I Have Four Dads After Transmigrating in a Novel

Chapter 139



Jiang Mian reached out to help Xingran, but the latter huddled back. All the muscles in his body were shaking abnormally, and his breathing was rapid: "No, don't worry about me, it's... very, fast."

He wanted to curl up and bury himself, not wanting Jiang Mian to see his ugly appearance.

However, the muscles were stiff and shaking too much, and they were completely out of his control.

The veins on his forehead and neck popped out, which was because Xing Ran was trying hard to control himself.

Jiang Mian paused, and she saw begging in Xingran's eyes.

He was begging her to leave.

Jiang Mian looked away from him, strode out of the room, and closed the door.

She didn't go far. If something more serious happened, she would have time to save her.

Sliding open the phone screen, you will see the brightly colored body of the golden thread scale. The venomous snake like the golden thread scale is very rare and almost non-existent in China.

Xingran is a male model who was chosen to play Daner because of his wealthy father.

He didn't know the little prince, and he had never been to the palace, so he wouldn't be so guilty and scared because of seeing the golden scale.

He was not simply afraid of the golden scales, but was afraid of snakes, so much so that he couldn't stand seeing pictures of snakes.


Snakes are reptiles. Compared with other animals known for their "cuteness" and "cuteness", snakes represent coldness, ruthlessness, and high danger.

Ordinary people almost always feel "fear" when seeing a snake.

Xingran was afraid to such an extent that it was no longer an ordinary fear.

It didn't seem like fear, more like some kind of stress reaction.

Jiang Mian frowned and recalled the description of Xingran in the original work - his role appeared in the later stages, focusing on describing how he exposed the dirty deals in the entertainment industry, because his exposure involved Guan Xin, and the focus of the plot was on the relationship between men and women. The Lord is most important.

About half of Xingran's plot is described in declarative sentences.

Including the fact that he killed his father Wan Qiankun, it was only through the perspective of the heroine that he got the news that director Wan Qiankun was hacked to death by his son at home - Wan Qiankun was also well-known in the director world, and his death was a hot search.

In the end, Xingran's life was written in just a few words: going to jail, killing rapists, and committing suicide.

Regarding why Xingran killed his father, what his father did to him, and what he had experienced before, the original work did not mention it at all.

If Xingran hadn't told her his real name before, she would never have known that this top star in heaven and earth would actually be an important supporting role in the later stage.

The original work was too long, and it took her a while to extract all the plot about Xingran. She was so absorbed in thinking that when the door behind her opened, she didn't notice it immediately.

Xingran's hair on his forehead was wet with sweat. Except for the redness in his eyes, his whole body had returned to normal.

But the stars in his eyes dimmed.

Even when he opened the door and saw the girl's back without leaving, it only lit up for a moment.

She could see all of his embarrassed and terrifying appearance.

In front of her, the only best state he wanted to retain quietly collapsed.

He looked at Jiang Mian silently without saying a word.

Would she think he was sick

Will disgust flash in her eyes when she sees him

Or, would she tell him next to let him leave as quickly as possible.

There was a trance in Xingran's eyes.

Perhaps, he should offer to leave.

For someone as dirty as him, it must be an insult to even come to stay with her to make her happy.

Jiang Mian pulled his thoughts back from his meditation, noticed something was wrong behind him, turned around, looked into Xingran's lifeless eyes, and frowned.

She pointed to his wet hair and said lightly: "You go and clean it first. After cleaning, help me change the dressing."

After saying this very naturally and calmly, she brushed past his body and entered the room, acting no different.

Xingran was startled and watched as Jiang Mian sat down on the sofa again and opened his mouth to say something, but no sound came out.

After a moment, a light slowly rose in his eyes.

"Miss, I'll be fine soon." His voice was hoarse, and he tried his best to hide the excitement in his voice.

He quickly returned to his room to tidy up.

Xingran's "fast" was really fast. Five minutes later, he reappeared in front of Jiang Mian with his clothes changed and his hair still glowing with moisture.

He spent five minutes washing his hair and taking a shower—how could he keep the lady waiting for him for so long

Jiang Mian glanced at him and stretched out her right hand. Xingran began to change the dressing for her injury. Jiang Mian had no intention of asking him anything. Instead, Xingran took the initiative to talk.

He said sorry first: "I scared you just now."

"I was shocked." Jiang Mian said in a relaxed tone, as if he were talking to a friend, half-jokingly, "I won't dare to let you see the photos casually in the future."

Xingran smiled, and the movements of his hands became gentler.

He knew that Jiang Mian was relaxing his mood in her own way.

After hesitating for two seconds, Xingran explained in a low voice: "I had a bad illness when I was a child. During the illness, I was frightened. After that, I developed this problem."

"It's okay if I don't see it, but if I see it, even if it's just a picture, I still... can't react, like I have an allergy. I just need to calm down for a while." There was a bit of embarrassment in his voice.

In addition to being embarrassed, she felt a little relieved: she didn't dislike him.

