I Heard That I Am Poor

Chapter 10


When Xia Mingxi called, Yu Nian had just finished dance class. He pressed answer, wiped the sweat from his brow, "Mingxi?"

Xia Mingxi was strangely quiet for a few seconds. Just when Yu Nian wanted to ask what's wrong, Xia Mingxi's weak voice came over, "Niannian... did I disturb you?"

Yu Nian was puzzled, "I just finished class, why bother?"

Xia Mingxi was silent, and then crackled without pausing, "What the hell did I think you were there? You're panting for words so I accidentally had a bad association, sorry!"

It took Yu Nian a while to realize, and he laughed and cursed, "Xia Mingxi, what kind of dirty trash is in your head? I'm panting because I danced! Dance!"

Xia Mingxi coughed several times, "This is really an embarrassing story, let's stop here."

He quickly changed the subject, "Niannian, where did you come from? I showed my vocal teacher a few songs that Amway gave me before, and she said they were all very, very good! Singing is not difficult, suitable for me This kind of rookie, but the live effect will be very good when sung!"

Holding a white towel, Yu Nian smiled and said, "That's good, the songwriter of these songs is my wife—" he re-said, "It's Ms. Sheng Lingyi, who I like very much."

Xia Mingxi didn't notice the pause in the middle, "Yes, yes, my teacher gave me a science popularization, saying that Mr. Sheng Lingyi has been brilliant for decades and is a national treasure-level songwriter. I didn't know that many songs I heard were written by Mr. Sheng." Yes, oh yes, and the school song of Ningcheng University too!"

Yu Nian was in a trance for a few seconds, and quickly smiled, "Well, the first time I met Brother Meng, he asked me to sing a song to listen to, and I sang the school song of Ningda University."

"Hahaha," Xia Mingxi burst out laughing, "Yu Nian, you are really a genius! What kind of strange operation is singing the school song? Your manager must have been shocked!" After he finished laughing, he changed the subject again, "By the way , have you chosen the song yet?"

"The selection is done, Yu Qing's "Far Star"."

Xia Mingxi was shocked, "Oh my God! Do you want to be so willful? This song is famous and difficult to sing! If you overturn your car, you will be ridiculed to death, but why did you choose Yu Qing's song again?"

"I am quite familiar with the lyrics and music of her songs," Yu Nian is still very confident, "I should be able to sing out my feelings, if I can remember the lyrics as much as possible."

Xia Mingxi laughed again when he remembered what he said, "My life is given by the teleprompter".

Soon it will be time for the recording of the second period. Yu Nian was still the first to arrive at the studio, but within ten minutes, Xia Mingxi also rushed in wearing a peaked cap.

"Surprised or not? I guess you must have come very early, so I came here early to play with you!"

Yu Nian shared one of the two bottles of freshly squeezed juice with Xia Mingxi, and he was in a good mood, "Have you had breakfast?"

Xia Mingxi shook her head, shaking the juice in her hand, "One bottle of this is enough, my manager is worried every day that I will get fat."

At this moment, He Qiubai came over, slapped Yu Nian and Xia Mingxi's shoulders together, "Seeing you is like seeing a trending search!"

Yu Nian really didn't hold back, so he smiled.

He Qiubai is in good spirits every happy event, "Let me tell you, before the show started, those big Vs in the media were all bad-mouthing, saying that the second season of "Tian Lai" is a typical 'second generation of comprehensive', Even if the first season is not popular, the second season will definitely be a hit." He laughed, "Now that everyone is being slapped in the face next to each other, I am in such a good mood! Come on, you two, and earn more money for the show. Hot search!"

Yu Nian was curious, "Director He, who is the replacement singer for this episode?"

The recording started immediately, and He Qiubai didn't hide it, "It's someone who was stuffed in by the management, just to earn a wave of traffic, and it shouldn't make it to the next episode."

Xia Mingxi patted his chest, exaggeratedly took a deep breath, "The chances of me staying are a little higher!"

He Qiubai laughed at him, "See how promising you are!"

