I Have Four Dads After Transmigrating in a Novel

Chapter 60



After Lian Feng woke up, he knew that the poison in his body had been resolved.

This is a very mysterious feeling.

Silk Gu saved him to a certain extent, but the pain it caused him was no less than when drug addiction broke out.

Over time, he has become accustomed to it, and when it hurts, it makes him remember every detail of the mission more clearly.

He is not someone who just waits for death. Black Ya Po told him that once the silk poison is planted, it cannot be removed.

He took these words to heart.

But there are no absolutes in the world. Since there are voodoos in this world, it means that Hei Yapo is not the only one who keeps voodoos. As long as he is willing to look for it, he will definitely find another voodoo raiser.

He also has a daughter who cannot die easily no matter what.

Unless he gets a definite answer after working hard, his poison is 100% unsolvable, and he will eventually go crazy or die - then he will accept his fate.

After returning from the mission, he could only rest for the time being due to his injuries. Regarding the matter of removing the poison, he would wait until the injury healed.

If it weren't for some mistake, he would not reveal to anyone that he had been poisoned.

Especially not letting my daughter know.

Every time Lian Feng performs a mission, he will make the worst plan in his mind. At the same time, he will add a belief to the worst plan.

This is why he must buy gifts for Jiang Mian when doing tasks.

If he really couldn't find a way to cure the poison, one day in the future, he would find a way to leave Jiang Mian with the news of "sacrifice heroically in the mission."

Jiang Mian will feel uncomfortable for a while after receiving the news.

But he is gone, and there are three other people who love his daughter. As long as they are here, Jiang Mian will be fine.

This was at least more acceptable than seeing his body or his mad appearance.

So after coming back, even if he was seriously injured, he couldn't wait to see Jiang Mian. Because he didn't know if he would have the chance to see her again in the future.

It would be good to see more of them now.

What Lian Feng didn't expect was that within a few days of his return, Jiang Mian learned about the poison. In the end, because of Jiang Mian, his poison was cured.

All the worries deep inside him disappeared.

Zuo Xingping's help was also indispensable.

Lian Feng didn't know Qi Yanshu who saved him, but if Zuo Xingping wasn't his senior brother and knew Jiang Mian, how could he be so willing to remove the poison for him.

He knew nothing about the process of removing poison.

After Jiang Mian and Zuo Xingping left the room, Lian Feng and Qi Yanshu didn't talk much. He only said in a deep voice: "Excuse me."

"No need to be polite." Qi Yanshu shook his head slightly, still maintaining his calm tone, "Even if I don't know Mianmian and have nothing to do with Senior Brother Wuzhen, I will still help if this happens."

"A police officer who carries the burden of countless people should not be tortured like this."

Lian Feng said nothing.

People in their line of work don't have any heavy burdens or responsibilities to carry forward.

Without him, there will be others.

Lian Feng never thought he was so great, let alone that he could be called a so-called "hero". He was just a policeman.

Lian Feng didn't know how Qi Yanshu was going to undo the poison for him - when Hei Ya Po poisoned him, he just told him to close his eyes, relax, and not to resist.

He was about to ask how to cooperate, but before he could speak, his eyes darkened. When I opened my eyes again, there were only two nurses in the ward, and it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

In addition to feeling an inexplicable sense of relief on both sides of his temples, the pain from the wounds on his body was also much weaker than before.

Then, he smelled a familiar medicinal fragrance—he had smelled it before Gu Hair, and knew that it was the medicine Jiang Mian bought for him.

It can be inferred from this that Jiang Mian gave him the medicine.

He couldn't explain what he felt in his heart. After thinking for a long time, he only had one thought left: Mianmian must have been frightened when she saw the injuries on his body.

He has been trying his best to avoid letting Jiang Mian see his injuries, even though his daughter has grown up now.

Because Jiang Mian was frightened by him once when he was a child. From then on, Lian Feng never let Jiang Mian see his wounds.

When Jiang Mian was five years old, it was Lian Feng's turn to raise him.

At that time, Lian Feng was just a grassroots policeman, dealing with trivial matters every day, no matter how small - a family's dog was missing. After receiving the news, he had to lead people everywhere to find the dog.

