I Have Great Voyage Game

Chapter 118: Beyond the five seas, the Strait of Atonement


"So, you have a way to learn potions and alchemy here?"

Roger didn't care at all who the old medicine man was talking about. He only cared about the issues of potions and pharmacy.

Hearing Rogge's words, the old medicine man stretched out his short hand and gently stroked his gray beard.

It looked at Rogge carefully again, as if confirming something.

After a moment, it spoke.

"In fact, our Yaoding race is proficient in pharmacy, and is not very familiar with magic potions."

"But you are lucky. We exchanged some knowledge of Potions the last time we emerged."

"If you want, you can give it to me."

Old Yao Ding said in a calm voice.

After hearing this, Roger's first reaction was happiness, but then he felt a little strange.

Logically speaking, this place is the home of the medicine men. It is normal for them to be wary of me, an outsider who breaks in, right

And Lao Yaoding's attitude towards him seems to be quite friendly

Could it be that the Yaoding race is naturally friendly and simple

This made Roger a little confused.

After thinking for a long time, he finally asked his doubts.

After hearing Rogge's question, Lao Yaoding laughed.

“We’re not so friendly to everyone.”

It stroked its beard.

Then he picked up the crutch and tapped it lightly under Roger's feet.

As the old medicine man made this move, the surrounding medicine man embryos suddenly burst into light, and the light spots surrounded Rogge.

Roger suddenly felt his body lighten, as if there was an invisible force supporting him.

"This is?"

"A special ability of our Yaoding race."

Old Yao Ding’s words are concise and to the point.

"If you want to learn knowledge, I must take you to get some things. Let's talk while we walk." It turned around and floated down the rift.

At this time, Rogge also felt the push from the light spot beside him, which gently carried him slowly downwards.


The waterfall brought a cool breeze that brushed across Roger's cheeks, and there was a soothing scent in the air.

Rogge, floating in the air, took a look and saw that, as expected, there were flat areas on both sides of the rift distributed in a trapezoidal shape, very evenly.

Countless Yao Ding embryos are suspended in the entire rift, emitting a little fluorescence.

It is like a colorful galaxy falling into the human world, like a dream.

While Rogge was immersed in the beautiful scenery, the old medicine man also spoke slowly.

"This place is called the Jingxun Rift Valley."

"Our Yaoding tribe has lived here for generations. Well... maybe it shouldn't be called generations, after all, we don't have the concept of natural death."

"Now, all the Yao Ding except me are in the embryonic state. This state needs to last for about seven years. After seven years, they can return to their normal form and move freely."

"But this time is only three months. During these days, we will also float to the surface of the sea with the Jingxun Rift Valley. This is the day of emergence."

I see.

Rogge nodded, and then his mouth twitched when he heard that.

I always feel like this old medicine man is in Versailles.

But he was also a little confused: "Then why didn't you turn back into an embryo?"

Hearing this, the old medicine man smiled.

"Someone has to watch over the huge Jingxun Rift Valley."

"As the clan leader, I can only shoulder this responsibility."

"However, after giving up Yao Ding's original state, I will not be able to achieve immortality."

The old medicine man smiled, and there was no regret or fear in his tone, but rather a hint of relief and ease.

Hearing this, Roger fell silent: "How long can you live?"

"Time is running out..."

The old medicine man sighed.

"About a thousand years."

"… "

damn it…

I really want to beat you to death, you old man!

You can live longer than me, and you're telling me you don't have much time left?!

The sadness and heaviness that Rogge had just felt suddenly vanished, replaced by the urge to kill the old guy and get the gold coins.

After taking several deep breaths, Rogge calmed down and convinced himself not to bother with Old Deng.

"You just mentioned this one?" Rogge stopped worrying about Yao Ding's life span and asked other questions: "Do you have other compatriots? Do they also live in such a rift valley?"

"No… "

Hearing this, the old medicine man sighed.

"Perhaps, we may be the last Yaoding race in the world."

Upon hearing this, Roger frowned.


"There is a special feeling between us and our fellow man, and the scope of this feeling is very large."

"According to your human time, in the past thousand years, every time we emerged, we would send people out to explore, trying to find traces of other compatriots."

"However, we searched all five seas and could not find any trace..."

There was some sadness in the old medicine man's eyes.

Yaoding will not die, but their reproduction ability is extremely poor, and the loss of each compatriot is a huge loss.

And now, perhaps, they only have these compatriots in the Jingxun Rift.

Hearing this, Rogge asked, "What about outside the five seas? Haven't you been there?"

Hearing this, Lao Yao Ding seemed to realize something, stopped, and turned to look at Rogge.

