I Have Great Voyage Game

Chapter 152: The Royal City of Ozurick


After arriving at the North Point Pier, the Green also docked at the shore.

The ships docked here seem to be adventure groups and some civilian ships. The overall number is much smaller than that of merchant ports.

However, even such a port is still not comparable to Nadvelo or Giant Claw City.

At this time, Roger looked down at the cave pointer in his hand.

Judging from the direction pointed by the cave pointer, the location of the second land cave should be on Ozurik Island.

This cave is actually on the island. Could it be that someone else has discovered it in advance

Roger stroked his chin in thought.

He felt that since he was able to bring his clone out of the cave, the people in this world should also be able to enter the cave.

Is it possible that there are some hidden limitations to the power of the cave

While thinking, Roger led everyone down the gangway of the Green.

Before going to the island, Rogge had already prepared disguises. Both the flag and their appearance were somewhat different from before. It was estimated that the Mother Goddess Church would not be able to recognize them.

After officially landing on Ozurik Island, Rogge and others headed towards the island.

Compared with Giant Claw Island and Nadvelo, the architectural style of Ozurik Island is more grand and exquisite. Even at night, it is brightly lit. Some wealthy people even use pearl lamps as lighting tools.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Nomi exclaimed.

The rest of the people were not much better, and they were all full of curiosity about the royal city.

It is not difficult to tell from the clothes of passers-by that there are quite a few rich people on Ozurik Island.

A noble lady who was sitting in a carriage and was dressed luxuriously and followed by servants looked even more arrogant after glancing at them.

A beautiful woman who was holding a man's arm smiled and covered her mouth when she saw this, and whispered to the man next to her with a sweet giggle.

"Look, here come some more country folk..."

Rogge and his group of extraordinary people as well as the wolf girl with keen hearing all heard it clearly.


"You really think you're a peacock just by sticking a bird feather on your head? You're just pretending, you old henpecked woman!"

Nomi retorted bluntly, looking at the woman fiercely.

"You're... vulgar!"

Hearing what Nomi said, the beautiful woman subconsciously touched her decorated hat, her face suddenly turned purple and she gritted her teeth.

There is both the shame of being caught talking about people behind their backs, and the anger of being scolded to the point of pain.

Hearing Nomi's words, Roger and others couldn't help laughing.

The wolf girl is quite good at confronting people and can break through their defenses accurately.

Seeing his partner being scolded, the well-dressed, pot-bellied, mustached man frowned and turned his head away.

He glanced at everyone, raised his hand to lift his belly, and finally set his gaze on Rogge with an arrogant look.

"Now that you have set foot on the sacred and glorious land of the Royal City, you should consciously change the bad country habits of some remote islands, otherwise you will seem out of place."

"I hope you can control your companions and stop using such rude and vulgar words, sir."

After saying this, the man pretended to close his eyes and nodded slightly to Rogge, looking quite aristocratic.

But the arrogance and disdain in the language are not concealed at all.

"This gentleman has learned etiquette well. It seems that he has made up for it very hard."

"But you don't seem to know that respectable people in the royal city generally don't wear scarves in the way you do..."

Mira smiled and spoke.

Following her words, Lina also began to express her support.

"Don't get me wrong, we are definitely not saying that you are a nouveau riche who is imitating others and has no knowledge of etiquette... This is definitely an oversight caused by your busy work..."

Lina spread her hands and explained slowly, looking like she was kindly reminding someone that their zipper was unzipped.

After saying that, the three female crew members exchanged glances and couldn't help laughing.

After hearing this, the man opposite instantly lost his originally arrogant expression and his face turned red unconsciously.

He was originally a businessman. After making a fortune through speculation, he settled in the royal city not long ago and tried to make his words and deeds closer to those of the nobility.

He didn't know if the way he wore the scarf was right, but he didn't have the courage to refute Mira's words.

At this time, the verbal conflict between the two parties has attracted the attention of many people, including some townspeople who are dressed in gorgeous clothes.

