I Heard That I Am Poor

Chapter 24


Because of his foot injury, Yu Nian didn't have to go to the dance class in the morning. However, the schedule he developed with his grandparents was very fixed. According to the biological clock, he woke up early at seven o'clock.

I made a simple breakfast for myself, and then watered the flowers and green onions planted on the balcony. During the period, because I went back to the closed filming, Yu Qing, who was a few beats behind the others, called and the process lasted for ten minutes nagging.

Knowing that she was worried, Yu Nian listened patiently from the beginning to the end, reassuring again and again that it was indeed an accident and that no one bullied him, so he suppressed Yu Qing's urge to buy a plane ticket and fly back to help him find a place.

"By the way, after you finish recording "Sounds of Nature", do you have any confirmed arrangements?"

Yu Nian recalled, "Brother Meng mentioned that he will first plan to release a single and EP, and then put on a reality show. As for commercials and endorsements, they are still being selected, and there are two that Brother Meng thinks can be included in the scope of consideration."

"Okay, Meng Yuan's arrangement is not bad, it doesn't squeeze you to suck blood." Yu Qing joked again, "Then who are you planning to write your song for? Sining?"

Yu Nian was helpless, "Sister, don't make fun of me! Weren't you young at that time?"

"Okay, okay, I'm not kidding you, I'm serious," Yu Qing said directly, "I'm not making a movie, are you interested in singing a promotional song?"

Yu Nian knew about the movie that Yu Qing was making. It was one of the top three well-known directors in China, and the leading actor was the best actor. He had invested hundreds of millions of dollars.

He paused, and said with a smile, "Sister, do I count on my connections to get to the top?"

"So what?" There was a lot of wind on Yu Qing's side, and she raised the volume, "If I don't cover you, who will you cover? Originally, you were going to record the ending song with me, but you don't have enough qualifications. It’s no problem to recommend you to sing the promotion song.”

She laughed again, "But I won the opportunity for you. As for whether you can sing or not, it's up to you, understand?"


"Then the film studio will contact you in a few days, and perform well!" Yu Qing thought of something, "By the way, there is also the ending song. I and the director and producer don't like the few finished products that have been handed in. The film also asked me if I could invite Si Ning to write about it. I think it will be fine, they bid quite high."

Yu Nian asked, "How much?"

Yu Qing said a few words, "Your name 'Sining' is quite popular in the circle now. They are very sincere and have not lowered the price. You write a song with Sining's name, and I will do it." Sing, when it's released, I'll take advantage of the trend and release the single, and I can share it with you."

Yu Nian laughed, "How do you know I'm short of money again?"

Yu Qing was speechless, "As far as your generous purchases are concerned, when have you never been short of money?"

Yu Nian knew that he was about to be narrated, so he responded, "Send me the script first, after reading it in a few days, I will write out the first draft for you to see."

He quickly changed the subject again, "By the way, the magazine that interviewed you last time was also published. I went to buy a copy to read. The cover is very beautiful, but it doesn't look like you."

"Rolling, it doesn't look like me to shoot gentle and virtuous?" Yu Qing disliked, "But how long did it take to post, the enthusiasm for our cooperation stage has almost dissipated, it's a loss."

Yu Nian was very content, "My fans were very happy, saying that I was praised by Yu Qing for 197 words."

"Hahaha, are all your fans so cute?" Yu Qing laughed, laughed twice and then coughed, "This damn place swallowed a mouthful of sand when it opened its mouth and laughed! Forget it, let's not talk about it, you take good care of it, next time The next time I come back, I must be alive and kicking!"

After hanging up the phone, Yu Nian found that he not only finished watering the flowers while answering the phone, but also finished pruning and weeding.

Looking at the phone screen that turned black again, he was a little dazed.

Last night, after carefully reading what Xie You sent, he roughly understood why Xie You let him make his own decision.

Put away the watering can, and hang the washed clothes to dry again. Yu Qing moved very quickly, and it didn't take long for the script to be placed in Yu Nian's work mailbox belonging to "Sining". Yu Qing also wrote "Come on every year" at the end of the email.

Yu Nian replied the email with a smile, stood there thinking for a long time, switched the interface, and sent a WeChat message.

"If you have time, can we meet and chat?"

