I Have Great Voyage Game

Chapter 317: Mother Tree Mountain, Papua


"Brother Jack, we were able to arrive safely this time thanks to you. Thank you so much!"

At the port of Mother Goddess' Land, under a merchant ship, the captain was expressing his gratitude to a middle-aged man who looked very weathered.

The middle-aged man called Jack just waved his hand silently and left.

This person is naturally Rogge in disguise.

The merchant ship encountered some minor troubles during the voyage, and as a bounty hunter accompanying it, he naturally took action to solve them, and was therefore grateful to the captain.

But these are just minor incidents.

After stepping onto the port, Rogge looked at the huge island with calm eyes, but his heart was filled with thoughts.

This is the land of the Mother Goddess.

As the rumors say, it is a very large island...


Rogge set his eyes on a believer of the Mother Goddess again.

Dark blue robes of believers...

The believers of the Mother God Church seemed to be somewhat different in temperament from the other believers he had seen.

Solemn, pious and quiet.

This was Roger's first impression of them.

Even if someone talks to them, they will be brief and to the point, or simply nod or shake their heads, and more often they will remain silent.

Roger narrowed his eyes.

He had a premonition.

The reason why this group of Mother Goddess believers maintain this attitude is most likely related to the Mother Goddess's state.

In other words, the Mother Goddess is in a hibernating state, and so are Her followers...

Rogge shook his head slightly and put these thoughts aside for the time being.

He came to the Land of the Mother Goddess with only one most important purpose this time, which was to find the craftsman who could repair the Demon Pointer.

Thinking of this, Rogge walked towards the town of the Mother Goddess's Land without saying a word.

Based on the prophecy of the Tree of Life and Rogge's own exploration, he locked onto the exact information of the craftsman.

At this time, she was in the huge city of Nessektasi in the heart of the Mother Goddess's land, called Papua.

It naturally takes a lot of time to travel from the port of the Mother Goddess's Land to the hinterland.

Although this distance was nothing to Rogge, he had to hide himself now, so he could only ride in the carriage quietly.

The coachman seemed quite talkative, but Roger ignored him completely and stopped talking after he felt bored.

Rogge silently observed the situation on the land of the Mother Goddess.

Very normal and common.

The nobles still oppress the common people, the only difference is that there are no believers involved.

Or maybe believers are busy with more important things.

During this period, Rogge also encountered some unfair things, such as oppressed civilian children.

In response, Rogge just helped calmly.

Since he has seen it, there is no harm in helping him.

But he did not come forward to expose himself.

Therefore, he arrived safely at the huge city of Nesektasi.

But when he was on the outskirts of the giant city, Rogge looked up and squinted slightly at a certain place.

"what is that?"

In the center of the huge city of Nesektasi in the distance, there stood an extremely huge and strange creature that blocked out the sky and the sun like a giant tree.

Its height may reach thousands of meters!

The coachman was a little surprised when he heard his voice, then he followed his gaze and smiled.

"Sir, you must have come from far away."

"That huge strange mountain is called Mother Tree Mountain. It looks like a giant tree, right?"

The coachman chuckled.

"Although it's hard to believe, it's actually a mountain. Some people say it's a manifestation of the power of the Mother Goddess. I think so too. Perhaps only the power of the legendary gods can maintain such a magnificent spectacle."

Roger didn't reply.

A hint of dark purple slowly appeared in his pupils.

This is the power of Heishatan. After the mysterious authority empowers his pupils, he can see deeper things.

A moment later.

Rogge closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the dark purple had disappeared.

This strange mountain does have a deep connection with the Mother Goddess.

He saw some unknowable power from above.

The fact that even the authority of a demigod cannot penetrate it is enough to illustrate the relationship between this mountain and the Mother Goddess.

However, a question still arose in Roger's mind.

If he remembered correctly, the Mother Goddess seemed to be related to the ocean, right

That "tide" also corresponds to the ocean.

