I Have Great Voyage Game

Chapter 370: The water is boiling


The Sea of Holy Scales, the Land of Dragons.

After experiencing the rebellion of the two-headed giant, Dragon Town was severely damaged. Only one in ten of the giant dragons that returned to Dragon Town from the Starry Sky Dragon City survived. The entire Dragon Town even faced the risk of a slight discontinuation.

But fortunately, although there are not many dragons left, they are enough to support a tribe.

And Duntemorin is in his prime at this time, and it can still protect the dragon country at least until the next generation of dragons grow up.

However, compared to restoring the vitality of Dragon Town, Dentmorin was more worried about something else.

"Sleeping?" Dentmorin frowned slightly, feeling that things were becoming quite tricky: "Are you in any trouble, Roger?"

"No." Roger shook his head slightly and said to Dentmorin, "You don't have to worry. If the Polar Night Stars start a war, I can still help."

Hearing this, Dentmorin still felt uneasy.

Although the false god Odogan was suppressed by the skull of the true god and could not move, it made the Dragon Town look like a time bomb buried there that could explode at any time.

With this in mind, Dentmorin has even begun looking for a place to survive outside of Dragon Country.

Roger obviously knew about Dentmorin's concerns, but he had no better solution.

"There's something special about the little dragon cub."

Roger did not mention what happened just now, but asked about another matter.

Upon hearing this, Dentmorin nodded slightly, frowned slightly, and had a little worry in his eyes: "Yes, the child carries the power of the starry sky."

This is not good news.

The main purpose of Starry Sky Dragon City bringing the dragon egg was not for this purpose, but to use the dragon egg to anchor its position and allow it to be baptized when the patriarch Dente Morin was promoted to a true god, making it stronger.

Unfortunately, Long Xiang finally discovered that the so-called promotion was just their wishful thinking, and baptizing dragon eggs was also a fantasy.

And the poor little dragon was even affected by the power of the starry sky and became a product of its fusion.

"Maybe... this isn't entirely a bad thing."

Roger said after thinking for a moment.

Dentmorin frowned at his expression and understood what he meant: "You mean..."

"Let's give it a try." Rogge said. He didn't pay much attention to this and just did it casually.

The solution to Longxiang's problems and hidden dangers will ultimately fall on the shoulders of these demigods.

"Let's also find a way out for Longxiang." Rogge said as he looked at a young dragon flying outside the dragon's nest.

After hearing this, Dentmorin was silent for a moment, as if he had thought of something: "… Is there a suitable place over there?"

"You want to put your people into the Sea of Repentance?" Rogge was a little surprised.

It's not that he thinks it's wrong to do so, but in his opinion, the Sea of Repentance is likely to become a place of war in the coming time, not a place of peace. If Dentmorin lets his people go, he will most likely be sending them to their deaths.

"No, only part of it." Dentmorin understood why Roger was confused, shook his head and explained.

"… Can."

Don't put all your eggs in one basket... Roger understood its idea and nodded in response.

It seems that the Giant Rebellion has taught Dentmorin a profound lesson.

If we are not careful, even a powerful race like the dragons may still disappear into history...

"Oh, right." Just as Rogge was about to leave, he remembered something and said, "If there is a suitable candidate who needs the blood of the ancestor, please let me know at any time."

Dentmorin nodded, but sighed in his heart.

The right person... It is highly likely that there won't be a giant dragon like this in Longxiang for a while longer.

After saying goodbye to Dente Morin, Roger quickly found Uweyemuzer.

It is worth mentioning that the little dragon and several other dragon cubs were also playing beside it. Uweyemuzhe was lying on the ground, staring at these silly little guys with his dead fish eyes, looking depressed.

"Hey, Lao Wu, are you taking care of the kids?"

Rogue's descending body slowly appeared in front of it and joked.

"Ahhh!" As if the little dragon cub, which was originally stacked with other dragon cubs, seemed to have sensed Rogge's arrival. It quickly ran out, came to Rogge's side, and rubbed his arm affectionately.

