I Have Refined Qi For 3000 Years!

Chapter 91: 10. Your mat is about to fall out


The world is always unpredictable, just like the black-robed man who seems to be controlling everything behind the scenes and leading everything, he could not have expected the slap in the face so quickly.

Although he said something like "who will kill the deer" in a very handsome and ruthless tone, it seemed that even the gods didn't like his conduct, and immediately let Bai Qiuran slap him.

Just now, he watched as Bai Qiuran walked through the third and fourth sufferings, which were the trials of "epidemic suffering" and "death suffering".

In these two trials, the suffering of plague was originally intended to make people walk in a cloud of plague that can weaken their body's resistance even if they are cultivators, so that their resistance will decline and they will suffer from various diseases. experience the torment of pain.

But Bai Qiuran walked in it, but it was as if he had entered a forest with fresh air to take a forest bath. The man in black robe saw him walking in the epidemic cloud, not only desperately inhaling, but his complexion seemed to have become a lot fresher.

Among the first four sufferings, the most terrifying and most likely life-threatening trials of death, the essence of which is that the earth immortals who survived to the end of the era used their space magic to open a path to the underworld. The secret space channel of the ghost world briefly sent these people to the underworld for a half-day tour.

Of course, it is definitely illegal to enter the country without going through the formal entry procedures. If these cultivators who were sent to the ghost realm were discovered by the underworld, they would definitely be left forever and suffer in hell, even if they did not meet the underworld. The ghost world is also full of all kinds of dangerous miasma spirits and monsters.

After Bai Qiuran entered the ghost realm and was in another realm, the man in black robe couldn't peep what he experienced, but when he came out, it seemed that he just went to a friend's house to sit and have a drink. Tea, chatting for a while.

This guy even held a souvenir made from the horn of some kind of ghost world-specific creature. When the man in black robe saw him returning to the cave, he came out of the ghost world and took the souvenir to the cave as he walked. Stuff it in your own storage bag.

Looking at his back into the mist again, the man in black robe was speechless.


The skeleton head thrown into the depths of darkness sneered:

"What did I say?"

The man in black robes calmed down, looked at the skull with a sinister look, and then seemed to be talking to the skull, and seemed to be talking to himself in a low voice:

"There are still four major sufferings... No rush, no rush."


Tang Ruowei put away the Kun Lingjian, suppressed the boiling real energy in her body, and took a breath.

Since she started to study techniques such as surveying and mapping, she has been sitting in the office, and she has been working with people for a long time. After just venting her anger, she has reached the great perfection of the virtual core realm, and vaguely has the meaning of breaking through the golden core. .

If Bai Qiuran met here, maybe he didn't need any love, parting, resentment, etc., and he would be unstable, but the structure of the Earth Immortal Cave Mansion separated the master and the disciple, and Bai Qiuran was not able to witness this precious moment. In an instant, it was truly a sigh of relief.

However, if you want to break through Jindan, you can't break through in such a place, so Tang Ruowei suppressed her intention to break through and looked at the ground on the side.

Over there, there was a girl who used to be exactly like her, but had a proud upper body and a plump figure. That was what she looked forward to. In countless late nights, she dreamed that she had become like that many times, but now, that The girl has been turned into something that must be mosaicked by herself.

After taking two glances, Tang Ruowei suddenly felt a little nauseated. The so-called red and pink skeletons in Buddhism are probably like this. If one day she has bad luck and dies, maybe her body will turn into such a terrifying appearance.

Fortunately, in the next moment, the formation in this cave began to operate, re-decomposed the creation body into the most basic energy, and entered the energy cycle of the cave again, which also made the girl stop her boundless thoughts.

Tang Ruowei walked down the stairs on the other side of the rooftop. When she went to the end, a bridge extending into the distance appeared on the edge of the rooftop suspended in the night sky. Tang Ruowei found that it was connected to a place similar to this rooftop, and From the other side of that platform, another bridge stretched out, and at the end of the bridge was a mist floating in the night sky.

This should be the export.

The girl then stepped on the bridge and went through it to another platform.

She didn't climb up the high platform, but walked around the corridor under the high platform and headed towards another bridge.

As a result, just after turning a corner, Tang Ruowei met an acquaintance.

Li Jinyao, dressed in red and holding a pair of knives, was standing in the middle of this corridor. A little blood was splashed on her face, and blood was still dripping down from the blade. At her feet, there was also a pool of mosaics that should be painted. thing.

"Sister Li?"

Hearing Tang Ruowei's voice, Li Jinyao turned her head, saw her, and then smiled.

"Junior Sister Ruowei, it turns out that it's you. It's really fate... I mean, the cushion on your chest is about to fall out."

Tang Ruowei was startled, and subconsciously checked her chest, but found that there was nothing unusual. When she raised her head, she saw Li Jinyao showing a smile of "as expected", and at the same time she seemed to relax.

"It seems to be the real Junior Sister Ruowei."

She smiled apologetically:

"I'm sorry, I poked your sore spot, but in order to verify my identity, I can only think of this way... When I came here, I encountered a situation where my fellow apprentice brothers wanted to sneak up on me. It seems that this is the case. There are also the spirits of Earth Immortals in Chudong Mansion, waiting for an opportunity to seize our bodies, and I don’t know how many disciples have been recruited so far.”

"What is Sister Li talking about? Ruo Wei doesn't understand what to do or not."

Tang Ruowei first talked about him without changing her face, and then asked:

"Anyone in this cave house was taken away?"

Li Jinyao nodded.

"That's why I said... Junior Sister Ruowei, do we want to act together? Let's take care of each other."

Tang Ruowei looked at the mosaic object on the ground that was slowly turning into light spots and dissipated, hesitantly said:

"But I have to say this... Sister Li, you have tried me, but I haven't tried you..."

"Yes, if that builds mutual trust."

Li Jinyao nodded fearlessly and said:

"Junior Sister Ruowei, come as you please."

"Then, what's going on with this stall on the ground?"

Tang Ruowei asked, pointing to the pile of mosaic objects that were half turned into light spots.


After Li Jinyao looked at it, she sighed:

"I met a man who met my mate selection criteria in all aspects. I thought I could meet Ruyi Langjun, so I wanted to give it a try. Is he better than me? Can he? Protect me... Unfortunately, I seem to be too strong, so that man has become like this on the ground."

"Okay, I understand, you are indeed Sister Li Jinyao."

Tang Ruowei shook her head speechlessly.

"Let's go together next."