I Heard That I Am Poor

Chapter 112


In Yu Lan's suite, only the floor lamps in warm colors were turned on. Xie You gently put Yu Nian on the big bed, and he knelt on the carpet again to help Yu Nian take off his shoes and socks.

Yu Nian's skin is very fair, the skin texture is like the most delicate white porcelain, and the blue blood vessels under the skin can be seen.

Xie You caressed Yu Nian's ankle with his fingers, couldn't help but move up slowly, touching the line of his calf, finally couldn't hold back, lowered his head, and carefully kissed him as if treating the most precious treasure.

Yu Nian's sleepy voice sounded vaguely, "It turns out that someone kissed me quietly while I was asleep."

He didn't expect that Yu Nian would wake up suddenly, and he didn't expect that he would be caught in the face just by sneaking a kiss. Xie You's ears turned red all of a sudden, and he wanted to let go of his hands, but he couldn't bear it.

Yu Nian smiled lightly, his voice was slightly hoarse, with a bit of slack, "Actually, I can kiss you when I'm awake."

Xie You's drooping eyelashes trembled with his thicker breathing, his eyes darkened, his fingers lightly stroked Yu Nian's calf, then he lowered his head again, and kissed the delicate skin.

Yu Nian was still laughing and yelling at the beginning, but later he couldn't help covering his eyes with the back of his hand, and took a quick breath.

Along the calf, waistline, and neck, kissing all the way to the side of the ear, Xie Youhan bit Yu Nian's earlobe, and complained softly, "Niannian actually pretended to be asleep."

Yu Nian's eyes were glowing, and he blinked, "If you don't pretend to be asleep, how do you know someone will secretly kiss me?" He pulled Xie You to lie down, leaned on the other side, and slowly helped Xie You untangle the black Tie, and said again, "It was obvious that I was sleepy in the car just now, but now I seem to be refreshed again."

Just as he was untying his tie, Yu Nian leaned closer and licked Xie You's Adam's apple, and then chatted in a relaxed tone, "The teacher probably won't be out of the laboratory for a few days, he looked at the bronze gui, eyes with high wattage It’s like a light bulb, very bright. My grandpa is also like this, if my grandpa was still around, he would definitely not have tea or drink and would not be in the mood to eat.”

"I do the same with Nian."

"What's the same?" Putting the untied tie aside, Yu Nian put his hand on the buttons of Xie You's suit, and asked while unbuttoning them one by one meticulously.

Xie You pondered for two seconds before he said, "If you don't see Nian Nian, you don't think about tea and food. When you see Nian Nian, you don't think about tea or food." When he faced Yu Nian, his always cold voice always It will be soft, like the first snow that melts.

Yu Nian smiled from his lips, and he pretended to be puzzled, "I don't think about tea or food, so... what are you thinking about?"

"Miss you."

The next day, Yu Nian woke up according to his biological clock, his head was still a little groggy. He rubbed his forehead, hugged the quilt and sat up, seeing the light in the cloakroom, he shouted "Xie You" in a hoarse voice.

Just as Xie You changed into his suit, he stood by the bed and kissed Yu Nian's sleepy eyes, "Good morning Nian Nian."

"Good morning," Yu Nian yawned, knelt on the bed, and helped Xie You tie his tie in two strokes. He rubbed his eyes again, restraining the thought of lying back under the blanket, and simply lay on Xie You's body as if he had no bones, his white arm that dazzled his eyes went around, poking Xie You's back again and again to play Son.

Xie You held Yu Nian's waist to protect him, and was about to speak when his cell phone rang.

"Assistant Qin?"

"Mr. Xie, the public relations department reported that at seven o'clock in the morning, your photo was leaked on the Internet. The time was midnight last night, and the location was the Imperial Exhibition Hall."

Xie You's eyes were slightly cold, "Have you taken the picture of Niannian?"

Assistant Qin: "Young Master Yu was not photographed. It should be because you deliberately blocked Young Master Yu's face, so you can only vaguely see that you are walking in with someone in your arms." He asked, "Do you need to deal with it?"

Yu Nian turned his head and replied for Xie You, "No need."

Xie You patted Yu Nian's thin waist lightly, "Listen to Nian Nian."


At the same time, the tag #谢游# has reached the seventh most searched position.