This time, both Xu Xuan and Fang Huai came earlier than before. Fang Huai pretended not to see Yu Nian, and Yu Nian didn't want to go over to show a cold face. Instead, Xu Xuan sat over, took out a pen and paper, "Sorry to bother you, my sister liked you very much after watching the first issue, and asked me to ask you for an autograph every day."

Yu Nian took the pen and paper, noticed Xu Xuan's embarrassment, and said with a smile, "To be honest, this is the first time I've signed other than signing the prostitution contract." He neatly signed his own on the pink paper. Name, asked again, "Do you want to write your sister's name?"

Xu Xuan nodded quickly, "If it's not troublesome! My sister's name is Xu Fu, Furong's daughter." After Yu Nian finished writing, she took it with both hands, and said gratefully, "Your handwriting is so beautiful! Thank you, she must be happy to take it back. Terrible!"

Yu Nian closed the pen cap and returned it, and said with a smile, "I'm also very happy if someone asks me for an autograph."

After Xu Xuan went back to her make-up station, Fang Huai, who had been sitting next to her silently, snorted coldly. Yu Nian pretended not to hear it, and continued to hold her phone and try to memorize the lyrics.

This time, Yu Nian drew the second-to-last lottery. Fang Huai played first, Xia Mingxi was second, Zheng Na who came to fill her place was third, and Xu Xuan was last.

When the camera turned away, Fang Huai threw away the lottery with the serial number in his hand. Xia Mingxi couldn't stand it anymore, and dragged Yu Nian to whisper, "This man is so amazing, does he think that if he gets other numbers, he can get the first place?"

"Probably, you have to find a reason for your grades, right?"

"Far Star" is a song that requires both singing skills and emotional investment. Sung by the popular female singer Yu Qing, the songwriter Si Ning wrote the lyrics and music. It is about that after the death of a relative, the protagonist confides that he hopes that the deceased relative can turn into a distant star in the sky, and see you every night.

It was completely different from the first scene, Yu Nian only put on light makeup, so that his face would not be unsightly after going on stage. Wearing a simple white shirt, the sleeves were casually rolled up to the elbows, standing under the spotlight, even the surrounding air became quiet.

When his voice echoed the sad music of the cello, the whole audience seemed to be brought into that melancholy.

"I look at the starry sky every night, looking for your trace, and want to see your voice again..." Yu Nian held the microphone with one hand, his knuckles were clear and fair. Eyebrows are drooping, casting light shadows on the porcelain-like skin.

As he sang, his tears gradually gathered in his eyes, until the high notes as clean as snow rose up with the melody, Yu Nian's tears also flowed down.

After the song was finished, Yu Nian stood in place, his red eyes were embarrassing, and he breathed slowly, "Sorry, I lost my composure." His eyelashes were still wet, and with a faint nasal voice, he tried to laugh, "I miss you Granny."

Someone in the auditorium began to shout, "It's okay—" Soon, more people shouted together, "Yu Nian, it's okay!"

Holding the microphone in both hands, Yu Nian bowed deeply, "Thank you everyone."

When I got off the stage and walked towards the lounge, the person who followed me asked, "Is it better now?"

Yu Nian nodded, feeling even more embarrassed, "It's much better. I promised my grandma not to cry, but I couldn't help it when she sang. Thank you for your concern."

In the lounge, Xia Mingxi held a packet of tissue paper in his hand, and when he saw Yu Nian coming in, he stared, "You've got to take the blame for it. While you're singing about yourself, you're also singing about Xu Xuan and me." He The tip of the nose was red, and the voice lowered, "I miss my grandma."

Xu Xuan on the side had just finished her makeup, "I cried when I heard you sing, and I miss my grandma too, especially her."

When Yu Nian sat next to Xia Mingxi, Xia Mingxi whispered gossip with Yu Nian again, taking advantage of the absence of the camera, "Wow, you don't know, who was the first to finish singing? As soon as he entered the lounge, he kicked the stool over. You can't have a bad temper! His agent asked the program team to cut this part later, otherwise the character design will be ruined, alas, poor agent, it's really frustrating."