The appointment was at a coffee shop outside the complex, which was very close. Yu Nian hurt his foot and didn't dare to use force, so he simply put on a white peaked cap and walked slowly there with a cane while basking in the sun.

When he arrived, there was already someone sitting in the box.

Seeing Yu Nian, Xu Xuan stood up subconsciously, then sat down again holding her handbag with an unnatural expression.

Yu Nian sat opposite Xu Xuan.

"You..." Xu Xuan glanced at Yu Nian, then quickly shifted her gaze to the coffee cup in front of her, "You know, right?"

She knew very well that her relationship with Yu Nian was at best a guest on the same show. This time, Yu Nian had no other reason for asking her to meet.

Yu Nian looked at Xu Xuan's unconsciously twisted fingers, "Yes."

Hearing Yu Nian's answer, Xu Xuan's stiff back relaxed—at this second, the sharp knife hanging in her heart fell down, and she actually felt a lot easier.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the box, and Yu Nian waited for Xu Xuan to put on the mask before answering, "Please come in."

A glass of milk was placed in front of Yu Nian.

Yu Nian thanked him, and waited for the waiter to go out and close the door again before he continued to answer Xu Xuan's previous question, "If you mean, you paid the staff to intentionally sprinkle water on the stage, causing me to fall and get injured?" Well, I do already know that.”

Xu Xuan pinned her loose long hair behind her ears, lost her mind for a while, shook her head and smiled wryly, "You shouldn't have asked me to meet, you must have evidence, then you should release the news directly, so that the benefits you can gain , to make up for your loss."

Yu Nian glanced at the fingertips of Xu Xuan's hands, and said seriously, "I didn't tell my agent, I didn't tell the media, and I haven't recorded it yet. I asked you to have an interview because I want to know the reason."

When receiving the investigation results from Xie You, Yu Nian carefully recalled the Xu Xuan in his memory. What impresses me the most is that Xu Xuan worked very hard. He once accidentally saw the bruises on her elbows when she was thrown from dancing practice. He also had a lot of those marks himself.

In private, Xu Xuan's clothes are simple, she lacks her beauty in front of the camera, she doesn't have any make-up, and her complexion is not very good. She took a lady's cigarette out of her bag and left it unlit.

"Are you sure you want to listen? Usually at times like this, there will be a scene of bitterness, and morality and compassion will soften your heart."

Yu Nian nodded.

Xu Xuan's fingers holding the cigarette trembled. She looked away and said in a low voice, "The reason is very simple. I need money. The program group has set a bonus, and the first person can get 500,000 yuan. I want this." Five hundred thousand."

Yu Nian held the milk glass and nodded, indicating that he understood, "And I am your hindrance, right?"

"Yes. As long as you stand there, I won't be able to get the first place." Xu Xuan took a deep breath, and her tone became calmer, "Among us, Xia Mingxi has a good face and high popularity, but he dances and sings They are no match for me. The other two are here to show their faces, and it is impossible to surpass you and me to take the first place."

She reluctantly raised the corners of her pale lips, and said very concisely, "I am short of money, my parents leave early, my sister is seriously ill, and has been hospitalized for a long time. Money goes in. I give all my money away and it’s not enough, it’s not enough, it’s like a bottomless pit, it drives people crazy,”

"But I don't want her to die."

Yu Nian suddenly said, "Your sister, is her name Xu Fu, right? When recording the show, you asked me for her autograph for her."

Xu Xuan nodded in embarrassment, and laughed at herself, "Yes, she likes you very much. I took your autograph back to her, and she was happy for several days. Maybe she never thought that one day she would deliberately harm you People, that's me."

Yu Nian remembered very clearly that Xie You checked the staff member's property transactions before and after the recording of the show, and found that he had received a transfer from "Xu Fu". After further investigation, it was confirmed that Xu Fu was Xu Xuan's younger sister, who had been hospitalized for a long time because of a serious illness.

Xu Xuan did not lie.

"I know that harming someone is killing someone. No matter how many reasons there are, it can't cover up the fact of harming someone. When I was watching your rehearsal, I suddenly had this idea. At that moment, I I almost didn't know myself, even loathed myself, felt sick, but I did it anyway.

That half a million bonus is the closest sum of money to me. If you take the first place, you can get more resources and more money. "

The cigarette between her fingers was slightly bent due to the force, she said softly, "I am mentally prepared to bear the consequences for what I do."

It was quiet in the box.