Because he was a wealthy family and his dog was a rare breed with a market price of more than 200,000 yuan.

But Lian Feng was not impatient. Yuan Jinfei partnered with him at that time, and the two of them wandered the streets every day, either looking for dogs or cats.

When Lian Feng is alone, he often stays at his workplace. Yuan Jinfei always said that he was a workaholic and occasionally took a break from his busy schedule to go out to play, rest, fall in love, etc. This was life.

At that time, Yuan Jinfei always complained, because if they met the same girl, the girl would definitely like Lian Feng, not him.

However, once it was Lian Feng's turn to raise Jiang Mian, Lian Feng would be "idle" and occasionally lazy. He would think of ways to finish his work and go home early every day.

His daughter was still young, and although she was well-behaved and sensible, he was worried about letting her stay at home alone.

Lian Feng once received a report that a young couple had an argument and said they had gone under the knife. The neighbor hurriedly called the police. Lian Feng and Yuan Jinfei arrived. As soon as the couple saw the police coming, Fei Dan didn't stop, but made the scene even more violent.

Unexpectedly, Lian Feng received a call from his neighbor - while he was working, he asked his neighbor Grandma Yu to help take care of little Jiang Mian.

Grandma Yu told him that Xiao Jiang Mian was crying in the room. She couldn't get in without the key, and Xiao Jiang Mian didn't open the door. She didn't know what happened, so she had to call him.

At that time, Lian Feng was still young. Although he didn't show it on his face, he was anxious in his heart.

Facing the quarreling couple, he became angry and stretched out his hand to hold the knife. The sharp blade sliced his palm open. He slapped his bloody palm in front of his husband and said coldly: "Do you want to fight again?"

The young couple were frightened, including Yuan Jinfei, who grabbed him and said, "Are you crazy! Touch the knife with your hand!"

Seeing that the couple had stopped arguing, Lian Feng left the aftermath to Yuan Jinfei and hurried home.

Because he was worried, he only wrapped the wound in his hand with a tissue. When he got home, the tissue was soaked with blood and he didn't care.

After waiting home, Xiao Jiang Mian hugged Lian Feng's police hat, curled up in the corner and fell asleep, with tears on her face.

Lian Feng cursed himself in his mind, picked up little Jiang Mian, and carefully checked her body for any injuries. He breathed a sigh of relief after finding no injuries.

This action woke up Xiao Jiang Mian, and Lian Feng asked her why she was crying.

"There was a mouse, it was so big." Xiao Jiang Mian compared the size of the mouse and said with sobs, "It ran over me."

Lian Feng's heart finally dropped. He hugged his daughter and said, "I will take you to hunt mice now."

Xiao Jiang Mian nodded heavily, and then, when she saw Lian Feng's blood-covered hands, she twitched in fright, and then burst into tears.

Lian Feng coaxed him for a long time before he stopped.

Since then, every time he went to work, little Jiang Mian would stand at the door, holding his hand, pouting and whispering into his palm: "Dad, don't get hurt, okay."

At this point, even if Lian Feng is injured, he will not let Jiang Mian see him again.

Later, when his daughter grew older, and he didn't know when it was his turn to raise her, Jiang Mian didn't like him very much.

He could feel Jiang Mian's inner resistance to him.

He was busy with work and didn't have much time to take care of her. He was afraid that she couldn't take care of herself by herself, so he hired a nanny. Slowly, I became more and more estranged from my daughter.

Thinking of this, Lian Feng frowned.

When I heard the two caregivers say, Jiang Mian and Zuo Xingping left.

He subconsciously took out his cell phone and wanted to call Jiang Mian, but paused - just let her and Zuo Xingping have fun.

Unexpectedly, the nurse had already heard from Jiang Mian and took the initiative to call Jiang Mian. The nurse did not avoid Lian Feng when he called. When Lian Feng wanted to stop him, the nurse quickly told Jiang Mian the news of his awakening.

The nurse asked him what he wanted to eat so that he could go to the canteen to buy it. Lian Feng shook his head and told them to leave.

