I Have Four Dads After Transmigrating in a Novel

Chapter 142



Qin Jingrun joined a new crew yesterday. He joined a film crew with a four-month shooting cycle.

As we all know, the male god Qin Jingrun has a characteristic when filming. Once he joins the crew, he will stay on the crew until the filming is completed unless there are special reasons.

This is also the rule Qin Jingrun has set for himself since he started working. He is an actor, and the most basic duty of an actor is to film.

When you join the crew for filming, everything is about drama.

If you have to participate in various activities and waste time after joining the crew, this is not only irresponsible to the crew, but also irresponsible to yourself.

In other words, after he joins the crew this time, he will stay on the crew for the next four months unless something unexpected happens.

He will focus all his energy on filming.

After not being able to see his baby daughter for four months, Qin Jingrun wanted to see Jiang Mian again before joining the group, but time did not allow it and it was too late, so he had to contact Jiang Mian online.

Jiang Mian was still on the plane at that time, chatting with the actor's father for a while, but did not mention that she was going to Dan'er.

After joining the group, Qin Jingrun was so busy that he had no time to read other news.

When joining the team this time, in addition to Lin Xi, Qin Jingrun brought an additional assistant. Some errands were handled by this assistant, while Lin Xi handled other matters.

In the past, Lin Xi would only pay attention to everything about Qin Jingrun, but after Jiang Mian started filming, there was one more thing he needed to pay attention to. Therefore, after Jiang Mian was searched in the hot search, Lin Xi discovered it immediately and immediately informed Qin Jingrun of the news.

After reading the news on Weibo, Qin Jingrun found out that his precious daughter had gone to Dan'er.

Only Han Xu was qualified to attend the banquet of the Dan'er royal family. He could tell with just his toes that it was Han Xu who brought Jiang Mian there.

Qin Jingrun couldn't sit still.

He took his baby daughter to two banquets, a cocktail party and a dance party. The venue was already very high-end compared to some banquets.

But compared with the palace banquet, there is a huge difference between the two.

He was worried that if his precious daughter had participated in a palace banquet, and if he wanted to take her to a banquet in the future, his precious daughter would dislike it and refuse to participate.

There have been many such examples before.

Although Qin Jingrun felt that his precious daughter had grown up now and was more well-behaved and sensible than before, so he would not dislike her, but he still could not hold back and contacted Jiang Mian immediately.

It was eight o'clock in the evening domestic time. He was wearing the costume from the play, squatting in a deserted corner, quietly videotaping with Jiang Mian.

The staff came and went, but no one bothered him—everyone heard that during filming, the male star would often find a corner to feel good.

The male idol was squatting there, holding his mobile phone, and he must be reading the script on the mobile phone. He was talking about the lines in his mouth.

Subconsciously, no one dared to come forward to disturb him, and some staff members even acted more lightly, intentionally or unintentionally.

Jiang Mian found out that she was on the hot search through her father, the actor. While talking to her father, she found her tablet, opened Weibo, and saw her name in the front row.

Clicking in, the title forwarded by major marketing accounts is: [Jiang Mian, the only oriental actress invited to attend the Dan'er palace banquet, entered the venue with aristocrats.]

There are nine accompanying pictures, all of which are single photos of Jiang Mian, with no figures of Han Xu and Xize.

Jiang Mian looked around and didn't see his photo, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

If she had photos of her wealthy father and Uncle Nishizawa, she would inevitably be picked out, and with her wealthy father's status in the domestic business community, he would be picked out easily.

At that time, she couldn't even keep a low profile.

This is the same as not exposing her relationship with the actor's father. It is better to keep a low profile than a high profile.

Jiang Mian scanned the comments and retweets, which amounted to tens of thousands.

She was a little surprised. She didn't expect that it would be so popular without taking advantage of the actor's father's traffic.

Most of them are guessing what kind of background Jiang Mian has that he can actually attend the state banquet of Dan'er Country.

And looking at the title, she was brought in with the nobles, not the nobles with her, but the priorities were clearly distinguished.

[I really can’t imagine the life of rich people. The palace is worth visiting once in this life.]

[Let me just say that the goddesses I am fans of are different.]

[Take away my sleeping beauty, these pictures are so beautiful!]

[Jiang Mian has a rich background. Her family is very rich. She drove a multi-million sports car while going to school and often spent a lot of money.]

Probably because of the smell of melon, this comment received the most likes and replies. Many people asked the author of the comment to reveal more - melon eaters want the sweeter the melons they eat, the better.

Some people are looking for who the so-called nobles are:

[I searched around, but only the title was deceiving, and there was no one else in the photo at all. This must be fake.]

[I also think it’s fake. Maybe it’s Jiang Mian’s hype, and he just went to the red carpet on purpose.]

[If you are telling lies, can you check the royal media in Daner? This is reported by the royal media. Can it be false?]

[Everyone, stop arguing. Can’t you even see such an obvious conclusion? Jiang Mian himself is a noble.]

There is also a part that is sour, so sour that it makes no sense.

[It’s so funny, are there any nobles these days? Disgusting or not?]

[Jiang Mian in the photo is so ugly. Bah, it’s embarrassing to wear such low-class clothes at a country’s state banquet.]