Yu Nian let go of the ceramic milk cup, looked at Xu Xuan, and shook his head, "I won't pursue this matter any further."

Xu Xuan raised her head numbly, and was stunned, "What... what?" The cigarette in her hand fell onto the table.

Yu Nian said with a smile, "My grandfather once taught me that if I was bullied, I must bully him back, so as not to suffer. But he also taught me to report grievances directly and be kind to others.

But I didn't pursue it this time, not because I forgave you or approved of your actions, but because your sister needs you very much now, and I'm probably trying to fulfill my kindness, or my Virgin Mary. "

Xu Xuan opened her mouth, but said nothing, but her eyes were sore.

Yu Nian continued, "I also need money very much now, a lot of money. Besides, I respect you as an opponent. So the first position can be won by strength, but I will not give it up to you, not half a point. Let."

"As for," he pointed to his injured foot, "I reacted quickly and didn't touch the ground on my knees, so the injury wasn't too serious, so it's okay if you owe me a favor, and when I think about it, I'll let you pay it back. .”

Holding the bag in both hands, Xu Xuan solemnly agreed, "Okay, I will definitely do it." She hesitated, but said softly, "Thank you, Yu Nian."

Yu Nian returned home, sent a message to Xie You, roughly explained the content and results of the conversation, hesitated for a moment, and wrote, "I'm not sure if I'm doing it right."

Xie You's message came back very quickly, as usual, with few words, "You are fine."

Yu Nian smiled when he saw these three words.

This page was uncovered, Yu Nian didn't say anything to anyone except Xie You.

He couldn't take dance lessons, so he simply spent most of his time practicing songs, and the rest of the time, he read the movie script sent by Yu Qing to find inspiration for writing songs, and the business was not delayed because of his foot injury.

On the way, he also took a spare morning to go back to the Sining mansion, and handed over to Rong Yue the Youniaozhizhi Yuzun, which had come back from thousands of miles away. When the other party saw his injured foot, he was inevitably nagged again.

On the day of the recording, Meng Yuan helped Yu Nian install the mobile phone holder in the lounge, and told him worriedly, "You will start the live broadcast on time at nine o'clock in a while. It will be done before the warm-up promotion, and the number of people will not be small, but the administrator You are all there, there will be no problems. Also, many fans are very worried about your foot injury, whether there will be sequelae or something, remember to talk about it carefully. Others, you can do whatever you want .”

Meng Yuan was full of confidence, "As for what to say and do to fit the character design, you don't have this requirement here, as long as you can act in your true colors, there is no possibility of the character design being destroyed anyway!"

Yu Nian has heard these two passages from Meng Yuan at least three times since we met in the morning, and even Shi Rou laughed beside him, "Brother Meng, you are really rambling more and more."

"Who am I doing this for?" Meng Yuan stared, set up the phone holder, and made sure that the angle of light was okay, then took a few steps back, "Okay, okay, the time is almost up!"

According to the arrangement, at nine o'clock on time, Yu Nian started the live broadcast.

He was wearing a white cotton T-shirt he bought wholesale. His clavicle and shoulder line were beautiful. His hair hadn't been styled yet, so it looked soft and refreshing.

Waving his hand slightly towards the camera, Yu Nian smiled and said, "Hello everyone, I am Yu Nian, and this is my first live broadcast. Now I am preparing for the recording of the seventh episode of the second season of "Sounds of Nature", but I haven't had a turn yet." It’s up to me, so I have enough time to live chat with everyone in the background.”

"—Ah, what kind of fairy face is this! She really has no makeup and no makeup? What kind of peerless brother do I have a crush on!"

There were too many bullet screens in the past, Yu Nian saw one of them clearly, and replied with a smile, "Yes, because I have an injury on my foot, so the rehearsal time is relatively late, and it's not my turn to put on makeup yet."

He moved a little closer to the camera, "You should be able to see it? You haven't put on makeup yet, you have no makeup, you didn't rest well last night, and you have dark circles under your eyes."

"—Suffocation! Beauty crit!"

"—Screenshot! Screen recording! I can't breathe anymore! Mama help me!"

"—This god-level makeup! Please don't get close! I'm dying!"

In the barrage that exploded, Yu Nian saw several posts asking about his foot injury, so he detailed the medication and recovery. He also secretly breathed a sigh of relief—talking to the screen and barrage, he got used to it faster than he thought.

