I Have Four Dads After Transmigrating in a Novel

Chapter 149



Song Ziyi wanted to laugh, but she couldn't hold the corner of her mouth. She knelt down and said, "Have you forgotten? You covered me to death on the bed and left my body on Huangquan Road. The soil there is so cold."

She reached out to touch Zhou Mingyu.

Perhaps because of seeing his enemy, under the complicated emotions, Song Ziyi used up the remaining energy to make his body stronger than when he was at home.

In this way, she can touch Zhou Mingyu.

A cold touch came from his hand, and Zhou Mingyu let out a frightened scream.

Because of the extreme fear, the voice was choked again just as it came out. She just stared at Song Ziyi, her breathing was rapid, her body was shaking, and she was shrinking back unconsciously.

"how come… "

I finally knew why I was arrested, and it turned out that she was back.

Sure enough, the image of her staring at him at that time indicated that there would be such a result in the future.

If I had known this, if I had known this...

He looked at Song Ziyi and suddenly smiled. The smile matched the frightened facial features, indescribably crazy and twisted: "Xiaoyi, since you are dead, why do you come back? Am I not treating you well? "

"I love you so much. From the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you at first sight. I knew your family was not rich, so I never told you my background, for fear that you would think too much."

As if recalling the past, his tone of voice gradually became calmer: "When I first started pursuing you, your roommate said that you were simple, kind and timid. She told me not to be too impatient, so as not to scare you."

"They are right. According to their reminder, I spent a year pursuing you, and finally got you to nod and agree. The day you agreed to be my girlfriend, I almost jumped with joy." There was a trance in his eyes, "I have already thought about it. When you are a senior, we will go abroad to study for graduate school together. I have everything planned."

"It doesn't matter if my dad doesn't agree. I make my own decisions about my life." His fingers on his knees began to twitch. "But because of one mistake, everything was lost."

"It's all because of you, why did you go to see that man." He stared at her angrily, "Don't tell me that you didn't realize that man coveted you."

Faced with his anger and hysteria, Song Ziyi was very calm: "I have explained to you many times that there is nothing between Mr. Yu and me. He came to me because of his son."

Song Ziyi works part-time as a tutor. She previously tutored a boy with depression. Under her guidance, the boy's symptoms were relieved. The boy's father was very grateful to Song Ziyi - simply grateful.

Once because it was too late, Mr. Yu was afraid that it would be too dangerous for her as a girl to go back at night. During that time, there were several news reports of missing and murdered female college students.

Zhou Mingyu was busy with schoolwork, and she didn't want him to come all the way to pick her up after class, so she didn't tell him and accepted Mr. Yu's kindness.

When she went back, she was seen by Zhou Mingyu. Zhou Mingyu was very unhappy. After asking about the situation, he angrily asked her not to tutor that child again.

Song Ziyi didn't understand and didn't agree.

The child she was tutoring had just a few symptoms. If she refused to tutor him for no reason, I was afraid that the child would be distracted and aggravate the symptoms.

Zhou Mingyu had a cold war with her over this matter, and in the end she compromised and refused the tutoring job.

Zhou Mingyu proposed to her that in the future, the candidates for tutoring must be single-parent families, mother-daughter or mother-son.

He said: "You are so good, I am afraid that other men will take you away."

It turned out to be jealousy. Although Song Ziyi felt that Zhou Mingyu was too domineering, after thinking about it, she took care of Zhou Mingyu and chose her tutor according to his requirements.

During the process, Mr. Yu approached her several times, but she refused, so the other party had to give up and not bother her again.

Until the day she died, she received a call from Mr. Yu. Mr. Yu's child left a note saying that he was looking for Sister Song and left.

Mr. Yu was anxious and had no choice but to contact Song Ziyi. Later, the child was led back home by the police.

It was getting late and it was raining again. Mr. Yu was grateful for Song Ziyi's help, so he sent Song Ziyi back.

At that time, Song Ziyi was sitting in the back seat with the boy. She didn't even talk to Mr. Yu, who also politely kept his distance.

However, this scene was seen by Zhou Mingyu again.

Song Ziyi returned to the apartment and the two quarreled. No matter how she explained, Zhou Mingyu couldn't listen.

During the argument, he pushed her down, landed on the back of her head, and fainted for a moment.

"I just fainted and will wake up soon." Song Ziyi's eyes were filled with confusion, "But why did you cover me with a pillow?"

She woke up from suffocation and opened her eyes. Her eyes were completely dark, with no new oxygen entering, and she began to struggle instinctively.

When her hand touched a familiar arm, she realized that it was Zhou Mingyu who covered her with a pillow and held her down.

The man she loved as her husband and wanted to spend her life with.

"Why, what, what?" she asked word for word.

She doesn't hate Zhou Mingyu, because she was blind and chose this person. She can only blame herself.

She just didn't understand what factors caused Zhou Mingyu to kill her cruelly after she fainted.

Zhou Mingyu looked at Song Ziyi and laughed. After laughing, he whispered: "Because I'm afraid."

"I pushed you down. When you wake up, you will definitely break up with me. I have paid so much for you, how can you say breakup to me." His voice was rising and falling, "After we break up, what will you do with me?" If you are with other men, you might turn around and end up with that man named Yu. I want you to only have me in your eyes and heart, and you can't betray me."