If what Mira said was true, then if he refuted it, wouldn't that mean he was just pretending to know something

The two sentences he just said were what he finally came up with after exhausting his vocabulary.

However, he had just been gloating for a few seconds when he was left speechless by Mira and Lina, not knowing how to respond.

"Ha ha… "

Several well-dressed onlookers were already pointing at him and discussing in low voices.

To men, they are making fun of themselves.

Roger patted Mira's shoulder gently, adjusted the hat on his head, and looked at the man with a smile.

"As you can see, sir, my companions are all polite and respectful."

"Of course, if someone attacks us with bad words first, we will fight back, and I don't think this has anything to do with etiquette."

"You say so, sir?"

Roger looked at him with a chuckle.

At this time, the surrounding onlookers also got a general idea of what had happened.

Although they have a certain sense of superiority over outsiders, they generally do not show it deliberately.

At times like this, they must support Rogge even more, as this would better demonstrate the grace and tolerance of the locals of Ozurik Island.

As a result, many onlookers began to laugh in low voices at the man and the beautiful woman.

"Look, here come two more upstarts..."

"Oh my god, you didn't hear their thick accents, that's so funny..."

"Mother God, how is his scarf tied? Is it a replica of the napkins my grandmother tied for her pets?"

"Ha ha ha ha… "

The ridicule from the onlookers was like a series of cold swords that pierced mercilessly into the hearts of the two men.

The beautiful woman was unable to accept such a situation and hid behind the man with her face covered.

The man's face turned blue and purple, and veins on his face were bulging.

It turns out.

The more a person lacks something, the more he likes to show it.

As wealthy businessmen from other places who had just settled on Ozurik Island, faced with the unfamiliar yet luxurious and elegant Royal City, they urgently needed to satisfy their inner vanity in order to prove that they were no different from the native people of the Royal City so that they could integrate into the city.

So they unconsciously want to gain a sense of superiority by laughing at outsiders.

However, he lost more than he gained.

Who knew that these outsiders who looked like country bumpkins knew how the nobles in the royal city tied their scarves, and he just happened to lack knowledge in this area.

The thing he cared about the most was completely crushed, which made the man break down on the spot.

Moreover, it happened on the street, among the passing crowd, and under the gaze of the residents of the royal city, his defenses were completely broken.

“…Fuck you!”

The man suddenly shouted loudly, seeming to be a little hoarse.

"You country bumpkins! You bumpkins! You know nothing about etiquette! You know nothing about being polite! What are you pretending to be! You stinking bastards!"


He tore off his hat, threw it heavily to the ground, and began to go crazy.

Pointing at Rogge, everyone began to call out names.

"That demi-human! He's neither human nor ghost!"

"That man has all these disgusting muscles and looks like a hard laborer!"

"That woman! So what if she's pretty? How can she be any better hanging out with this bunch of country bumpkins?"

"You are the most disgusting one! Why are you pretending? You just brought a few half-human and half-ghost people with you, but you act like a captain. What? Who do you think you are?"

"And you! You cripple, you came to the island in a wheelchair, what a joke..."


The man called out the names one by one like crazy, but when he pointed at Mira, Yas's originally calm eyes suddenly turned cold.

His face was expressionless, but his body left a shadow. His muscles were knotted and veins were bulging. Without any warning, he threw a terrifying punch at the man!

If this punch landed, the man would probably not even have a complete piece of his skull left.

But at this time, Rogge took action. He stood in front of Yas and raised his hand to take the punch.

In an instant, strong gusts of wind exploded in all directions with Rogge and Yas as the center.

This airflow caused the surrounding onlookers to scream, squint their eyes, and cover their skirts.


Mira felt something was wrong when she saw this.

But when the strong wind dissipated and everyone saw the situation clearly, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yasi, calm down."

Roger whispered.

Although he also wanted to kill this foul-mouthed man, this was the royal city, the most strictly ordered place among the five seas, and the Mother Goddess Church was also rooted here.

If someone died, they would probably be in big trouble soon.