Yu Nian discovered that Xia Mingxi was the source of his gossip, but he was more concerned about, "How is your singing?"

Xia Ming raised his chin proudly, "I asked my agent about the performance on the spot, and he said that it would be fine to stay, but I don't know whether to take second or third place."

Yu Nian reckoned, "If he sings well, he should be second."

As expected by Yu Nian, Xu Xuan took the third place this time, Fang Huai was still fourth, and the replacement singer, Zheng Na, was directly eliminated. And Xia Mingxi won the second place, and Yu Nian won the first place again.

The recording started earlier this time, and it was only ten o'clock after the recording. Xia Mingxi didn't even have time to remove her make-up, so she booed, "Niannian, you won the first place twice, and my real name suggested that Niannian invite everyone to sing!" As he spoke, he even winked at Yu Nian.

Yu Nian understood what Xia Mingxi meant, so he responded with a smile, "If everyone is free later, how about I ask everyone to sing together?"

In the end, a total of eleven people went to the clubhouse. Everyone was about the same age, and Xia Mingxi had an active atmosphere, so they were not cold at all.

Box one.

Qu Xiaoran opened the door and came in, bypassing the pool table, walked to the place where Xie You was sitting, and urged, "Xie Xiaoyou, really don't you want to play a game?"

Xie You was looking at something on his phone, when he heard this, he said indifferently, "Not interested."

"Yes yes yes, I'm not interested, then tell my brother, what are you interested in?" Qu Xiaoran was also tired from playing, so he simply sat next to Xie You and said narrowly, "I know, I know, I'm interested in that newcomer !"

"His name is Yu Nian."

Qu Xiaoran was coldly glanced at by Xie You, and quickly corrected him, "Yes, yes, Yu Nian! Every year has Yu Nian!" He muttered again, "Tsk tsk tsk, the protection is so strict..."

Xie You continued to look at his phone and ignored him.

Qu Xiaoran sat bored, tried to find a topic, and had a flash of inspiration, "By the way, Yu Nian participated in "Tian Lai", right? When I came back from the toilet, I heard two people chatting, as if someone took it again. First, come over and sing, hey, wait a minute—Xie You, where the hell are you going!"

Xie You got out of the box, but found that he forgot to ask Qu Xiaoran where they met. He thought for a while and walked towards the bathroom.

Yu Nian came out to answer the call from Meng Yuan, and was just about to go back, but when he turned around, he saw Xie You again.

"What a coincidence, I met you again!" Yu Nian greeted, "Good evening!"

Looking at the smiling person in front of him, Xie You felt a little hot from the heart to the whole body. He loosened the tie with one hand, and his voice was slightly hoarse, "Good evening." After two seconds, he said again, "Congratulations on winning the first place."

Yu Nian was a little surprised, and smiled again, "Thank you! You also watched the first issue of "Tian Lai"?"

"Yeah." Twice a day, twelve times.

Xie You added, "My mother likes it very much."

Yu Nian nodded in understanding - Xie You probably watched this show to accompany his mother.

But he was still very happy. Although Xie You didn't talk much, he got along very comfortably. Yu Nian said relaxedly, "I just finished recording the second episode, and I came over to sing with my friends after the end."

Xie You replied seriously, "Me too, with my friends."

Yu Nian counted the time, it's not good for him to be out for too long, so he said, "Then I'll go in first, have a good time."

"Okay, have fun."

After Yu Nian left, Xie You didn't go back to the box directly, but went to the supervisor's office.

Box No. 1 was always reserved for Xie You, and the director of the clubhouse knew that Xie You was there tonight, so he was terrified for fear of accidents, and kept attracting attention. Seeing Xie You approaching, he was even more terrified, and didn't dare to raise his head, "Hi, Mr. Xie, do you have any orders?"

"Check if Yu Nian is in—forget it," Xie You thought for a while, and then ordered concisely, "All boxes are free tonight."

So when Yu Nian went to check out near one o'clock in the morning, he was told that because the boss was in a good mood, all boxes were free of charge today.