The two nursing staff were obedient and left the ward to guard outside.

Lian Feng held his cell phone and wanted to send a message to Jiang Mian, but he didn't know what to send at the moment. He stared at the chat interface and frowned.

Finally he gave up, exited the chat box with Jiang Mian, found Yuan Jinfei, and sent a message: [Did you buy the rabbit?]

[Yuan Jinfei:?]

[Yuan Jinfei: Brother, I’m eating, what kind of rabbit?]

Lian Feng didn't speak. A few seconds later, Yuan Jinfei sent a string of dots.

[Yuan Jinfei: I asked my wife, I asked her to buy it for me.]

After a while, Yuan Jinfei sent a picture.

Lian Feng clicked on it and saw two small white rabbits as big as a palm. They looked extremely cute, and he couldn't help but have a smile in his eyes.

[Yuan Jinfei: My wife went to the pet market to buy it today. It looks beautiful. Mianmian came to see you? I'm busy, should I ask her to deliver it to you?]

Lian Feng replied with the word "good" concisely and concisely.

Lying on the bed, Lian Feng clicked on the picture again.

My daughter will probably like it.

Lian Feng originally wanted to go to the market to pick a pair of rabbits to give to Jiang Mian, but because of his injuries, he had to entrust this task to Yuan Jinfei.

Yuan Jinfei, who had just received this task, was quite confused. Lian Feng didn't look like someone who knew how to raise rabbits.

But it only took a little more thought to realize that it was for his precious daughter.

In Yuan Jinfei's impression, even though that little pepper has grown up and no longer spits fire, it is still essentially a little pepper. How could he like such a furry little thing

Thinking of the cartoon necklace that Lian Feng gave to Jiang Mian, okay, it's pretty good that this older straight man thought of giving a rabbit as a gift.

Yuan Jinfei was busy with work and naturally had no time to buy rabbits, so he handed over the task to his girlfriend.

Lian Feng lay on the bed waiting for Jiang Mian. After lying there for a while, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed, came to the window and stared at the night outside.

Now that the poison is gone, there is one less major worry on his mind. The only urgent thing left is Zhong Wuli.

This person has a very high IQ. Although his vitality is severely damaged this time and he is the only one left in such a large group, if Zhong Wuli is given a certain amount of time, he will definitely find a way to make a comeback.

Kill him while he's sick.

We must find Zhong Wuli as soon as possible and bring this cancer to justice. Only with Lian Feng can this case be completely over.

He opened the drawer, took out a cigarette from it, and just lit it, when he suddenly heard Jiang Mian's voice faintly coming from outside the door.

Without any time to think about it, Lian Feng immediately lay down on the bed, pretending that he had never gotten out of bed.

As soon as he entered the ward and saw the detective father waking up, Jiang Mian's eyes lit up. He put the several bags he was carrying on the ground and walked over quickly: "Dad, how do you feel?"

Then he saw Lian Feng holding a cigarette in his hand. He frowned and took the cigarette off: "You have just got rid of the poison. You are still injured. You are not allowed to smoke."

After taking the cigarette away, Jiang Mian saw a hole in the sheets, but didn't think much about it and quickly put out the cigarette.

"I'm fine." The detective father raised his hand and touched Jiang Mian's hair, his eyes passing over the various bags on the ground.

Zuo Xingping deliberately brought the clothes and shoes that Jiang Mian bought for him, then pulled on the new clothes he was wearing, and said with a showy look: "Mianmian bought them for me."

Then he pointed to a row of bags on the ground: "I bought them for Mianmian."

"Mianmian and I are going to that place..."

Jiang Mian reminded: "Video Game City."

"Yes, I went to the arcade to play." Master Tian poured the doll out of a bag, "I put it for Mianmian."

Tianshi Daddy was extremely proud.

Now that Lian Feng is fine, he doesn't need to be polite.

Jiang Mian picked up a doll wearing a police uniform and handed it to the detective father. He smiled and said with crooked eyes: "Dad, I got this for you."

Master Tian's face suddenly fell.

Why didn't he think of asking his precious daughter to get one for him? !