When he saw Rogge, Yas's rage immediately subsided and he realized the inappropriateness of his behavior.

"I'm sorry, Captain."


The beautiful woman behind the man was frightened and screamed. She covered her face and pushed away the crowd. She ran away in panic, crawling away.

The man was instantly frightened by the powerful airflow, his face turned pale and his body seemed to have all the strength drained away, and he stood there in a daze.

The onlookers around were also shocked.

"Oh my god, what kind of speed is this? Are they all fighters?"

"I feel like that punch is going to kill someone!"


Roger silently withdrew his aching arm.

He felt something was wrong when he saw this guy start calling out names.

If you scold Yas, he might not even bother to look at you.

But if you scold his sister...

Well, fortunately this guy was the last one to call Mira, so Rogge was prepared.

However, it was still not easy for Rogge to take Yas's punch.

He shook his hand, then slapped the man hard in the face.


The slap made a loud and heavy sound. The man screamed and fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood with broken teeth.

Then Roger took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands.

"I said we would fight back."

"Whether this is the last time or not is up to you."

He looked into the man's eyes calmly.

"you you… "

The man felt a constant buzzing in his ears and his vision was blurred, but he clearly heard what Rogge said.

After saying that, he looked at the onlookers around him and said apologetically: "Sorry, I'm rude."

"Good job, young man!"

"This uneducated bastard should be taught a lesson!"

"Give him two more slaps! Let him learn this lesson!"

Seeing this, some people in the crowd began to praise the performance, while others started to make a fuss.

After all, insulting others for their physical defects is simply morally untenable.

"Let's go."

Rogge did not interact with the crowd. He turned around and told his crew members to leave quickly.

If I stay any longer, I'll probably get into trouble.

After Rogge and others left, only a humiliated and distraught man and the surrounding onlookers were left.

"The people in this royal city are so arrogant."

Nomi wrinkled her nose.

"Not all of them. Most people still won't do that."

Lina shrugged.

She looks at things more objectively.

Indeed, the two people just now were just a minority. Even if most people looked down on others in their hearts, they would not show it.

"Yasi, what did you just do? If you beat that guy to death, we'll be in big trouble!"

Mira turned her head and looked at Yas behind her and said seriously.

“… Sorry, I won’t do that next time.”

Yas looked apologetic, and then he sincerely apologized to Roger.

"I'm sorry, Captain Roger. I was impulsive and shouldn't have acted without authorization. Please punish me."

Roger couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Don't talk so weirdly about punishment or no punishment."

He waved his hand.

"You did the right thing. When someone is unreasonable, just tell him to shut up."

"Your mistake was not having control over the degree."

"First, even though he has a foul mouth, he is not fatal."

"Secondly, if you punch him like that, he will definitely die, and that will cause big trouble."

"Be more careful next time."

Roger still reminded Yas.

To be honest, if it weren't for Mira, Yas would definitely be the calmest person on their ship.


Yas nodded.

"Oh, the Royal City is a great place. We were treated to such a scene right after we arrived on the island."

Rogge sighed, then looked towards a large tavern next to him.

"This tavern is nicely decorated, let's go in and see if there's anything delicious."

"There must be a lot of delicious food in the tavern in the royal city!"

Rogge greeted him and strode into the tavern.

When Nomi heard that there was something delicious to eat, he quickly followed.

"Two foodies."

Lina felt a little amused and walked in with Yas and Mira.

As soon as Rogge and his companions entered, a receptionist came up to them and asked them whether they wanted to stay in the hall or in a private room.

Rogge was not short of money, so after calling a private room, he took his crew members to have a good meal.

However, when he reached the second floor, he suddenly heard the voices of two strangers talking below.

"… I heard that the Third Prince who had been missing for a long time came back not long ago!"

"The Third Prince who is so literary and only likes to write poetry? Why is he back?"

"Of course, I'm coming back to participate in the sword-wielding ceremony..."

This made Rogge frown and he stopped immediately.

