I Heard That I Am Poor

Chapter 93


Xie You stood outside the door.

He was wearing his usual dark suit, the collar of his white shirt was neatly pressed, and the top button was unbuttoned, revealing his sexy Adam's apple. The back is still straight, as if supported by steel bars, but there is a faint blue shadow under the eyes.

Xie You greedily traced Yu Nian's facial features with his eyes, and after a long time, he called out in a hoarse voice, "Niannian."

Yu Nian felt stuffy and sore. He thought, in the past, Xie You did the same every time, using the exact same sentence pattern to hack him on Weibo, using this as an excuse to ask He Shan to coax him with various food or small gifts.

He even secretly replaced the thermos bucket that held the soup with an identical one, and sent it back to him.

The person he likes is really stupid.

Curling his fingers slightly, Yu Nian silently stood aside and made way for him.

Xie You entered the door.

Yu Nian was wearing a soft white cotton T-shirt and his hair was loose. He looked at the intertwined shadows of the two on the ground and waited for Xie You to speak.

However, to his surprise, Xie You suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged him in his arms. Then, before he could react, he involuntarily followed the opponent's strength, took two steps backwards, and pressed his back against the hard wall.

Xie You hugged Yu Nian's waist tightly, leaned over suddenly, and kissed Yu Nian heavily on the lips.

The breathing was instantly intertwined, and Yu Nian didn't realize it until he felt the faint smell of alcohol between his lips and teeth during the grinding process—Did Xie You drink? However, the aggressive tip of the tongue and biting of the teeth quickly made it difficult for him to think seriously. The burning of the chest, the beating of the heart, the shortness of breath, and any movements are magnified and extremely clear, as if all the nerve endings were suddenly awakened by this hot kiss.

The smell of alcohol diffused, and he seemed to be slightly intoxicated with the other party.

His lips were sore from being sucked, and Yu Nian let out a soft hum from his nose, with a soft ending. Xie You's strength became lighter, pecking and kissing all the way down, touching Yu Nian's Adam's apple, then he opened his lips and teeth, and bit it gently.

The stinging pain was accompanied by numb itching, making the blood vessels pulsate as if they had taken in male hormones. Enthusiasm ran up the spine, Yu Nian subconsciously grabbed Xie You's arm, but did not push him away. And because of Xie You's action of biting his Adam's apple, he had to raise his chin, exposing his fragile and deadly neck. The eyes were slightly closed, and the thick eyelashes trembled slightly like petals in the wind.

Xie You supported Yu Nian's lower back with his palm, and pressed the person into his arms twice. After that, he released Yu Nian's Adam's apple, followed the side of his neck upwards, wrapped Yu Nian's thin white earlobe in his mouth, and rolled the tip of his tongue , leaving wet marks, and finally kissed Yu Nian's ear.

"Every year..."

Xie You's voice became more and more hoarse, as if scratching Yu Nian's eardrums.

Yu Nian clung to Xie You, and answered vaguely, "Huh?" The ending sounds like a little hook wrapped in sugar.

Xie You put his legs between Yu Nian's legs, making him stick closer to his body, and caressed Yu Nian's lower back with his palms.

There was no erratic timidity in his tone, and he said firmly, "You love me."

Lips kissed the delicate skin next to Yu Nian's tragus, Xie You's voice was like a wine that would make you drunk from the first smell, "I miss you so much that my bones ache."

Yu Nian's breathing slowed down a little, and he let Xie You peck and kiss him, "Have you been drinking?"

"Mmm." Xie You's response was obviously aggrieved.

"Is it uncomfortable?"

His forehead touched Yu Nian's forehead, rubbing it twice, Xie You took Yu Nian's hand again, and put it on the position of his left heart, "It's uncomfortable here, every year, it's really uncomfortable."

Yu Nian didn't withdraw his hand, but he didn't say anything to comfort him, instead, he said, "How do you know that I love you?"

The room was quiet for a few seconds before Xie You's hoarse voice sounded.

"You are angry with me. You left and couldn't find me, but you will still open the door for me and kiss me." Xie You paused for two seconds, "I thought, you really don't want me anymore."

Before Yu Nian could speak, Xie You suddenly hugged him hard. The living room didn't turn on the light, but Xie You walked into the living room familiarly, and put Yu Nian on the sofa.

He put his arms on Yu Nian's side, bent down, and covered the whole person under him—a posture full of possessiveness.

Xie You kissed the corner of Yu Nian's lips, "But, whether you are angry with me, because I am sad, or disappointed in me, you still love me." After a pause of two seconds, he continued, "Niannian , I rely on you to love me."