The little dragon has grown a lot now, and even when it squats, it is almost larger than Rogue's human size.

Rogge smiled and touched its head, then took out a bunch of delicious food from the inventory and placed it in front of it.

"Ahhh!" When the little dragon saw the delicious food, he immediately became less friendly to him.


See Roger coming.

Wuweiyemuze was originally very happy.

But when he heard what Roger said, his face suddenly turned dark.

"Don't mention it. The old patriarch insisted that I look after these little brats. They make so much noise all day long. I'm so fed up with them!"

"This kind of thing should be left to the mother dragon. I'm not that careful. If I accidentally lose it, then...hiss..."

Wuweiyemuze, who was complaining, suddenly took a breath, then glared at the little dragon that was biting his thigh.

I was going to give it a claw, but it finally chose to roll its eyes, swallow its anger and slap it away gently.

"Look, it's so annoying."

Wuweiye Muze wailed.

It’s hard to imagine that there will be a day when the people in Julong Street will have to take care of their children.

Roger couldn't help but smile: "Chief Dentmorin trusts you. These are the future of your dragon tribe."

He wasn't kidding.

Wuweiyemuze possesses the power of illusion and reality. Not to mention fighting, his ability to save his life is first-class.

I think that when Dentmorin asked him to look after these dragon cubs, he must have had this in mind.

"Bullshit!" Wuweiyemuze couldn't help but curse: "That old guy just can't stand me having nothing to do, so he deliberately made things happen for me. There are obviously a lot of idle dragons outside, including female dragons, but he made me do it..."

Roger couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.

However, even though Uweiyemuze complained, he still took very good care of these dragon cubs.

It seems that the experiences in the starry sky and sailing with Rogge have made this former street kid grow up a lot and realize the difficulties of his own tribe.

"...By the way, do you have anything to do to entertain yourself?" After complaining, Uweiyemuze looked at Rogge expectantly.

"Entertainment?" Rogge touched his chin. He actually had a lot of this kind of things.

Then he casually took out some small gadgets.

"Don't let your imagination get the better of you. Babysitting a child is no small matter."

Roger reminded.

Wuweiye Muze obviously understood this and nodded: "I know."

After experiencing these things, it has matured a lot and will not make mistakes in this regard.

And it's not stupid. When playing, can't it just use the power of illusion to cover these little guys

Roger nodded when he heard this.

He then told Uweiyemuzhe that he was about to fall into deep sleep.

However, Uweiyemuze didn't care about this. He knew that Rogge's clone, Heisatan, would not fall asleep, so it was not a big deal.

After saying goodbye to Uweiyemuze.

Rogge naturally came to find Lotharen.

It still lingers on the huge ice layer formed by the skull of the true god and Odoan.

Compared to Uweiyemuze, Lotharen is much more reliable.

Since Odogan and the True God's Skull were suppressing each other, Lotharen didn't have to suppress them as hard as before, he just had to defend himself.

Seeing this, Rogge did not disturb it. He took a look and left.

Scott Island, the melting pot of Papua.

After obtaining Rogge's permission and arrangements, the Papua guild was naturally opened quickly and progressed rapidly.

Some students from Kuroshio College were also arranged to learn Papuan skills.

However, people with craftsmanship are only a minority after all, and some people who have no talent can only leave with regret.

It’s a shame because Papua’s melting pot is famous for making money.

Papua and her guild can not only improve and enhance a variety of tools and utensils, but also create some rare items for use in combat and to assist in combat.

All in all, as long as it is made in Papua, it is basically not useless.

If I could learn even a small part of her skills, I would probably never have to worry about food and drink.

As for the students who came to study, Papua naturally accepted everyone, after all, he had made an agreement with Rogge.

She basically won't refuse people who come to her because of her reputation, provided they have the time.

Of course, there are some very few people with bad personalities who are excluded...

