I Heard That I Am Poor

Chapter 54


After changing his clothes, Yu Nian scooped up the hard-boiled eggs, served them with fried bacon and mixed fruit juice, and it was breakfast.

The film crew captured a lot of shots and asked, "Niannian is very proficient at frying bacon. If you are free, would you cook for yourself?"

Yu Nian nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, yes. I learned how to cook when I was in college. I hope I can cook for people I like in the future."

After breakfast, he cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, Yu Nian washed his hands, stood behind the desk, spread out the rice paper, and hung his pen over his wrist. After writing a page, he put down his brush and answered the camera crew's questions.

"The habit of practicing calligraphy was developed at a very young age, probably before elementary school, but at that time the height was too short to reach, and one had to step on a stool." Speaking of height, Yu Nian suddenly thought, "Say Get up, I don’t know if I have grown taller during this time.”

The film crew said humanely, "The official height is 1.79 meters, right?"

Yu Nian was embarrassed, "Yes, but the actual height is not 1.79 meters, but 1.79.5 meters. I grew 0.5 centimeters a while ago."

Seeing Yu Nian's serious face, the crew all laughed.

After looking for tools, Yu Nian said while measuring, "During this period of time, I always feel that I have grown a little taller. I don't know if it's an illusion. Maybe, I really broke through the 1.8 meter barrier—"

"It is indeed 1.8 meters, and there are two millimeters more." The film crew saw the value and laughed, "A qualitative leap has been achieved!"

Yu Nian was pleasantly surprised, "Have you really grown taller?"

"Yes, the official information can be updated."

The film crew turned off the machine, and discussed with Yu Nian, "In addition to getting up and eating breakfast, we also want to shoot some paragraphs about your creation. As the first disclosure, do you think it's okay?"

Yu Nian was very cooperative, "Of course there is no problem."

A group of people entered the room where Yu Nian wrote songs. There were many things in it. In order to avoid bumps, the members of the film crew were very careful.

Yu Nian sat in front of the workbench, turned on the equipment, and saw the camera pointing at himself, he smiled and said, "There is no announcement to go out this morning, so I will write songs at home, and I have accumulated a lot of work... I am writing these days Yes, it's the promotional song for the new movie "Back to the Past" directed by Qiu Jun, speaking of which, Mingxi helped me lead this job."

When the crew heard him mention the names of other artists, they quickly asked, "Is it Xia Mingxi?"

Yu Nian smiled and nodded, "Yes, that's him. When he comes back from the set, we have to treat him to a big meal."

Recalling that the film crew said that they needed to mention two more things about songwriting, Yu Nian took a piece of messy manuscript paper and shook it in front of the camera. Fill in a lyrics, and write a tune in an hour or two. But when it’s slow, you can’t write a melody even if you sit in a chair for a whole day.”

He put the manuscript away, "This time I read Director Qiu's script three times, and found a feeling, and it went relatively smoothly. The melody has already been written, and I will fill in the words today."

This is the first time Yu Nian has publicly talked about the creation of lyrics and music, and the film crew naturally did not let it go, "Did you write lyrics and music like this before?"

"Almost, I still remember that when I was writing "Nothing", I was preparing for the final exam. There was a thick reference book in front of me, and a few sheets of manuscript paper beside it. , It was written very quickly, very smoothly."

Film crew: "Back then, "Nothing" topped the charts for several months, and later won the Golden Melody of the Year Award. Does it have any influence on you?"

Yu Nian tapped the piano keys a few times, and recalled with a smile, "The biggest impact is probably that my sister was happy and sent me a big red envelope, which seems to be 66666. It feels like getting rich overnight!"

After shooting some necessary shots, the film crew made an appointment to come and follow up the next time Yu Nian participated in the Sunyao mobile phone brand event, and then left with the equipment, and Yu Nian sent people to the door.

Looking at the time, Yu Nian drank a glass of water, packed his things and went downstairs, Shi Rou had already arrived.

Sitting in the back seat, Shi Rou flipped through the schedule, "Brother Meng is going to the museum first, if there is no traffic jam on the road, we should be able to arrive ten minutes earlier."

When the group arrived at Ningcheng Museum, it was just after eleven o'clock. After shaking hands with the main photographer this time, Yu Nian entered the temporary dressing room.

Meng Yuan waited in the dressing room. Seeing Yu Nian coming in with no outsiders around, he said in a low voice, "Did you notice? This photographer has a bad temper."