But why did the Mother Goddess create such a "tree mountain"

This can't help but make people feel quite confused.

However, Rogge did not delve into it further.

After all, he is now in someone else's territory, so he should keep a low profile and repair the devil's pointer first.

"Thanks for clearing up my confusion."

Rogge snapped his fingers and a gold coin fell accurately on the coachman's thigh.

Amid the coachman's happy thanks and compliments, Roger continued on his way.

After some twists and turns, Rogge finally met the target of this trip—master craftsman Papua.

His whereabouts are easy to find.

Because he opened a guild and was very famous, Rogge only needed to ask a few questions to find out his whereabouts.

But he is hard to see.

Because he holds a high position in the guild and is very busy.

However, for Rogge, who possessed the power of a demigod, this was not a very difficult problem.

And, there is one more thing worth mentioning...

"No, no, no! Don't kill me!"

"I don't know how to repair the devil's pointer. I... I'm fake, Papua! Papua! Stop hiding! Come out and help him repair the pointer!"

After being mentioned by Roger Gaogao.

The "master craftsman with a weird temper" instantly revealed his true colors, hugging the wall and crying loudly.


His words were somewhat unexpected to Roger.

With his strength, he naturally noticed that there was something hidden in the wall next to him.

But he just thought it was a mouse or a pet or something.

He didn't expect the truth to be like this.


Hearing the cry of the fake Papua, the betrayed Papua had no way to hide any longer. He could only push open the wall mechanism and walked out with a helpless look on his face.

"Sir, my name is Papua. I can help you fix this pointer. Please spare Pique's life."

The short figure said.

Roger looked at him and was a little surprised.

No, maybe it should be said... her.

"Elf-dwarf hybrid?"

Roger put down the fake master in his hand and easily saw her bloodline.


Papua nodded. She was very petite, with slightly dark skin and a well-proportioned figure, but her appearance was a little disappointing...

"I am a hybrid of an elf and a dwarf. People will not accept the existence of an alien like me, so I have to hide. I asked Pico to help me conceal my identity. Please forgive me."

Papua's voice was quite helpless, and he spoke the truth.

Roger walked in all the way.

The guild's guards were unable to detect him.

However, after meeting the fake Papua, Rogge "persuaded" him to agree to repair the pointer, but he asked Rogge to leave the room...

Thinking that he was trying to cause trouble, Rogge had a physical exchange, which led to what happened now...

And now it seems.

"… "

Rogge silently put down the Pique in his hand.

“… Sorry, I thought you were looking for trouble.”

Hearing Roger's apology.

The tall human Pieck only felt more frustrated and aggrieved.

"Sir, I will help you repair this demon pointer. If you need money, we can also give it to you. I just hope you don't tell this to anyone..."

"We just want to survive..."


Having said that, Pique and Papua bowed deeply to Rogge.

"Got it, I won't tell anyone."

Roger nodded.

After hearing what Rogge said, Papua felt relieved.

"Well, I'll help you repair this pointer right away."

After saying that, Papua called Pique to start working.

Rogge walked to a corner of the forging room and watched quietly.

[By watching the master craftsman at work, you gain craftsman experience.]

[Due to the bonus from the special skill "Wheel of Knowledge", the craftsman experience you gain increases significantly. ]

[Your craftsman skill level has increased...]

The skill upgrade reminder began to sound in Rogge's prompt bar again.

But he didn't care about it.

The rapid improvement of craftsman skills will not improve it much.

The usefulness of this skill is actually in battles between low-level transcendents, or in other words, it can be used to create some practical gadgets... and so on!

Roger suddenly seemed to have thought of something.

After thinking for a moment, he set his eyes on Papua and Pique in front of him.

“Papua, where are you from?”

Hearing Roger's question.

Papua, who was burning repair materials, nodded and sighed, "I don't know... I was picked up by my grandfather and grew up on an isolated island on the border of the Sea of Confession. Pique is my fellow countryman."