At this moment, the entire screen seemed to be stuck, and suddenly went dark for two seconds, and then a line of colorful characters popped up, "The user will give the anchor Yu Nian Diamond X100 as a gift every year." After that, this sentence jumped five times in a row .

It was Yu Nian's first live broadcast, and he didn't know what the diamond in this sentence was for, but the bullet screen got stuck for a moment, and then exploded completely.

"—Who the fuck is telling me if I'm blind? How much is a diamond? One thousand RMB?"

"—I'm not good at math, five hundred diamonds? Five hundred thousand at one time? What a shame!!"

"—Ah, the local tyrants can't afford to mess with it! This smash, the whole platform repeatedly broadcasts it!"

Yu Nian saw the dense barrage before he realized that among the gifts and props on the Xinghai live broadcast platform, diamonds were the most expensive, one thousand yuan each, and someone dropped 500 diamonds for him at a time.

He was also a little surprised, "Thank you 'Nian Nian Yu Yu', I will continue to work hard and sing well after spending money."

As soon as Yu Nian finished speaking, the screen froze for another two seconds. Immediately afterwards, the same line of colorful characters jumped five times to dominate the screen.

"—Alas, my eyes were blinded by the flash! This is another five hundred diamonds smashed!?"

"—Who am I and where am I? What kind of peerless giant is this! He smashed a million dollars in less than a minute?"

"—No, no, look at the number one gift list, nine hundred and ninety-nine diamonds, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand!"

"—Wolf ambition, clearly revealed! Alright, let me kneel down and wish 99!!"

The fans in the live broadcast room were stunned by the two consecutive diamond smashes. Due to the rolling broadcast on the entire platform, the number of online users in the live broadcast room increased sharply.

Meng Yuan was also taken aback, so he quickly contacted him to make sure that it wasn't a babysitter the company was looking for, nor was it a fan raising funds, but a real wild fan, and he asked Shi Rou in a dull voice, "Aren't we dreaming?"

Shi Rou rubbed her face, "It's not a dream."

Yu Nian was not affected too much, and continued to chat about interesting things from the previous recordings naturally. And the person nicknamed "Nian Nian Yu Yu" did not move after smashing the diamonds, and remained silent until the end.

As soon as Yu Nian started the live broadcast, the topic of #余年粉丝打一万# was soaring in the wind, and by the way, the topic of #余年神级素颜# was suppressed.

Not long after, Xie You's Weibo suddenly posted an update with a tag, "#余年神级素颜# Oh, is this called God-level Suyan?"

After the previous two times, in addition to his original fans, Xie You's fans also had many more fans and blacks over the years. So once Xie You's Weibo was posted, there were a lot of comments soon.

"—It's self-promotion, right, god-level? This description is embarrassing!"

"—It is hype to say that a fan of Juhao spent a million dollars in gifts in the live broadcast room? The method is too old-fashioned, and the company's promotion is different. They spend money without mercy! I just don't know if I can get it back. gone."

"Hahaha husband is lost? Don't worry, your face is the only one in my heart that can be called a god face! I sigh again: I can understand my husband's Weibo post today!"

Qu Xiaoran lay lazily on the sofa in Xie You's office, also reading Weibo.

After swiping out Xie You's updated content, he crossed his legs and wanted to roll his eyes, "Xie Xiaoyou, I really admire you! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it! I threw a wrath at your family just a second ago! One million, Shengsheng occupied the first place in the diamond list in his live broadcast room, causing the entire platform to explode. In a blink of an eye, he went to Weibo to hate others, what do you think you are trying to do?"

Xie You signed at the end of the document, focusing on two purposes, "The topic has caught up."

"Ah? What caught up?" Qu Xiaoran sat up straight for a second, carefully read the Weibo rankings twice, and became even more angry, "Fuck, you are the president of the business, relying on money and face, popularity It's even approaching the popular traffic! This young master refuses to accept it!"

Xie You's tone was flat, "Not convinced? Oh."

Because of Xie You's microblog, fans and blacks quarreled in the comment area, and then the battlefield expanded, professional black fans, passers-by, and people who ate melons all rolled up their sleeves, and even with the popularity of #余年神级粉颜#, also Catch up and catch up with #余年粉丝打一万#, and advance into the top ten on a neck-and-neck basis.

