue, it was very delicious. He was also hungry. After taking a bite, his index finger moved, he took a large piece of meat and mixed it with rice. He ate a big mouthful. After two bites, he was suddenly stunned. What did this guy remember? Looking up at Zhong Yibin, he asked him with his eyes.

"A little bit," Zhong Yibin winked at him, urging him to eat quickly, "Let's go rafting in a wooden boat for a while to digest food, and then go to play 'Zhi', and play twice more." Forgot to plan what to do in the afternoon.

The track is a large roller coaster, but this roller coaster is different from other roller coasters. This one is not for sitting, but uses a safety bar to trap people and hangs in the air. When running, it creates the illusion of people flying in the air.

Chu Qin floated slowly while basking in the sun on the wooden boat, and almost fell asleep. When Zhong Yibin pulled him to the roller coaster, he was still a little confused, buried his face on Zhong Yibin's back, and continued to whimper.

Zhong Yibin was eagerly queuing up, his back felt sinking, he hurriedly looked back at Chu Qin, and seeing that he was just sleepy, he reached out and grabbed the person, put him in his arms, and let him sleep more peacefully.

Because the line was single and long, people in the distance would not pay attention to what others were doing, so few people noticed the ambiguous behavior of the two young men, but they excited the girls behind them. .

"Oh my God..." Several girls cheered in a low voice, taking out their mobile phones and taking pictures secretly.

Zhong Yibin didn't care, but he wouldn't let them photograph Chu Qin's face. He raised his hand to protect Chu Qin's face, buried it in his chest, took out his mobile phone and swiped it expressionlessly.

The battle on the Internet is still going on. Heizi Navy tried to find strong evidence to fight back, but Chu Qin has always kept himself clean, has no bad habits, and has a good relationship with the media. black spots outside. So I started to pick up Zhong Yibin.

Zhong Yibin studied early, and returned to China from abroad at the age of 20, and took over Shengshi Entertainment and Shengshi TV. At that time, the business of Shengshi Entertainment was not bad, but Shengshi TV was a bit bleak. Private TV stations, which were established when pay TV was just popularized, were not broadcast in every province, and were lingering among the various TV stations.

It was not until Zhong Yibin signed Chu Qin that Shengshi TV really entered the public eye, and was paid close attention to. At that time, Chu Qin, who was in the limelight, went to a little-known private TV station. Everyone was very curious about where it was, and people who could not receive this channel also ran to the Internet to search.

Zhong Yibin is also a genius, and everyone is more and more shocked. This guy won the world championship of the youth business simulation competition when he was in the United States, won the third runner-up in the American golf non-professional competition, and is also an equestrian master. Going forward, in high school, he won the second prize of the National Mathematical Olympiad, the first prize of the National Youth Equestrian Competition... The history of junior high school and primary school is no longer testable, but these are enough to show that he is not a second-generation ancestor.

Although it was also photographed with young girls in and out of high-end entertainment clubs, it was soon confirmed that she was also the daughter of a wealthy family. Even if he is really entangled with other girls, it can't prove anything. After all, in the current rich second-generation group, the root is not a stain.

Zhong Yibin looked at the news on the Internet and sneered, these must be the handwriting of Shengshi's public relations department, otherwise, how could he only take advantage of him and not reveal anything bad. It's also that the media did not dare to offend him. After all, he was only the boss of an entertainment company, not an artist, so they couldn't help but talk nonsense.

Seeing that the fire was almost on, Zhong Yibin raised his arms and wrapped Chu Qin in his arms, holding the mobile phone in both hands, and sent a Weibo.

Zhong Yibin V: Back then, my father asked me to prove that I was capable of taking over Shengshi TV. If Chu Qin was not willing to come and help me, my father would not have handed Shengshi TV and Shengshi Entertainment to me. In fact, I came to power by relying on Chu Qin...

The accompanying picture is a group photo of the two of them under the Shengshi TV Building. At that time, Chu Qin was only nineteen years old. He was young and immature. He was wearing a school uniform and smiled so much that he showed two small pear vortexes. Twenty-one-year-old Zhong Yibin, holding the contract he just signed, smiled brightly.

The photo was found by the public relations department yesterday. Zhong Yibin slowly rubbed his blue face across the screen. He was high-spirited back then, and he must have been excited and nervous when he just took over. Through the photos, you can feel the ambition and activity of youth.

As soon as this Weibo came out, netizens went crazy.

[Oh my god, Mr. Zhong said that he relied on Chu Qin to rise to the top!

[If my boss could do this for me, I would kneel and polish his shoes every day!

[Why, I feel so full of love, the doge face didn't expect people's reactions to be so funny, Zhong Yibin hugged Chu Qin and walked forward with a big bear and a little bear, while swiping Weibo, I haven't swiped enough, it has already been ranked by them .