"Let me ask you a question first. What are the five major seas of you humans?"

Hearing this, Rogge looked at him in surprise.

Why are you suddenly looking at me like this

"The Sea of Gentle Winds, the Sea of Giant Claws, the Sea of Demihumans, the Sea of Sin, and the Sea of the Royal City. Is there any problem?"

Roger had read the books of the Kaia family before and asked many people, so he not only knew the names of the five major seas, but also knew some specific information about these seas.

"Now tell me, what is outside the five seas?"

After hearing this, Roger fell silent.

It's not that he didn't know, but there was too little information on the subject, so little that there were only a few words describing it like "extremely dangerous, a sea that buries large ships."

"Sure enough, your human kingdom is now intentionally downplaying and concealing information outside the five major seas."

Seeing Rogge's look, Lao Yaoding was not surprised and just sighed.

This made Roger confused.

Downplay and conceal? Why do you do this

At this time, Rogge and Yao Ding had reached the lowest level of the Jingxun Rift.

This is a green meadow with a path on it.

Following the paths and streams, you can see neat rows of medicinal fields, planted with many strange-looking plants and herbs.

One of the plants, which looked like a purple millipede, was still twisting constantly, which surprised Rogge.

"I am not surprised that your human kingdom would do this."

"After all, the rumor about the mainland, whose truth or falsity was unknown, attracted countless people to come here..."

Old Yao Ding sighed again.

"You are not an ordinary person. You will definitely not stop at the five major seas."

"I think I need to tell you this important knowledge."

As he spoke, he raised the cane in his hand and drew something in the air.

The surrounding Yao Ding embryos were immediately guided and began to gather together, eventually turning into a schematic diagram of the five major sea areas.

While Roger was surprised, he also skillfully saved the file.

The old medicine man began to explain patiently to Rogge.

"This is the Hefeng Sea, which has the most pleasant climate among the five major seas. Almost half of the year is sunny, and the rest is light rain."

"However, there are the fewest islands. Most of them are tiny islands. The only large island is called Nadwilo."

Roger stroked his chin.

Indeed, he came from the Hefeng Sea, and the weather here is really incredibly good.

Then, Lao Yaoding moved his crutch and placed it next to the Hefeng Sea.

"This is the Giant Claw Sea, where we are now. The climate is normal, and there are not too many islands. There is a large island, Giant Claw Island, and several small and medium-sized islands about the same size as Nadwilo..."

After saying this, Lao Yaoding quickly moved his crutch to another sea area.

Next is the last sea area. Compared with other sea areas, the Sea of Sin seems extremely small, even less than one-tenth of the Hefeng Sea area.

The five major seas are certainly not five pieces of even size like pieces of a puzzle.

Only colonies would be demarcated so arbitrarily.

"The Sea of Sin, this is a most special sea area."

"The Dingguo Sea War of the Thousand Islands Kingdom was fought here, which caused the few islands in the Sea of Sin to be abandoned. There were many traces of war left on them, and they were extremely barren..."

"At the beginning of the establishment of the Thousand Islands Kingdom, many war criminals were exiled to this sea area because of the lack of space in the prison in Ozurik..."

"For hundreds of years, the Thousand Islands Kingdom has been constantly exiling criminals here..."

"Some pirates will consciously hide in this sea area after committing serious crimes."

"This has caused the environment of the Sea of Sin to become increasingly hostile, and it is filled with vicious pirates, criminals, swindlers and villains."

“That’s why it’s called the Sea of Sin.”

Rogge, who was listening with great interest, raised his hand to speak.

"Won't these guys sneak into other seas to commit crimes?"

"Of course." The old medicine man nodded: "But rarely."

"If they could defeat the Kingdom Fleet, they wouldn't have hidden in the Sea of Sin."

"So, generally speaking, they can only kill each other in the Sea of Sin, fighting for the pitiful supplies in each other's hands."

Well, the Thousand Islands Kingdom built a cricket cage and let these criminals fight each other in it.

"There's no need to say much about the Royal City Sea. It's the sea with the most islands and the richest. The largest of the five seas, Ozurik Island, is also here."

Lao Yaoding briefly introduced the royal city waters.

"Okay, now comes the main event. I will tell you about the world beyond the five seas... (Gugugugululujijijiguaguawawawu)..."

Roger was listening intently.

However, the voice of Lao Yaoding in my mind seemed to be suddenly disconnected, and I could only hear the words of Lao Yaoding in front of me.

[The validity period of Soul Sound lv3 has expired.]

Your membership has expired!

