I Have Great Voyage Game

Chapter 187: Killing Spread


Rogge put the conch shell back in his hand and frowned slightly.

If Mira's curse could be lifted, that would be the best thing ever.

But, this curse is closely related to Doyle DeWeese. Is it possible that it can be eliminated quietly

Absolutely not.

Roger keenly sensed that something was wrong.

The sudden change in Mira's body is probably not as simple as it seems.

"Why did this sudden change happen?"

"Could it be that… "

Rogge muttered to himself, with a serious look in his eyes.


A killer whale slammed into the hull, leaving a bloody mark.

With a bang of a gunshot, a wave of blood spread in the sea, and some killer whale corpses slowly floated up.

Uncle Jack put away his gun, took a deep drag on his cigar, and frowned.

"What the hell is wrong with these guys? They actually rammed the ship on their own initiative?"

“How rare!”

After taking a look at the corpse on the sea, Etar silently withdrew his gaze and looked forward with a cold look in his eyes.

"No, there are a lot of them."

Uncle Jack was a little surprised to hear what Etar said, but when he followed Etar's eyes, he was suddenly shocked.


The hull was burning, the mast was broken, and countless corpses were floating on the sea, dyeing the entire sea scarlet.

Some people were still struggling, but they were soon submerged by piles of marine creatures and turned into corpses.

Among these corpses are not only humans, but also many marine creatures.

A group of sea creatures covered in blood are feasting on the food.

This is a merchant ship that was attacked and sunk!

Now, it has turned into a feast of blood.

"Damn... What the hell is going on?"

Uncle Jack was extremely shocked.

Etar, however, had a calm expression. He turned to look at the pirates behind him and said, "Turn the rudder."

Hearing his order, several pirates who had been waiting for a long time breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly began to maneuver the ship to change direction.

Ozurick Island.

As more and more people and ships arrived at Ozurik Island, the influx of population quickly caused many problems.

Such as public security, resource shortages, soaring prices, interpersonal conflicts... and so on.

In the outer city of Ozurik today, fights, robberies, thefts, and even more serious murders in the streets can often be seen.

It was at this time that the royal family needed manpower and resources to do something more important.

Moreover, when it rains, bad things often happen one after another.

It was approaching winter and the temperature was gradually dropping. A lake close to the Peak of the Descendants of God had even begun to freeze.

Winter is often a season of shortage of supplies, which happens to coincide with many problems at this time.

So, the situation is getting worse and worse.


The artillery exploded, and the huge noise made the surrounding people scream and flee in all directions.

"Charge! Rob this bitch-born nobleman. Why do they get to eat so well?"

Shouts of killing rang out, and a group of masked bandits shouted as they rushed into a luxurious mansion and began to burn, kill and loot at will.

For a time, the whole place was filled with wailing and cries for help could be heard from inside.

This kind of thing actually happened in the city, in full view of everyone.

What’s even more terrifying is that this is not an isolated case.

In some places, riots even broke out directly, and the royal army arrived long after the riots broke out, which made many people with ulterior motives start to think about it.

The riots and disturbances began to spread...

The outskirts of the royal city.

The huge royal statue is holding a giant shovel and digging the earth and rocks.

They are the most important part of the dungeon.

Without them to dig the ground, it would be difficult to accomplish the task with the manpower and resources of Ozurik Island alone.

Even so, the deep pits they dug still require humans to enter and carry out further repair work.


A stone monster rushed out of a hidden cave and violently slammed into several workers, slamming them roughly against the wall.

With a bang, blood splattered everywhere and the worker's body was torn into pieces. His death was extremely miserable.


Before the stone monster could cause any trouble, it was crushed into stone powder by a giant palm.

It is a royal statue.

This horrific experience shocked all the workers.

Seeing the miserable plight of their colleagues, they felt chilled to the bone.

"These damn stone monsters are even crazier than before. They are like sick mad dogs!"

"Damn it, why did they build these pits on the island? Are they planning to let us live here from now on?"

"They say it was built to deal with a major crisis. In my opinion, it must have been built for the royal family and the nobility. Commoners like us have no way of escaping the disaster!"

