I Have Great Voyage Game

Chapter 142: Gatekeeper Stonefish



At this time, the fire on the merchant ship had begun to spread rapidly, and many parts had begun to collapse, making a loud noise.

Lina frowned and looked at the merchant ship with some worry.

The next moment, a black mist flew out of the merchant ship and landed on the deck of the Green.

Roger returned to the Green from the merchant ship unharmed.

But when he saw the little girl in Lina's arms, his heart felt heavy.

That monster was just a trigger.

His arrival attracted even more terrifying monsters on the merchant ship.

That is the evil human heart.

It is hard to imagine what a huge impact it would be on a child's mind for her to be tied up with her mother and then watch her mother being eaten by a monster.

Roger sighed.

He glanced at the inventory and saw what the Stitched Monster had dropped.

[Unknown creature egg (broken)]

[Type: Special props]

[Quality: Gray]

[Explanation: No one knows what will hatch from the eggs laid by an unknown species, but it will definitely not be Pikachu.]

After killing the Stitched Monster, Roger found a lot of these things in the back.

It seems that the monster is conscious or controlled by someone, deliberately devouring flesh and blood to reproduce.

So who created this monster

[Xi Li, don’t be afraid, mom is here, don’t be afraid… ]

The woman suppressed her inner fear, comforted the girl with a trembling voice, and protected her behind her.


The monster in front emitted a low, smelly and heavy breath, and kept gnawing at the flesh in front of it.

Finally, it finished eating the flesh and blood in front of it, looked at the corpses around it, and then set its sights on the mother and daughter in front of it.

Watching the monster approaching them step by step, finally, the blood-stained giant claws fell towards her mother.

In desperation, the mother held the girl tightly behind her.

[don't want-]


A sharp sound of breaking through the air was heard.

The sharp spear pierced the monster's head at a terrifying speed.

Then, the sound of the deck breaking was heard, and a tall and ferocious figure blocked the way between the mother and daughter...


The girl woke up from a nightmare with tears on her face.

She began to look for her mother.

Because of the tears in her eyes, she couldn't see the scene in front of her, but she could clearly feel the familiar person in front of her.

She threw herself into the woman's arms.

A gentle and familiar voice sounded.

"It's okay, Shirley, Mommy is here, it's okay..."

This sound made Xili feel at ease.

"Thank you, Mr. Roger..."

The girl's mother had tears in her eyes and thanked Rogge again with lingering fear.

If it weren't for Roger's sudden arrival, she would have no idea what terrible thing would happen.

Next to the mother and daughter, Roger nodded slightly and smiled.

Roger couldn't let a little girl watch her mother die.

If he could salvage it, he would do it without hesitation.

After going back to the game, he let Deep Sea Bloodtouch take him to the merchant ship as quickly as possible, and he managed to save Siri's mother.

There was only so much he could do.

After a burst of crying, the little girl Xili's crying gradually became softer and she fell into a deep sleep again.

But this time, she slept soundly.

After Lina bandaged the girl's mother and confirmed that she was not seriously injured, Rogge began to ask her about the stitched monster.

The whole story is basically the same as what the men said before they died.

Rogge called that monster the Stitched Monster.

The Stitched Monster boarded the merchant ship while it was sailing, slaughtered the guards, and then seemed to intentionally destroy part of the hull, making it impossible for the merchant ship to move forward.

Then it entered the room below the merchant ship from the side and began to build a nest.

It would kill someone on board at regular intervals, and would consciously prioritize killing passengers who wanted to escape.

Over time, the passengers on the ship became desperate.

Except for those men.

In order to die later, they took advantage of the guns in their hands and threw the remaining passengers one by one into the nest of the stitched monster to be devoured by it.

Martha and her daughter Hilly survived because of their husband's protection.

But during an argument, flames started and her husband was thrown into the nest.

Next came the mother and daughter.

Because those men saw the Green approaching and wanted to cover up the truth, so they threw them down in advance...

"Did the monster appear suddenly? Was there any sign? Have any strange people appeared on the merchant ship?"

Roger inquired.

That stitched monster must have been man-made.

The Stitched Monster seems to have almost no intelligence when eating, but when it boards a merchant ship, it knows to destroy the merchant ship so that it cannot move forward.

All these behaviors indicate that there must be someone controlling this stitched monster.

But there is still no clue as to where the mastermind behind this is hiding.

Of course, Rogge had only one idea for the guy who created this monster - kill him and get the gold coins.

“It just came out of nowhere.”

"As for the strange people... I haven't seen any on the ship."

Martha shook her head.

After hearing this, Rogge had no choice but to give up.

It seems that it cannot be found easily.

Then he asked about Martha's plans and whereabouts.

They were planning to go to the royal city.

But now that they have faced this kind of disaster, their husband has died, and both mother and daughter have narrowly escaped death, they just want to go home.

At the next island, they will disembark and leave the Green.

Roger nodded.

He still hadn't found the exact location of the underwater cave, but there was a small island not far ahead, so it wouldn't be a big deal to change the course midway.

Two days later.

The Green stopped at an island on the way. After Martha and her daughter got off the ship, Roger and others set sail again following the compass.

Rogge simply gave the cave pointer to Deep Sea Blood Touch and set it to automatic exploration.

[Deep Sea Bloodtouch begins to follow the guidance of the cave pointer. ]

[In a deep sea, the pointer starts to shake, and you know you have found the exact location of the underwater cave. ]

[The Deep Sea Blood Touch began to dive, the surrounding temperature gradually dropped, and the light began to dim. ]

[Not long after, you discovered a rift valley, and following the pointer's instructions, you entered the rift valley.]

[After a careful search, you saw an ancient stone gate. There was nothing behind the gate, only an octopus-headed secret statue in front. However, there was a keyhole on the head of the secret statue. It seemed that only by finding the key could you enter.]

A portal

Rogge frowned and ordered the Deep Sea Blood Tension to start searching around.

[After exploring the rift for a while, you found a huge figure. ]

[This is a strange-looking, huge stone fish with sharp teeth. There is a small key on its head.]

[Gatekeeper Stone Fish]

[Type: Monster]

[Quality: Boss]

[Level: 20]

[Rank: Extraordinary]

[Description: These creatures guard some mysterious things. Their hard shells make them extremely difficult to kill.]

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(There are two more to come later)

(End of this chapter)