As expected.

Roger nodded slightly.

If Papua knew where she came from, she would definitely not stay here any longer.

"Only the Mother God Church considers beings like you as aliens?"

Roger continued to ask.

"No." Papua shook his head: "The churches in the Sea of Confession basically all have this attitude."

The three chatted for a while.

It was at this time that Rogge learned that there was actually such a hidden group in the Sea of Confession.

They are called xenomorphs.

It actually means non-mainstream race.

In the Sea of Confession, the mainstream race is humans, and other races are naturally alien species.

However, in such a vast sea area, there will always be some "accidents".

The existence of Papua is such an "accident".

And people like them are basically not treated as human beings in the sea of repentance.

Because, collecting the faith of civilians by setting up "targets" is the most common method used by the church.

In the past, it was used to fight against alien species.

Now it's time to strike back at the extraordinary ones.

In short, all it took was stirring up discord and then trying and burning a particular group of people to gain a large number of ignorant people’s faith in the church.

Traditional art.

Although the alien species did not receive most of the attention, they were naturally unwelcome.

Moreover, according to human temperament.

There are generally two possible fates for alien species.

Those who are pretty and good-looking are treated as playthings.

Those who are ugly will be burned at the stake.

For example, Papua... Both are possible. After all, some perverts may like this.

All in all, the form of the Sea of Confessions has left Papua in hiding.

If it weren't for Pique, a good friend who grew up with him and whom he can trust, Papua might not know what would happen to him now...

"Hmm..." After listening to this, Rogge frowned and thought for a moment before saying, "Perhaps you can go to live in the Black Tide Secret Society. A race like you with superb skills should be treated well."

"The Black Tide Secret Society?" Papua paused for a moment. "I seem to have heard of it. It seems to be a newly emerged church. Is there anything special about it?"

"Treat everyone equally." said Roger.

Papua was silent for a moment after hearing this: "..."

These four words made her heart tremble.

"Even Potions Masters can be accepted there, so other races should be able to accept it as well."

Roger stroked his chin, as if making an objective evaluation.

"Really?" Papua's friend Pique was a little excited: "If this is true, Papua can enjoy the honor of a master craftsman with his true face!"

But Papua calmly pulled Pique's forearm and said nothing more.

It was obvious that she didn't believe what Roger said.

This is normal.

This was the first time that Rogge met her, and her first impression of him was not very good, so she naturally could not give Rogge too much trust.

She might even take Pike away from here after Rogge leaves.

Naturally, Roger could guess part of her thoughts.

But he does not intend to give up on recruiting Papua.

"It's amazing that such a new church actually forced the Church of Kitz to cede territory and seek peace..."

"It is estimated that this Black Tide Secret Society is unlikely to be easily destroyed..."

Rogge made a few more objective comments and said nothing more.

Papua seemed to be concentrating on his work and did not respond to his words. It was unclear whether he heard him or not.

Soon, Papua handed Rogge an exquisite pointer.

[You obtained: Demon Pointer x 1. ]

"Thank you very much."

Rogge put away the pointer and prepared to leave.

Papua quickly stopped him and said he could give him some money.

Rogge shook his head to refuse: "No, I will keep it a secret for you."

After saying that, he left.

The guards still ignored him.

After Papua returned to the room, he fell into deep thought.

"That Black Tide Secret Society he mentioned seems pretty good." Pico stroked his chin, then sighed, "It's a pity, though, we can't take this guild with us, so we can't leave."

"No." Papua spoke up at this time and said calmly: "We will leave here after a while."

"Why?" Pique was a little surprised when he heard this and touched his head in confusion.

"This man is so strange, you can't trust him."

Papua said.

The long experience of fleeing has made her unable to trust anyone.

"Okay... where are we going?"

Pike scratched his head.

After a moment of silence, Papua said, "... Let's go to the gathering point first."

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(End of this chapter)