I Have Great Voyage Game

Chapter 373: Inoto and Sharila


[After the exchange, Hechiribia prepared to leave.]

[But as one of the few friends who can meet you in dreams, you are reluctant to let him go and want to keep him, so you make a request. ]

[You hope that He can give wisdom to the creatures in your dreams, so that you won’t be bored.]

[However, Hechiribia calmly rejected your request. ]

[He tells you that "wisdom is not as beautiful as you think, it also brings pain."]

[Although you don’t understand what He means by this and feel lost, you think He must have His reasons for saying this.]

[Hechiribia left the dream.]

[And you stayed in the dream and continued your duties. ]

[Time passes slowly...]

It seemed that even Mepros himself found the content of this dream very boring.

Therefore, from this moment on, everything that Rogge saw in front of his eyes was like pressing the fast-forward button, moving towards the next period at an extremely fast speed.

Until one moment.

[… You have spent an extremely long time in a dream.]

[Until this moment, you stopped expanding your dream. ]

[You feel that your power has reached its current limit, and more ways to use the power emerge in your mind.]

[You know, you can finally wake up from your deep sleep again... ]

Roger watched quietly.

He thought that this time he would continue to observe the changes in the world from Mepros' perspective, just like when he woke up before.

But what he didn't expect was that this time it was completely different.

[However, as the dream expands, it needs your original body to maintain stability, and you can no longer travel outside in the form of awakened original body. ]

[But as a manifestation of the power of dreams, you can no longer be bound by the past. ]

[You split the dream group that represents your power into many parts. Both conscious and unconscious parts are scattered by you, observing the world.]

[Eventually, they will return to the space you control in the form of dreams, and observe the direction of the entire world...]

Accompanied by a burst of prompts.

Rogge was surprised to find that his perspective actually followed the group of ownerless consciousness that was dispersed by Mopros.

Moreover, this ownerless consciousness was now completely under his control.

[You took over a thoughtless dream of Mepros.]

[You can now travel to every corner of the world through the dream of no thought and explore the truth in history. ]

[However, be careful, as a dream without thoughts, you have no resistance and cannot even communicate normally. ]

“…changed from CG to autonomously moving third-person perspective…”

Rogge quickly understood the change in the situation and complained in his heart.

Obviously, He cannot change what has happened through dreams. At most, He can see more about the world.

But that's enough.

On the original continent, countless embodiments of authority descended, possessing great power and shining like stars. This was undoubtedly a brilliant era.

After looking around.

He was now on top of a mountain covered with tall trees.

Through the gaps between the leaves, Rogge could vaguely see that the war between the sun and the moon in the sky was still going on, but the sun was clearly having a greater advantage.

“… Go to the sky and have a look.”

After thinking for a moment, Roger made a bold decision.

Although this was a bit bold, and the two guys in the sky looked difficult to deal with, this was just Mepros's thoughtless dream, and it would have nothing to do with him even if he died.

Besides, all of this is most likely just a "dream" manifested by the dream authority of Mepros, so there is no need to be cautious.

With these thoughts in mind.

Rogge soon arrived in the sky.

At the same time, he was also looking down at the earth, wanting to see whether this world was a planet, a flat earth, or something else.

However, as his perspective continued to rise.

Before Roger even had time to see this clearly, his vision suddenly went dark.

[You are affected by the burning light, and your dream of no thoughts is destroyed. ]

Then, he appeared in a new dream of no thoughts.

It was obvious that he had just been destroyed by the power emanating from the sun.

Although it is not known whether the sun did this on purpose, it at least shows that he can no longer go to the sky.

"Why are the sun and the moon fighting?"

"Because of the opposition of forces?"

Roger couldn't help but have such doubts in his mind, but no one could say for sure.

Since he cannot go to heaven, he can only set his sights on the mainland.

It seemed as if the boundless continent was vast and boundless. Even if the dream of no thought moved very fast, it would be difficult for Rogge to reach the place he wanted to go in a short time.

In order to save time and energy, he simply chose automatic exploration which had not been used for a long time.

[You wander around this vast continent in the form of a thoughtless dream. ]

[The appearance of the continent at this time has changed again. ]

[It seems that due to Ogo's rage, many ups and downs appeared on the originally flat land, many peaks and rift valleys rose from the ground, and seawater poured into them, forming rivers and lakes.]

[The lives controlled by the Life Authority Inoto also evolved new appearances at this time, becoming completely different, and it is completely impossible to tell that they belong to the same species.]

As the perspective moved forward, Rogge was surprised to find many familiar species.

For example, birds, wild beasts, and even monkeys that are somewhat similar to humans.

But they seem to have only the instincts of wild beasts and not the wisdom of humans.

"Wisdom... Where is Hechribia now?"

Speaking of wisdom, Rogge couldn't help but think of this guy, but now as a thoughtless dream, he had no way of knowing His whereabouts.

[While wandering, you passed by a huge lake. ]

[A familiar gentle voice called you.]

"Mepros, long time no see."

Rogge subconsciously stopped his automatic exploration, returned to the perspective of the dream without thoughts, and looked at the blue figure.

The one who called him was naturally the maritime authority Senavia.

This was the first manifestation of authority that Mepros had seen on the continent, and also His first friend.

Roger really wanted to ask him some questions, but unfortunately, he was just a thoughtless dream and couldn't speak.

"Hmm... It seems this is not your real body..."

"What a shame. I wanted to show you my ocean palace. Inoto and that new friend I mentioned earlier are also there."

Sennavia said with regret.

Rogge's eyes lit up, and just as he was about to react, the perspective suddenly popped up.

Mepros was excited.

"Come on, let's go see Inoto and our new friend!"

