I Have Refined Qi For 3000 Years!

Chapter 9: 9. Those who are in the Qi refining period are not considered cultivators



Tang Wei gritted his teeth, clenched his fists tightly, trembling all over.

Although her true identity was not discovered by Bai Qiuran because of this accident, why did she feel so angry in her heart.

But Bai Qiuran obviously didn't notice her emotions. The man stood up slowly, patted the dust on his body, and then stretched out his fingers.

A ball of light appeared at his fingertips, illuminating the darkness around him, allowing Tang Wei to see the bones piled up on the ground into hills.

"Sure enough, the main body is below."

Looking at the corpse on the ground and scanning the depths of the darkness with his divine sense, Bai Qiuran said:

"Let's go, Brother Tang."

Knowing that the current situation was not the time to be angry, Tang Wei suppressed his anger, took a deep breath, and then asked:

"where to?"

"Go and get rid of this monster's body."

While talking, Bai Qiuran lit the ball of light, turned and walked into the depths of darkness.

Tang Wei quickly trotted to catch up with him and asked:

"What do you mean? Aren't those corpses demons?"

"That's not what it is, just one of its components."

Bai Qiuran explained while walking:

"Two steps further and you can see it, the core of it is what's underground."

Stepping on the white bones all over the ground, in the flickering light, Bai Qiuran took Tang Wei and headed in the direction of the monster's aura. Perhaps the previous corpse monsters were all its fighting power. It was terrifying, and there was a lingering stench in the air, but after all, no corpse monsters attacked again.

After walking for two minutes, Bai Qiuran stopped.

"See it."

He raised his hand and threw the small ball of light on his fingertips into the sky. The ball of light slowly rose to mid-air, and then released a brilliance, like a small sun, illuminating the darkness and invisible. bottom cave.

Under the light, Tang Wei saw the whole picture of this huge cave and couldn't help but take a breath.

The area of this cave is much larger than the cave that collapsed before. Tang Wei estimated that the area may be as much as several thousand square meters. On the ground of this cave, all are densely packed with white bones. I don't know how many corpses there are.

In front of Tang Wei and Bai Qiuran, on a hill formed by corpses, a naked, grim-looking female corpse was sitting on it. Its lower body has been completely integrated with these corpse mountains. It seems that it is absorbing the endless resentment and death in the corpse mountain through this channel. After seeing Bai Qiuran and Tang Wei, the mouth of this female corpse The abdomen and throat also began to wriggle and bulge.

"What the hell is this?!"

Tang Wei asked with a tingling scalp.

"A monster born after a female corpse absorbs strong yin and resentment. We generally call it a corpse mother, and it is regarded as the upper-level individual of the corpse monster."

Bai Qiuran replied:

"But it's very strange. Corpse mothers are generally not born in mortal kingdoms. Unless there is a large-scale death, such monsters are likely to appear. Why is there such a thing in this desolate mountain forest?"

"Think about it later."

Tang Wei felt his stomach twitch.

"It looks like it's going to attack us!"

After Tang Wei finished speaking, the body of the corpse mother who was sitting on top of the corpse mountain suddenly swelled in a weird way. Like spitting out the prey he had just swallowed whole, the corpse mother also spit out an adult-sized corpse covered with unknown mucus from its mouth.

The corpse rolled down the corpse mountain, and suddenly struggled to stand up. It turned into a corpse demon and roared at Bai Qiuran and Tang Wei.

"Ah, that kind of thing."

Bai Qiuran frowned in disgust.

"I don't want to touch it either."

But the corpse obviously wouldn't listen to his complaints. The corpse covered in fetid mucus had already rushed towards them at a speed that surpassed the limit of mortals.

Bai Qiuran pushed out a palm, and Peiran's true qi turned into a majestic palm force, forming a golden energy, and slapped the corpse monster's body all at once, smashing it to pieces, but in this stall, over there The corpse mother spit out a new corpse.

"Is it unlimited?"

Tang Wei asked while covering his nose and retreating behind Bai Qiuran.

"Generally speaking, in order to protect herself, Corpse Mother can turn all the corpses within the range into Corpse Demons, and only the bones are not counted."

Bai Qiuran replied.

"Then what?"

Tang Wei said:

"Is your infuriating enough going on like this?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as the corpse demon and the corpse mother are eliminated together."

Seeing the second corpse demon rush towards him again, Bai Qiuran raised his hand again, but this time he did not push his palm, but raised two fingers together.



A bright silver thunder dragon shot out from his fingertips, with a roar and a loud noise, the corpse monster that rushed over was pierced by this thunder light without any resistance, and then the thunder and lightning were castrated, and all at once. The bombardment hit the corpse mother sitting on the corpse mountain.

The power of warding off evil spirits and high heat contained in the thunder and lightning caused a huge explosion, and the fire cloud of the explosion ignited the entire corpse mountain at once, wrapping the entire corpse mountain with the corpse mother in flames.

Tang Wei saw the monster writhing its bizarre limbs desperately in the flames, and made a series of strange screams that made people feel nauseated, but after a while, the sea of fire ruthlessly swallowed it and burned it together with the mountain of corpses. became ashes.

"Is that enough?"

Tang Wei asked anxiously.

"That's it, the corpse mother is eliminated, and no new corpse monsters will be born in a short time."

Bai Qiuran nodded.

"However, there seem to be two corpses buried in the soil outside the cave. These beasts are going to use it to block the door in the opposite direction. When I go out later, I will deal with them together."

"Thank you so much, Bai Qiuran."

Tang Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you didn't come here, I'm afraid I'd die here."

"It does not matter."

Bai Qiuran smiled.

"It's just an uneven road."

"However, do you have a high level of cultivation? This corpse mother, I think it is beyond the scope of the martial arts master's strength, right? You were able to kill it and the corpse monster it produced in one blow. There are no recorded demons in the books of my family, yet you know it so well?"

Tang Wei asked again:

"Bai Qiuran, who are you and where do you come from?"

"What if I say that I am a monk of Qingming Sword Sect?"

Bai Qiuran said with a smile.

Tang Wei looked at him solemnly for a few seconds, then suddenly laughed and said:

"You lie, no matter what you do, you are still a qi-cultivating cultivator. I can see that you don't have the true essence that a cultivator possesses. Ordinary people like you and me who use true qi are simply not worth it in the eyes of those cultivators. If you are not a cultivator, how could you be a member of the Qingming Sword Sect?"

Bai Qiuran's face turned gloomy, but Tang Wei, who was laughing with a special mother-in-law, didn't notice his face.

After a while, he sighed:

"Forget it, since you think so... It's not too late, I'll take you out first, I don't want to stay in this cave any longer."