I Have Refined Qi For 3000 Years!

Chapter 92: 11. Love parting, love can not afford


After walking through the fog hand in hand, Tang Ruowei and Li Jinyao found that they had appeared together on the previous steep cliff.

The two girls didn't have Bai Qiuran's ability to walk fast on the almost vertical steep cliff, so they quickly summoned the sword, stepped on it, and suspended in mid-air.

At this time, since they had passed the test, the top and bottom of the two girls were surrounded by a layer of clouds and mist, and they could only vaguely see the top and bottom of the mountain.

Li Jinyao looked up and down and suddenly asked:

"Junior Sister Ruowei, at this time, you look like, how far is it from the top of the mountain?"

When Tang Ruowei heard the words, she squinted to look at the top of the mountain. Using the experience accumulated in surveying and mapping, she could measure the approximate distance at a glance.

"The vertical distance is about three hundred and fifty feet."


Li Jinyao looked up for a moment and said:

"From my point of view, it is about seven hundred and fifty feet. In this way, every trial that crosses a foggy area is equivalent to crossing a distance of three hundred and fifty feet, and between the foggy areas, there are two A gap of fifteen feet in height."

"But you said seven hundred and fifty feet..."

"Yes, although we are standing beside each other now, we are standing in a dislocated space, because I have passed a trial before you."

Li Jinyao nodded.

"How do the Earth Immortals manipulate this spatial dislocation? I'm curious..."

"There is no result from curiosity now."

Tang Ruowei looked towards the foggy area below.

"In any case, let's move on, Sister Li, maybe in the next trial, you and I will be able to meet familiar characters."

"makes sense."

Li Jinyao nodded.

The two girls held hands and went deep into the next foggy area. After a sense of spatial dislocation, the two came to a vast and boundless plain.

There are also plains with slightly fragrant grass growing in front of him and behind him, and a beautiful night sky dotted with stars above his head. This space does not look like a trial scene with many dangers, but like a classic place for lovers to confess in books. .

"What is the trial here?"

Tang Ruowei looked left and right curiously.

"I don't know... but it doesn't seem like a test of strength and physicality."

Li Jinyao also looked around curiously and said at the same time:

"Before you, I experienced the [suffering of death] trial, and that trial sent me to the ghost world, where I met a worm-like behemoth composed of bones, with a distraction in the early stage. Strength, I spent a lot of effort to kill it successfully."

Tang Ruowei clicked her tongue secretly.

"I speculate that the first four sufferings are for the body and strength, and the last four are for the mental state. This should be one of the last four sufferings."

Li Jinyao replied:

"Because we have already passed the [Can't Beg], and the [Five Yin Flaming] is very subtle, so this is probably one of the [Resent and Hate Club] or [Love Parting]."

"Anyway, find the stone tablet first."

Tang Ruowei suggested.

Because it was a flat terrain, the two girls easily found the trial stone tablet in a corner of the plain, but more importantly, under the stone tablet, they also saw a handsome young man with white hair and white eyebrows. Just leisurely walked out of the space ripple.

As soon as the two sides met, they were very shocked. Tang Ruowei blinked and subconsciously wanted to call Shizun, but Li Jinyao suddenly rushed in front of her and asked the white-haired senior who had a good impression in front of her:

"Senior! Please use three seconds to come up with a verse to describe Junior Sister Ruowei's mind!"

Bai Qiuran was stunned for a moment when he was asked a question. He glanced at the surrounding plains subconsciously, and then said without hesitation:

"The stars are flat and the fields are wide..."

"You big bastard!"

Tang Ruowei roared angrily, kicked Bai Qiuran's leg with her skirt up, and then squatted down, clutching her leg in pain.

"All right."

Li Jinyao completely relaxed this time.

"It's Senior Sword Ancestor is correct."

"Why are you here?"

Bai Qiuran touched Tang Ruowei's head, who was squatting on the ground, and asked:

"I thought that the manipulator behind the cave would not let those of us know to act in a group... Anyway, I won't."

"Maybe, his control over the situation in this cave is much lower than we thought?"

Li Jinyao blinked, then smiled and told the story and some of her speculations.

"So that's the case, is it multiple spatial dislocations?"

Bai Qiuran pondered for a moment.

"I always feel that someone who can achieve this level of power in the cave will not be someone who has such a low-level taste of taking home."

"I think so too, but we can't guess right now."

Li Jinyao said:

"After so many years, a person who was brilliant and talented back then might become an old man who was afraid of death. After all, people change."


Bai Qiuran looked at the stone tablet.

"Anyway, I'll understand at the end... Let's solve this trial first."

He pulled up Tang Ruowei, who was rubbing his legs, and the three of them came to the stone tablet together. When they sensed the arrival of the three of them, text composed of blue light quickly appeared on the surface of the stone tablet.

[Le Mo Lexi is a new acquaintance, sadness is not sadness and parting is born. 】

The text disappeared, followed by six large characters.

[Fifth (2) (3) Suffering, love parting. 】


Seeing the name of this trial, Bai Qiuran stretched his tone and sighed:

"This trial is beyond the scope for me... Ruo Wei, Miss Li, let me do this trial first."

Seeing that he deliberately went to the thunder for himself and Tang Ruowei, Li Jinyao was slightly taken aback, and then said:

"We are naturally at ease with the strength of Senior Sword Ancestor."

After some contact, Li Jinyao was willing to bow down to Bai Qiuran in all aspects other than cultivation, whether it was wisdom, talent, strength experience, or mood skills.

She herself knew that even if she was born in the same era as Bai Qiuran, she would definitely be pushed by Bai Qiuran in every aspect. So for Bai Qiuran, she is more at ease than herself, if even Bai Qiuran can't pass the hurdle, then she and Tang Ruowei will definitely not pass.

Seeing Bai Qiuran going to the thunder, Tang Ruowei, who was squatting on the ground and sulking, also said something in a low voice.

"Be careful, Master."

Her words were like mosquitoes, but Bai Qiuran heard it clearly. He smiled and patted Tang Ruowei's head, then walked forward without hesitation.

The so-called love parting among the eight great sufferings refers to the pain of parting with relatives and friends. Bai Qiuran is actually looking forward to it, whether he can rely on this trial to see some old people in his memory.

However, when he walked to the trial area on the plain behind the stele, nothing happened.