"Ha! Maybe there isn't any bullshit big wave at all, maybe this is all a huge scam!"

The excavators were talking about it, and involuntarily shifted the topic to their current situation, questioning the existence and function of these deep pits.

"What are you making noise about!"

"If you don't want to do this job, get out of here. There are plenty of people who want this job!"

The supervisor at the side spoke in a stern voice, but he didn't scold them, but he made a group of workers quickly shut their mouths and stop talking.

They certainly don't want to lose the job.

With the arrival of cold winter and extreme weather and a shortage of supplies, if civilians lose their jobs and sources of income, they will probably die of hunger and cold.

Therefore, they could only suppress their doubts silently.

However, the seeds of distrust have already taken root in my heart.

There are less than five months left until the big wave actually arrives.

Snow began to fall from the sky, which also symbolized that the five seas had entered the deep winter season.

[You have learned a new special skill: Enlightenment Prayer lv1. ]

[Enlightenment Prayer Level 1: Bring your questions and beliefs, and pray to the being with knowledge and authority, and it will give you the corresponding enlightenment.]

Roger exhaled.

I finally learned how to pray for enlightenment.

At this time, a man in a black robe knocked on the door, walked in at Rogge's instruction and told Rogge that Cardi asked him to go to the palace.

When they arrived at the palace, Yingshou, Kadi and others had been waiting for a long time.

[Captain Roger, the Spark Ship will soon dock at the sea east of Ozurik, and you should set off as well.]

The shadow leader spoke in a deep voice.

On the throne, the tall Kadi rubbed his temple and spoke with a slightly tired tone.

[According to the intelligence of the Kingdom Army, some monsters began to appear in the foggy border of the Demi-Human Sea. They slaughtered the entire Demi-Human tribe, leaving no one alive...]

The prophet Theorides is also here, and his words are even more chilling.

[If I don’t leave now, it might be too late...]

Hearing this, Roger frowned slightly.

What is the current situation

[It’s worse than we thought.]

[The foggy border is a natural barrier of the five seas, which limits the intrusion of many dangers. ]

[However, as the power of the great wave gradually emerged, cracks began to appear at the border of the fog, and some monsters began to enter through the cracks. ]

This exceeded our expectations.

[The Fire Boat may not be able to return to carry people, so it can only make a one-way trip to the Strait of Atonement.]

[And the journey is full of dangers.]

The shadow leader had a bitter look on his face.

If conditions permit, they also want to prepare earlier so that more people can be saved.

But they had no way to advance the crucial sword-wielding ceremony. The reply given by the prophet Theoride was that the time of the sword-wielding ceremony could not be affected, otherwise things might develop in a bad direction.

With time being so tight, these three fire ships became the real last hope.

[What about the candidates for the Fire Boat? How do you plan to allocate them? ]

Roger asked.

This is an extremely important matter.

There are at least several million people on Ozurik Island now, and the population is still increasing.

But although the Fire Seed Boat is huge, it can only carry about 20,000 to 30,000 people.

What about the rest of the people

Will they stay on Ozurik Island willingly

Anyone who sees the current situation knows that staying in the five seas is just waiting for death.

By then, countless people would probably fight to the death to get on board the Fire Boat.

No one wants to die.

In response, Kadi quickly gave Roger a firm answer.

[No matter the status, we only want young people and children. ]

His reply was firm.

If those who stayed behind were destroyed in the big wave, then those who survived on the Fire Boat would be the real Fire.

For the sake of the future, Cardi had to do this.

Young people can quickly provide sufficient labor after they leave.

Children can continuously replenish the labor force, allowing those who leave to enter a positive cycle and continue to reproduce.

[This won’t go very smoothly.]

Roger sighed.

Kadi's choice was very rational, and it was completely based on the perspective of the entire Thousand Islands Kingdom.

But if we do so, the resistance we will encounter will probably be immeasurable.

Kadi and others will instantly stand against everyone and offend every group.

The nobles would be unhappy because they were not favored.

A large number of civilians will also be angry because they were not chosen.

This situation may even occur in the kingdom's army.

So, he could already foresee the chaos that was about to happen.