Jiang Mian thought about it for a moment and suddenly said, "Can you tell me in detail?"

Xingran raised his head fiercely, but Jiang Mian didn't look at him, and put on a bored look: "Dad and Uncle Xize haven't come back yet, and there's nothing else to do. It's quite boring. Just tell a story, and I'll listen to it to relieve my boredom." Son."

The more casual she is, the more relaxed Xingran will be.

"Story..." Xingran murmured.

"Okay, I'll tell you a story." Xingran wrapped Jiang Mian's hand with gauze, then sat on the independent sofa next to him and began to "tell a story."

"Miss, you have a good father." The first sentence at the beginning of the story, "Mr. Han holds you in his hands and feels so good."

"However, not all fathers will love their children." He smiled lightly. After a while, as if he thought of something, his smile became thicker.

It's ironic no matter how you look at it.

"It's just that I didn't fully understand this sentence until I became an adult."

Xingran's words are not wrong. Indeed, not all parents are selfless and love their children.

News about child abuse appear all the time.

Most parents only have an attitude of fulfilling their responsibilities or investing in their children - having offspring is to have someone to rely on when they are old.

Parents who lavish all their love on their children without reservation are equally represented as parents who abuse their children.

Unfortunately, Xing Ran belongs to the latter.

Strictly speaking, he is half of the latter group, since he has no mother, only his father, who died shortly after his birth.

There are different types of abuse, some are only directed at the body, and this often manifests itself in violence.

Some are psychologically targeted, which is equivalent to cold violence.

Children who grow up in a cold and violent environment for a long time will definitely not be mentally healthy. Xingran suffered from autism and depression when he was young, but did not receive good treatment, and gradually developed aphasia.

He collectively referred to this period as suffering from a not-so-good disease.

The situation was so serious that Wan Qiankun couldn't stand it anymore. At that time, Wan Qiankun was focused on his work, and the films he produced were all bad. Not only did he not make any money, but he also lost a lot of money.

The amount of money it would cost to send him to a regular, authoritative hospital for treatment was terrifying, so Wan Qiankun immediately chose to give up treatment.

However, he was worried that if he became a famous director in the future, he would accidentally reveal that he had a sick son. After weighing the situation, he could only find a way to treat it.

He didn't have the money to go to the authoritative hospital, and he couldn't bear to go to the more expensive ones, and the inferior ones were useless. Finally, he heard a saying from somewhere: aphasia, autism, and depression are all illusions that he just doesn't want to face, a kind of opposition. own protection mechanism.

Like a turtle retracting its head into its shell.

As long as there is enough stimulation from the outside world, there will be a reaction. Once there is a reaction, everything will be fine.

Wan Qiankun listened to this statement and began to try various methods. He even pushed Xing Ran into the pool and used the "drowning" method to force Xing Ran to speak.

Xingran saw everything—he could see, hear, and feel.

Xing Ran talked about this section in one sentence.

Sometimes, a doctor would come to Xingran's house and try to brainwash him, telling Xingran that his father loved him and wanted him to get better, so he would use some extreme methods, and everything was for his own good.

Xingran also listened to these words.

After trying many methods but to no avail, Wan Qiankun got mad and bought many snakes. Pull out the poisonous fangs, keep the non-venomous ones, lock Xingran in a closed room, and lock the door.

Xingran instinctively felt that something was wrong and wanted to escape, but Wan Qiankun grabbed his neck and pushed him in. He said fiercely: "If you continue to be so lifeless and silent, I have many ways to make you normal."

The door slammed shut.

Xingran turned around and heard a hissing sound in the room.

He shivered in fear and huddled in the corner.

Wan Qiankun moved a chair and sat outside the door, holding a script in his hand. He wanted to become a famous director. This was his pursuit in life...

I don't know how long it took, but there was still no sound behind the door. Wan Qiankun's eyebrows showed violence. He stood up irritably and kicked the chair over hard.

At this moment, a shrill scream that could pierce the eardrums came from behind the door, one after another, heartbreaking.

Wan Qiankun's face showed joy.

After that, Xingran "recovered", but fell into another illness.

Once, Xing Ran thought about overcoming this problem. He let himself look at pictures and videos.

Without exception, all failed.

There was no way he could ever get rid of it.

Xingran omitted some details from this story, trying to make it appear as positive as possible, and always told it in a relaxed tone.

At the end, he couldn't help but said: "I think if I keep persisting in overcoming it in the future, I will succeed one day."

"Miss, what do you think?" He stared at Jiang Mian, perhaps without even noticing it. He wanted to get some kind of courage and encouragement from Jiang Mian.

"Of course." Jiang Mian's expression did not change at all. What Xingran needed was not sympathy and pity. She smiled and said, "I believe you."

Xingran's eyes once again lit up like stars.

"How old were you at that time?" she asked suddenly.

Xingran frowned and thought: "It seems to be eight years old."

Jiang Mian nodded, stood up from the sofa, stretched, and said lightly: "For someone who is worse than an animal, you don't have to make yourself miserable because of him, right?"