Comparing the data before and after, Qu Xiaoran was really surprised by Xie You's coquettish operation, and muttered to himself, "This reverse operation—it's actually quite useful? You are muddying a pool of water by yourself, Xie Xiaoyou !"

Xie You bowed his head to approve the documents, but did not answer, but the corners of his mouth curled into an inconspicuous arc.

No one cares about Qu Xiaoran, he was very happy to entertain himself, and after a while he patted the sofa and said, "Yo yo yo, the news feed is here! Mr. Xie, who has hidden merits and fame, I will read it to you Ah! "Shocking Eyeballs, This Fan Actually...", hahaha, this title is interesting! Also, "Local Fans Spend Money, Stage Internet Love", what the hell is this? Oh, and there is this kind of "You and I No chance, it's all up to me to throw money" Hahaha!"

Xie You raised his head and corrected him rigorously, "It's destined."

"Ah?" Qu Xiaoran responded for a few seconds, "Okay, yes, yes, you are destined!"

After flipping through several news articles with similarities and differences, Qu Xiaoran asked Xie You, "I'm curious, although Xinghai Live is owned by Xingyao Media, and the fat is not in the field of outsiders, but you spent a million , why? Just to create a topic and help Yu Nian become popular?"

Hearing this question, Xie You stopped the pen in his hand and replied, "He is very short of money."

Xie You still remembers clearly that in the elevator where they met for the first time, Yu Nian said that after buying the white shirt, there were only less than two hundred left, and he couldn't afford to order takeout.


After getting this unexpected answer, Qu Xiaoran didn't even look at his phone, sat up straight and asked in fear, "So, so you injected funds into the "Tian Lai" program group, and specially set up a first prize with a bonus of 500,000 yuan. , also because of this?"

Xie You nodded, determined, "Well, he must be number one."

"Is this actually the truth?" Qu Xiaoran was a little dizzy, "You, you are giving money away, you are really full of twists and turns!"

Xie You pinched the pen with his slender fingers, and the tips of his ears were a little red, "Well, I want to give him money."

At this moment, Qu Xiaoran felt that even the air around him was sweet!

Xie You blocked the comments of many black fans on his latest Weibo. After the hot comment section looked clear, he estimated the time and sent the handwritten menu to the one Yu Nian liked. Private restaurant.

Another reason to buy food for him.

Yu Nian was sitting in the dressing room chatting with Xia Mingxi.

Xia Mingxi exclaimed, "It's so irritating! It's your first live broadcast, and I thought I must put my name on your gift list! The result! Where did your rich fan come from? You smashed it! Just smashed a million! I was so scared that I silently took back the ten diamonds that were about to be smashed."

Since Yu Nianxia's live broadcast, many people have asked this question, "To be honest, I don't know, and I was stunned at the time."

Xia Mingxi also sighed, and then remembered again, "Speaking of which, my dad taught me two days ago that I should learn from you, don't be too delicate, and can't bear the pain at all."

Rolling her eyes skillfully, Xia Mingxi looked disgusted, "Guess what happened? My dad went to serve the dishes and was slightly burned, so he quickly scrambled to my mother's side, wanting to brag!"

He rubbed his arms, "I've been tired of watching this kind of nasty picture for twenty years, but they're not tired of it yet!"

Yu Nian shared a packet of biscuits with him, and agreed, "Yes! My grandpa and grandma are also very tired. Every year on Qixi Festival, grandpa will write a love letter of exactly ninety-nine characters to grandma. Grandma will carefully use a The wooden boxes were packed and stored in a thick stack, and finally I buried the wooden boxes together in the soil to accompany grandma."

Both of them had a deep understanding and laughed together.

At this time, a staff member came over, knocked on the door of the lounge, and told Yu Nian that the takeaway he ordered had arrived.

Xia Mingxi, who was already hungry, tilted her head excitedly, "Niannian, you ordered takeaway!"

"Ah? Okay, thank you." Yu Nian quickly realized who ordered the takeaway. He was a little amused in his heart, thinking of Xie You's Weibo that he had seen before—is this coaxing him to come here again

The takeaway was delivered to the lounge, and a table was full. Xia Mingxi recognized it, "My God! This is from that private restaurant in the west of the city? Doesn't that restaurant not deliver food? Are you their lifetime VIP every year?"

