I Have Great Voyage Game

Chapter 92: The Road of Abandoned Bones


Mira gained a small advantage by planning.

But this does not determine the outcome of a game.

Both of them were very calm.

Roger noticed some small details about their card playing.

For example, weather cards are never played first, but equipment cards are usually played first.

After all, when someone attacks you, you can't immediately use an equipment card to counter.

Another point is that both of them like to keep a high-powered creature card plus a ship or cloud card next to it.

I think it was used to steal from home.

Ozo Island and the land line became the battlefields where the two fought the most fiercely.

For a moment, weather suppression, equipment effects, and biological characteristics emerged one after another, making Rogge dazzled.

At this time, it was Mira's turn again.

[Frost card!]

[Now all creature cards on the field cannot be moved. ]

Mira gave Yas a sly smile.

[I’m sorry, brother.]

After saying that, she moved the long-winged lizard next to her closer to Ozou Island.

Seeing this, Yas felt something was wrong.

[No wonder you, a long-winged lizard, always have to take risks to move forward one square. ]

Yas was helpless, he had been tricked.

After saying that, he shrugged, without even looking at the creature cards on his island, and started preparing for the next wave of attack.

He has neither the right creature card to escape control nor the corresponding weather card to counter it.

Mira completely took on this wave of attack.

Sure enough, after Yas' turn was over, Mira directly sacrificed a bomb equipment card and placed it on the long-winged lizard, and then killed the creature card with the highest combat power on Yas's side in one fell swoop.

Without his strongest fighting force, the remaining creature cards of Yas were just barely surviving. In just one more round, he would completely lose the right to fight for the Island of Aozo.

Luck seemed to be on Mira's side.

After Yas drew two cards, he fell silent. Roger, who was standing behind him, couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Two Goblins, hahahaha.

After Mira dealt with Yas's creature card, she placed it next to her own dragon egg card.

Then she directly picked up the most gorgeous card.


[The dragon is coming!]

Mira put the dragon card aside, watching eagerly.

[…The Dragon card is very important. It can almost be said that it can determine the outcome of the game.]

[So the fight between Mira and I for Ozo Island was actually to speed up the sacrifice and obtain the dragon card.]

[Unless I can get the dragon-slaying equipment card and the dragon-slaying warrior creature card, there is basically no chance of winning. ]

At this time, Yas also began to explain to Rogge.

The subsequent game was indeed as he expected.

Under the cover of the highly combat-effective and highly mobile dragon cards, Mira's creature cards easily put out Yas's offensive like a whirlwind.

In the end, the game ended with Yas's defeat.

[If it is a multiplayer Ao Zhou card, it will be more interesting! ]

Mira smiled at Roger.


Roger beside him couldn't wait any longer.

He brought a bench, rolled up his sleeves and prepared to play cards.

[Captain, would you like to add some more chips? ]

Mira blinked and took out a silver coin from Yas's pocket.

[Mira, you can play cards, but you are not allowed to gamble.]

Yas frowned and said sternly.

[Come on, brother, I'm already 20, why are you still so lenient...]

Mira held her forehead.

[Come on, come on, it doesn't matter. Mira is already a grown-up girl, so it doesn't matter if she plays a little. ]

[And I will definitely show mercy. ]

Roger chuckled.

He felt that this game was quite simple.

Upon hearing this, Yas looked at him meaningfully and said nothing more.

It's getting dark.

The wind at sea gradually turned colder.

[Thank you, Captain!]

[That’s all for today, come back another day.]

Mira giggled and put a few silver coins on the table into her pocket.

Roger sat there, doubting his life a little.

It was such a simple game, but he didn't win a single round after playing it for an entire afternoon...

Roger was a little messy.

In a multiplayer game, once the dragon appears, it will definitely be the focus of fire.

Looking at his appearance, Yas patted his shoulder.

[Next time, let's play the game you mentioned.]

Rogge's mouth twitched when he heard this.

[No, we'll play this again tomorrow.]

[Call Lina, I don’t believe I can’t win at all.]

Change game

Look down on someone!

Just play this!

The next day.

[Rogge, Rogge, you are so depraved. You are playing a game in a game, and you still lose? ]

The next day.

[It's time to explore the cave, Roger, stop indulging in playing cards! It's too decadent! ]

Every time and every day.

[How to solve frost and dragon slayer in multiplayer games?]

Every time, every time, every day.

[Bone Spirit is now barely able to steer the ship, and I finally won my first game! Hahahaha!]


The big orange cat was lying lazily on the deck, wagging its tail and looking around.

[Captain Roger, come and play cards. ]

Mira called out.

[… No, I have something else to do today, you guys play first. ]

Roger suppressed his inner impulse and shook his head.

He had originally planned to use this time to explore the caves and practice his blacksmithing skills.

… ended up playing cards for three or four days.

The Dark Sea Hunter should be almost done with the transformation, so I have to at least finish exploring the second level of the land cave today.

Mira shrugged upon seeing this.

[Okay, let's take a day off today. ]

After that, Mira hummed a little tune, took out a book, and began to read quietly.

She has won a lot from Roger these days, and she will definitely buy some good books to read when she has the chance.

After taking out the bone spirit staff and putting away the bone spirit, Rogge returned to his room.

[Mage is really convenient.]

Mira was a little envious.

She also wanted a bone spirit like this.

Although it's stupid, it's better than nothing, right

Roger's phone screen went black.

When the light came on again, Rogge had arrived at the familiar cave.

[Japanese-style cave, second floor.]

Glancing at the cliff behind.

The remains of the giant dead abandoned ones are still there in the big pit below.

Rogge walked forward.

It wasn't long before he came to the beginning of the road, where there was a tattered wooden archway stained with dried blood.

There were some abandoned carts nearby, containing some broken bones and broken equipment.

Roger's eyes lit up.

He loves rummaging through garbage the most.

Under his control, the game character ran towards the archway.

The moment I passed through the arch, a line of words appeared at the top of the screen.

[The road to discarded bones.]

Roger was a little surprised when he saw this.

Then he controlled the game character to walk back a few steps, and a new line of text appeared.

[The cliff where bones are abandoned.]

After Roger jumped sideways twice, he seemed to be thinking about something.

Abandoned bones

Could it be that all those dead and abandoned people below were thrown down

… interesting.

One ball a day!

It will be on the shelves on the first of next month. I beg all the Yunfei brothers to come and help out then!

The author does not write daily plots randomly. On the one hand, it can buffer the plot, and on the other hand, it can also assist in describing the characters, so it is necessary.

Of course, readers who don’t like daily life can just take a quick look and skip it.

Generally speaking, I won’t write more than 2k words for daily tasks, and I will try to be as concise as possible.

(End of this chapter)