Zhong Yibin immediately put down his mobile phone and patted the person in his arms: "It's up to us." In fact, Chu Qin didn't sleep, just leaning on him to get lazy, he straightened his body and raised his head. Suddenly thinking of the girls behind him, Zhong Yibin quickly raised his hand and turned the person around, so that no one behind him could see Chu Qin's face.

"Oh, I didn't see his face, but he must be a handsome guy." The girl behind stomped her feet regretfully, handed the phone and bag to the staff, and lifted her feet to the boarding platform.

"Go to the green area in order, one by one." The staff instructed everyone to say hello.

There were four people in a row. Chu Qin and Zhong Yibin were in a row with two of the girls. The safety bar clacked down, clasped the people, and slowly pulled them up.

"It feels like a roast duck." Chu Qin said with a smile, and the sweet voice caused the two girls to forget their nervousness, and hurriedly looked back at him. This didn't matter, and immediately widened their eyes. Isn't that Chu Qin

"Brother Qin, ah!" As soon as the words came out, the machine started, and everyone jumped out in an instant, drowning the girl's voice in the screams one after another.

Tracing this roller coaster is very interesting. After hanging people up and rushing forward, it creates an illusion of flying. When moving up quickly, I often feel like I'm a superman, soaring into the sky.

Zhong Yibin raised one arm excitedly and shouted, "Ultraman, fly!"

Chu Qin twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling the eyes of the two girls next to him, silently covering their faces, which was too embarrassing. But then he didn't have time to think about the shameful thing, the roller coaster rose to the highest point, and then fell instantly. Without the contact of the seat, people seem to be really flying, plunge into the abyss, and then bounce into the sky in an instant, wagging their tails and rolling in the sky, which is indescribably beautiful.

The speed of this project is not particularly fast, the sense of fear is very low, and it is more to enjoy the fun of flying.

After it was over, Zhong Yibin was so excited that he pulled Chu Qin to sit again. Chu Qin, who had not had enough fun, readily agreed. At this time, the girl who was packing her bag walked over quickly: "You, are you Chu Qin?"

Chu Qin looked at her and put a slender finger in front of his lips: "Shh - keep it secret!" Said, winked at the girl, dragged Zhong Yibin and ran away quickly, disappearing into the crowd instantly.

"Do you see it clearly?" The companion who helped her to get the bag ran over with a smile.

"I, I... ah! Zhong Qin, ah!" The girl grabbed her best friend and shook her vigorously. After bouncing on the spot for a long time, she calmed down a little, and whispered a few words in her ear.

The best friend was stunned for a moment, and then, "Ah ah..." The two of them held hands and started to jump in place.

No photos were taken, only the two of them saw it, and no one believed it when they said it, but it still gave the two little girls a sense of excitement with a big secret.

After playing the trail three times, Zhong Yibin took Chu Qin to play the rapids, and met Yu Tang and the other three on the way.

"What are you going to play?" Song Xiao patted Yu Lin's little head, the little boy didn't seem to be in high spirits and kept pouting.

"Let's play the torrent," Chu Qin replied with a smile.

"What's so fun about that?" Yu Tang glanced at "Rapid Currents" not far away, which is a classic event in every playground, sliding down from a high place and rushing into the pool. This one from Big Fish is more advanced, using an air-cushion boat and no track.

Zhong Yibin raised his eyebrows at Yu Tang, and whispered something in his ear.

As for the memories of the playground, he remembered scattered, but only this project remembered the most clearly. Back then, Chu Qin was wearing a white shirt and playing this with him. A huge splash of water splashed and wet Chu Qin's clothes. The thin shirt was attached to the skin, and the two pink dots could be vaguely seen.

Mr. Zhong, who was not very enlightened at the time, saw this scene, his Adam's apple slipped secretly, and he didn't understand why his mouth suddenly became dry.

When Yu Tang heard about this project, she could sit in a row and hold the person in front of her in her arms, thinking that Song Xiao was trembling in fear and hid in his arms, she immediately became happy, and took her brother to the queue, "Yu Lin thought from the beginning. Play this." He looked reluctantly for his younger brother to try it out.

Child Yu Lin looked at his brother and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

The author has something to say: Small Theater:

Erbing: Let's go to play torrent

Fishpond: Ah, if my brother wants to play, let's play it with reluctance.

Two Cakes: Let's go play the carousel

Fishpond: Ah, if my brother wants to play, let's play it with reluctance.

Erbing: Let's play the jumping machine

Fishpond: Ah, my brother wants to play...

Fish scales: This project is not suitable for children

Fishpond: Ah, my brother can't play, so I have to make a wish for my brother Fish scales: (¬_¬)