Yu Nian was fooling around, thinking, I am not, but Xie You should be. Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing again.

Xia Mingxi took another pack of biscuits in exchange for a chance to eat and drink, and said something, "By the way, I heard from my dad that the ending song of the movie Yu Qing was making was contracted by her herself, and she also asked for it." Si Ning wrote the lyrics and composed the music, and when the song comes out, it will definitely explode!"

Yu Nian's hand holding the food was sluggish, his eyes were lowered to eat seriously, and he was not in the mood to answer the conversation.

Xia Mingxi was chomping down on the food, and didn't notice Yu Nian's discomfort. After swallowing the food, he said to himself, "But Sining's lyrics are really good. It's too difficult to make an appointment, and I haven't seen her face before." , "He jumped the topic quickly, "By the way, what are you going to do after recording the show?"

Only then did Yu Nian speak, "Put out a single or EP, and put on a variety show."

"Your release of singles will definitely be a hit," Xia Mingxi sighed, "My dad saw that I couldn't sing or dance, so he asked my mom to find friends and put me in some crew and try to act. Alright, let’s develop into the entertainment industry.”

Yu Nian saw that he was not very energetic, "Don't you want to?"

"No." Xia Mingxi put down her chopsticks and rested her chin on her hands, "I have a very clear mind. My parents have been popular for so many years. It will be much easier for me to develop in this circle than others. I don't hate singing. Or acting, that is," he looked away and wrinkled his nose, "I'm afraid of embarrassing my parents."

Yu Nian laughed. He remembered that when he wrote songs, he was always afraid of embarrassing his grandmother.

Yu Nian's rehearsal time was scheduled for the afternoon. According to Meng Yuan's previous idea, a European-style velvet and gold-plated sofa was brought over and placed in the center of the stage.

"If your foot hurts, why don't you move? Sit on the sofa and get up with the lifting platform. I've thought about it. Find an angle and let the camera pull a lens up for you from the bottom. The visual effect will definitely be amazing." He Qiubai He asked Meng Yuan again, "Have you decided which one to use for the two costumes?"

Meng Yuan didn't hesitate, "The one with the white fur collar!"

I haven't worn luxurious costumes for more than a year, "Is it too exaggerated?"

Meng Yuan dismissed, "No, you are good-looking, with delicate features and a small face. The point is that you can hold up your temperament. Wearing clothes with a white fur collar will look very expensive under the camera. It's time for the audience to experience the beauty of the face. It’s worth killing in seconds!”

Yu Nian believed in Meng Yuan's judgment, "Okay, then listen to Brother Meng."

The rehearsal went well, and when it was time for the official recording, Xu Xuan took the initiative to talk to Yu Nian.

"I'll do my best, and I'm sorry."

Yu Nian was memorizing the lyrics, raised his eyes and smiled, "I will do my best."

Xu Xuan stood for a while and said solemnly, "Thank you."

Yu Nian was drawn fifth again in the order of appearances. The singer who appeared before him was the replacement singer for this time, and he was also a rookie who had just debuted not long ago. While waiting, Yu Nian could hear the sound of music coming from the front.

The stylist was making the final makeup and hair adjustments, Shi Rou handed Yu Nian the water with the straw inserted to moisten his throat, and made a cheering gesture. Yu Nian smiled back confidently, "I will definitely work hard."

The music stopped in front of him, Yu Nian sat on the scarlet velvet sofa, and soon, the elevator began to rise slowly.

The moment he appeared in the middle of the stage, a beam of light lit up his surroundings.

Yu Nian was leaning lazily on the back of the sofa, with his head slightly lowered, the tip of his white chin sunken in the snow-colored fur collar, his delicate eyebrows and eyes glistening under the light, and the mole of tears under his eyes was even more attractive. After the prelude, Yu Nian raised his hand holding the microphone.

His voice was very low, with a depressing lingering taste, "At this moment, the night is long, the drizzle does not stop, and the damp and cold wrap my heart layer by layer...Gentle, considerate, and reluctantly say goodbye, all the details are falling apart with the world... "

With his singing, it seemed like it was really raining in my heart.

In the lounge, Xia Mingxi hugged a pillow. She was worried about Yu Nian's performance at first, but she knew she was stable when she heard the first sentence, and couldn't help but whisper to herself, "If I can sing like this, my parents should be able to sing in their dreams." Wake up laughing..."