The neon light outside the window fell in, and in the darkness, the outline of the other party could be roughly seen clearly. Yu Nian turned his head and kissed Xie You's wrist, "Yes." His voice gradually softened, "Xie You, you can rely on me to love you, I can't bear to let you go."

Xie You's breathing stopped suddenly. In the dark, he looked at Yu Nian for a long time, then he moved his arm away inch by inch, and finally stretched out his hand, hugged Yu Nian tightly, and buried his head on the other side's neck.

The faint scent of cedar invaded the surrounding air. Yu Nian held Xie You in his arms, and the heat that spread and collided in his blood vessels gradually subsided.

His voice was very soft, and he said every word clearly, "You can rely on me to love you, complain to me, lose your temper. I will be unhappy for a while, but I still love you. Your anxiety, fear , Jealousy, possessiveness, you can express it to me, I will accompany you, comfort you, and try my best to understand you.

You can come to me whenever you want, you can talk to me as much meaningless nonsense as you want, and you can give me whatever you want, I won't get bored, I will like it, and I will be very happy. "

Saying that, Yu Nian bent his lips, with a slight smile in his voice, "You can try to trust me more, trust how strong your attraction is to me, and trust that my love for you will not be wiped out because of these. Try to believe that even if I see all of you, the real you, and the not-so-perfect you, I will still love you, and love you even more."

"Okay, thank you?"

Xie You breathed lightly, and it took a long time before he responded tremblingly, "Okay."

After turning on the light in the living room, Yu Nian asked, "Have you had dinner yet?"

Xie You shook his head, "No." He added, "Niannian, I'm so hungry."

Yu Nian turned and walked towards the kitchen. Seeing that Xie You was about to follow, he raised his jaw, "Mr. Xie, please send me all the text messages that were written on the phone but not sent to me, is that okay?"

Xie You's ears turned red in an instant, he pursed his lips, and replied, "...OK."

After a while, the phone that Yu Nian put aside began to jingle. After heating up the extra meals, Yu Nian handed the bowl and chopsticks to Xie You, and sat across from him, and while accompanying Xie You, he checked the text messages he received on his phone.

"Every year, the coffee is delicious today."

"Year after year, this meeting is too long, and the speaker's words are empty, unfocused, and a waste of time. I'm hungry."

"Niannian, it's raining again, do you have an umbrella?"

"Every year, there are a lot of documents today, and I'm a little tired."

"Niannian, I miss you very much, are you recording a program?"

Yu Nian reads it very seriously, and will reply every time he reads an article. After reading all the messages received, Xie You had already finished his supper, and consciously went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Putting down the phone, Yu Nian asked naturally, "Do you take a shower first or should I take a shower first?"

Seeing that Xie You didn't speak, Yu Nian raised his hand again, and leaned on the back of the chair with his chin on his pillow, "You won't be going back today, will you?"

Xie You looked away, "You...you wash first."

The next morning, when Yu Nian woke up according to his biological clock, he found that he was being hugged tightly by Xie You, skin to skin, without any gaps, as if he was asleep, and worried that he would disappear .

As soon as there was any movement in Yu Nian, Xie You woke up. He subconsciously kissed the forehead of the person in his arms, his voice was hoarse from the morning, "Year after year?"

Yu Nianban lowered his eyelashes and made a "shh" gesture.

The thin quilt was placed on the two of them without any confusion, Xie You's breathing changed, and finally, Yu Nian leaned closer and kissed the corner of Xie You's lips with a bright smile, "Good morning!"

When Yu Nian and Meng Yuan met, Meng Yuan raised his head, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Hey, we are resurrected with full blood every year?"

Yu Nian nodded without hesitation, "Yes!"

Meng Yuan wasn't ready to ask anymore, seeing Yu Nian's persistent smile, he must have solved all the big and small problems. He didn't talk nonsense, "Come on, come on, I'm going to stay up all night tonight, the premiere of "Ancient Road" at twelve o'clock, at least it's a movie where you write songs, sing, and play a supporting role!"

Yu Nian took the flow sheet, took a look at it, and was in a good mood, "No problem! I just haven't seen my sister for a while."

Meng Yuan handed over the second form, "The Golden Melody Award is scheduled to be on the fifth. Count it yourself and see how many awards you have been shortlisted for."

Yu Nian took a closer look and was surprised, "Best Male Singer, Best Song of the Year, Best Album, Best Arranger, Best Composer, Best Lyricist, Best Newcomer, Most Popular Male Singer, why so How much? I'm all shortlisted?"