Like writing poetry

He came to the front desk, got a nice bottle of wine, and sat down at the table for two with a smile on his face.

"Gentlemen, may I bother you for a moment?"

Upon hearing this, the two of them looked at Rogge warily.

"Who are you?"

Rogge smiled disapprovingly at the two men's vigilance and took the wine glasses to pour for them.

"My name is An Zhui, and I'm a businessman from out of town."

"I'm new here and don't know much about the royal city. I just overheard you two talking about the prince and I'm quite interested. Could you tell me more about it?"

Rogge smiled and pushed the wine glass over, then asked the waiter to bring two more delicious dishes.

Seeing this, the two men's vigilant expressions slowly relaxed, and after taking a look at the wine in Roger's hand, they gradually smiled.

"Oh, you're welcome. Come and sit down. We are friends after traveling afar. It's just right for us to have a couple of drinks!"

"My name is Torres and his name is Unk."

Torres was also a very outgoing person. He asked Roger to sit down and then introduced himself.

"In fact, the prince's affairs are not a secret. Many people know about it. Angke and I just heard about it when we were bored recently, haha."

Torres smiled generously.

"The third prince likes to write poetry? Is it true?" Rogge asked.

Torres took a sip of his wine and hissed.

"How could this be false? Almost everyone on Ozurik Island knows about this."

"Among the three princes of the late princess, each one is talented. The eldest prince is extremely brave, the second prince is good at governing, and as for the third prince..."

“Hahaha, he likes to write poetry!”

At this point, Torres and Anke couldn't help but smile at each other, as if they found it funny.

"What is the third prince's name?"

Rogge asked directly.

To be honest, he still didn't quite believe his own guess.

It can't be such a coincidence that the poet I rescued randomly at sea could be the third prince of the Thousand Islands Kingdom

"The eldest prince is called Levi, the second prince is called Anderson, and the third prince is called... called..."

Speaking of the third prince, Toris was stuck in thought and seemed to not remember it clearly.


Aung added.

"Yes, the third prince is called Ladi!"

"Look at my memory!"

Torres slapped his head and suddenly realized.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Rogge felt that his guess was most likely true.

The boy Kadi is a pseudonym. His original name was Radi, and he was the third prince of the Thousand Islands Kingdom. That was why he left the Green and returned to the royal city of Ozurik.

"About when did he come back?"

"It should be... a week ago."

"Why, Brother An Zhui, are you a fan of His Highness Radi?"

Torres teased.

Rogge smiled and waved his hand, then asked about the specific reason for the third prince's disappearance and appearance, and he became more certain.

Basically, they all match up, so it must be this kid named Kadi.

After confirming his thoughts, Rogge became curious about the situation of the royal family of the Thousand Islands Kingdom.

"You mentioned... the late princess?"

Upon hearing this, Torres looked at Anke and then lowered his voice.

"Brother, I just let it slip. Just pretend I never mentioned these three words. I also advise you not to ask around. You'll get into trouble!"

Hearing what he said, Roger became even more curious.

"You two, let's just talk quietly. I'm really curious."

Roger looked eager and expectant, and then he called the waiter to bring two more bottles of expensive wine.

"Brother Toris, Brother Anke, just talk."

"How about this, let's change our approach and treat them as a normal family?"

"Can you tell me what happened to that man's deceased wife?"

Roger glanced at him.

After hearing Rogge's words, the man hesitated. After being silent for a while, he seemed to be itching to speak, so he spoke in a low voice.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but don't tell anyone about this on the street, or you might end up in jail!"

“I know!”

Roger nodded hurriedly.

After looking around, Toris and Anke whispered to Rogge about the situation of the royal family using words like "deceased wife", "eldest son" and "stepmother".

The current king of the Thousand Islands Kingdom is the seventeenth descendant of God - Jovan Ozurick.

The meaning of descendants of gods is descendants with the blood of gods, and the current king is the seventeenth king.