The replacement singer sitting next to him heard his muttering, and answered, "If I'm so good-looking, my manager must have woken up laughing from his dream."

Xia Mingxi smiled politely, trying to remember, what was the other party's name

At this time, Yu Nian was singing the climax, and the stage began to rise. He stood in front of the scarlet velvet sofa, and the color contrast was extremely sharp. The camera is pulled from bottom to top, and the calf line stretched out by the narrower trousers is very attractive. In the end, the camera gave a close-up of the face, and Yu Nian's eyelashes seemed to be covered with light.

The singer who was speaking gasped again, "He keeps shifting his voice in the high register without breaking his voice, and he doesn't catch his breath. How did he do it? And whose song is it? It's so good."

Xia Mingxi and You Rongyan, "He wrote the lyrics and music himself every year!"

In the office, there was a deserted neon light outside the glass window, and Xie You was talking on the phone.

"Have you figured it out?"

Xie You fixed his eyes on the rose petal specimens placed on the table, and said in a deep voice, "Uncle Qu, I've made up my mind."

Qu Zhenggan praised, "You are very courageous. Back then, your father was worried that you would be bullied if you lost your decisiveness. Now that you are sure, I will cooperate with you and start to do it. Find them all."

"Okay, please trouble Uncle Qu."

"What's the trouble with this? Besides, the illusion you made of not doing business properly is useful. Recently, their defenses have weakened a lot." Qu Zhengqian reminded again, "However, you have to be clear, he is more rooted than you. Deep, until the last moment, don't relax at all."

"Yes, I know."

After hanging up the phone, Xie You sat on the chair and leaned his head back slightly. He held the two candies that Yu Nian gave him before, and it took him a long time to suppress the restlessness in his heart.

Don't be impatient, four years have passed, and you can't fall short.

He raised his hand and covered his eyes with his wrist, and only in the dead of night, when there was no one around, did he dare to indulge himself to loosen the tight string in his heart a little.

Pamper yourself, too, and think about that person.

Haven't seen him for many days.

Xie You hesitated for a long time, but still got up, took his suit jacket and walked out.

It was already very late at night, Xie You changed another car and took a long detour to stop outside Yu Nian Community.

The windows of Yu Nian's house are dark, I don't know if he is already asleep or—

The car was parked on the side of the road, Yu Nian got out of the car, bent down and said, "Sister Rou Rou, don't send me upstairs, it's too late today, go back and rest early."

Shi Rou is worried, "But your foot is still hurt."

Yu Nian closed the car door first, and waved his hand, "There are only a few steps left, I can do it by myself, see you tomorrow!" After speaking, he asked the driver to drive quickly.

Shi Rou had no choice but to give up and told, "Then be careful!"

After the car drove away, Yu Nian stood up straight, took his crutches, turned around and walked into the community.

For some unknown reason, two street lamps were broken next to each other. Yu Nian was familiar with the road, so he didn't turn on the flashlight. I was thinking about writing a song for Yu Qing's movie, but I didn't pay attention, the crutch was pressed on something, slipped, and my center of gravity was instantly unstable.

Just when Yu Nian thought he was about to fall again, someone grabbed his arm. The opponent had great strength, and forcibly helped him stabilize his figure.

Yu Nian stood up and was about to thank him when he suddenly smelled a faint, cold aroma of cedar.

"... Xie You?"

Xie You let go of Yu Nian's hand, "It's me."

Under the cover of darkness, no one saw his red ears.

Yu Nian looked up at him, and said angrily, "Thank you, I almost fell down just now, I blamed me for being too preoccupied and not paying attention to the road."

"Be careful," Xie You paused for two seconds before asking, "How do you know it's me?"

"I remember the smell on your body." Yu Nian looked out as he spoke, and saw a car parked on the side of the road. Xie You followed his gaze, "Get ready to go home."

"You saw me when you passed by, so you got out of the car to help?"


The night was very quiet, Yu Nian didn't know why, but in front of Xie You, he felt very relaxed. His eyes were filled with a smile like stars, and his tone was brisk, "Today's show is over, and I won the first place again in this one."

The two were alone, Xie You's heart beat a little faster, but his tone was steady, "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Yu Nian blinked and added, "The takeaway is delicious."

Xie You choked for breath, reluctant to look away, and said softly, "It's just as long as you like it."