But today, Papua rarely worked or taught students. Instead, he took a day off and came to his studio to stare blankly.

But with the appearance of a figure, she quickly came back to her senses.

"Archbishop Roger!"

Papua was surprised and saluted him very politely.

"You can call me Captain or Sir." After Rogge corrected the problem of address, he asked Him with a smile: "How is life here?"

"Very good!" Hearing this, Papua couldn't help but reveal a happy smile on his face, and bowed deeply to Rogge seriously: "Thank you so much for allowing us to live with dignity!"

"Don't be so polite." Rogge shook his head slightly. In fact, this was also related to Papua's skills.

He would not be so bored as to find some alien species to cram into the Black Tide Secret Society just to demonstrate equality.

"But... I seem to have let you down a bit." Papua suddenly sighed: "You asked me to try to research some more efficient tools... But I just can't think of anything..."

"Maybe I really don't have a talent for research..."

Papua looked bitter.

Out of gratitude to Rogge, she wanted to do her best in everything he asked her to do. Teaching him skills was fine, but she was making no progress on another thing...

In response, Rogge just shook his head: "Don't blame yourself. This kind of thing is not achieved overnight. Many opportunities to change the world are hidden in coincidences and cannot be forced..."

"but… "

Having said that, Roger paused, looked behind Papua, and smiled slightly.

"Papua, your water appears to have boiled."

Papua was stunned when he heard this

Water? When did I boil water

Then, she turned around subconsciously, and saw a table with a kettle of boiling water clinking on the lid, and white hot steam was spreading everywhere.

"This is… "

She frowned slightly, as if she sensed something.

But when she looked behind her and wanted to confirm with Rogge, she found that the place where the other party had just stood was now empty.

Looking back at the table where the kettle had just appeared, it was also empty, with nothing on it.

"this… "

Papua's pupils shrank.

After a moment, she seemed to have thought of something and her eyes lit up.

"Are you going to stay here or go somewhere else?"

Looking at Freya in front of him, Roger asked.

Since the last trip to the Demon Sea, he had temporarily placed Freya in Scott, but he did not let her run around.

Now that Rogge is about to fall into deep sleep, it is naturally time to give her freedom.

"Can I stay here any longer?"

Freya looked at him expectantly, her face slightly flushed.

"Okay, but you have to take care of yourself and don't cause trouble."

Roger said.

Just a little succubus. Even if he is not here, there will still be someone who can suppress the Black Tide Secret Society.

Keep it, maybe it can solve some difficult problems.

After solving the problem of Freya's whereabouts.

With the help of the power of the Black Tide, Rogge contacted Hudson who was far away in the Blood Sea through the Black Tide Mark.

At this time, Hudson had already established contact with the vampire Grand Duke Inrocker.

There was a deal between Rogge and Inrockel, so he could naturally accept Hudson's arrival.

"Because Locke has been constantly finding excuses to seize other scarlet vessels recently... Although he returned them later, he still couldn't dispel the suspicion of other families..."

“However, the situation did not escalate.”

"Inrocker has a very good control over these families."

Hudson explained what had happened recently.

Roger nodded.

Since Locke intercepted the Scarlet Instrument, he naturally wanted to tamper with it. After all, his ultimate goal was to prevent His return.

However, doing so would naturally arouse suspicion and might even lead to war with other families.

How to grasp this degree depends on Inrock's own ability.

"If there are any changes in the Blood Sea, notify me immediately."

Roger said.

In fact, even if Hudson was not there, Rogge still had a way to observe the situation in the Blood Sea, but since Hudson went there, given his temperament, he would not be easily persuaded by Rogge, so Rogge could only let him do as he pleased.

However, if there is any change in the Blood Sea, Rogge will bring Hudson back as soon as possible.


Hudson was brief and to the point.

He then cut off contact with Rogge and continued to stay in the bloody sea.

After doing these things.

Rogge came to the place that Sha Luo had prepared for him and took out the Whisperer's Monument...

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(End of this chapter)