The royal family believed that the legendary hero king Ozurric possessed the blood of gods, which was the origin of his great power and heroic physique. As his descendants, they, the royal family members, were naturally descendants of gods.

In fact, Ozurik was not a surname at first, but the name of the founder of the Thousand Islands Kingdom.

But later royal members turned it into their surname in order to demonstrate their sacredness and authority and to commemorate their ancestors.

As for the previous princess... She was naturally the original princess of the seventeenth generation of the Divine Descendant who died, and the biological mother of the first three princes.

The former princess was not only beautiful, but also very kind, gentle and generous, and there are many stories about her.

To this day, many islanders still remember her.

According to royal sources, she died suddenly of a serious illness.

But many islanders do not believe it, thinking that this incident is too abrupt and that there is a conspiracy.

Moreover, the Seventeenth King of Gods was eager to marry the current princess just a few months after the funeral ceremony of the previous princess.


The most important thing is that the current princess seems to have a close relationship with the Mother Goddess Church. As soon as she came to power, the Mother Goddess Church expanded wildly, spreading its faith everywhere, and joined forces with the kingdom to suppress other churches.

This made many islanders feel suspicious and questioning.

Did the Seventeenth Descendant of God reach some damn dirty deal with the Mother Goddess Church

However, ever since the current princess came to power, the kingdom has banned discussions of such matters.

Therefore, the exact cause of the late princess' death remains unknown.

"What about the sword ceremony? What is it?"

He had also heard this word in the conversation between Torres and Onk before.

When mentioning this, Torres no longer lowered his voice.

"The sword-wielding ceremony, you don't even know this, Brother An Zhui, you are a businessman traveling around, hahahaha!"

With a slightly flushed face, Torres patted Roger on the shoulder and joked.

"The sword-holding ceremony is the royal family's inheritance ceremony for selecting the next king."

Angke, who was still relatively sober, began to explain for Rogge.

"Legend has it that more than 500 years ago, the heroic king Ozurick killed an evil dragon with his bare hands. He gathered extraordinary masters from the five seas, sacrificed dragon blood, dragon hearts, and their own blood, and combined them with the world's top materials to create a legendary sword with divine power - Odakiro."

After that, Angke also specifically explained to Rogge the origin of this name.

"The name Odakiro comes from the legendary terrible storm that swept away countless islands."

Then, Angke said again.

"Hero King Ozurick roams the five seas holding the sword of Odakiro. He possesses great power. It is said that no one except the hero king himself can lift the sword of Odakiro. They will be shaken away by a magical force."

"Even Ozurik's eldest son, the Second Godly One, could only touch the Sword of Odakiro."

"Now, the Sword of Odakiro stands in front of the statue of the Hero King on the highest peak of Ozurik Island, the Peak of the Gods."

Aunk paused.

"As for the sword-wielding ceremony, the royal family members have to climb the Divine Peak and come to the statue of the Hero King. If they are recognized, they can touch the sword of Odakiro."

"At the same time, it will also determine who will be the next king of the Thousand Islands Kingdom."

Oh my god, is this so magical

No, this seems to be a magical world, this should be normal...

However, Roger was still secretly amazed.

The king's right to choose was actually handed over to the hands of a sword, and there hasn't been any trouble over the years. I have to say there is something there.

"And the sword ceremony is not far away."

"Next month."

Aunk said.

"No, Hiccup~ It's... uh, the month after next, on the first."

Torres corrected him while burping.

Rogge stroked his chin, thinking, should he take a look at it then

"Brother Roger! Come up quickly! The dishes are all here!"

At this time, the wolf girl's voice came from above.

Upon hearing this, Rogge hurriedly said goodbye to the two of them with a smile, then ordered some dishes for them and left.

After returning to the single room, Rogge did not hide anything and told everyone about his discovery.

"The Third Prince?"

Mira was a little shocked and a little angry at the same time.

"No wonder this idiot Kadi knows so much about aristocratic etiquette, and his words are so long-winded and boring!"

To be honest, the way she told the man about tying the scarf was indeed true, and it was what Cuddy had told her.

