I Have Great Voyage Game

Chapter 221: Taboo Daughter, Hei Yi


Is there a possibility of being contaminated by knowing secrets beyond one's current level

Roger's mood suddenly became serious.

It seems that whether it is the [prison] that just appeared or the current prompt, the game is protecting him all the time.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been eroded without realizing it.

The dangers of the mysterious world are so hard to guard against.

Rogge exhaled, then selected [Yes].

[The secrets you know have been temporarily sealed and can be automatically recalled when needed. ]

After seeing this message, Roger also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he tried to recall and found that his previous memories had become a little fuzzy, especially the memory about the real name of [Eternal Burning Furnace], which had become blank.

But if he tried hard to recall, he should be able to turn on that vague switch.

It seems that the danger comes from the true name of [Eternal Furnace].

The true name of God should be a taboo.

And the mysterious figure who was imprisoned knew His real name because of His own special nature.

And [Game] can not only imprison this invisible gaze, but also block his dangerous memories, keeping him from being polluted.

So if we divide it by the power, then [games] should be an existence that is higher than the authority of gods.

In this way, he can now develop peacefully.

After resolving this series of emergencies, Rogge felt relieved and finally turned his attention back to the lava prison.

Now he has almost explored this road.

After pondering for a moment, he recalled a route that he had almost forgotten.

That was the staircase leading down to the prison.

When Rogge first entered the world, he took that path, and was disgusted to death many times.

There were not only patrolling men with lanterns and watchmen, but also some extremely hidden traps.

However, Roger, who suffers from mild obsessive-compulsive disorder, does not intend to leave it for later exploration.

He plans to go now.

Thinking of this, he spread his dragon wings and flew downward, preparing to circle around and re-enter the prison like before.

There is no way, the restriction that the stairs can only go up but not down still exists.

To save trouble, he still used automatic exploration.

However, before they flew far, something unexpected happened.

[You are affected by an invisible shock wave during your flight, along with several extremely fast water arrows.]

[You use Mist Dodge to dodge these attacks and look towards the source of the aftermath of the battle.]

Faced with such a change, Rogge naturally withdrew from the automatic exploration.

Then, through his limited vision, he saw a familiar face in the water curtain.

The previous noblewoman from Udona, Vivienne.

Behind her and in front of her, a large supernatural creature with an elegant figure and a blurry face was blocking her way.

Due to the black smoke, Rogge could only barely see that the large creature seemed to be fighting.

From Weiwenan's perspective, several Lorde believers on the opposite side were constantly praying and attacking her.

Under the attack of several Udonnas, she seemed a little overwhelmed, and was also chanting spells to deal with the attacks.

She didn't know why these Lord believers had the ability to threaten her, and she couldn't use the power of her own rank.

The characteristics of the black fog were something she had not anticipated. If it were not for this reason, the Lord believers on the opposite side would not be able to threaten her sea beasts at all.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have been so confident about entering this dangerous area in the first place.

She also noticed Rogue in the sky, and her eyes suddenly focused.

The situation at this time is very special.

Rogge was in the sky and could only see Weiweinan.

The Lord believers were quite far away and could only see Vivienne.

But Weiweinan can see both sides at the same time.

Although he didn't know who she was fighting with, Rogge didn't intend to get involved.

It seems that they are the group of Udonnas that Lina mentioned, making unusual noises.

He had no good feelings towards Udona, and there was no need for him to get involved.

So he flapped his dragon wings and prepared to leave.

But Weiweinan called him at this time and said something that made Rogge stop his action immediately.

[The life favored by Hei, Grosye, help me and I will reward you. ]

Weiweinan's voice reached Roger's ears clearly.

Her situation was no longer optimistic at this time.

Rogge could see the water flowing towards him not far away, mixed with unknown attacks.

This made him frown slightly and look at her subconsciously.

A life favored by Hei!

And she called herself Grosje!

The form of Rogge that now appeared before her was his human form, not the previous Udona clone.

The clone might be stinking now, and Roger might be able to pick up some dropped items when he goes back...

So how did she recognize herself


Roger opened his mouth, subconsciously wanting to ask something, but then closed it.

Never mind, I’ll ask later.

He really didn't expect that Weiweinan in front of him could actually tell such secret information.

The information about [Hei]... This bargaining chip is enough for Rogge to help her.

If you really can't beat it, reload the save and leave.

Rogge flew to Weiweinan's side and was able to see clearly the enemy in front of her.

They are also a group of Udonas, but the clothing they wear has a strong religious flavor.

[Daughter of Taboo, the sea beast you possess is an impolite blasphemy against Eudonald. You'd better give up resistance now and commit suicide to apologize to Eudonald. This may allow your soul to be forgiven...]

Udona on the other side said, his eyes cold.

[Master Tatsumoriya!]

The sharp-eyed Lord believer nearby reminded them that he saw Rogge suddenly appear next to Vivienne.

But it was too late.

Rogue never talks unnecessary trash during a fight, and will never engage in a head-on fight if he can launch a sneak attack.

So, when this Lord believer saw Rogge, he activated the [Nuduri Prison Chain] without hesitation.

[You used half of the current upper limit of your spiritual value to use "Nuduri's Prison Lock".]


Two main chains suddenly emerged from the ground and instantly wrapped around the bodies of the two Lord believers at an extremely fast speed.

In the lava prison, Rogue activated this special item and was able to control an extra chain.

Buy one get one free!

[Damn it! ]

Before the leader of the Lorde cult, Dashouya, could react, he felt dizzy and was hung upside down, with two bound balls of light appearing around him.

He didn't even notice the reminders from the believers next to him.

Although Rogge controlled the two people in an instant, the number of Lord's followers was not small, with a total of four people.