"I was shocked when I saw it, but thinking about it, how long has it been? Your songs are still occupying the top three on the charts of the three major music platforms, and your physical album has always been number one on the sales charts. If you are not shortlisted, you have to research to see if there is a shady scene behind the Golden Melody Awards."

Meng Yuan felt that since bringing the artist Yu Nian, he has become more and more calm, "The count is not too many, and it hasn't reached double digits yet!"

Yu Nian laughed along.

After finishing the two items, Meng Yuan looked at the time, "Didn't I say a few words, why is it almost time, let's go, you have to leave quickly, your schedule is set at 10:30 today."

The two walked out, and Yu Nian asked, "Is it the filming of a public service advertisement for the Cultural Promotion Month?"

"Yes, that's the commercial. There are many artists participating. One person can't take a few seconds of footage. I guess the shooting will not be troublesome, and it will be over soon."

Although I waited for a few red lights along the way, there was no traffic jam. When I arrived at the ancient street in Ningcheng, I was ten minutes earlier than the scheduled time.

Meng Yuan followed Yu Nian and looked around a few times, "I remember shooting Fei Leng Cui's advertisement, it was near here. This is called Qingjiang Road, and the other side is called Qingxi Road, right?"

From where Yu Nian was standing, looking from a distance, he could see the roof of the Sining mansion through the gaps in the low buildings. He withdrew his gaze, "That's right, that commercial shoot happened to be next to the Sining mansion."

Meng Yuan suddenly realized, "Sining Mansion, Sining...coincidentally, this name is similar to yours, and your name is also Sining."

Yu Nian nodded, "Well, that's right."

It is not uncommon to have the same name, not to mention that these two words are very commonly used, Meng Yuan didn't think about it. At this time, the director of the commercial film also came over. After the two parties exchanged friendly greetings, the director said, "This shooting is very simple. Yu Nian, you can walk from one end of the ancient street to this end. You don't need anything extra, just The state of traveling. Take a leisurely stroll around the ancient streets and look at the stalls," he said while gesticulating, and then asked Yu Nian, "Do you understand?"

Yu Nian replied, "Thank you director, I understand."

After changing clothes, putting on the backpack, and getting ready for the camera position and lighting, the director stood behind the machine and shouted with a loudspeaker, "Start!"

Yu Nian has a good sense of the camera, and there are many staff around him, but his expression is relaxed and natural. Completely follow the director's request, pretending to be an ordinary tourist.

Ningcheng has a long history, and the ancient street has existed for an unknown number of years. Relying on the word "ancient", there are many stalls and small shops, either selling calligraphy, painting, porcelain, or old "antiques".

Yu Nian cooperated with the movement of the lighting artist and the camera, stepped on the not so flat bluestone slab, and walked along the ancient street. His eyes scanned the various commodities displayed on the booth, and he couldn't help counting the names in his head,

"Imitation blue and white flower and bird vase, imitation enamel color landscape pattern bottle, imitation ink color landscape brush holder, imitation deer pattern double-eared statue, imitation fighting color rooster—"


After taking a breath, Yu Nian's eyes narrowed slightly, and his footsteps also slowed down.

Coincidentally, the director also called a timeout, and beckoned the lighting engineer over. Yu Nian didn't move at all, and looked carefully at the porcelain cups that were still covered with dried and cracked mud clods randomly placed on the booth.

Seeing that Yu Nian seemed interested, the shop owner quickly introduced, "This porcelain is on consignment. An old lady with all white hair sent it to me. She asked me to sell it for her. She said it was dug out from her backyard. I agreed."

Yu Nian didn't look away, and asked, "My backyard? Is the consignor a local?"

Touching his two beards, the store owner recalled carefully, "Hiss... seems to be a local, and seems to say... oh yes, her husband's surname is Xiao."

Yu Nian asked again: "Which Xiao is it?"

"Xiao Yuexiao." The boss smiled, "You shoot an advertisement to promote our Ningcheng culture, and I won't fool you. I don't think this thing is worth the price. The mud may be wiped on now, two hundred and fifty It's all expensive. But the old lady insisted that she dug it out from the backyard and soiled it, so it must be valuable. The price was set at 25,000 yuan. Very poisonous."

He pointed out five fingers, shook it twice, and said, "But people nowadays are not easy to be fooled. Anyway, I have put this thing here for almost two or three months, and it hasn't been sold. Nobody looked at it."

He laughed, "If you want me to say, 25,000, whoever buys it will get 250!"

Yu Nian raised his lips, "I'll buy it."