He looked at the unconscious Song Ziyi on the ground, and at that moment, murderous intent arose.

When she struggled, he felt soft and wanted to let go, but a deeper concern emerged: he had shown murderous intentions, and if he let her go, she would not only break up with him, but also call the police.

He cannot bear the charge of attempted murder.

If you want to kill him, kill him cleanly and destroy all evidence so that no one can find him.

After hesitating, he applied more force to his hand until the hand on his arm dropped weakly.

"So that's it." Song Ziyi stood up again, twitching the corners of her mouth and murmuring, "That's okay, that's okay."

Coming to see Zhou Mingyu in the last moment, she still had a little expectation deep in her heart.

Maybe, maybe he had some undesirable reasons.

She must admit that she fell in love with the wrong person.

For this mistake, she paid with her life and made her father mourn.

Song Ziyi's figure began to fade, and she stared at Zhou Mingyu. Anger began to rise from her eyes: She was going to disappear completely, why couldn't she take him away.

After taking two steps, he paused and his anger slowly dissipated.

Miss Jiang brought her here, even the police officer did it conveniently. If Zhou Mingyu suddenly died in the detention room, they would be implicated.

That's all, why bother.

He will have his comeuppance.

Song Ziyi stopped looking at Zhou Mingyu, and in the next second, her figure disappeared like a bubble, leaving no trace.

"Xiaoyi?" There was an expression on Zhou Mingyu's face that no one could understand. He knelt on the ground and laughed nervously.

At the end, he said in a voice that only he could hear: "I regret it, really."

Outside the detention room, Jiang Mian looked at the little star in his hand, and the cold temperature on it disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a pure power was injected into her body, turning into spiritual power almost instantly.

These spiritual powers meekly wandered through the meridians, and finally gathered in the Dantian, directly raising her cultivation level by two levels, reaching the third level of Qi Refining in one fell swoop!

Jiang Mian:!

She looked at Little Star in surprise, her eyes full of confusion.

She had gained power from ghosts before, but she had never gained so much.

She gave up on obtaining spiritual power when she sent Song Ziyi home, but Song Ziyi was gone. In the words of Master Tian, Song Ziyi had never harmed anyone, and her departure meant reincarnation.

So, where does this huge spiritual power come from.

Too strange.

"Mianmian?" Lian Feng frowned when he saw Jiang Mian staring blankly at Little Star.

Jiang Mian put aside her surprise. She had one advantage: there were no disadvantages in things she couldn't figure out, so she stopped worrying about it.

He raised his head and said to the detective father: "Dad, she's gone."

"Let's go." Lian Feng nodded.

Lian Feng temporarily handed over the matter in hand to Zhou Sirui, and then left the police station with Jiang Mian. Adu was too sensible to follow him.

Lian Feng originally wanted to take Jiang Mian to a restaurant, but Jiang Mian heard that there was a snack street nearby and decided to go there with the detective father.

Every dad's financial situation is different. Rich dads and movie star dads go to high-end restaurants, which is in line with their status.

Master Tian and Detective Dad are different.

You will feel more at ease if you choose a place that is grounded.

Lian Feng frowned. It was rare to have dinner with his daughter, so he wanted to take Jiang Mian to a better place.

Seeing Jiang Mian's persistence, he had no choice but to compromise.

It's past eight o'clock in the evening, which is not too late. The snack street is a busy time with many people. Under normal circumstances, places with many people tend to cause trouble, but because it is close to the city bureau, no one dares to cause trouble under the eyes of the "tiger" Come.

Except for unexpected situations, there have never been any fights among the surrounding businesses, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

The bosses heard that many policemen would come to the snack street in plain clothes. Maybe a random person buying snacks is a policeman. They don't want to cause trouble and are very honest.

There were many people, so Lian Feng held Jiang Mian's hand and relied on his height advantage to completely prevent others from touching Jiang Mian.

He didn't speak much. He listened to Jiang Mian's words the whole time. He would occasionally respond twice and raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

The silver fox was lying on Jiang Mian's shoulder. Lian Feng would occasionally cast his gaze on the silver fox, his eyes thoughtful.

"Dad, let's eat this." Jiang Mian pointed to a prosperous kebab shop.

The scent spread far and wide, and it really whetted her appetite.

Lian Feng had no problem with it. Most of the team members would choose this kind of place to have dinner together. Drinking and chatting was much more comfortable than in a high-end restaurant.

It's just that the kebabs were unhygienic, and he was worried that Jiang Mian would have a stomachache after eating them.

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Mian had already dragged him into the store.

Among the bustling crowd in the distance, a short man squatting on the ground called on his mobile phone: "Retreat and find another opportunity. The girl is followed by the police... How do I know, you ask me who I ask. The police are very vigilant, I Don’t dare to get close, you’ll be easily discovered.”

I don't know what was said over there, but the short man pushed away the stones on the ground irritably: "Are you crazy? There are so many people around, I don't want to be caught in the police station and have a drink."

"Fuck." The man stared at the hung up cell phone, his expression changed several times, and finally he gritted his teeth and walked towards the skewers shop.