So they still had two people who were not tied up.

When the two Lord believers saw their leader being tied up, they subconsciously wanted to pray to rescue them.

Weiweinan was not idle at this time either.

After reciting a string of strange and obscure syllables, the sea beast in front of her stretched out its hand, raised a sword of water, and rushed towards the opposite side.

Originally, the Lord's followers were about to defeat Vivienne without Rogge's participation.

But now, the situation has completely reversed.

With the two of them working together, the battle was over quickly.

After the situation stabilized, Roger's eyes fell directly on Weiweinan.

Weiweinan naturally noticed his gaze and nodded at him.


[No need to say too much polite words, you just need to answer my questions. ]

Roger raised his hand, indicating that she didn't need to be polite.

He just wanted to know Hei's information and what kind of connection existed between Hei and her.

[I will tell you as promised.]

[But this is not a good place for conversation.]

As Weiweinan was speaking, the sea beast behind her floated up from the ground, waved its hands to slap away the two disruptive prison statues, and then lifted her up.

Then, some water appeared in the palm of the sea monster's hand, covering half of her body.

Only then did Rogge realize that as several Lord believers lost their ability to resist, the water curtain extending from outside the lava prison gradually disappeared.

Although the Udona have the ability to survive on shore, their mobility will be greatly reduced and their physical strength will be consumed very quickly.

At the same time, several patrolling officers holding lanterns seemed to have heard the noise and rushed over here.

The lights of the prison's searchlights were already looming.

I guess the Lord believers must have used some special method to isolate the lantern patrols.

Rogge didn't waste any time and soon came with her to a relatively safe place, which was the cell he had explored before.

[First, tell me what you know about "Hei Yi", and how did you recognize me? ]

After the situation stabilized, Rogge asked Weiweinan.

The first question he asked was naturally about what he cared about most, [Hei].

[I have the ability to discern souls.]

Weiweinan's words were concise and to the point.

[I recognize your soul. There is the breath of Hei in your soul.]

[I thought you were a Udona, but I didn't expect you to be a human. ]

Weiweinan sighed slightly in her heart.

No wonder she didn’t find Grosye after she left. His original form was a human being, so it would be strange if she could find him.

[What does Hei's aura mean? What kind of existence is Hei? ]

Roger stared at her.

Before this, the only information he had received about Hei was from Mira.

Mira had read a description of Hei in a book. He seemed to be a powerful deep-sea god.

Of course, the authenticity of this information remains to be verified.

And now, Weiweinan has given relevant information again.

This made Rogge eager to know all the information about [Hei].

Of course, just want to know.

After all, since the game has added this thing to you as a [Talent], there must be no problem with it.

[Hei was a powerful god in the Abyssal Sea Era, dominating mystery and fear, possessing countless abilities... But he eventually fell for some unknown reason.]

[His authority, power, and even every part of his body are scattered in every corner of the world.]

[You carry His breath in your soul.]

Weiweinan answered with certainty.

[Hei... is his real name? ]

[Of course not, this is just a nickname for Him, no one knows His real name.]

[What is the Abyssal Sea Era? ]

[A dark ancient period, part of the buried history, I don’t know more.]

It can be seen that Weiweinan is a Udona who keeps her promises.

She did not hesitate at all in answering Rogge's questions. She told him everything she knew without reservation.

After listening, Roger was silent for a moment.

[How do you know this?]

There are too many suspicious points about this noble lady Udona.

[She told me.]

Weiweinan pointed at the sea beast behind her.

Following her words, Rogge took a serious look at Vivienne's sea beast.

Unlike ordinary sea beasts, the sea beast of Weiwenan looks more like a large-scale Udona that has been refined, but some of the structures on its body are even more peculiar.

For example, the blurry face is actually a translucent film.

The shoulder blades not only have fin-like parts, but also have long, thin tentacles that dance with the ocean currents like whiskers.

But the overall look does not give any uncomfortable feeling, instead it has an inexplicable elegance and nobility.

Roger tried to check her messages.

But as expected, he saw a string of question marks, and it showed that his occult skill level was insufficient.

But her rank is shown as... [Angel]!

Rogge's pupils suddenly shrank.

This is actually an angel-level creature!

[Is this your sea beast? ]

Roger couldn't help but ask.

[I don't know either.]

Surprisingly, Weiweinan didn't know either.

[She is different from the ordinary sea beasts of Udona, she doesn't have much of an ego. ]

[Perhaps this has something to do with the forbidden appearance that those people mentioned... ]

When she said this, Rogge couldn't help but remember that she had just been fighting with a group of Udona and was almost killed.

An angel-level being couldn't defeat a group of Lord believers

Could it be that he only has the rank but no real strength, so he has no advantage when the black fog's characteristics suppress the power of the rank

Rogge felt a little bit unbelievable. It seemed that Weiwenan's "sea beast" was really very special.

Why are they hunting you

Roger wondered.

After hearing Roger's question, Weiweinan did not respond immediately.

After staring at Roger for a while, she smiled and said in a serious tone.

[I think the questions I just answered should be enough to fulfill our previous agreement. ]

The implication was that the following conversation did not fall within the scope of the agreement, and she was no longer obliged to answer him without concealment.

[All right.]

If she didn't want to say it, then that was fine, and Roger could only let it go.

Speaking of which, Roger actually didn't get much information about [Hei].

The only useful thing is that His body is scattered all over the world like parts.

And He is indeed a powerful deep-sea god.

[Since the deal has been concluded, let’s just say goodbye. ]

Rogge waved his hand and prepared to continue his exploration.

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Sorry, sorry, I was drunk and slept for a long time yesterday, and forgot to update (﹏)

(End of this chapter)