[It doesn’t matter whether it goes smoothly or not…]

Cuddy's eyes were determined and he clenched his fists.

[If they want to leave Ozurik to find a chance of survival, I won't stop them.]

[I must ensure that the flame of the Thousand Islands Kingdom continues! ]

Cuddy had no idea what it meant to be a proper king.

But he is trying to move in that direction.

Previously, he had chosen to build the underground city between stopping the chaos on Ozurik Island and building the underground city.

In such difficult times, no matter what choice he makes, there will be troublesome consequences.

But if you are timid and hesitant, you will face an even more terrible backlash.

Only by being decisive can there be a glimmer of hope.

[Well said, Cuddy.]

Hearing this, Roger couldn't help but smile.

He looked towards Kadi on the throne.

No one could have imagined it.

The thin and talkative romantic poet had now become a wise and decisive king.

And those once frail shoulders are now able to carry a country...

An unknown island in the Giant Claw Sea.

Hundreds of believers dressed in robes of the Mother God Church gathered around a dilapidated church.

They were reciting prayers devoutly.

An excited and even slightly crazy believer was standing under the broken statue of the Mother Goddess, chanting loudly.

"Dear believers, a great wave is coming that will sweep away everything. All life will come to an end, and foolish people will not be spared..."

"Everything will be destroyed by the tide..."

"This is the manifestation of the Mother Goddess's will, and it is also the manifestation of the power to wash away the sins of the world."

“But even as believers, we cannot sit back and let death come to us.”

"The noble and unyielding soul, the merciful saint, will return from death and lead us out of suffering!"

"You have been through enough trials during this dark time. Now, it is time to perform the final ritual that will make you a great walker of the waves..."

"Disasters...will never be able to harm you again!"

The crazy believers shouted at the top of their lungs.

As he finished speaking, dozens of strong believers roughly escorted dozens of strong islanders.

The islanders had their mouths covered and looked at the group of believers in front of them in horror. They struggled violently but could not break free.

"Our savior, the saint who has compassion on the world..."

"Even though he was killed by the brutal witch, he still cared about us. In the struggle against death, he found a way for us to survive..."

"So, sir, Senouvel, he found..."

"Next, let me show you how to become a... walker in the wave."

The crazy believer smiled strangely, took out a dagger from his waist, and slowly walked towards the nearest islander.

Under the horrified gaze of the islander, the crazy believer stabbed him in the heart with a knife, and then began to greedily suck his blood.

The islander kept twitching and struggling, and eventually died slowly with a look of pain in his eyes.

When the surrounding islanders saw this scene, they were so terrified that they fell to the ground and trembled.

"This... this... is evil! Heresy! This is simply a witch!"

Some believers saw this scene and stood up in shock.

"There is no humanity at all! The Mother Goddess has never given such guidance!"

Many believers responded.

However, the crazy believer didn't take it seriously, wiped his mouth and laughed.

"No one can escape the waves..."

"Noble? Humanity? This will only lead you to the abyss of death!"

"look… "

As the crazy believer drank the blood, his body began to swell. His muscles became knotted and it seemed as if countless bloody worms were surging under his skin. An evil aura emanated from his body.

He tightly grasped the knife in his hand, then stabbed it into the neck and twisted it fiercely.

A horrifying scene appeared before the eyes of the believers.

There was no blood flowing out of the crazy believer's neck. Instead, it began to heal at an extremely fast speed.

He twisted his neck and looked at the horrified believers below.

"Look at this, what a powerful force..."

"This is the guidance of the Saint. Only with such a powerful force can we survive the waves!"

"Look at your own bodies. Can an ordinary person's body survive such a disaster?"

"If you can just help a weak person get rid of his suffering, then you can continue to live. Why not do it?"

"The strong prey on the weak, this is the truth of the world. There is no humanity in the tide!"

The crazy believers laughed wildly, and their wanton laughter echoed throughout the altar.

It seemed that because they had witnessed such a powerful force, some people tightened the knives at their waists and began to struggle and feel entangled in their hearts.

The atmosphere also became weird.


Hearing this voice, the crazy believer smiled even more.

The killing began to spread...

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(End of this chapter)