"—Crying by real name, I, Mr. Xie, actually have a love partner? My dream of marrying into a wealthy family has been shattered. Well, although I know it's not my turn, but who can't have a dream..."

"—Seeing the photos, I couldn't help but take out my treasured magazines to take a few breaths of Mr. Xie's fairy and money!! I hugged the princess away when I got off the car, I must like it very much, right? Ahhh, I'm so curious what it is Who!!"

"—Yuyu girl has a bold idea...but I won't say it~"

When Yu Nian got into the car, before Meng Yuan asked, he answered consciously, "I was definitely not photographed when I came out."

Knowing that Yu Nian said so, it must be true, Meng Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Seeing Mr. Xie on the trending search, I was shocked! Waiting to go in, I found that Mr. Xie was secretly photographed. Early in the morning, my heart almost stopped beating." Already!"

He urged again and again, "Although you didn't intend to hide it, we also have to consider the tolerance of the fans, right, this matter must be done slowly!"

In this matter, Shi Rou has always stood by Yu Nian's side, "Brother Meng, if Nian Nian was so careless, he would have walked out arm in arm with Mr. Xie early this morning."

Thinking of this scene and the shock it would cause, Meng Yuan felt a headache. After breaking up all the messy images in his mind, he asked, "Speaking of which, Niannian, do you want to change your residence?"

Yu Nian also had this idea yesterday. The place where he lives now is the company's complex, with very few residents, and the security is very professional, so illegitimate fans and reporters cannot enter. But this time it was blocked, maybe there will always be reporters staying at the station in the future. He thought for a while and replied, "Let me think about it."

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry." Speaking of where to live, Meng Yuan thought about it, "Well, every year, on the surface, you can't afford take-out, and your salary has to be paid in advance, and you actually have a mansion in private! Mansion! Also, The gods are all imitations! You can try to say 'they are all imitations' again to the antiques in your house?"

Yu Nian knew that he would definitely be condemned today, so he just smiled at Meng Yuan without saying a word.

Seeing him laughing, Meng Yuan couldn't help laughing, "But next time I go to your house, I have to be more careful. If I bump into it, my heart will bleed first! However, when I used to invest in collections, I also I’ve heard it said that a family with a long history of inheritance uses all the old objects in the house, and it’s passed down to antiques, I didn’t expect it, it really showed me!”

Only then did Yu Nian speak, and said with a smile, "Yes, my grandmother used to say that if all these things in the house become fine, they must all be old."

Arriving at the backstage of the studio where the program "Treasure" was recorded, and meeting Gu Yiyan and Ganzhou, Yu Nian apologized, "I'm really sorry, this time because of my schedule, the recording was delayed until today."

Ganzhou is gentle and refined, "It's a good thing to go to a mountainous village to do charity, and it doesn't matter if you delay for a day. Besides, don't you bring back the bronze gui every year?"

Yu Nian was surprised, "How do you know?"

Gu Yiyan put down his teacup and said with a smile, "Why don't we know? In the middle of the night last night, at one or two o'clock in the morning, Zeng Hongying, an old and uneducated man, called next to each other to inform us that his good student, The bronze gui that Fu Boyan was looking for has been brought back from the mountains! It is so proud, it has a tail, it must have gone up to the sky!"

Ganzhou echoed, "Gu Gu is right, I don't know how many phone calls Mr. Zeng made in one breath, but everyone seems to know it anyway."

Yu Nian smiled helplessly, "Well, this is indeed the teacher's style."

During the recording, the third treasure hunter who came on stage was a dark-skinned middle-aged man named Yanxian. Dressed plainly, he put a painting on the display stand.

The picture scroll opened, and it was a solemn and kind Bodhisattva statue. After introducing the story of the painting, he said to the host, "I'm sorry, but I want to take a few minutes to say a few words."

The host made a gesture of invitation, "Of course!"

Yanxian took the microphone, turned towards the appraiser's seat, and said, "The main purpose of my participation in this program this time is to meet Mr. Xiu Ning's descendant, Mr. Yu Nian."

Yu Nian was also very surprised when he suddenly heard the name of his grandfather, "Are you talking about my grandfather?"

"Yes, it's your grandfather, Mr. Xiu Ning. Actually, I saw you from afar when you were a child." Yanxian was very nervous at the camera. He clenched the microphone and said, "My home is near the Gobi Desert. A few decades ago, a Buddhist cave was dug out there, and a museum was built later."