Damn... Although Lao Yaoding's speech was fascinating and epic, it was so simple that it took more than ten or twenty minutes.

Rogge cursed inwardly, then reloaded the game to the previous node.

There was no other way. The Memory Fish Scale's Soul Sound was so useful that Rogge didn't want to waste a single use of it.

"This is the Japanese style..."

"I know all the information about the five major seas. Could you please tell me more about the information outside of the five major seas?"

Old Yao Ding was speechless for a moment.

Hearing this, it stroked its beard and responded helplessly.

"All right."

Then, his expression became serious, and as he waved his cane, the medicine embryo began to move.

Finally, simple patterns of storms, thunder and lightning, raging fire, and various monsters appeared outside the five major seas.

"Beyond the five seas is the extremely terrifying Sea of Disaster."

"The Sea of Disaster is filled with dangers."

"Storms, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. are all commonplace. Countless sea monsters, terrifying thunderstorms, and even the never-extinguishing sea fire are the true meaning of disaster."

"Anyway, the dangers of the Disaster Sea are more than just this, and will be even more terrifying than what I said."

The old medicine man's tone was very serious.

"What if you accidentally walk into it?"

Roger inquired.

"Wait to die."

Old Yao Ding smiled.

Roger: “…”

"Normally, this wouldn't happen unless you were desperate enough to cross the border fog."

After saying that, the old medicine man said again.

"Okay, don't interrupt, the main event is coming next."

It waved its crutch, and the medicine embryo enlarged the map of the Sea of Sin.

In an instant, a long and narrow route extended from the lower right corner of the Sea of Sin.

"Listen, Rogge, if you also want to pursue the legendary rich continent or a stronger supernatural power, don't think about crossing the border fog to the Disaster Sea. It is impossible to achieve."

"The only possible way is to go through the Strait of Atonement at the lower right corner of the Sea of Sin. Only then can we survive in the dangerous outer sea."

After saying that, the old medicine man stretched out his short little hand, took out a blue fruit from his furry hair pocket, ate it, and replenished his water.


"Now you know why we don't go outside the five seas to look for our compatriots, right?"

Roger nodded.

There is no doubt that the area outside the five seas is too dangerous, and the Strait of Atonement is too far away.

It is extremely unwise to let the already few tribesmen take risks.

Thinking of this, Roger also felt fortunate.

This time, the secrets I learned from the old pharmacist were worth the trip.

If it weren't for Old Yao Ding, he would probably have to travel all over the five seas to obtain this information.

He also recorded the explanation just now, so you can watch it carefully later.

"What's beyond the Strait of Atonement? What sea area is that?"

Roger asked again.

"Who should I ask if you ask me? I don't know!"

The old medicine man was so angry that he blew his beard and glared. This kid really treated it as an encyclopedia.

"All right."

If Lao Yaoding doesn't know, he can only explore it himself later.

"Why do you have to tell me so much?"

Rogge is still a little confused as to why Lao Yaoding was so friendly to him, and Lao Yaoding did not respond to his questions immediately.

Judging from the description of Old Yao Ding, although the Yao Ding race is indeed friendly and peace-loving, they are not stupid, otherwise they would have been eaten up without leaving a single bone if they entered human society.

"That's exactly what I'm going to tell you."

"Come with me."

Upon hearing this, the old medicine man looked at him deeply, but still did not give a direct answer. Instead, he led him to continue along the path.

This made Roger's mouth twitch.

Damn it, stop being a riddler! Why don't you just tell me the reason

My membership is about to expire!

Roger felt like crying but had no tears.

"(Gil Gul Gul Gul Gul Siwa)..."

Sure enough, as soon as the reminder came out, Rogge's membership expired again.

This left Roger speechless.

But then his eyes lit up, and after thinking for a moment, he patted the old medicine man on the shoulder.

The old medicine man turned and looked at him in confusion.

Rogge pointed at his ear, then pointed at it, then spread his hands helplessly, indicating that he couldn't understand what it was saying.

This made Lao Yaoding frown.

After thinking for a moment, it said, "Root, Wo Lai."

Well, it does have a way to make me understand what it says.

Roger shrugged.

Let's see what old medicine man's method is later. If it's too precious, forget it. I'd better use fish scales myself.

If the value is average, just exchange it yourself.

Thinking of this, Rogge raised his hand and searched his small warehouse.

He doesn't seem to have anything particularly precious...

Yao Ding probably wouldn't be interested in weapons and equipment...

Roger felt a little headache.

One ball a day!

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The call hasn't come yet. I'm trying to trick him. My phone is almost out of battery!

Brothers, this is my last bit of heat!

(End of this chapter)