Yu Nian nodded, "I found out, I don't seem too happy about it."

"It's probably true, Ji Chaode, those who shoot literary and artistic works have a high self-esteem, and once made a statement, saying that they just look down on those uneducated idiot traffic stars in the entertainment industry."

Meng Yuan was worried that Yu Nian would be unhappy, and added, "But the professionalism is really good. Anyway, we are here to take pictures, and we will leave after we finish."

Yu Nian nodded, "Well, don't worry Brother Meng, I will try not to let him pick any thorns."

But the photographer's prejudice is much deeper than they imagined. The weather in March has not yet warmed up, and the temperature is only two or three degrees. Wearing thin clothes, Yu Nian stood on the stone steps outside, facing the wind on all sides, and took two hours of shooting at a time, almost unconscious from the cold.

Taking the thermos from Shi Rou, Yu Nian took two sips of hot water carefully.

Seeing Yu Nian shivering from the cold, Shi Rou was about to cry, "What's the matter with this photographer? I saw it from behind, and the effect was obviously very good. He insisted that your smile is exaggerated and not restrained, or that your posture is stiff. Naturally, there are other groundless reasons such as wrinkled clothes and wrong angle of feet, who are you!"

Yu Nian screwed on the lid of the cup and handed it back to Shi Rou, his face became cold and stiff, he couldn't quite smile, "It's okay, I can hold on for a while."

After moving his limbs, Yu Nian stood under the camera again, and within a few minutes, Ji Chaode sneered, "You have to be dedicated after collecting so much money! Please come here, it's not for you to make quick money, oh I forgot, you guys This kind of—"

Yu Nian turned around, curled the corners of his lips, stood on the stone steps, looked at Ji Chaode from top to bottom, raised his chin slightly, "You may not know that when I come this time, I will confiscate every penny, travel expenses and labor are still the same. I posted it myself."

"Because the money is not collected, you can't take a good photo? It's not the first time I've met—"

"Meet a small traffic star like me who only wants to make quick money, is touted by fans and forgets how good he is, has no self-knowledge, and no professional standards?"

Yu Nian finished speaking in one breath, restrained his smile, his brows were sharp, his eyes were full of frost, and he said every word clearly, "Photographer Ji, I have my professional ethics, so I stand here and let you criticize me twice." For more than an hour, you cooperated throughout the whole process without complaining. And I hope that you can also have professional ethics, even if it is only a little bit."

"You—" Ji Chaode was poked open, his eyes were ashamed, and before he could say anything, he saw Yu Nian beckoning to his assistant.

Taking his mobile phone from Shi Rou, Yu Nian called Ganzhou directly in front of Ji Chaode.

"Curator Gan, I may not be able to take the photos this time."

Ganzhou came very quickly. He should have known the whole story on the way. He passed Ji Chaode and said apologetically to Yu Nian, "I'm sorry, Xiao Yu."

Wrapped in a down jacket, Yu Nian rubbed his frozen hands, forced a smile, "It's nothing, it's just that I couldn't hold on to the cold, so I called you cheekily, I hope you don't think I have too much to do."

Ganzhou saw that his face was pale with cold, and he was trembling when he spoke. The clothes inside the down jacket were only two thin layers of cloth, so he hurriedly said, "I invited you here, but I made you suffer. If you are sick, it's really It was my fault."

Yu Nian lowered his eyes, staring at the cracks in the floor tiles, without saying a word.

Ganzhou continued, "I'll make the decision, what do you think of another photographer?"

Only then did Yu Nian raise his eyes and said, "Will it not delay the progress?"

"No, there are already alternative photographers, but I just want you to wait."

Yu Nian rolled his eyes, "It's okay, I can wait, the schedule for these two days is specially arranged."

Hearing this, Gan Zhou felt even more guilty, "Oh, blame me, if Mr. Xiu Ning is still here, I might love you so much!"

"No, grandpa will only say, um, you are so afraid of the cold at such a young age? Get your grandma to make some tonic soup!" Yu Nian pinched his nose and complained, "Tonic soup is really bad!"

Ganzhou was instantly amused.

After resting indoors for a while, Yu Nian wrapped up his down jacket tightly and hugged a hot water bottle before finally getting warmer.

Worried that he would catch a cold, Meng Yuan took the cold medicine and watched him take it, and sighed, "You did a good job just now, and Ji Chaode's expression was very exciting. Fortunately, Director Gan is also sensible, otherwise this It doesn't matter if you don't take a photo!"