Roger was speechless when he saw this.

It seems that Mopros has been paying attention to his dream group. When he saw his old friend, he immediately turned his attention to him.

Seeing this, Sennavia couldn't help but laugh.

He took Mepros with him to the depths of the great lake.

Soon, Rogge and Mopros saw two manifestations of authority they had never seen before.

The authority of life, Inoto, and... the authority of death, Sharila.

It is worth mentioning that neither Senavia nor these two embodiments of authority appear in human form.

Not to mention that Sennavia is a water group.

The image of Inoto is a young bud with two emerald green leaves, surrounded by a rich breath of life.

Rogge guessed that this embodiment of the authority of life should be closely related to the Tree of Life, Nope, and he could ask about it later.

The image of the Death Authority Sharila is a pale skull wrapped in the cold aura of death.

Authority is clearly manifested without distinction between men and women.

Since Mepros' consciousness appeared, Roger's hands left the mouse and keyboard and started watching CG.

He could of course go to other dreams of no thoughts, but there was no need.

[Under Sennavia's introduction, you quickly got to know Inoto and Sharila, and understood the relationship between them.]

[If we distinguish them based on human relationships, they should be called twin sisters or brothers. ]

[The appearance of the Life Authority Inoto brought life.]

[But the final destination of life is death, so Sharila appeared. ]

[The relationship between the two is inseparable, so soon after Inoto appeared, Sariela was naturally born. ]

[You inevitably feel envious of this. Why don't you have a twin brother or sister like this? ]

[During the conversation, you also got a preliminary understanding of their personalities.]

[Inoto is as easy to get along with as he appears to be, and he also has a kind and compassionate heart.]

[Although Sharila seems very difficult to get along with and exudes a dangerous aura, she is actually not dangerous. She just likes to be silent. She will occasionally join in your conversations. She is also kind and has great love in her heart.]

[You feel very happy and have made two new good friends. You want to share many things with them.]

[Therefore, you also inevitably mentioned the Wisdom Authority Hechribia.]

[However, the moment you mentioned Him, whether it was Sennavia, Inoto or Sharila, they all fell silent.]

[You feel very strange about their reaction. Don’t your friends like Hechiribia? ]

[But soon, your question was answered.]

[Whether it was Senavia, Inoto, or Sharila, they had all been visited unexpectedly by Hechiribia.]

[And Hechiribia was very strange. He seemed to want to know everything about other authorities, but this offensive behavior was not malicious.]

[Therefore, they all felt strange about Hechiribia.]

[After a moment of silence, you stop talking about Hechiribia and start talking about other things.]

[Senavia showed you the gift that Inoto gave him. It was a tribe that lived in the ocean. They were very beautiful. Their upper bodies were human and their lower bodies were fish. They were carefully created by Inoto.]

[You feel very envious and want to have such a group.]

[Inoto seems to have noticed this, and he tells you that he can give life to your dream creations.]

[Salila reminds you at this moment that once you have life, you will also have to die.]

[You don't understand when death occurs. In your understanding, something that moves becomes just motionless.]

[So you didn't care about Sharila's reminder and happily agreed to Inoto's approach.]

[As Inoto gave life to your dream creations, those little things that were originally created by you and could only move under your control actually had their own instincts and began to live in dreams.]

[Looking at the vibrant scene in your dream, you have never felt so happy. ]

[It's a pity that the dream creatures with life only have instincts. Even 'Mena' can't communicate with you like Senavia and the others. They only have instinctive respect for you. ]

[Time flies, years pass by like a shuttle.]

[As a manifestation of authority, you have no lifespan limit. Over a long period of time, your relationship with Sennavia, Inoto, and Sharila has become increasingly deep, and you often play and communicate together.]

[At the same time, you also met many new friends. They are the embodiment of some newly born authority, such as pregnancy, disaster, disease, etc. ]

[These authorities that were born later are mostly weak, seemingly inferior to you who were born earlier. Some of them were even born based on you.]

[For example, 'pregnancy' is born because of the life authority Inoto, and disease is born because of Sharila. ]

[You also sense that an authority called "Illusion" has been born near your own authority.]

"Oh? So the source of Lao Wu's illusory power is here..."

Seeing this, Roger understood.

Authority and power definitely have different levels of strength and priority.

Authorities like Senavia, Inoto, Sharila, and Mepros are naturally powerful and can even generate secondary authorities.

"The power of disaster, Ryan..."

Rogge took a look at this authority figure.

There is no doubt that the authority He holds is related to the power that Roger currently holds.

This embodiment of authority seemed to be born because of the disasters in the ocean and the land. Although he was born later, his power was not weaker than the previous two.

Mopros learned from Senavia that Ryan had a conflict with Ogo when he was just born, but he did not lose in the war.

This surprised Roger as well.

Why is the power of disaster so strong

During the period of time that Rogge observed, he discovered a pattern, that is, the earlier the power manifestation is born, the stronger it is likely to be.

Like Senavia, Ogo, Inoto and Sharila, and even the Sun and Moon whose names are unknown, they are all very powerful manifestations of authority.

Mepros appeared a little later, but he is also very strong.

In contrast, the later manifestations of authority, such as pregnancy, illusion, disease, etc., are relatively weak.

However, the emergence of the power of disaster completely broke this rule. As soon as it was born, it was able to hold its own in the battle with Ogo, the power of the earth.

"Is it not absolute that the earlier a creature is born, the stronger it is?"

Roger thought to himself.

While he was thinking about this problem, a major change happened in Mepros.

[These newly born manifestations of authority make the entire world richer.]

[However, as more and more powers emerged, disagreements and wars inevitably arose... ]

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(End of this chapter)