[Everyone is bragging about her fairy-like appearance. In fact, she is just like that. She is not as beautiful as me. She has been marketed.]

[I have also participated in this kind of state banquet. Let me tell you, this kind of banquet is just like the Cannes red carpet. You can attend it by paying a little money. It is not of high quality.]

"Baby, compared with the dance that dad took you to before, how was going to Dan'er this time?" Qin Jingrun asked for "military information" in a subtle way.

Jiang Mian stopped looking at the comments and went to attend a palace banquet abroad. Instead, it brought a wave of popularity to her at home, which was an unexpected surprise.

She laughed: "Dad, I don't know."

Qin Jingrun: "?"

"I didn't attend the banquet. I just went to see the king and the prince with Dad Han." She concealed the incident of being bitten by a snake and simply talked about her trip to Dan'er.

Central meaning: I just went to the palace for a walk, did nothing, and then came back.

And indeed it is.

She had no idea how the banquet was arranged and what delicacies were prepared.

During this trip to Dan'er, there was nothing interesting except tasting the local specialty sand fruit and flying a balloon.

On the contrary, meeting Uncle Caesar again and remembering some interesting things from my childhood was a blessing.

as well as-

Jiang Mian's heart moved, and she suddenly asked: "Dad, do you know Wan Qian Kun?"

Qin Jingrun was about to ask why he didn't attend the banquet. When his precious daughter asked, he didn't react for a moment: "Wan Qiankun?"

"Director." Jiang Mian reminded.

Qin Jingrun remembered it, frowned, and a flash of displeasure flashed in his eyes: "Why do you ask about him?"

"I just suddenly heard his name." Jiang Mian said, "I heard that he is a pretty good director."

"Which bastard told you that he was a good director? Baby, don't listen to other people's nonsense. If you want to know anything, you can ask your father." Qin Jingrun said in a disdainful tone, "The movies he made are just rubbish."

In fact, Wan Qiankun has made several films that have received good responses. He even had several of his films nominated for a major film award, but ultimately missed out on the award.

Compared with directors who stand at the top of the pyramid in the directing world, Wan Qiankun is indeed far behind, but even if he did not win a substantial award, he was nominated for a nomination, which also confirmed his strength from the side.

He is a somewhat famous director.

Wan Qiankun has made movies and TV series, and some of the popular celebrities who are active in the industry now started filming his TV series.

In other words, strictly speaking, the films he made cannot be called garbage, except for the early ones.

Qin Jingrun's words contained very strong personal subjective emotions - Wan Qiankun's reputation in the circle is not very good.

With Qin Jingrun's status, Wan Qiankun is not qualified to cooperate with him.

It's just that Qin Jingrun has seen the inside story several times, and his friend Xia Qi had a cooperation with Wan Qiankun a few years ago. Something happened in the middle, and Xia Qi unilaterally terminated the contract in anger and paid a lot of liquidated damages.

Wan Qiankun is a man who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

What he loves to do most is to use actors to attract investors.

Both men and women.

Most people come to be actors, firstly for their dream of being an actor, and secondly for money, and in most cases it is the latter.

When you enter the entertainment industry, you can earn money quickly as an actor. It is normal to pay a little for the money.

Everyone has a shot in mind, and only you know whether it is worth it.

Except for those with a family background, artists who enter the entertainment industry all work their way up from the bottom. Sometimes when you are in a certain position, you will always have various undesirable circumstances.

This is a very common phenomenon in the industry. Generally, it is done on your own terms. Some actors would rather stop performing and pay liquidated damages than compromise.

Wan Qiankun doesn't care whether you are willing or not - he has many ways to make you "volunteer".

Paper cannot contain the fire. As time went by, rumors naturally spread in the circle, causing Wan Qiankun's reputation in the circle to be not very good.

He doesn't care about this, as long as he can make money and achieve what he wants.

Furthermore, this is just an internal voice, and the outside world does not know it. For the audience, it is enough to know the director Wan Qiankun and know what dramas he has directed.

My precious daughter would not mention this person for no reason. Qin Jingrun narrowed his eyes and said, "Did someone ask you to film his movie?"

Jiang Mian's drama is about to be finished. She has a high starting point and is very popular. It is normal for someone to throw an olive branch at her.

Ke introduces Wan Qiankun, who is obviously uneasy and well-intentioned.

There was anger rising in Qin Jingrun's eyes.

He didn't intend to tell Jiang Mian these dirty inside information. His precious daughter came to the industry to film for fun, so there was no need for her to know these dirty things.

But if there is trash that wants to pollute the air around your baby girl, don't blame him for being rude.

"No." Jiang Mian shook his head, "I just asked casually to find out more."


"Really." Jiang Mian nodded heavily. She had already gotten some useful information from the actor's father's tone.

She changed the subject: "By the way, Dad, what kind of scene are you filming this time?"

She noticed that the actor's father was wearing a heavy combat uniform.

Qin Jingrun was about to speak, but the screen got stuck and the video was interrupted.

The problem was Jiang Mian's. The plane suddenly shook violently. She stabilized her body and quickly got out of bed. She looked at her phone again and saw that the call had ended.

Ignoring the call, she came out of the bedroom. Xingran rushed over shaking: "Miss, are you okay?"

Jiang Mian shook his head.

The shaking fuselage suddenly stopped.