When Kadi was on the boat, he usually talked the most to Mira, and the two of them argued with each other all day long.

Lina was also a little surprised, but she didn't say much.

Yas remained silent. To him, since Kadi had left the Green, it didn't matter whether he was a noble or a royal family, it had nothing to do with him.

And Nomi looked confused.

"Who's Cuddy?"

"Who is the third prince Radi? Are they the same person? Have you seen them before?"

Nomi asked curiously.

"He was a trainee on our ship and he left."

Roger explained it to her briefly.

Nomi suddenly realized.

No wonder Roger wanted to inquire about Kadi.

"Then why did he get off the ship? Our Green is so nice."

Nomi said in confusion.

Over the past month or so, she felt that life on the Green was exceptionally comfortable, at least much better than when she was running around on bounty missions.

"He is a prince, so of course he has to come back to participate in this sword-wielding ceremony. Maybe he can become king. When we old sailors see him in the future, we may have to kneel down and salute to show respect!"

Mira said in a slightly cold tone.

In her opinion, the fool Kadi must have gotten off the boat because he was reluctant to leave his wealth and glory and his prince.

It was all in vain that I saved him back then.

"Everyone has their own choices."

Roger didn't care.

His definition of an adventure group is a group of like-minded people moving in the same direction.

Since Kadi is not interested in this, what's the point of forcing him to stay

"… "

"So are we going to watch this sword ceremony?"

Seeing that Mira seemed a little angry, Nomi tactfully did not mention the matter again, but asked about the sword-holding ceremony.

She was very interested in the sword-wielding ceremony and wanted to see it.

"As for this... let's talk about it after I finish my work."

Rogge has to find the land cave first.

"Okay, let's eat first. Let me taste the food in the royal city!"

Seeing that Mira was a little unhappy, Roger ended the topic and asked everyone to start eating.

After a day of rest on the island.

The wounds of Deep Sea Bloodtouch have finally healed, but it is still in the process of transformation.

After having a big meal yesterday, Rogge and his companions split into two groups, one group went to the island to purchase supplies, and the other group returned to the Green to guard and take care of the crops.

Rogge naturally went back to the Green.

His strange grape species need to be watered every day, otherwise his intimacy will drop.

The exotic grapes have been growing for three months now.

The vines of the exotic grape species also completely covered the trellis, growing lush purple-edged leaves and vines with fine textures.

After Rogge arrived, its leaves swayed slightly, as if welcoming Rogge and acting coquettishly to him.

After watering, the strange grape species' intimacy with Rogge increased again.

"Come on, keep growing. I'm waiting for your results."

Roger patted one of its leaves gently and prepared to leave.

However, a leafy vine gently wrapped around Roger's arm.

It stretched out its vine and showed Rogge a small bump on it, which seemed to be a small vine that was about to bear fruit.

[The strange grape species has a secret message for you.]

[The fruit has begun to grow. If the ashes of extraordinary creatures are used as fertilizer, the fruit will mature faster! ]

Seeing this news, Roger's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Okay, I know."

Roger smiled, patted its leaves, and walked out of the room.

It would be great that the ashes of extraordinary creatures could be used as fertilizer. By then, the time it takes for the exotic grape species to mature would definitely be greatly reduced.

Passing by Iya's cabin, Roger listened carefully to the noise.


This lazy little elf is sleeping soundly again, sleeping soundly and snoring.

In response, Roger just shook his head in amusement.

Ever since she last traded with the elves, she seemed to have come to her senses and began to work diligently to ripen the crops, all in order to get Rogge to make delicious food for her.

But she was no bigger than a palm and didn't eat much, so after a round of ripening, Rogge made a lot of money.

"When I have more residual spirits, I will give them to this little girl, and then let her help me ripen the extraordinary herbs."

Roger thought to himself.

He didn't force Iya.

It's just that this greedy elf voluntarily became a prisoner of his delicious food.

One ball a day!

Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket!

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(End of this chapter)