Yu Nian immediately remembered, "Yes, I did go there with my grandfather, Mucheng Cave, and the museum is called Mucheng Museum. I participated in Director Xu's movie "The Ancient Road", which was filmed near there. Leave I even went to a museum with my sister."

"Yes, yes, yes," Yanxian was a little excited, he nodded repeatedly, and tried to calm himself down, and said, "At that time, I was not yet thirty, my father fell and injured, my mother was seriously ill, and my wife died unexpectedly, leaving behind two I was a child who was not in good health. Life was like being stuck in the sand, unable to lift my feet. Later, I thought of committing suicide because it was really too hard."

"It was Mr. Xiuning who stopped me. After knowing the situation, he gave me all the money he had on him, a total of two thousand three hundred and fifty-eight yuan and thirty cents. I don't want it, so he said he was lending it to me temporarily. Emergency, there is no difficulty in life that cannot be overcome.

Later, he let me join the engineering team that excavated the Buddhist caves at that time to do odd jobs. The engineering team will distribute steamed buns to the workers so that they can eat less, which can barely fill the stomachs of the parents and two children. "

Yanxian's eyes were red, he tried to smile again, and continued, "Later, I used the money, part of it to treat my mother's illness, part of it to rent a water tanker, and help people carry water every morning and evening, Life slowly improved.

Both parents are still alive and their two children are in college. I learned that you are a descendant of Mr. Xiu Ning, so I hurried over and wanted to send the money over in person. "

He walked to the appraisal table, solemnly took out a paper bag from his pocket, opened it, and inside was a stack of banknotes of different denominations.

"Mr. Xiu Ning said he lent it to me back then, but I know that he didn't want me to pay it back. But paying back the money has always been my goal and wish."

Yu Nian heard the words, did not refuse, and took the money carefully, "Grandpa will be very pleased if he knows."

As soon as the program aired the next day, it attracted a lot of cynicism.

"—The program group wants to be sensational, but it's too stiff? This script is really enough, and there are people who can't afford to eat? The steamed buns given to a worker can fill the stomachs of the whole family? There are also stingy and petty people. Give more than 2,000 yuan, and you can save the life of the whole family? Really annoying people to set up a show!"

But it was quickly refuted.

"—Some people are either poisonous or stupid! You can still find detailed introductions about the excavation of the Mucheng Cave. When a corner of the Buddha Cave was just dug out, the experts there didn't dare to move it. They went to ask for repairs overnight. Mr. Ning. Mr. Xiu Ning also set off immediately, rushed to the excavation site, and did not leave until the excavation work was carried out smoothly. The plaque in the Mucheng Museum was inscribed by Mr. Xiu Ning. In addition, many cultural relics excavations in China have There is Mr. Xiu Ning. Mr. Xiu Ning's personality, character, and achievements are not something you can scold casually!"

"—My grandfather is engaged in archaeology. I have met Mr. Xiu Ning several times, and said that Mr. Xiu Ning's knowledge and mind have made him admire him all his life. And my grandfather was also very impressed with Yu Nian, saying that there is always a handsome boy. Boy, run around with Mr. Xiu Ning, study ink and pass pens, very sensible!"

"—This is the real version of why not eat minced meat? Is what you see is the world? Tell you clearly, there are still many people who can't afford clothes, don't know about mobile phones and TV, and can't even eat enough. Every now and then I feel like It’s a script, it’s sensational, it’s hype, and your world is too small. I suggest you watch the public welfare documentary filmed by Sunyao’s mobile phone, and give directions [link]”

The public welfare documentary on Sunyao Mobile was released simultaneously on the official website and official blog at 9:00 pm. The team's itinerary was edited into three episodes, each 40 minutes long. It mainly records the poverty situation in Xinfeng Village, what the charity team saw and heard, etc. After going online, it has aroused great attention and discussion.

At 10:30, the official blog of Riyao mobile phone released another video of "Sunday's Journey Extra Story". After a while, a post appeared on the forum.

"Damn it! Beheaded Amway, go watch the documentary "Journey to the Sun", starting from the third minute and 12 seconds of the extra chapter, Yu Nian can tell you not only how to speculate on your noble son's character design, but also what is the peak of picking up leaks !!!”