Yu Nian held the hot water cup, "Well, I hope the next filming will go smoothly."

Not long after, the new photographer rushed over, wearing a black down jacket and walking fast. The two shook hands, and said to each other, "My name is Huang Liqing, and I hope that the first cooperation will be more pleasant. I'll go outside and prepare for lighting, please wait here first."

Yu Nian nodded, "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

This time the shooting went surprisingly smoothly. Huang Liqing is very strict with the details under the camera, including every slight expression of Yu Nian under her consideration. But when it got dark, the shooting was over.

There was a smile on Huang Liqing's face, "Very, very good, your camera sense is very good, the picture has tension, and the temperament is perfectly integrated in this museum! I believe that the effect of the picture will be brilliant."

Yu Nian's smile widened, and he bowed slightly to express his gratitude, "Thank you! I also had a lot of fun filming, and I am looking forward to the finished film."

Huang Liqing is not a talkative person, she shook hands with Yu Nian again, and said gently, "I hope we can cooperate again in the future." After that, he was busy collecting equipment.

After work was over, Yu Nian got into the car and drank a few mouthfuls of hot water with his thermos in hand.

Meng Yuan sat in front, "I'll be fine today, you go back and have a good rest, the promotional video will be filmed a few days later. Probably the day after tomorrow, the museum's official fair will post the photos, remember to forward them when the time comes."

Yu Nian nodded, he felt a little cold, and subconsciously wrapped himself in a down jacket. With Xie You in his heart, "Brother Meng, I'm not going home now, can you send me to Ren'an Hospital?"

Meng Yuan asked nervously, "Not feeling well?"

"No, a friend of mine is hospitalized, and I want to see him."

The car diverted to the entrance of Union Hospital. Yu Nian put on a mask and cap, bowed to say goodbye, and entered the hospital.

The bodyguards guarding outside the ward all knew Yu Nian, and when they saw him coming, they all stepped out of the way.

He raised his hand to knock on the door, and after getting a response, Yu Nian opened the door and walked in.

Xie You was sitting on the bed looking at the documents, and seeing Yu Nian coming in, his eyes lit up slightly, "Didn't you say you won't be here today?"

Yu Nian took off his thick coat and hung it up, tilted his head and smiled at Xie You, "When I came home from work, I was always worried, so I just came to see you."

Xie You looked at Yu Nian, frowned, "Come here."

After this period of time, the two got to know each other a lot, and Yu Nian passed by as he said, "What's the matter, what's wrong?"

Xie You raised his hand and touched Yu Nian's forehead, it was a little hot, his brows furrowed even deeper, "Niannian, you have a fever."

Half an hour later, an extra bed was added next to Xie You, and Yu Nian lay on it, touching his forehead, "If you hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have noticed it myself, and the temperature was almost forty degrees."

After speaking, he shivered again.

Seeing Xie You looking over worriedly, Yu Nian quickly smiled and said, "I really seldom get sick, maybe it's cold today. But, maybe I'll be fine tomorrow after I get some sleep."

However, it was different from Yu Nian's own estimation. By the evening of the next day, the high fever came back and forth and never subsided.

Xie You looked at Yu Nian who was lying on his side on the bed, his face flushed with fever, and he pursed his thin lips tightly. Half asleep and half awake, Yu Nian noticed his gaze, half opened his eyes and tried to smile at Xie You, "Don't worry, I'll be fine after a while."

The ending sound dropped, and he fell asleep again.

Xie You couldn't let go, so he turned on the reading light beside the bed to read the documents. In the middle of the night, Yu Nian seemed to be restless and turned over several times.

"grandmother… "

In the silence, hearing Yu Nian's mumbled words clearly, Xie You turned his head and looked over. Yu Nian's eyelashes were wet, his breathing was slightly short of breath, his cheeks were red, and in a daze, his hand was hanging over the edge of the bed, his fingers stretched slightly, as if trying to grab something.

Xie You hesitated for several seconds, got out of bed, and very lightly stuffed Yu Nian's hand back into the quilt.

Just when he was about to pull his hand out, he was held by a hot hand in the next second.

Xie You immediately froze in place, wanted to continue to pull out his hand, but was reluctant. At this moment, he suddenly heard the vague words overflowing from Yu Nian's lips, "Xie You..."

His heart skipped a beat for a moment, Xie You held his breath, carefully held Yu Nian's hand behind his back, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and he replied softly, "Well, I'm here."